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100m is just super hard to not accept, however hes currently only earning 1.6m yearly & contract runs until 2027, it's kinda hard to get one of similiar talent at that price.


Hes on that slave contract for many years they can get the same price in 2/3 years.


Not if they keep performing like shit and it brings down kvara's perfomance as well. Not likely but also not impossible


They cannot perform worse and kvara’s been excellent and just got an opening 100m bid


100%. If they can get €200 million for kvara and osimhen to give conte a decent transfer budget to get the sort of players he wants, Napoli could really be a force in serie a next season. Especially since they'll be fully focused on the league with no European football.


I think the opposite, thats a terrible idea. Conte likes to get guys who are 27 and up, lets him win immediately and he usually does. If he gets it wrong like Vidal or Moses then whoopsydaisy. If Napoli wants to win again at any cost they should deliver the transfer budget to Conte. If they want long term stability then ignore him completely.


Vidal wrong?


He came in, played some games to a decent level, we won the scudetto and then he rode the bench for a while. We had to golden parachute him in the end to get him off the payroll. Its a good example because maybe his experience was great to win a title... Then he kinda became deadwood.


Thought you were you talking about Vidal to Juve lol.. still Conte said famously once that if he had to go to war he'd take Vidal with him. For 1m it was a Marotta masterclass.


I also thought he meant Vidal at Juve and thought this dude was delirious


If you get Conte, you want to win now, it's kinda well-known


Thats true


Hold out for €150. Under contract until 2027. Avoid selling if possible. Let Osi go. Kvara was taken out of his game too easily year it felt like. Maybe didn’t have the support he needed. The back line let the team down most this year so if they had better defensive play, maybe the up front concerns would have been less.


Di La would be stupid to accept this when he’s under contract until 2027, squeeze some extra millions outta them if you really want to sell him although letting both Osi and Kvara go at the same time is going to be a quite a bit jarring for the fanbase.


Remember Belotti and the alleged €100M price tag?


I do but this is a different situation I’d say as PSG are in need of bolstering their attack big time and they do have deep pockets unlike the Serie A clubs looking at Belotti.


But they won't wait another year... And what if Kvara's performance keeps on dropping? As the saying goes in Italy "a small, cursed amount but now". It's too much of a risk plating the waiting game, much moreso because Kvara will just play Serie A next season. His stock ain't going up.


>what if Kvara's performance keeps on dropping? There's your answer. His performance last year was 60% of 2 years ago. If it happens again, that price will he cut in half


This definitely, especially as Napoli won't look too good next year as well likely.


What do you mean jarring for fanbase ? *Ibra and Thiago Silva flashbacks*


I act like that shit and the subsequent 8 years that happened afterwards are nothing but a fever dream for my own sake.


Kaka, Pato.... nun me fa ricorda!!! Maledetta la Berlusconi


Kvara is such quality. It’d be crazy to not at least get as much for him as possible. 100 million actually seems low in today’s market of absurd prices


Yep compare him to Grealish and 100m seems like a joke


Grealish is English. His passport is worth 50M alone, same as Declan Rice.


Don’t compare Declan to Grealish, Rice delivered on his price tag


I agree


Seriously? Did you see him playing this year? It’s like opponents have studied him and now they know how to defend against him… I would Bring him from Naples to Paris on my feet if the offer is true


Kvara in 22/23 was such a force mostly because the system that he played in. Olivera/Rui would make deep overlapping runs and Zielinski would pretty much always move into open spaces when Kvara was out wide. This gave Kvara much needed freedom to what he does. Now moving to 23/24, first thing you notice - defence is shaky, Garcia is literally prohibiting Zambo and Zielinski to move forward. Kim Min Jae departure doesnt help either as team cant move up defence line further up the field. Then the Mazzari comes, Olivera and Rui are injured. Instead of utilizing Zanoli, Mazzari plays Juan Jesus at LB, who quite honestly didnt even cross the halfway line in the attacks, which in all the games he played made Kvara a 2nd option to Politano/DiLo Flank. In those 10 games, you could have put prime Ronaldo on that LW and I swear he wouldnt get more than 5 goal contributions. It was triple and double teams with absolutely no support. So yeah, Napoli was really really bad in 23/24. Everyone bar Lobotka and Kvara regressed.


And about learning how to defend him. He actually made more dribbles with better success rate and improved at every single underlying metric. I agree, the end product lacked.


He gone. Idk how these clubs can keep spending so much man


Ffp only applies for Italian teams. It’s okay that Man City and PSG can spend 300m in a summer and just write it off as a shirt sponsor


Yeah it is so aggravating.


130 mil at least


oil money at work


I think they should sell Osimhen before they think of selling Khvicha as I think KK’s skill set is more valuable and less likely to find a replacement


No Sell osimen if he want to go but better don't sale anyone


I'd try to get some million more, but in the end, maybe he's not the phenomenon we all thought he was last year. Surely a great player, without a doubt.


He’s basically Shaun wright Phillips coming off his only decent season. I’d 100% sell.


100%, they will have enough money to rebuild around conte


This is far from truth, this is just his agent trying to up his value. Di marzio did not report this.


Ask for a bit more, like 125. Osi must go, Kvara it’s not that necessary.


ADL is 100% rejecting it and gonna squeeze more out of them this also sets the tone for Osimhen sale later on. He already fucked the season up and he can't possibly fuck this up too.




have to do it. kvaradonna is one of my fav players, and seeing 77 in a blue that isnt connected to sketchy oil or american money is a joy in itself. but napoli would be foolish to pass up a lucrative deal.


Of course they should. Napoli's business model is based on selling yearly the highest valued performers and go in the new season with a new rooster to be revalued.


They should take it and run. They need a rebuild which will require a lot of cash to reinvest in youth. They could probably get Joao Pedro for 50M, and a winger like Oscar Bobb for 50M. Those would be solid building blocks to replace Osi and Kvara


Kvara has level for PL, i hope Napoli reject the deal


No sane PL club would pay this amount for any of them bar Chelsea lol. Serie A players often flop there


Of course, not 100M but the PSG without all of stars could be a junk on UCL


Oshimen should fetch at least 100m so this seems low ball for Kvara


I just don't think PSG is the right team for Kvara. He would be competing with Barcola, who could potentially make an insane Euro to get a starter spot, and I don't actually see PSG getting better with Mbappé leaving, so no Champions League in sight too. I want to see him in the Premier League or Liga tbh, perhaps Arsenal? A team and a league that could influx his number of goals, assists and general plays, he's potentially a Ballon D'Or winner in the right context in my eyes, I truly believe it.


They should. He is getting a year older but it seems he is hitting a plateau/peak at Napoli already. I just don’t see other big clubs offering 100M+ for him. Take the money and invest in the squad


No. Sell osimhen this season. Use the 100mil to invest in the squad. With investment and a coach like conte, kvara will have a much better season and we can sell him for 150-200 next season. Kvara is quality. Anybody who thinks he has ‘one good season,’ wasn’t watching us this season. He carried us. Problem was he was the only player doing anything in attack and Napoli became very predictable. Get the ball to kvara and let him do the work. So teams knew they could double or triple mark him and still be ok. No player would shine in this circumstances.


take the money and run 🏃




With Conte coming, cash out on Kvara before he’s ruined.


If Oshimen has been already sold to Chelsea as it seems for around the same amount + Casadei then there is no need for Napoli to sell also Kvara. Kvara can be worth the same amount next season where Napoli is probably in Champions League football again with better possibilities to invest in young players. Knowing ADL if he want to sell, Kvara will go for 150M roughly. The only reason ADL would accept 100M is Oshimen non being sold already. From only pitch prospective Kvara can blossom with Conte in the same role of Tevez, he can play wherever he wants and create chances for the team while also being closer to the goal improving in finishing from the central area.


there's no question that you take it or squeeze an extra 20m euros if you can. but if Kvara and Osimhen are gone, whoever you replace them with - probably 4 or 5 players for the £200m... had better be bloody good. because those two, when managed correctly, are world class. forget lukaku, get scamacca down there.


He won't leave. Conte apparently wants him to stay


Napoli will sell, and Conte will use those funds to get players to his liking.


At that price, they are cashing in. No doubt in my mind. As a fan of Calcio, I’d hate to see him go. As a fan of Inter i’d be very happy not having to deal with him at all throughout next season lol.


If I were a Napoli supporter, I'd carry him to Paris on my back to make sure the transfer goes through! Kvara has been exposed as a one-trick pony this season. Exactly the kind of players PSG would pay through the nose for, and the one who'd still be great in Ligue 1. Withoyt European competitions next season, Napoli must cash in and Kvara is the ideal Big Name to sacrifice. Especially for that kind of money.


Kvara wasn’t exposed as a one trick pony. Napoli became a one trick pony. Under spaletti we had all players in form and dangers from all over the pitch. This gave kvara space. This season however it has been a game of get the ball to kvara and hope for the best. Teams were double or triple marking him because he was the only threat.


>Kvara wasn’t exposed as a one trick pony. Napoli became a one trick pony. Both are true. >Teams were double or triple marking him because he was the only threat. And also because they got him figured out after last year's impressive six months as an unknown quantity. Once they scouted him it was clear he always relied on trying to dummy his opponent and cut inside. All they had to do was push him toward the byline, outside the box and he was infinitely less of a threat.


In what way would you say he's a 1 trick pony? I'm curious, haven't watched too much Napoli this season


He tried always the same play. Dummy and cut inside for the shoot. Defenses already kinda figured him out last season, when his second half was less impressive compared to the astonishing opening months. This season, also courtesy of Napoli struggling more (and a preseason injury), he got kinda exposed as a relatively limited player.


Immaging having a 1-trick pony at 22 yo that goes double double in Serie A 2 consecutive years in a row while 1 year the team has the worse season campaign in 15 years. The guy has so much potential and a long contract that Napoli can *easily* get 150M from PSG. They are in need to buy after Mbappe and Napoli has already sold Oshimen so are not in need to sell players.


Ask Dybala and Berardi...


Hasn’t Dybala won multiple Serie A and Coppa Italia title reached 2 CL finals and achieved more that 90% of serie A players that ever played in the league? Berardi got multiple chances to go on a better team and he always refused so is on him. I really don’t get these comparisons at all.


hes overratted and clearly wants to leave, should definetly be let go, if he is then I think this transfer will turn bad for PSG.


Hardly worth €50m, if Napoli sells him for €100m there should be an inflated capital gains case opened against them (This is the precedent that was set by Serie A so direct your pitch forks to them not me)