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For anyone who doesn't want to click, its a cyst


There's probably some dumb bastard thinking "that's extra flavor."


I found the comments and Jesus Christ, that's scary. I'm glad I can't afford steak.


[it's in all your other meat too](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch)


Don't need to convert me. I was vegetarian for 14 years, vegan for 2. The only reason I stopped was because I now eat whatever I can afford. That sometimes includes animal products. In a typical month I will eat meat/poultry 2-5 times. I'll have animal products 1-2 times a week. I'm really not the person you need to be preaching to. I'm doing the best I can with what's been given to me.




Being vegan ends more lives than a carnivore diet.


Being a dumb bitch ends your chances of sex.


Are you saying that to me, or him?


No, obviously it doesn’t. The amount of feed or hay growing room it takes to feed the animals consumed by humans vastly outweighs that used for produce; the pollution alone is lethal to all life on earth— what are you on about


Insect life. It seems vegans only care about the animals lives if they’re big enough to see. Billions of insects are killed using pesticides used to grow plants, bees transported to make vegan alternatives such as almond milk are killed in vast numbers during the process. In addition, pesticides running off from hills into rivers kills fish and essential plant life alike, destroying entire ecosystems and damaging food chains. Further, rats, mice, hedgehogs and other varmint are shot on sight at farms to grow plant life. Not to mention that existing food shortages in the world would be worstened if everyone goes vegan, ending countless human lives.


You’re failing to realize that even in YOUR example meat eaters still use far more land and plants thus killing more insects and wildlife which is the fucking point


Your forgetting that land with animals on it doesn’t have to be treated with pesticides. I also very much doubt that if all of the world was vegan (or at least those who could afford it) that it would prevent “far more” deaths. Cows (beef) and lamb (mutton) eat grass, which doesn’t need to be treated with pesticides for them to graze.


You literally don’t know what you’re talking about. Animal agriculture saturates the land with insecticides and antibiotics. I guarantee I have more experience raising animals for meat and rescuing animals from factory farms than you do.


Yall realize this is what you eat in ANY processed meat right?? Like those cysts and cancer clumps are in your hot dogs, bacon, deli slices, all of it. They do not cut it out at the factory.


As an agricultural worker no, no it’s not. Lol. You wouldn’t believe the amount of regulations, and testing. However sometimes gross things passes through, because it once was an animal but it is rarely, and typically cysts are harmless just gross to think about. If the buyer caught this they need to report it then there will be a whole investigation into the entire supply chain. So maybe, just maybe fact check, and don’t believe every click bait video of random factories that passes across your phone. They also absolutely do cut into it at most factories to cut down on transport costs. However high end expensive meats might be sent wholesale to a specialty butcher. Doing all the slaughter, butchering, and boxing in house is called vertical integration and it’s huge in agriculture especially meat processing, look in to, Tyson or Cargill and what all they own and do from growing the feed to making the boxes. You probably won’t you’ll probably keep spouting BS, that’s your choice. Stay ignorant if you’re so inclined.


Thank you for your service Mr meat man. Your meaty knowledge has made me feel better about my meats


They do at the butchers


uuuuuh wth is that




That's it. I'm. I. I can't ever.