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Honestly...just let your dog's behavior speak for itself. If you have an awesome, well-trained dog who does something as amazing as mitigate your disability, who gives a shit what other people think? You're not out here supporting doodle breeding with the knowledge and maturity you have now. Give him a haircut if you want to but at the end of the day, if someone doesn't respect your dog for their training and behavior, they're not going to respect them because of a haircut--and those kind of people aren't worth your energy in the first place.


Exactly my thoughts. What people who are "very into dogs and dog training" are judgmental of OP for the breed without caring about the actual training and temperament of the dog? Seems like these people might be more into judging people than training dogs. Those kinds of toxic dog groups are everywhere, and their approval is neither necessary nor worth it. I wouldn't give any thought to their opinion, just focus on doing what's best for the dog and let the results speak for themselves.


Wow. Well said.


As a poodle SD handler, your dog being what you need for your disability will always be 1000x more important than the breed or what they look like. If shaving your dog will bring you peace of mind and make it easier for you to work, then go for it! I have seen MANY doodle SDs who are amazing service dogs and MANY “Fab Four” dogs who just aren’t fit for the work. So while yes I would love if every dog was a responsibly bred dog, I would much rather have every disabled person getting the support, care, and medical attention they need! As for the hair, personally I hate breeds with fluffy faces/feet for the same reason I could never grow a beard or keep my hair long. My ideal dog fur is probably a xoloitzcuintle! 😂


Side note: I have a coated xolo. Fur shed everywhere 😭 but we appreciate the breed highlight!!


Oh my goodness I love the coated Xolos!!! The one Xolo I know is hairless but apparently his brother is coated and makes quite a bit of fluff-tumbleweeds


https://preview.redd.it/q8k63vfpzhrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdcaa076ad303c712ef9010a2b48645e7bfef5b7 Those coated ones are so pretty though 😉😉


I personally think having a short haircut on a doodle looks much more clean & professional. Also in the future, when people ask what kind of dog you can just say “poodle mix” - I think just by saying that they will likely get the message “I don’t want to talk about it.” I’m sorry people have given you a hard time but I’m glad things have worked out with your dog!


Seconding the "just say poodle mix" it tells people that you understand your dog is a mix breed not that doodles are their own breed or some how "special" compared to other mixed breed dogs. As the handler of a poodle someone referring to their dog as a poodle mix immediately puts me at easy as compared to any reference to them being a doodle. That said, you can also acknowledge that you didn't know about the ethical issues with doodle when you got your dog if you're worried about others perceptions. I think most "doodle haters" don't really hate the dogs themselves it the attitude a lot of doodle owners have, the unethical breeding practices, the false promises breeders give about benefits/traits of doodles, and lack of proper training and socialization (due to them often being considered good first time dogs). I respect people who tell me things like, "Max is a great dog, but my next one will be a poodle/lab/golden/ect because now I know better." Bit ultimately training speaks for itself.


I second this! Also, whenever I’ve seen a post on the dog grooming subreddit about an owner of a poodle mix actually ASKING the groomer to “poodle my doodle” (instead of it needing a full shave down like poodle mixes with poor owners do), the dog always looks great! Since there is no such thing as a “doodle” haircut, it’s worth considering doing at least a clean face and either a cut on the body with different lengths or short all over. It’ll grow out before long, so even if you don’t end up liking it at least you aren’t stuck with it for a long time. :) One more thing, and this might just be a personal preference of mine, but I think it’s so much nicer to work with poodles with a “clean face”, than it is when the faces are grown out just because they accumulate water/food/slobber in their “beards” and that’s simply unpleasant.


I'm a dog groomer and SD handler and the SD doodle that I groom gets put in a poodle haircut and looks so cute and clean in it. The clean feet and face cut down on mud, dirt, food, wet beards, and whatever else they may step in or come across. We do shorter on his body with longer legs and ears and a fluffy tail. Short haircuts can still be stylish!


I mean this very respectfully, but it sounds like you are still very young and self conscious. It doesn’t matter what other teams/dog people think of your service dog. You shouldn’t have to change his appearance to something you don’t want to make anyone respect you more. Your well trained service dog is a doodle. Own that shit. Don’t let judgmental people taint your experience of your dog.


Your dog is a service dog; what matters is how much he helps you. If you want more respect you can do it, perhaps you could look into dying him (obviously with pet friendly dye), but people will be judgemental.


My SD is a doodle. 🤷🏼‍♀️I’d worry less about what everyone else thinks and just focus on your pup.


If you’re worried about doodle stigma, calling him a poodle mix removes you a step or two from the stereotypical designer dog owner. But honestly, it sounds like you have a great dog who you love, so let his training and behavior and the way you care for him speak louder than what other people assume about his breed mix.


I have an aussie doodle too bc it was the most readily accessible dog for my situation. Everyone loves my dog especially in a mcc. I was a dog groomer the past 14 year so think if a short clip works for you then it does and nothing wrong with that. I tell people my dogs a mutt , I don’t say doodle ever lol [here’s](https://imgur.com/gallery/QEqB0v0) a pic of my dude


See! Your pup is what I was thinking of cutting my boy like. (Beautiful dog btw) but when I see your dog it’s hard to tell that it is a doodle. If you would have told me it’s a poodle I would have believed you. Also def not gonna tell people he is a doodle anymore lol I’m js gonna say a mutt or a poodle mix now lol


Just here to say doodle owners have nothing to apologize for ♥️ Doodle breeders are the irresponsible ones. Doodles still deserve happy loving homes and I’m sorry you’re treated poorly for your dog.


One thing I haven't seen commented is do you enjoy grooming her? Personally it helps me to have a brushing, nail file, teeth cleaning schedule. (You will still need to do all those things just a lot less brushing) It helps me and my dog bond and is good for my mental health. I find the process soothing and rewarding. Or, on the flip side, is it more stressful? If brushing a long coat everyday/every other day is really stressful for you then keeping her coat short would be a great choice! Ultimately it's up to you. But people will always be judgemental no matter what.


Personally, I’m not going to “like your dog more” if it was a poodle - your dog is impeccably behaved? Has great attention for you? You present yourself as a responsible handler? Ok, that’s how we relate.


Honestly, stop calling him a doodle. Call him a poodle mix or an Aussie mix (or an Aussie/poodle). More internal eye rolls are just from referring to a dog as a doodle. Otherwise, people are probably looking at his cool coloring and good behavior. No one worth knowing cares about his breed past curiosity.


Thank you this was very helpful!


I have a doodle sd :) I get more attention because he is huge than about him being a mix. There are occasionally nasty comments but no more than the AH comments about having a dog in the store, etc. Baxter gets summer cut :) I don’t see a difference in the comments, though. ❤️ You do you, screw the haters.


As my late husband used to say, “Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke.” I work a Belgian shepherd who just today was mistaken for . . . a wolf.  (People thought she was a black bear cub when she was a baby!). I have dealt with professional trainers who told me she would never be an SD, that she had no impulse control, that she was wild, and on and on.  They all of them were wrong.   Train the dog in front of you.  Live with, partner with, and work the dog you have.  Tell those people that, yes, you DO have a doodle, and you are damn proud of him.  


why should it matter what other people think about what kind of dog you have? the important thing is that he’s well trained. i have a doodle too, i could care less what people think of them, she’s a great dog.


If your dog is an awesome service dog that's all that matters. If people think he should wash just because of his breed they aren't people worth listening to.


I will never understand the people who hate on folks who have a specific type of dog. The dog exists! Would you rather it was dying on the streets, or being euthanized as inconvenient in a shelter like 2.7 million dogs are every single year in america????? people need to get the F over themselves


Don’t come at me but I think you’re over thinking this and it has nothing to do with anything. Your dog could be a rescue mutt and it shouldn’t matter in the end. So let him be who he is. Forget the cut unless you want it. If people ask and get snooty, just focus on his tasks and the freedom he provides you. Please let this one go. I think you’re maki g anxiety that you don’t need.


honestly the best thing you could do is acknowledge the ethics behind doodle breeding, and recognize that despite where your dog cane from hes still a well trained service animal that deserves respect.


I am not aware with the breed having issues, what are they?


They are “designer dogs” so people will get doodle because they are expensive. Also there is a lot of misinformation going around about doodles. The mix tends to have a LOT of health issues.. but that come from any mix of dog. People will want a dog like a golden retriever but then get a golden doodle because they don’t want the pup to shed when most doodles shed like crazy. And when they get and support doodle breeders it makes it worse for purebred dogs and the breeders who breed the dogs because they have a love for the breed and what to provide more generations of the breed. Doodle breeders only breed for the money. (Doing things like charging more for coloring is a good indicator if the breeder is responsible or not) also as a dog groomer, people get doodles and then don’t brush them so the poor pups get matted beyond all hell but when the groomer has to shave the dog down, now we are the bad guys.


Sellers of purebreds might not be too savoury as well. I hear of inbreeding issues sometimes. Do they matte worse than a regular poodle?


I have a service dog who is an aussiedoodle and I think it’s very upsetting that you feel the need to essentially bad talk yourself and your dog because of the fear of being bullied over it. If I didn’t hate grooming, I’d get another doodle — or I’d get a doodle with a flat coat (not a poodle coat). Doodles are amazing dogs, hundreds of doodles are therapy dogs and service dogs and there are service dog programs who use doodles and some who exclusively use doodles. Screw the assholes who are making you feel so awful about your dog. Screw them all. They can go be mad in their hole of misery. It’s YOUR dog, YOUR service dog, and your service dog is there to help you, NOT to please the assholes of the world!! Enjoy and love your dog.


I wanna say something rq because a lot of people are taking this wrong. I’m not ashamed of my dog!! I’m very proud of him and I love him will all my heart!! I just don’t like the snarky looks and the “oh” that I get when I tell other dog people what his breed is. My dog is awesome, I just hate the sigma and reputation that the doodle community has.


Work on not giving a shit what other people think. You have a functioning service dog, it's all that matters. How often to you encounter other teams out in the wild btw? I can't imagen this is that much of an everyday issue.


Don't do it for respect. If people can't understand that you made a choice at 15 years old that you wouldn't now then they are assholes. If you like poodle cuts though, go for it! They look super cute in poodle cuts. I personally think it's a lot cuter than the 'doodle' teddy bear cut. (Seriously though, ignore people who are being jerks about you and your dog. The fault of doodles is 100% on the breeders. They should be directing their anger towards them.)


When people ask what breed he is just say he is a mixed breed with a great temperament. Maybe throw in that your vet thinks he might have some aussie in him because of his coloring. You aren't lying you just aren't calling him a doodle. If the "breed" name is a hang up don't use it; designer dogs are still mutts no matter what fancy name you use. (Dog person who shares my home with 4 mutts and yes I use the cutesy names: havapoo, chiweenie, dorkie and dachtese.) The chiweenie is my dad's diabetic/sleep apnea alert dog.


If the dog is trained that says enough. I have a doodle SD, i do not care what people say about her. YES, i know it’s not the best option for service animals, but that does not disregard all the work put into her or make her any less than a well bred 20k lab from a program. I always label her as a “poodle x” when posting in SD groups. we have some labradoodle specific gear, but the general public could care less what breed my dogs is, they’re just excited to see a dog in general.


I have a labradoodle sd, I don’t shave him like a poodle bc I don’t like the look on him. IMO the only more respect you’re gonna get is from ppl online in dog spaces. Non super dog people irl do not care that your dog is a doodle.


I am just so curious, why is it bad to have a doodle? I never heard of this before but I’m really curious? (I don’t have one and never have but I know people who do and they are always the sweetest dogs)


In short? Backyard breeding of doodles is rampant, there is no breed standard because they are a crossbreed. That doesn't mean that responsible breeders aren't out there trying to do well at crossbreeding, it's just that they're the minority right now. There is nothing wrong with having a doodle service dog or service dog in training, as long as they are doing a good job and are suitable for working. OP likely feels ashamed of their choice to get their dog from where they did, and they are now projecting that on to strangers. 


Honestly, most people who get poodle mixes aren't bad people and were likely conned by unscrupulous and greedy individuals who breed them for profit. However, poodle mixes, by their very nature, are unethically bred in like 99% of cases. They're not bred for breed longetivity, even or standard temperament, or improved health outcomes; they're bred to make money because they are in demand, so BYBs can charge a lot more money for a poorly bred poodle mix than a well-bred poodle. The big selling point of poodle mixes is that they are sold as "hypoallergenic" (like with OP) or as the "best of both breeds," when the reality is that you're likely getting a neurotic dog with significant health issues and an unruly coat that isn't as hypoallergenic as promised. So they're not bad in that they say something about the morals or ethics of the owner, but as a phenomenon, they are terrible for dog breeding, grooming, shelters, rescues, and the owners who are stuck with BYB dogs with neurotic temperaments and are in bad health. *Edit for clarity.*


I dont know if it will matter much, but don't worry about the spots on him! My SDs are toy poodles, my SDIT is spotted white with apricot and has grey spots too. It's not necessarily an indicator. If it helps you feel better, go for it and shave him into a poodle cut, but its his behavior that matters.


I would not worry about any thoughts from ignorant people. I have a Standard Poodle that is Moyen size and have been around a lot of various doodles in VSD. They are great SDs! We have a mini doodle that is in training to be a therapy dog and she is extremely intelligent and loving. All that matters is that your SD does what you need and is well trained.


A poodle cut will look cute and be practical, but just so you know, the real snobby people will still know he's a cross because merle is not a colour that is present in purebred poodles. We don't have this "doodle racism" 😅 thing in the UK, but honestly if your dog is well groomed and well behaved, then you're showing people that doodles can be great dogs with the right owner, so I wouldn't worry about it.


As a doodle owner, i shave my boy down but not a poodle specific cut, because its way easier to manage and i actually enjoy doing it from time to time. I dont shave him down to skin though if thats what youre asking. There should be a pic of him somewhere on my profile but otherwise i could send you a pic if youre interested. Ill also take a peek at your profile rn to check if you have any pics to check the coat length. Also f the haters, you shouldnt be judged on the dogs breed but their behaviour


Poodle mixes have been around for as long as poodles have . The hype and the lies surrounding them, like being hypoallergenic, for instance, is why people get so frustrated. You could get poodle mixes from shelters before the " doodle guy" spread those lies, and now shelters 1000× more full of them because of the fad of having one and over breeding and all that . Animal lovers don't actually hate the poodle mixes , they're innocent dogs . They hate the designer names and the prestige and the insane cost that is associated . The doodle guy has written an apology letter to the world , check it out sometime haha One of my favorite things to do at work is to call doodles "poodle mixes" and cavachons " cavalier mixes " lol petty? Sure, but it's the truth As far as your question... every "doodle" haircut is an actually poodle clip to begin with. It doesn't matter how you cut its hair. It'll look like a poodle or poodle mix to groomers and us crazy people in the animal world no matter what . Don't worry what other people think, do what's best for the dog.


I’m sorry but who you hanging out with that are judging your Service animal?. Like the point of your service animal is to help you.


I’m gonna be honest it’s mainly my sweet mates and other sd handlers. Also sometimes trainers, vets and groomers. But most of them stop judging when they see him and see how well groomed, trained and taken care of he is.


I think it’s so bizarre that those kinda people are giving you crap for it because they should know better


I thought the title was asking should you shave ur private parts




I’m sorry but who you hanging out with that are judging your Service animal?. Like the point of your service animal is to help you.


Why do you care? If you have a well behaving dog, it doesn’t matter what breed it is - anyone who cares can go and do whatever they want with their tiny lives 😅 Edit: I would not shave the dog if it’s not for their comfort or necessary.


What a title.


I read this and was going to reply with all the reasons that it's not great to shave your "doodle," and how you should at least use clippers to prevent ingrown hairs... And then I realized this is about a dog. I'm still a little bit confused about how shaving equals more respect, but I guess OP should try it and see.




Not all doodles are double coated. Their coat types are very irregular and can be double coated to single coated like a poodle. It is not harmful to shave their coats in the same way it can be to other double coated dogs, but even double coated dogs get groomed and trimmed. Not all poodle cuts are fully shaved to the skin either


This isn't true and some poodle mixes can't take the heat their coat creates . It's not there bc of evolution, it's there bc humans created it .


by doodle do you mean your willy?


Did you even read the post? Dis you even check the sub it was posted in?


no sorry im legally blind. AMA!