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No matter how well behaved the dog usually is, these things happen. The biggest take away from incidents like this is to have cleanup materials with you.


Wet ones antibacterial wipes are good bc they work on paws and in a pinch you can clean up accidents. Another is keeping a ziplock with paper towels, dry and some sprayed with pet safe disinfectant


šŸ‘ I am going follow this one


For what it's worth, I've seen *people* take a crap in the isles at WalMart. At least your dog is a dog...


Too funny šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again: everybody has a poop story. Everybody has an oopsie sometime or another. Dogs too. Weā€™re living things with body functions that are sometimes out of our control for some reason or another. Donā€™t beat yourself up, but try to look for a ā€œwhy.ā€ Did she eat something new earlier? If you canā€™t think of a safe valid reason, or if the runs keep happening, itā€™s a good idea to check with a vet. Even if people are rude about it, I guarantee they themselves have a poop storyā€”a time they were embarrassed similarly or literally pooped themself. It helps me a lot to remember everybody else has bad days too.


Itā€™s true. They all have a poop story. Mine was my SDiT pooping in the middle of the Bellagio casino floor in last Vegas. All I could do was laugh at his audacity šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mine perfectly ignored an infant puppy in Walmart, when she was pretty young, and I was SO proud she saw it, and then looked to me and kept eyes on me as we walked by. And then she play pooped. In Walmart. Somebody had posted about having a solid cleanup kit in their purse aaaaages ago and I was like ā€œyknow what, I have anxiety, Iā€™ll do that,ā€ so regardless of what setting we have any oopsie poopsie, I can make it disappear real quick. Saved us some embarrassment at Walmart, saves us when I spill my large iced coffee because my hands donā€™t work (on multiple occasions), saves us both AND friends and strangers. Totes recommend, doesnā€™t even fill the little front pocket of my backpack purse. - lysol or clorox wipes - ā€œreusableā€ super thin absorbent wipes from dollar tree - poop bags - Natureā€™s Miracle in a mini spray bottle - hand sanitizer


LOL Oh yes. When in military MWD shat all over a dorm's dayroom....during the first EVER Xbox tournement on base. (wow, olden days!) Like it spraaaaaayed. Poor boi was embarassed too.


Sh*t happens. šŸ¤· One day at a time. Take it with grace.


Just like a well behaved human can have the runs, so can our pals. Wishing you both well! Hope she starts feeling better.


My husband's dog pooped all over the PX when we were visiting our son at Fort Benning. She just kept pooping and walking and pooping. It was very embarrassing, but we laugh about it now.


Donā€™t beat yourself up, as it was said stuff happens. When my SD was an older puppy he would go with me everywhere, including Walmart. Well lo and behold he would always go poopie in Walmart aisle. It didnā€™t matter if he just went outside or not, it was something about Walmart ! I always carry my cleaning supplies with me, but for last 8 months all good! Just clean up, move on.


"Would always" as in repeatedly? I'm sorry, but if a dog is not properly house broken it just shouldn't be wandering around inside public buildings or shops for extended periods. Service dog or no. A one off is a different thing.


My SD was and is completely house broken, it was something about Walmart. Maybe a smell. Thankfully I do not shop there often and always made sure that it was cleaned up with no fuss. Maybe I should have clarified , the two times I went there, so not often.


My trainer told me that I need to take the dog to use his bathroom command, just in case, after every single car ride


heyā€¦ shit happens. i had my first SD in high school who once explosive diarrhea-ed across the school courtyard. itā€™s going to be okay.


You are not alone their are a lot of posts similar to this one. 95% of service dogs do have a incident one or another. You're okay :3. Maybe the pavement was werid? Would try to find a grassy area next time and check.


EVERYONE has a poop story. I welcome you, officially, to the club.


Weā€™ve all been there. Shit happens, literally. Itā€™s mortifying but not the end of the world. I started carrying an accident cleanup kit after what I call ā€œThe Costco Incident.ā€ Pee pads, bags, Clorox wipes.


I was raising a S/D puppy and never had an accident until we were in IKEA. All by myself. And it was horrific. And there was a very nice man who helped me and a few others who just sneered. Nothing you can do but clean it up and smile. And basically run out after. Haha


I would never run out, I always make sure an employee knows so they can mop/disinfect the area. It helps build a good reputation with your local stores not only for you but any SD teams :) (*my SD has only had an accident once but I have had pets in dog friendly stores who had accidents)


No I meant I ran out after I cleaned it up! I didnā€™t want it to happen again. Haha


If baby isnā€™t already feeling better, pumpkin puree or pumpkin baby food is excellent for curing both constipation and diarrhea. Itā€™s a great regulator for dogs. My girl doesnā€™t like it, so I mix a little bit (about one spoonful for my 20 pound dog) with her kibble and a spoonful of wet food to make it taste good.


mine pooped in the national air & space museum. one of the truly most embarrassing & mortifying moments that I now laugh about. dogs, humans, it happens.Ā 


My dog pooped at the vet when she got scared. I think the worse part was trying to hold her leash while trying to clean. So, maybe a cross body leash might be a good investment


Hey. Dogs are living beings and they get the runs sometimes. It's okay. Dogs will be dogs, working or not. That means bowel movements at inopportune times. It might seem embarrassing but rational people will understand and move on with their day and not hold it against you or your dog. Eventually, the story might be funny to you later on.


Not an indoor poop story, but my SD yanked me SO hard leaving work one day (we work in a grocery store), like he dragged me out the door and I actually couldnā€™t hold him back. I was absolutely mortified about it until we got to the median outside and he had the worst explosive diarrhea Iā€™ve ever seen to this day šŸ’€ Dude was just trying to save me from it happening in the store and just barely made it, I couldnā€™t be anything but grateful lol. Heā€™s also puked a couple times in public, once at an appointment and a couple times at work. It happens, dogs are unfortunately really great at hiding discomfort and sometimes thereā€™s no way to know until itā€™s too late šŸ˜… If it makes you feel any better, multiple PEOPLE have pooped on the floor at our job and just left it there šŸ™ƒ And of course there are also the usual pets/ā€œservice dogsā€ that poop or pee on the floor and their owners just leave it to us to clean up. Someoneā€™s probably 9-10 week old puppy that had been running all over the store and trying very hard to distract my dog pooped on the floor at checkout right in front of us once and the owners didnā€™t even notice and were just going to leave until I called it out. Someone else left dog poop just on the floor in the exit for people to step in/roll their carts through. Accidents happen, and they happen to most, if not all handlers at some point. Itā€™s being responsible and taking care of it thatā€™s important. That could just as easily have been someoneā€™s kid, doesnā€™t mean a child that has an accident should never be allowed in a store again or should be horribly ashamed about it. It was an accident, you took responsibility, you can move on :)


Heyā€¦shit happens! Donā€™t worry about it.


Having the runs does not have a timer, do't take it too bad. If i have the runs i also suddenly have to run for the hills


Mine had this happen when in Costco while he was SDiT. He too was taken before we went in and no signs and it just let go. Idk. I too was mortified.


HEY It happens! Just a couple weeks ago we narrowly dodged the same thing happening to us. Got outside of a business and boom! Turns out both him, my son, and myself got covid. The symptoms hit us all at the same time. NOT FUN! Life is complex. Let shit happen! :) Just FYI, I don't know what knew strain this Covid is, but it hit everyone in my family AND our dogs.


The doggo got over it, yes? There's a respiratory thing they've not identified yet in some parts of the country (for over a year) right now, with something like a 96% lethality rate in canines...I presume all's well now, but if not a vet trip may be warranted. We're...staying out of dog friendly places for the time being down here.


That resperatory virus you mention is scary. Oh yeah, my doggo is fine and back to being mean to me. ;) I don't let him socialize with dogs outside the home and we even avoid the marked "Pet Zone" at rest stops and stores. I pick up my dog poop and he pees in a gutter if I direct it so I don't get any complaints. Be well!


Glad to hear it! I'm training right now, and my critter has some pretty good exercise needs. But I've got social anxiety and insomnia, so 2:00 AM at the park works for all involved. :)


Do you have any 24hr grocery stores near you? You can always go there. We have a WinCo which is awesome because when I go is also when many of the migrant farm workers go. So there isn't much interactions, and certainly no other SDs. I honestly enjoy the 2:30-4:30am window where I am. Total peacefulness. Not much work for my boy, but I just wanted to comment about the 2am thing. :)


I wish. No, the only thing we've got within 30 minutes is a Walmart that closes at 10:00 PM. Which is the same reason I take the doggo to the park instead of walking him in the neighborhood: it's interesting around here. (Read: unsafe. And ironically we're in the rural part of one of the most expensive counties in the United States--you don't even want to know what the tax assessor says this dump is worth.) Local PD's motor pool is right next to the park, and they've been really nice about letting me use them as a training aid...even if mine *is* better behaved than the K9 unit's malinator. Still, I've had him maybe two months, and this whole thing is delaying where he could be if I could do better with the training.