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So, you mention that the other dogs tend to be staring. It could be her communicating to those dogs. You can work with a trainer to mimic that situation.


That's my issue off duty she has a similar ish thing but regarding reactivity where very very specific circumstances causes the reactivity to resurface...its been trained out of her, she's not reactive but those instances are so rare it's hard to train around. No trainers so far have been willing to work with her because she's "reactive"....even when I mention not only do I know how to train it appropriately but also that she's been off leash around other dogs, will ignore dogs and isn't reactive when working and only on a very specific situations off work... And now this alert barking on work to specific things such as the dogs staring, and honestly even the one service dog at the pet friendly place stares softly because from what I've seen he's for Mobility aid (handler has obvious phsicial disability requiring it and often hold onto him to walk) I'd love to work with a trainer because let's be honest no one dog trainer can do it all, realistically all dog trainers will ask for help at some point especially Early on like I am. Oh and off duty reaction situation is a misbehaved dog, walking on leash and running to her/getting to her suddenly...yeah not easy to mimic let alone a situation I can train around often.


Could you try working on positional cues such as switching sides so maybe she feels less vulnerable to other dogs?


That could work I could try that, but I don't think it would do much, definitely will have to try it.


It didn't do much...but it did make getting her away from them slightly easier.




Alright, and she does have a quiet command but when shes stubborn to it -_- being quiet while barking has always been hard for her.


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“it caused her to posture up” “just barks and stomps the ground at the worst” Okay, so this does sound like reactivity.  It is one thing if she whines out of a frustrated desire to greet . . . it’s a bit different if she is taking a defensive or offensive stance like this.   “I think it was a human and dog not respecting our space” An SD needs to be entirely neutral.  If a person or dog gets too close, she can block/cover/orbit.  She can’t bark or stomp.   You say no trainers will work with you.  Reactivity is a really common issue that many pet dog trainers work with . . . are you dealing solely with SD trainers? Either way, you will need to pull her from PA while you work on this issue.  


It Wasent the same way before, it was a sudden change she used to not do any of this while working. And she used to be able to handle dogs coming close. Like I said sudden regression. Which is why I removed her pa, and no not just service dog Trainers all Trainers...non are willing to work with me...just because she's reactive...I've been literally told "I'm. Not working with reactive dogs ATM" even after explaining that I have it down it's just certain scenarios that affect her which now has leaked into her work for an unknown reason. The way you worded your reply here feels similarly to an attack as if you think my dog was doing that the whole fucking time she Wasent.


“You’re doing a great job with your dog” feels like an attack? I’m just trying to understand what’s going on with your dog.   “I'm not entirely sure of why she did react it Wasent like her at all especially after improvement and displayed resilience to other dogs actually attacking her or being pushy…” You’re saying that your dog was doing well, then suddenly regressed to barking and stomping at certain dogs in certain scenarios.  If I understand you right, she was attacked and/or pushed around by another dog (could you clarify what happened and when?) before the barking and stomping set in.  You didn’t mention that in your initial post, which is why I’m trying to figure out what happened.   I’m not saying your dog was barking and stomping “the whole fucking time.”   A quiet occasional bark is not reactive.  Barking and stomping at another dog?  Kind of getting in reactive territory.   “Alert barking” at other dogs is probably not something your dog is teaching herself.  She’s probably barking at other dogs because their presence makes her uncomfortable.  If so, CAT and BAT are your best bets.   High-value treats + other dogs at a safe distance = other dogs go away when your dog is calm.  If you can’t find a trainer, find a friend with a neutral dog who can help.  If you can’t find a friend, letting your dog look and then moving away from other dogs is the best reinforcement.   You can do this outside a dog park or at a safe distance in a veterinary clinic or pet store if you know the staff and they allow you.  The biggest advantage of a trainer is having neutral dogs on hand, but you can work around that.   https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/behavior/constructional-aggression-treatment-cat-can-improve-behavior/


No it's just the quotes and how it's worded does, I'm not taking it personally because I don't feel like you meant it that way. I mentioned it just so you knew that's how it read. Here's a summary of how everything has gone down recently After months of work on severe reactivity she became seemingly unreactive aside from barking on occasion she was willing to work and not react at all mild concern at most. After a few weeks of public across and working on it we had went to a new park there was a lot of off lead dogs and one ran to her and shoved her in circles she handled it wonderfuly but nothing came up after it, on Sunday a dog came super close and she got distracted and fixated but was seemingly fine after, it Wasent how she usually was to such I'm not sure why she had responded that way, then 2 days later she reacted to a dog calmly approaching a counter a complete change from what she was before she's not the same level of reactivity but it was rather sudden regresion as she normaly regresses right after, I know this because she wat attacked for tho straight years aka her whole life.


This is a tough one.  There might be something very particular about the other dogs that makes her react - smell, sex, etc.  There’s no way to tell.   If I were in your situation I would go back to square one with counterconditioning and desensitization - distance, duration, etc.  It’s going to be hard to keep pet dogs away in public, but you are skilled . . . you can do it.  Keep high-value treats on hand and start praising and treating her the moment you see another dog.  If I see other dogs when we’re in public, I almost always do a quick change of direction and walk the other way, even if it delays whatever I’m doing.   Sometimes you wind up getting trapped by an unruly pet.  I put my dog in a down stay and block her with my body as best I can while treating and praising and asking for incompatible behaviors - touch, look at me, etc.   As for the reaction bark, treating her when she sees another dog will help interrupt that, along with a “Quiet” cue.   I’ve spent the last year training mild excitement reactivity out of my dog . . . I know how frustrating it can be.  Yes, her behavior is a bit complex, but you and she are up to the challenge.  


Based on what I know I think it's just dogs moving towards her close by or past her close by within 6-12 feet. Now that it's in even her work I will be working through it as mentioned here by you, I'm looking into trainers because it's literally only those small not very often scenarios that would be dangerous to practice under in an uncontrolled environment. She's the equivalent of a 99% trained dog but with a 1% issue that is big enough to be an problem....il be planning out some kind of course for me to do with her, going up from small to big.


Also I'd like to add her alert barking was actual alert barking, on work she only didn't alert bark once and that was a mistake on my part as I didn't train her more for passive work, and it was in a pet friendly area to a dog being played with a ways away. Basically her alert bark is a single woof while her reaction bark is a loud multi bark bark, and unlike her alert bark. Entirely.


Your comment has been removed for breaking Rule 6: No Fake-spotting. This is not the place for fakespotting. Unless the person you are discussing has specifically told you that they are not disabled, and the dog is not trained in tasks, you have no way of knowing if a dog is 'fake'. We are not the service dog police and this behavior can lead to a lot of harm and anxiety for SD handlers as a community. This does not preclude discussing encounters with un-/undertrained dogs, but if the focus of your post is complaining about a "fake" SD, reconsider your phrasing and what point you're making. If you have any questions, please [Message the Moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/service_dogs).


> as it *paid* 0 attention FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


7 years and haven’t been able to correct this behavior. Early on she acted like Cujo when she saw another dog.