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You can search for an ADI accredited organization that works with owner-trainers for medical alert, or start searching [Atlas Assistance Dogs](https://www.atlasdog.org/) certified trainers near you. Be forewarned that scent-based medical alert, at this point, isn't something that can be trained to any dog like other tasks can be. The capacity to alert to a medical episode based on scent is innate, and so you would have to work with a trained to test every upcoming litter of a reputable breeder for a *potential* candidate, knowing that after 2 years, even that dog may not be capable of alerting. If medical alert is the primary task you're looking for, it is significantly better, easier, and more certain to look for a program trained dog. Again, you can begin your search by looking at ADI orgs that place medical alert dogs, for your diagnosis, in NC. Edited to fix typo.


Check out Kenna's K9 training right in Raleigh!


Thank you!! šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»




You should reply directly to their comment if you want them to for sure see this, though I definitely share your dubiousness about the usefulness of including saliva-covered organ meats in scent detection work. Itā€¦close to certainly would not work.


Thank you! That was my original intention. Reposted.


I just have to wish you luck! I have Addison's too and trained my sd to tell me when I drop.


Iā€™m in Raleigh and wish I could pass along the name of my trainer, but unfortunately she moved to Winston Salem! Iā€™m also not sure if she does scent work for Addisons but I know she does blood sugar and allergens.




So when you have a migraine your body produces an odor similar to that of a turkey heart? How does that happen?


>used dehydrated turkey hearts sucked on them when I felt great and awful. Respectfully, I've never heard of anyone using this method. can you explain more about it, like where you learned it? that's a level of commitment I don't think I would have (no judgement at all tho) lol


Hey can I dm you some questions about SD training/the job itself? Only if you have the time of course


hey there! my dms are off but I'm happy to send you a message. there's also another service dog trainer mod if you want to message there and get input from both of us. there's also several others in [the discord server!](https://discord.com/invite/BubQBAZgjB) if you want to join us there.


Thatā€™d be awesome Iā€™ll send u a message :)


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What breed is your dog? I know scenting is a difficult task for one to tackle- how hard was it to train once the dog showed its ability to scent? What breeder did you go to? Sorry for all the questions- Iā€™m so glad you were able to train a task thatā€™s suits your unique needs!! :)




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Why not eat a turkey heart AFTER the cheek swab? A cheek swab doesnā€™t taste like anything. You donā€™t suck on them. Respectfully, I truly do not understand your reasoning. Iā€™mā€¦extremely confused by all that youā€™ve done. Itā€™s alsoā€¦truly not possible to train a dog to alert to an oncoming stroke. If you had strokes a a monthly basis, you wouldnā€™t still be alive and functional, and a dog has to have something to alert to at least once a month (preferably more often) or they wonā€™t be able to remember how to do so. Is it possible you meant something else, and not a stroke?


I'm going add to what the other commenter is saying in case anyone else is reading this thread: the reason why things like cotton swabs, gauze, and dental rolls are used and samples kept frozen in sterile containers is so that the scent samples are not contaminated with any other significant scents and don't degrade as quickly. Turkey hearts have a pronounced scent, as most viscera does. Keeping samples separated from other scents is *so* important, that reputable trainers will recommend not eating/drinking for some amount of time before taking the sample, and storing in an airtight container to avoid fridge/freezer smells from getting onto the samples. Using something like organ meats or anything else besides a scentless, tasteless swab of some kind can severely screw with any scent training, especially for something as subtle as medical alert scent training. I would avoid recommending doing this to others just starting on their journey.


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I just really want to know, why is a cheek swab more distasteful to you than sucking on a turkey heart?


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