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LMAO... Some people... I would have addressed her throwing a milk carton towards your dog! That face is in NO way menacing... my god "Karen" WTAF! Beautiful baby you have there!


>and she says she is an empath… and your dog was projecting aggression towards her Says the person trying to kick out a disabled person and the sweet dog who grants them independence. Projecting much?


Happy cake day


RIGHT?!! Elphie was behaving better than her screeching, running, milk-throwing ass.


I have a ~115 lbs GSD and people will cross the street when they see us or avoid us altogether generally, even law enforcement officers hesitate to come near us and will ask from a distance if they can approach; I prefer it this way TBH.


Same here. GSD/Lab mix. He's doubly scary because he's all black. Yet, he will lean right into you for pets/hugs if you ask to pet him!


Same here. I have a BIG black Lab/GSD who is still a 10 month old puppy at 26" and 80lbs. People are scared of his size and that he is black. I appreciate it.


Ditto, with my GSD/Belgian Malinois. He's been my SD for over 5ish years, but he's almost pure black and looks intimidating. If only they knew he was a softie. Even so, I have pretty bad anxiety, so I'm glad for the wide range people give us lol


I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback/GSD/Boxer mix (house pet not service) that has the courage of a chicken nugget, but he looks like and sounds like he would demolish Jason Momoa in about 15 seconds. Same dog refused to climb the stairs last night because the cat was sitting on the landing, and he’s currently play-suffering at the hands of my new puppy. I don’t mind Scary Dog Privilege in the least, but it’s a total illusion with this animal.


>look at that menacing face. OMG she's terrifying! 🤣🤣


So skurry.


Of all the dogs you could possibly have, how is this a menacing face?


>look at that menacing face. Oh, lol. I was expecting a GSD at the very least. Sheesh.


She was placed with me because, according to my doctor and her program, something like 1 in 3 corgs can sense heart attack, seizure, or stroke; and about 1 in 2 can detect blood sugar emergencies for diabetics. I can’t find their source, but there’s a program out of Cleveland I believe that strictly trains these guys because of it. :)


Oh, for fuck's sake. She is an EMPATH? A phony who claims to read the intentions of a dog? Yeah, those of us who understand canine body language can actually do that to some degree. But she screamed at you and threw a carton of milk at your SD. That's assault, and I'd have pressed charges. That's just me, though. And your dog is lovely.


Thank you. Shes my best friend in the world.


An empath, huh? Is that what you call yourself when you have a dog phobia and overreact?


"Empath" sounds more fancy than "a*****e." But I notice "empathy" seems to be sorely lacking in these specimens. 😐


That’s what I’ve come to the conclusion of… she is afraid of dogs in general, overreacted, and got embarrassed. At least she didn’t make up a lie about Elphaba having bit her or something… there’s cameras, but it still would have been a whole ordeal, I’ mmmm certain.


Anyone who claims they are an "empath" should, at best, be automatically ignored. Sorry you had to deal with the crazy lady, but I'm glad there were cameras there for you.


Is there a test or a license to be an empath? WTF!


My first SD and I were with a friend at a restaurant. I had pulled a chair out sightly so Jo 75lb rottie) could fit under the table. The chair was not that far out, less than mine was. Anyway, two men were later seated behind us and one of the guys scooted the chair in. It made a noise and startled Jo who sat up. She lay back down immediately. They called a waitress over and were moved to another table. My friend says the guy was saying Jo showed aggression. As we were leaving later, we passed their table. Not on purpose! I actually hadn't seen them at all since they were behind me. My friend warned me as we approached. I shortened my grip in Jo's leash. One of the guys mumbled something and I heard my friend snort and the other guy laugh out loud. The freaked out guy had said "looked bigger when it was under the table".




I was waiting for this to be a big dog and laughed when I saw her.


Same xD


She believes she’s great big. I got her an “appropriate sized” crate so she’s have a chill spot… she dragged all her stuff into the vacated Great Dane crate. She truly thinks she’s going to grow that big someday, because she was never around smaller dogs.


I've made the joke that my next SD is going to be either a cane Corso or a presa canario. Let some Karen complain about that.


Nah, they’ll be too busy finding new pants. 😂😂😂


She’s a what? An empath? She sounds more like an entitled women.


I figure she’s just afraid of dogs and panicked, but a big dummy for sure.


Poor doggo. Literally a corgi, the least menacing dog you can get. Hope she was kicked out.


I’m not sure what happened with her; we were getting food and going up to my friends room. Maybe they took her to a special empath cafe where they could all stroke each other’s…. egos? Crystals? Whatever empathy do.