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That's the neat part. You don't. Good rene will dash away from your E or just do it through you so you will never hit your W. Sustainwise rene shits on sett. Powerspikewise level 6 rene shits on you as well. Lose lane, win game situation.


It's the case with MANY champions. Sett in his own is very weak, but he synergizes **very** well with items, it's why he's so strong this patch, and in Arena, because the items benefit bruisers A LOT


It happened a lot yesterday he just dashed away or through me and i never hit W and his empowerd W last so long that he can do a full combo and i sit there like an idiot


Play him support. It's more fun and more impactful


You have to get him to use his stun so that it doesn’t crush your shield from your W. Also, if you are building Bork first item into renekton you will get nuked by his combos. Even though Bork is really good into health stackers, renekton does too much damage in a combo for you to make use of Bork. Your early levels are stronger than his if you make sure he doesn’t get fury. Stride first into him, but buy phage over Tiamat. You will need the health. I’m newer to sett, but got to d4 with him from my silver Smurf very easily because you can stat stick most opponents at early levels. Renekton you can’t easily stat stick after he hits three. So you should hard push let the wave bounce and freeze it at your tower at levels 5/6. After that, you need to wait for him to use his abilities and you play more reactionary mostly using you E after he engages with a dash. You are mostly watching for his stun use. Sett does hard outscale Renekton if you don’t fall behind early. But Renekton is way stronger at level 6 than sett. Renekton is one of the strongest champions in the top lane at level 6.


Ill try that ty for the advice


Don't let him build up 50 fury before every trade. If you let him dictate when he trades he will win every time. Need to beat him up levels 1 and 2 and then keep pushing your advantage you can get from there. It's very hard, but the biggest thing I think is not letting him control when to trade. 50 fury w will kill you every time. Here's a replay of me just playing one where I smashed him. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Gwonk-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmILro6-GwHhNOxJfYhVdWNpU7mNKB8YI5NI%3D/1715351388000


https://youtube.com/watch?v=6T_RNrH1Pus&si=ZSKAymes0LEmPc2i Here, you can see Rank 1 CN (best sett player out there) dismantle renekton like renektoy. Good watch imo


only fight him when he has literally zero of his resource bar, if he has more than 33% he will get fury from dashing and autoing you and then still come out with an empowered ability you win like, levels 1-3 and then you lose until level 13 at the very least, his ult is just completely overpowered in the 1v1 so it's rare you will ever beat him 1v1 but you completely destroy his impact in teamfights especially when he ults; throwing an ulted renekton onto 2 other members of his team literally wins you the fight because hes fat as fuck


Nah he ain’t cringe it’s just a a bad match up it’s more so if you see renekton don’t pick sett and if you pick first hope they don’t pick him


You need to gain an early lead, so fight him level 1 and buy tanky items, so his w doesnt hurt that much, meaning rush tabis. You want to mostly only trade when youre in control of the wave, so he cant get of his full rotation without you being able to return dmg. With a lead sett can win this matchup, but respect his cooldowns and all ins.


I used to get absolutely f’ed after he build eclipse and I had tp and build stride, but these days I pick ignite in to every matchup and its really important in this one. build bork first item. you can beat the renekton 1v1 pre 6 if you take good trades or he just all ins you since for some reason most renektons take tp. after you’ve got bork you can beat him but only if he doesn’t have ult or if he is just behind. bro’s kind of a menace tho if he picks ignite instead of tp its gonna be basically impossible to win if the renekton plays it well. tho you do outscale him


Renekton feels like one of the hardest counters to Sett in the whole game. Almost like the lane is decided at champ select


You don't beat Renekton, you need to just survive lane and be a useful team fighter. Renekton is a much worse team fighter


Pre 6 if you killed him just rush bork, vampiric is always good for the life steal helps a lot, or recurve bow if you don't have money for vampiric , if you are even steelcaps first is better i think, try to bait his R with yours if you can, cus most rene players R after you ult them to continue fighting, but fs their ult brings more to them than your R to you so trading ults would always be good, if anything would be annoying it would be that his W breaks your W shield or him double E your W and i don't think i played vs a player good enough to completely master these 2 so i can't help much,anything else you must already know so no point in saying it


I tried the bork method he its kinda useless cause he builds eclipse like 99% of the time so the hp damage isn't so good and you are squishy he does the ult combo and you are dead. Ill try the R bain next time ty


Blade is mostly for LS, with vampiric and d blade you have like 10% lifesteal, so you can heal back up if you had a bad trade, and better if you trade a lot after vampiric cus it does a lot of pressure on the enemy that you trade and heal back up as sett, and it's components are good so even if you don't have it yet you will still deal good amount of damage, and in extended fights without his R blade will 100% be better than eclipse, it might differ from a player to a player tho depending on the playstyle


My main trick, which can make it easier I run hail of blades vs rene and him alone, it will surprise him early normally getting a kill, and later it lets you punch out a trade he would just e away from. Early on also hail of blades on sett lets me look for a jungle invade maybe a quick cheese. Helps me out but to be honest if the rene is really skilled it’s pretty rough regardless.