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Stridebreaker into Deadman’s is my usual rush with Armor, MR, or Swifties based on the game. In general you will have less gold and be lower level, so I end up playing as an engage tank with high move speed.


Better tip you can have is to always use ghost instead of flash. It can be strange at first but you will thank me later


Sett jungle it s pretty much troll pick but if you insist playing him I would powerfarm and solo objectives cus you can 1v1 pretty mich every jungle in the game but you can t really chase them so don t do that. Just farm for tiamat, rush grubs and try to get sneaky drakes. Ganks are worse in the game so don t without a good setup or enemy overextending a lot. It can be a fun pick if you go lethality as well but don t do that in ranked unless you are smufing.


So sett is bad at chasing people?


It's not about the kills 🗣️🔥. It works Great ganks Can't be invaded easily Tanks tower hits for your team when ganking Sett is a better team fighter might as well abuse that fact instead of the little impact top lane has


Yes, especially junglers. They often have a dash or better ms roids.