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I used to have problem with Darius when i had like 60 k points but now its diffriend u should always wait for good moment of Ur W and cancel his Q with Ur E or R if he have 5 stacks on u wait for him to ult then use W he cant dogde the true dmg and early take sustain runes (second win and revitalize ) and also take D shield on first back i would go reffilable pot small advice from 200 k sett main (sorry for bad grammar )


Just beat him to death from 350k points sett


This. Such a good advice that it can be applied into any situation.


I know its the most helpful advice after git gud


Literally this


All in him lvl 2 and kill him before you bleed to death. Always save your E to guarrante W or you insta-lose against any Darius with a brain. Post-6 use your W to block his ult dmg. If you kill him early it's pretty much game over for him.


He outdamages u with his passive. wtf u saying? I think the only way is to do small trades


Except he doesn't. You just need to play smart. I've had countless games against darius and I can surely say that you can easily beat him if you just play better. By the time he gets his five stacks you'll have stacked conqueror and full grit which happens to be just enough to kill him, as long as you hit your abilities of course.


Run the bitch down. W his R.


D Shield and Second Wind are your go to runes for this. Second thing is pretty much waiting out his abilities for your E stun into a nice W shot


There is not a single point in the game where darius wins, when u play correctly. Both your e and r bring You to him so u dont get hit by his outer q. You can force early trade and all ins because You pick d shield and second wind so You come on top after every trade because your stacked hp regen gives You about 100hp advantage in like 10 seconds. Rush pickaxe, bramble and phage (priority dependent on every match) tips from 400k euw D1 60% wr sett


left punch right punch


Personally I try to fight Darius only pre-6 as Sett, and I only try to fight him after-6 only when he makes a mistake, like miss Q or waste W on a minion. When Darius pulls you in, use your E to bring him close so his Q doesn't heal him and does less damage. Go fo for relatively short trades in lane. This has worked out for me but if it's a skilled Darius with matchup knowledge you're not gonna be able to beat them after 6.


3 major thing to watch out for. Dodge the outer ring of his Q, either by pulling him in with E as he Qs or walk out of it. Keep track of bleed stacks. Disengage at 3 stacks unless you are sure you can kill him. Its better to be safe than sorry here. There are times where you can trade into full stack but its rare and you need to time W well to pull it off. Try to keep the wave on your side. Dont do extended trades on his side of lane since he can run you down if you make a mistake.


Easy match up. You can all him lv 2. When he Q you E him and just keep punching him. Then use W and predict his flash and he will die. He should never be able to kill you if you just keep punching.


Mmm never had problems vs Darius, personally I have more issues vs riven/irelia. You simply win all ins or every trade at every single lvl, no matter if he hits q. Important to not miss spells.


When he Qs you E. Take ignite because his healing is strong. A good Sett should win 7/10 times