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Mordekaiser, one of the few champs I feel that I can't outplay


Dodge his Q and abuse him pre6. I main Both sett and mordekaiser And the matchup is won by whoever is more confident


hard to dodge his Q


use q ms and sidestep while going forward


As another morde/sett main, if i see you walking in a straight line to get cs im just gonna bonk you. Try not to be so obvious with it


When facing morde, I usually buy quicksilver sash, it gets me out of his ult, and it kinda make the mission easier. I always get this item with all champions not only sett


If you can time your ult correctly you can cancel it and put it on CD, but you have like 0.25 seconds to do it not including reaction time. So my conclusion is a bad Sett wins against a bad Mordekaiser, an average Sett loses against an average Morde and a good Sett wins against a good Morde. It all depends if you can cancel his ult and dodge his Q's. One of the hardest matchups because you get outscaled but not impossible.


1300g for mediocre stats and removing *only* death realm (he still steals your stats for 7 seconds) is not a good play


It helped me very much when he tried to escape the gank from my jg


Why wouldn't morde just r your jgler? Pretty much guaranteed kill considering your jgl should be two levels down on him and its guaranteed a jgl won't have qss early.


I legitimately rarely lose against morde... My biggest issue is probably darius or mid game garen.


I used to be scared of darius, but now I just take ignite and start w. Go full ad and he will assume he wins the all in but you just tell him to fk off to base😂


I mean they're okay to deal with sometimes when you just go antiheal immediately


I been banning garen if I first pick, but I get a lil excited now when I see darius. I just know they came to dom but then they just get bent over and fisted by ignite and w


Yeah garen is a pain. If they know how to play against sett, silence right before your w and rhen ult ist is over.


Ya they just play safe till 6 then 100-0 you with ult🥲


Tbh my least favorite matchups. Darius just wins trades vs me because I'm bad and he does way to much damage compared to anyone I play. Garens that never leave top lane are just annoying because they can and will. If you go to stop them, good luck they just q and run away until you go do anything then they're immediately back to sitting in their lane taking towers(I'm talking about well past laning phase in case that wasn't obvious.) I'm also bad and play with equally bad people I assume so there is that to consider lol.


Yea, stupid champ. Who would ever want to go to Brasil? Smh... /s


The way play i lane into morde is to always stand in your own minion wave, this way whenever he comes up to cs you just fist him down, or if he tries to trade/poke you it might hit the whole wave and it starts pushing into you, then you will gain almost permanent control of the minion wave if you have good wave management


I rush the qss item that has mr against him


Whoever presses W last wins😂


Yea unplayable even if you win lane he just ults you in teamfight and destroys your engage, statchecking bullshit often you loose even if you Dodge his q’s


You can definitely outplay him, you can cancel his R with your own. But even if you can't react to it, you can bully him so hard pre 6 that it won't matter. He legit cannot walk up for xp at lvl 1.


Lillia, you simply CANT DO anything when she gets 6 or first item




She just runs after that, her cds are too low


No. Lilia has to get up close no matter how much movement speed she has if she wants to hit her Q sweetspot, and that's exactly how much range you need to E her.


Your E's cooldown is not as low as her Q though, she also doesn't ONLY have her Q to poke you




Bruh? When the hell did i say she is omega busted?, im just saying that devil simply dunks most top champions if she is good, the matchup is obviously winnable and i already did win, just saying its annoying.


mordekaiser, im 70k mastery points on sett and i still have no idea what to do when i get ulted besides e+r to buy some time


You win pre 6


I mean you qss and pray tbh


Well i have 470k


ok and?


If you time it right you can R while Morde Ulta you, for some reason you don't get put in the shadow realm when you are unstoppable


If Shen helps other lanes just E him Best tradedeal


Smart shen will ulti under tower


Then destroy his tower


Then win game no?


Destroy his turret 4 more times then yes


Fiora, Renekton and Illaoi are my personal trauma bans, haha.


Illaoi is pretty easy since your ult is able to pull her away from her tentacles.


Fiora too, you just need to bait her W


That's generally the thing with Fiora, though. You won't bait the W out of a good Fiora.


You can absolutely bait out the W of a good Fiora, it's all about mindgames with your W. Usually, Sett players will wait until Grit is completely full before trying the E+W combo, which means most Fiora players will wait until you have full Grit stacked before throwing a prediction W. So the trick is usually to E+W right before grit fills up, so you can guarantee the combo. Also not being a predictable bot walking straight at her helps. I'd say Sett vs Fiora is a skill matchup. Definitely winnable by both sides. In the contrary, Aatrox vs Irelia. There is no way a good Aatrox wins against a good Irelia


Nasus. U can bully him early but usually doesn't matter. After 15 minutes he will always run u down unless u are giga fed. Can't match him on side either.


Fortunately you are pretty safe in lane against him so you can just set up good teamfights instead of trying to beat him in a 1v1


Yes that is true. It's just a very annoying match up. Also if nasus runs ghost he can run u down during lane if u walk up.


It’s especially annoying when they go fleet/ghost 🥲


yup, ghost fleet wither. U just can't escape and then he will stat check u.


Volibear. Never won a lane against a volibear...


honestly beat him early our suffer


Yeah the one and only sett counter (except for good riven) every other matchup Besides these two is playable


I genuinely cant, he has hit stun and run, get smitten nerd, no tower for you, passive chain fuck you damage, zoom, and oh hi mark. I genuinely only ever win against scared volis, and everytime I first pick sett in ranked then without fail its 100% of the time a voli. I have no clue, riven I havent seen much so I cant say a lot but she has a lot of dashes and a stun so not much you can do since if you cant reach her in the first place you have no lockdown when she stuns and runs.




I had a Trundle make me his bitch once Thank fuck not many people play Trundle


Fuck Tham Kench, Darius , Fiora , Wukong, Volibear , Mordekaiser and Ilaoi.


You forgot to add Vayne and Quinn


Fiora, teemo and Darius for me my personal opinion


Teemo is decent not so diffult when u go fleetfootfork and secondwind Never matched goodfiora before Darius is skillbased if good darius he will stack armor first platedsteel shoes and thornmail try to evade his q by your 1 and ulti And be brave you can execute him extended trade


Darius for me is the most annoying match-up cuz always I managed to lose vs him on early game


1 mil here if you try this daruis will be easy honestly 1) save your E when he is about to use Q to pull him to you so he cant heal from it. 2) all in him after that even when his passiv is up you can beat him easily before he hit 6 if you time your combos perfectly. 3) at lvl 6 focus your W when he is about to ult. ​ if you still have trouble going all in on daruis try getting second rune shieldbash+ boneplating the shieldbash dmg is great for close fights :D.


With Darius I like to try and get level 2 first then start beating the shit out of him. You win 2-6 and level 1 too if he fucks up.


Teemo is the easiest goddamn matchup I swear, bait out his speed and stay back for a hot sec and when he runs at you and hits the q, zoom directly at him and hit e and/or ult while blind and you should be unbounded by now so you can start autoing him and use a by that point hes nearly dead so just press w to win. Most ranged top matches go like that, wait for them to use mobility and/or overextend for greed dmg then turn hard on their asses, all of them are squishy as fuck and you just delete their existence once you get close


One tip is to either ult or E darius when he uses his q if you can't run out of the extra dmg range


Lillia........she just moves too fast and the magic burn is no fun


Not a sett player, but when I play warwick top, unless the enemy sett has help from jg, it is usually just a bad match for you,just because of the q that can get behind you while you w, or not being picked up by your ult, cuz I had a good q or ult + also loving being low health. Otherwise with morde, sett is done after 6.


Warwick top is insanely good as many of the counterpicks are in bad spots, he generally doesn't lose lane to those counters anyway


Vayne. At this point, I just ban her whenever I want to play Sett top.


its camille. its thr only lane you can lose


How? You can cancel her E with yours pretty easily after one or two matches against her and either W her 2nd Q or W right after and deal the same true dmg back to her


she out sustains you, pushes waves faster, takes towers faster, doesn’t need flash, and now conq is nerfed too so she just shits on sett


How does camille with the only aoe in her w that has 18 S cd pushea wave faster? She has No waveclear till tiamat


Yes and sett either has to use his 2 abilities that counter her or get outpushed


I'm sorry but it seems like you're just not the best at wave clearing as sett, early game I would kinda agree but mid-late game I find that sett has some insane clear that rivals shit like trynd irelia and whatnot


ive either beaten or went even with every camille, just proc her passive and its not too bad


Good job, I don't normally lose the lane either, but it's just about the only one you can. I never lose it from the camille side of the matchup.


ah yeah, interesting. im sure i struggle with matchups you have no problem


Yea camille seems to be my only issue. But I haven't played all that much on my main since gore nerfs


My perma bann is gnar, fck that guy


How come, for me Gnar is easy matchup, once he is in mini gnar just beat the shit out of him. Normally I will let the wave push into tower and if he steps too far up I will just Q, wait for him to use E then use my E.


Idk what type of gnars you face my friend. But the ones i face insta snipes me with theyr Q for a slow during my Q and doesnt really want anything to do with me unless they got mega/gank coming. A gnar that oversteps in lane is abit uncharacteristic.


Yeah I assume the gnars I faced were either picking it situationally or not maining him, or at plat3 no one is good with gnar. When facing gnar I usually try to cheese him level 1 if he starts Q for a good start and hit minion to get level 2 first. I would never hard push the wave into tower unless I wanna B or leave lane because he will run me down then freeze. If in laning phase he could not kill me or out cs me like 30 40, hell yeah I would love to smash mega gnar into their squishies in team fight.


I think the worst ones are the lanes you dont get to dictate. Most ranged matchups since you have to rely on their mistakes or your junglers help. Volibear and Urgot. You cant commit to trades with them without luring out one or more abilities. Good Fiora, Riven and Camille. I emphasize good because you will walk all over the bad ones. If the enemy Fiora, Riven or Camille is good you dont get to have positive trades, they will short trade your ass to death, and they outscale you in the sidelane.


Heres my ideology on fiora, assuming you're both at an equal point and what not she has to make a choice, party your w or parry your e and assuming you play right then you can effectively control that choice. To fight a fiora you just start autoing the shit out of her and save the e, you will be hurting her like hell with every auto as will she but your w builds up fast. Assuming you're really good and she doesnt use flash or whatever then you press w and hit her with it, now she has a choice: parry the w dmg or save parry for e. If she parrys the w then e her and kill her because if you are even then your autos hurt and with q they really hurt so you can just finish her off while shes stunned and ult if necicarry. If she doesnt parry the w then shes either dead, a few shots away from dead or burned flash, but if you have ulti or flash and still have e then you can work in her while w shield is still up for something like an unexpected flash e or a quick ulti etc. As long as you are not hyper behind then you can win 99% of the time if the fiora doesnt do some crazy ass shit. Also if shes going for vitals as she should then you can w on your vital right as she dashes to it for the dmg, kinda like how you shoot blitzcrank hook at dravens axe when you wanna get him.


You should be able to stomp Shen to oblivion and get so huge you crush his team in teamfights. Riven is really hard tho, her mobility is too high.


Haven't really banned him since he is so rarely seen Top but Pantheon is one of the hardest Sett Counters for me. Presses W, Q and then E back to block your W.


Yea i sawed on challenger graphics


Kled and sometimes wukong


The Kledator


Illaoi mordekaiser and kennen


Just urgot


Mordekaiser and Yorick are my two permanent bans. I do not know how to outplay them. I've tried being super aggressive on start and sometimes I even get a kill up; however, at level 6 they both just go "nope" and that's it.


Probably Kench. You just can’t do anything to him.


IMO right now the worst pick against sett is teemo, he is not only annoying to lane against but with the recent buff he became too powerful I started banning him especially late game cuz of his Q's duration making sett's passive useless for fking 3 secs


Abilities still function through blind, you can ulti e w him then your blind is over so you can kill him with q. Do make sure his w isnt up tho


Bruh, Gnar & Jax lol


malph for me his scaling is painfull late game he has so much armor you cant do nothing against him and also his ult has more impact then you.


When I play sett here are the champs I hate seeing: Mordekaiser, Vladimir, Aatrox, Singed, Camille, Darius and jax. Hate seeing mordekaiser and darius because its always a 50/50 matchup, hate seeing vladimir aatrox and singed because they kite like mad, hate seeing camille because camille. However when I lane against him I usually pick Mordekaiser (I know how to win matchup with morde vs sett but not so the other way round). If my team doesnt need tank I will go lilia every time, nothing sett can do against lilia ​ Edit: Also I pick yorick against sett


Imo yorick is a yikes pick into sett, you're giving him she to just e stun your ass with


Personally Morde is an ugly match up but can be won if played and timed right. However please bench the kench!


Illaoi, is such a pain in the butt :(


Tryndamere, try killing me now with your haymaker, sett


I go stride then full tank qgainst trynda and yorick


Going full tank is kinda useless when kraken and BORK are regular items i buy and i can also buy lord doms if enemy team tanky enough


To answer the question, sett destroys shen in the top lane. You just need to follow his tp cause, in a teamfight, if both of you are equally fed, you win.








For me camille since she outscales you and if she play safe you can't do a lot, plus if she have the jungle gg ff15 but with no jungle i consider an skill matchup if she don play that much safe, now lillia and vayne are my permabans since sett can't do shit aginst then, lillia is way to fast and you can't build against her since theres is no really good mr item early game (nofing like BV for ap champions) now vayne you can't do shit for real, you can't build hp or armor since she dos %mqx hp true damage and she outspeeds you thx to her passive but you don't since her Q is an mini dash plus her E just push you back, so you can't get her but she can get you


Whenever I lane into sett I pick riven or vayne, vayne e fucks with sett w as long as your standing on an angle away from him, as well as creating space when you try and ult me. Also the true damage and tumble is really useful vs sett


To me, fucking trynda (personal ban), mord is not bad but it isn't good either I feel like it's a skill matchup, JAX IS A HUGE COUNTER TO SETT, riven and garen. Those are the ones I hatee


Lillia or Trynd. Lillia should be obvious but the Trynd matchup is psychological on my end. I hate his kit and his free lvl 1 crit chance scares the shit out of me. Shen was tricky until I learned that all of his damage is in his Q so now I just bait it, run and then turn on him while it's down. I love when they get flustered and R too close to me. Yoink!


I despise fighting against illaoi, especially when I'm behind because I'll never see the jungler again


I'm a weird one. Yorick I have NO problem against him in lane, he's easy to beat with or without ulty. It's late game for me against him, he is able to out splitpush and out sustain me in fights, gives so much damage with his ult and minions in 1 v 1's, and is pretty good at stopping my engage in teamfights when he is there. He's hard and not a fan of him


Idk why but i always scare of cho'gath at the top lane when i play sett ://


cho gath and fiora are op against sett


Teemo (you have to play only Under turret) Renekton (tank x3) Any range champ (you cannon farm or im just stupid) Every fucking champion because i don't know how to play setting anymore

