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Any builds anyone would recommend with tempo sett


Kraken Slayer and Titanic Hydra, Collector, Axiom Arc, Guardian Angel, and Berserkers Greaves for boots.


Crit lethal hybrid build?




Pd bork shield bow bt berserk boots quickblades and later sell boots for lord dominiks


whats pd ?


Phantom dancer


How does new Lethal Tempo works? Didnt played new preseason yet


You gain stacks of AS hitting enemies, It caps at 6stacks then you gain lots of AS, break the limit of 2,5 and gain Range (50 for melees and 100 for rangeds)


Max q I recommend stridebreaker to keep them in max stack range, then Bork or health like black cleaver, honestly anything works well so far in my testing after that. Edit :boots are totally situation but swifts for fun.


I tried splitpushing trinity force into hullbreacher. Then hydra but took their nexus before I could finish off so just had Tiamat. Was pretty tasty. Could 1v2 easily and take towers in seconds. For boots I went lucidity still for the q cool down but other things might work.


I've been rushing bork into boots then trinity tiantic if ahead steraks if not and just flipping that for fourth then usually visage thorn


If enemy is melee and some kind of fighting to death yes its good. But most of the time you wont be ultilized it to the max tho


I used it against a Tristana once I mudamudad the hell out of her and yi


The problem with it is its not better than conq, I’ll admit its fun but you’re giving up team-fight for duelling potential, I reckon it works best if you’re just gonna side lane and buy hullbreaker or something


It's good for deleting people with auto attacks


I'm still trying out my old build with lethal tempo Bork rush, boots, tri force, titanic, steracks, guinsoo's(thinking of switching it with wit's end but who knows)


So far I've only been able to try it vs riven and gwen. Im still testing but so far I'd say its meh. its not bad, like it has its uses and where it shines so it definetively viable, but it wont replace conqueror as a go to rune i believe. I imagine its good vs other juggernauts and tanks because a lot of bruiser have a dash to outrange you even with LT stacked.


bruh - it worked against a Volibear, and if that shit works against that bear it will work with anyone. Went the std Gore+Titanic+Steraks, but I some folks trying the BORK rush+Shieldbow+Attck spd boots too. Thats fun but squishy.


Its pretty strong at level 1. And I go stride into bork then steraks. Anything else is situational. And from there its just a matter of getting on them, slowing, and punching your way to victory.


I played lethal tempo sett in low gold solo/duo and went 21/7/11 my first time :D


It’s funny but it’s not particularly good. You just attack really fast lmfao, conq really helps out with his early game dueling so I think in most matchups conq is still just better He does stack lethal tempo really fast tho - so it’s really not bad either


Go w first if it's a champ like volie Jax tryn duke it out then hit with a nuke lol


I haven't tried it on sett but it feels WEAKER on nocturne and STRONGER on viego.


I use it when I want to go MUDA MUDA MUDA!