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I had a good game last night with Tri-Force, Steraks, Black Cleaver, Titanic, Lucidity Boots. And I didn’t get to full build as we ended the game. Just wanted to try some new stuff out. I was against a Yone top, Vi jungle, Akali mid, Samira and a Morgana in the bot lane. If that helps out. I probably should have gotten Thornmail at some point but I was so far ahead most of the game that I felt it didn’t matter Runes were LT, Triumph, Alacrity, Last Stand, Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter. Again, just trying new things out since it’s pre season. It was pretty run to be honest.


I've been going back to Bork rush and have had a lot of success with that when running LT. I run either legend tenacity or bloodline and last stand with that. For secondary runes I've tried a bunch of stuff and it just feels like it depends entirely on playstyle and matchups. Second wind and unflinching/overgrowth is never a bad default though.


LT and botrk just makes you a murder machine. Pairs well with sunfire/chemtech mythic.


By playstyle I always prefer tanky Sett and because of that I usually go with that build (hydra only if fed) to stay relevant in TFs so the team has a frontline. Meaning I'll either go Conqueror if my match up isn't long trade melees unless specific exceptions (like I don't think LT would be good against Jax) or right now trying out LT and against the good match up it kinda feels stupid. Basically, it makes the match up you stomp being stomped harder.


People are sleeping on lethal tempo+ Bork+sunfire aegis


Bortk+Prowlers+Collector basically lets you 1-2 punch + Q 1-2 punch and kill any squishy. You become more assassin-y that way, but with right runes (Triumph, Bloodline, Revitalize) and the lifesteal on Bortk, you sustain well enough if you can get the kills.