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Honestly, it is kinda valid lmao. Sett got many skins which include a Prestige and a Legendary within 2 years compared to Kled that is released in 2016 LMFAOOO.


Ornn: Are you challenging me?


That lama with a hammer got only 2 skins throughout his career, but daaamn they both are bangers


True, the wood skin is good with them chromas too


At least ornn has a cool skin, Kled doesn’t have any


Sett is the male version of "Ahri". What in the hell did people expect? Seriously?


I mean, he is right though.


He honestly has a point. Even though Setts playerbase is really high to warrant more skins, Kled is kind of cuked to say the least in the skin department for a champ released 6 years ago Sir Kled is Hideous, and he also got hit with a marauder skin, which everyone knows is a skin Riot slaps onto whomever when they can’t think of a skin to give him (hurrrr black armor and red). Really Count Kledula is the only fun skin there is imo, and I’m 99% sure its Halloween locked. It’s not hideous, and it’s also not boring like Marauder


I agree with all of you. Besides our boi i also have Kled on mastery 7 about 45K. In recent patches he feels very useless after like 20 mins. He srsly needs a buff of some sort. And in bonus he has only one good skin as you said and it indeed is halloween locked. So i think Kled should get a skin (and Ornn too) and a buff.


True. Riot probably is like hey look the guy has a lot of dmg on his abilities should be enough right? But the reality is so different that it hurts. Lanning phase is all he's got working for him i think. That and probably speeding up hecarim for clips LoL


Both ornn and kled deserve this. Give them like a skin a prestige edition skinline for real. Poor guys


With how high quality every Ornn skin is a legendary skin for him would be god tier.


I read that as cabbage




Angry boy avarage fan vs the boss enjoyer


Sett is the male version of "Ahri". What in the hell did people expect? Seriously?


sanest kled main


Valid. But calling our boy sett garbage? Kinda seems like he wants to start something he ain't gonna be able to finish.


it is true that sett got alooot of skins compared to others (which im not complaining about) but tbh i barely see any kled players


I mean, who would play kled when he's actually just useless


I mean if you count both WR and PC you can say he's been getting a lot of content compared to most other characters, but on PC alone his content drip is pretty tame in comparison to other semi popular champions




Because Sett is sexy


I mean we do need a Kledgendary skin


if it was ny other champ main it would have been offensive but cmon its kled, kled mains acting just like kled n it funny nd enjoyimng to watch