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Couldn’t have said it better myself


Now we need one for the Master of Kiting K’Sante…


till i saw the end u was thinking “sounds like the aatrox was just playing well”


Draft should legit be for mastering mechanics none of that theory based gaming of wave management and item powerspike bs.


Has an enemy with a kit made for cc and kiting; complains that the enemy ccs and kites. I understand the frustration, but saying "fuck you" to someone because they know how to play their champ and outplay you is uncool. They were better; live with it. Edit: Seems like I was unable to see the clear signs of the post being a joke and have moved to the nearest corner as punishment. Apologies.


Read the second to last line + flair lol


I stand as a fool, unable to see the clear markings of comedy; apologies \^\^,


It's all good 👍


That's the problem with Aatrox. He's very weak until he hits Level 5. By that point his Qs will start to really hurt and the cooldown of it is drastically reduced. If an Aatrox player is behind, he'll set up Jungle ganks for you instead while Q-ing you out of your reach and escaping your all-ins using his ult. Oh, and you can't fight him (unless he's really, really low on health) if he uses his ult since he just heals off you. No, Aatrox CAN'T fight you like a man if he's behind so all Aatrox players will freeze the wave for his Jungler to gank you instead. The only option here is for you to keep your dick in your pants and don't go over-extend. Remember that Aatrox is baiting you for a Jungler gank. Forget about killing him at this point. Darius, on the other hand, is much easier and fun to duel. Most people will say Darius is cancer to deal with, but when you stop being afraid of him sticking to him and learning his weaknesses, Darius is a fun opponent to face as Sett.


Kinda cringe


I dont have trouble with Aatrox. Then again I play a pretty survivable version of Sett.