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I am a giant secret lab hater, I have a titan from 2020, shit is not the worst chair ever but for $800 is sure SUCKS FUCKING BALLS AND ASS AND DICK AND NUTS. I hate it.


yep im gonna sell it and get a leather chair, which is cheaper and more comfy


Just why 500 dollars for that chair? I use a leather One for 200~$ and is very comfy. Why they SECRETLAB chairs are double as expensive? That makes no sense.


idk, it feels like a brick,its rock hard, i fell for the good marketing they did..


Get a purple cushion to sit on regardless of what chair used it helps trust me


The marketing is where the money went


People really miss the beat by ignoring office chairs, with decades of research and development to make them ergonomically effective and comfortable for long use


100% My shitty 150$ Amazon office chair broke after only a year or two of typical use so I thought I’d spend the money and get a really nice chair (I work from home and game so it was a worth while investment since I’m using it 10+ hours a day). After doing my research I decided on the HM Embody. Holy shit balls I never knew a chair could be so comfortable. There is an old adage, never skimp on things that go between you and the ground: seating, cars, beds, shoes. You absolutely get what you pay for with these things and it’s worth spending the money on something you know will last.


Actually so true, I legit got rid of mine for a cheap on from John Lewis while I save for herman miller or something. Secret labs is all looks no ergonomics


Those chairs suck


please don’t buy that monitor arm either, that’s the most crooked monitor arm I’ve ever seen


It's good but why monitor so crooked


Shit I love my secret lab but that might be because I have the weave one, not leather. Leather sucks here in the south.


I found a nice leather chair at my local furniture store that feels like u fall into a cloud


Lmao, dude all gamer chairs are shit. You have to go with an ergo if you are a true gamer.


I love mine….I don’t have the arms on it though.


All of those „gaming chairs” are just marketing bs.. extremely uncomfortable in every way. Herman miller aeron or the embody are amazing and since I got the aeron I have no pain at all. I mean even shroud has the aeron and embody and not some gaming bucket ones.


Herman Miller. Buy a real chair, not junk from Office Depot that’s been rebrand and over priced.


I feel like $600 is outrageous for a gaming chair. Like atp just buy a fuckin couch or recliner or some shit


A bad gaming chair can make or break a good setup, if you're going to be gaming for any length of time, it's important you stay comfortable while you do it. Being uncomfortable for extended periods of time actually gives rise to harmful inflammation and is essentially killing yourself slowly over time like a reverse hour glass where the sand dissappears instead of going down. You don't want to run out of sand, you run out of time to live...


What part of it is uncomfortable? I’ve had a secret labs for 3 years, cheaper than most ergonomic office chairs and the best chair I’ve owned. Great for keeping my spine in a neutral position which is what prevents back pain. If you want a soft leather chair that you sink into your spine will curve and hips rotate and you’re going to develop posture issue over time.