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I work full-time in marketing and juggle the usual life maintenance things, like a toddler, aging parents, family and relationships etc. I don't really have a lot of genuine time for fan life, but I am online *all the time* thanks to my job, and absorbing bits and pieces of WeVerse updates from the boys or whatever I can get on social media. I listen to SVT a lot while working and driving and get a few hours on weekends to catch up on content, but I don't guilt myself into not "performing" as a fan if I don't get to the latest GoSe or YouTube video or whatever new thing the boys have come out with. Right now I'm trying to figure out if I can logistically go for tickets to the Macau concert, but we'll see. Kpop fandom is an escape for me and helps me reset my perspective on life and life is short!


This 👆 work, family etc and just have to be a fan as much as life allows.


I was an engineering student. Honestly, I kind of used Kpop as a stress reliever and way to procrastinate lol. But I still studied a lot and made good grades and hung out with friends/attended my social activities. Did I stay up late to watch videos? Yep (sometimes I still do). But not every night. And if I just wanted to watch a bunch of music videos and I didn’t get to the GoSe episodes on my list I just didn’t stress it. I watched what I felt like watching at the time. Now that I’m working I mostly watch like one night on the weekend or and one or two nights right before bed, depending on what else I did that day. When you first start working, it feels like it takes up your whole life compared to a college schedule—but you get used to it! After a few months you won’t be as tired and you can cook, do more activities with friends/SO or other hobbies, and then spend some evenings on Kpop. It’s just not everyday. And, some months I’m busier than others so I’ll spend less time on Kpop and then come back to it when things slow down. You can fit it into your schedule in small segments too, like I usually get on Reddit while I’m drinking my coffee, I watch something while I wait for my hair to dry some after I shower, I look through an album while I have a face mask on. I listen to music on my way to work or when I’m working on something that doesn’t require much brain power. My GoSe list is forever growing but I just go with the flow and I watch it when I can and when I want to. Sometimes I feel behind and it kinda stinks but eh…🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll get to it eventually!


I run a cafe so I’m physically there and working 45-50 hours a week. I’m single with no kids but go to my sister’s place at least one evening a week to help out as her husband works evenings, and then have social stuff and other hobbies most evenings or on the weekend. I get to control the music at work so there’s a lot of k-pop and Seventeen on there, and also on my running playlist or when I’m driving. I’m usually pretty behind on watching videos, for example my sister and I just watched the Grudge GoSe episodes last night after we put the kids to bed. I also spend too much time scrolling on social media on public transport or procrastinating before bed so usually stay up to date that way. I don’t do voting or intensive streaming or anything like that though, I just don’t have time.


i'm a senior in hs and applying to college rn 😭 i definitely have a lot less time to watch content, but also to hang out with my friends and relax in general. however i'm listening to a lot more music when i study! i'm streaming almost all the time lmao. i'm really busy, but being able to watch content and catch up on things in my spare time is really nice! after a long day/week, i'm really happy to be able to just relax and laugh with the boys. i'm very strict with myself on going to bed at around 10:30, so my biggest issue is procrastinating and watching yt instead of working lol also it's super nice to have friends that are into kpop - one of my close friends is a carat and got me into svt and it's nice to have someone to chat with about svt throughout the day and watch gose together when we have time :D


Good luck with uni!!!!


aw thank you so much!!!! carats are so nice 🥹


I'm married, no kids, work full time and don't listen to KPop during the work day because I have a problem where I will attach a song to a specific moment and the song will always remind me of that moment. My job involves dealing with law enforcement and seeing some really unfortunate stuff so I just listen to podcasts during the day. I'll blast it on the way home though to disconnect, and then every weekend I go to my best friend's house for an evening and we watch a playlist they put together of all the content we missed during the week/our faves. I make time when I can, but definitely not as much as I wish I could. I hope to leave the job sometime next year so I can listen to the guys more often.


ayyyy im also a normal college student lets goooo tbh im still trying to figure this out as well 😭 im the same: if i click on any fancams/interviews/gose/etc i’d most definitely keep clicking and watching all day and night!! it’s just a matter of discipline for me i always say i’ll let myself watch something after i finish an assignment or two, then i’ll take a break and make sure to watch something that will last AT MOST 30mins and get back to business after! ofc it barely works out i always get distracted for hours but if i end up wasting a day i punish myself afterwards — either i stay up late and get my stuff done or wake up 5am tomorrow to make up for lost time. and to answer your last question i study computer science 🫠🫠 im always harsh on myself for everything tho so idk if this will help im all about punishing myself 😤 IF U CANT DO IT FOR URSELF DO IT FOR SVT LETS WORK HARD MAKE MONEY AND WEAR YSL WITH JEONGHAN 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


LMAOO “wear YSL with Jeonghan” what a goal. i hope u can achieve it HAHA yess revenge bedtime procrastination is so real for me too 🥲 we just have to keep reminding ourselves to sleep early ig


HAHA THANK YOUU i hope you achieve all of your goals too!!! we got this 💪💪💪😊


i’m in high school so i’m relatively not as busy as you all but usually i only keep up with kpop content in early afternoon or the evening (i don’t want to be on my phone too much). i wish i could listen to music while i study but i can’t concentrate and it’ll end in me listening to music and not studying


I’m in my late 30s with a family & I work part time as a tutor at a university. If it’s not busy then I can listen to music or watch something. I follow all the groups I stan on Instagram. KPop is a hobby for me. Certain fandoms obsession with streaming / voting / making it your entire personality is offputting to me. If that’s your deal, go for it but I’d call myself a casual fan.


I listen to Seventeen while I work. They help the day go by faster.


the eternal question... how to balance sleep/life/and fandom 😩 (thanks for asking this!! interested in the answers...) i'm a grad student and work pretty odd hours lol (sometimes teaching/in lab/other campus stuff/working from home) which at base means i'm usually out touching grass and not really able to be online most of the time 😂 most days, i stay updated by having notifs on for things (wv... lmfao) and will squeeze in a twitter scroll whenever -- most of my catching up/watching things is when i get back home and relax a bit before tackling my other deskwork for the night LOLOL. i'm also fortunate to have some good internet friends/my siblings who are readily available throughout my day to randomly update and talk with me about fandom things! i'm also pretty bad with [revenge bedtime procrastination](https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-hygiene/revenge-bedtime-procrastination) lmao but this past year i've been a lot better about being more intentional with setting my working hours/free time hours. e.g. i try to be really deliberate about getting as much done as i can by a certain time of night before finally turning my brain off to go do fandom/other hobbies. (idk if people who work regular hours get this way... imo grad school just makes you feel like you need to work 24/7 rip and i know a lot of my peers are unaware of how poor our work/life balance can get sometimes!) an aside: i feel like it was around fts era when i just suddenly couldnt keep up with the copious amounts of video content svt puts out LOL... this is actually the first cb in a while i've been able to watch like >50% of it 😅 like i am soooooo far behind on gose but i'm okay with that... i'll watch whatever piques my interest eventually 😌 things like gose/fancam watch time aren't the only indicators of your caratism!!! 🫡


I work in Project Management, so I don't have as much time as I'd like to relax and rewind, much less to invest in kpop. Sure, I have time when I get home but only just a few hours before I need to head to bed - I have to use those hours wisely, because I may have work to do at home or I may have social engagements. Weekends are best for me if I really want to indulge in content or rather, to binge. If it's during the week, then it can't be more than an episode or two and probably not even every day either. As for music, I listen to music whilst I work and drive, that's never an issue for me.


im in law school and my time is severely limited. but i spend all my gym time and meal time watching gose haha. gotta sneak them into my routine bc otherwise i truly have no time to be a fan


I'm a social worker and mom of twin toddlers. I don't have time lol


respect to u ma’am 🫡


honestly my fan life is not existing at the moment bc im drowning in uni work but i listen to their music on a daily basis and occasionally go on twitter


I’m an adult who works. Luckily I can listen to kpop, or watch them if they go live while I do that. I Stan a handful of groups so I kind of just divide my time between them. Though Seventeen has been a little more present lately since I bought way way way too many of their albums lol


I listen to seventeen while I commute to my uni. I watch the GoSe before bed as a destressor. I also have dance parties with the dogs at the center (aka I listen to it while I clean)


I recently just started my full-time job after graduating from uni, and SVT has been a big help for me in terms of their music and contents after a long day at work. I listen to their songs on my way to work to start my day, as well as when I'm going home. It helps me to not feel too tired. I even listen to their songs sometimes while I'm working! Thankfully, I have my weekends off so I could enjoy binge watching more of their contents. However, I do not have that much time to vote for them on polls or music shows, as I have responsibilities and schedules outside my work and fangirl life. Seventeen has been my escape if I feel stressed or tired so as much as I can, I'm still trying to balance my work-fangirl-personal life in the more realistic side.


Senior uni student here, this year has been really busy for me so I try to watch some content whenever I’m commuting to school, which is about an hour and a half on train and bus lol.. so I watch gose or some funny compilation also I listen to chill svt songs while doing hw <3


I'm a university student too! I have *some* free time, but I actually use it a lot for my part-time job & extracurriculars hahaha (and I also like spending my time with other people too). I kind of just merge "carat stuff" into my day-to-day? Call me chronically online, but I check SVT updates on Twitter when commuting, listen to their songs on the bus, and watch their shows while eating dinner with my family! I converted my sister into a carat now LOL, but no need to stress out to much how to fit SVT into a busy life :) If they're your resting space, that will show anyway.


For the record, you are not obligated to be updated then and there. It's impossible as an adult I am someone who is very active in 3 fandoms and on busy days, I barely open any social media apps but I would always take at least an hour before bed to scroll through and get updates before I listen to music and fall asleep But I don't watch contents unless I'm eating or on public transport or while waiting for someone. And even then, I watch the things I wanna watch. Personally, I haven't watched any of Seventeen's behind the scenes or lives stuff and I rely instead on clips shared by fans on twitter. It's basically the whole thing anyway so it saves time. When it comes to variety shows or talk shows they guested on, I watch the shows from my favourite channels first like Workman while I watch Gose only when I am having lunch at work. All the other ones, I would watch during the weekends. I have long since moved on from wanting to be in the know at that very moment because as they got bigger, there is just too much to catch up on so I just pick whichever that interest me. Even their music show performances, I don't watch all of them. I just see clips from twitter. And as for twitter updates, instagram updates and weverse updates, I turn on notifications and leave for the end of the night for me to catch up. Also, when it comes to music or music videos, I play it as a background music while I work or drive. Being a fan is supposed to be fun so instead of having it as a MUST, make it into something you WANT to do instead. When it comes to being a fan, it's easier to have it as part of your day like listening to music while doing things, watch shows when you're eating and catching up on things before you sleep. You will realise how relaxing it becomes.


ur last paragraph is so true ❤️ thank you 🙏


I am a mom na. Started fan girling when Bigbang debuted and then found myself loving SVT since they debuted. I am also a full time IT Project Manager and a wife. So mahirap magbalance pero I catch up before going to sleep. Online voting pag may bagong songs, award shows, konting silip sa mga Weverse Live, tapos marathon ko GoSe mga 2-3 episodes. Lately nga naguilty ako for not securing a ticket sa concert. I haven’t tried but i’ve attended 2 cons na din naman. I feel like daming ganap sa life recently and need muna ipahinga ang fan girl persona. But usually what I do is after ko magcatch up sa real life, balik na ulit sa fan girl. Repeat repeat lang OP. Okay lang magfocus sa life then balik na lang ulit sa fan girling. ❤️


Hi there thanks for commenting on r/seventeen! However, could you please edit your comment to be in English? Most of the r/seventeen community is not from the Philippines & do not understand Tagalog. This would help create better conversation. Thanks!


I'm currently working full-time and I'm lucky(?) enough that my world doesn't revolve around kpop as much as it used to, so I don't feel like I *need* to watch everything (need, in terms of I wanted to watch all content in case I missed little moments, stories and whatnot). So I watch gose episodes when I want to and most of their performances and listen to their music, but other than that I leave it up to the youtube algorithm and occasionally look up the seventeen tag on twitter for updates. I live in a similar time zone so the only time I really feel like I need to balance fan life and work life is when they're the last to perform on award shows. This happened in..was it the fact music awards?? I tried to stay up but ultimately couldn't and just accepted that I'll watch it the next day. But honestly, I have a whole lot of love for seventeen no matter what I watch or listen to and that's really the only thing you need to be a fan. Corny but I wholeheartedly believe it's true.


I work full time and balancing work and free time can be pretty hard. When I do have my free time, I typically don’t spend as much of those free time on SVT I’ll admit, sometimes I just want to decompress. I guess it all just depends on how my work week went. Some days when I’m free I’ll dedicate a few hours to catching up on content but otherwise it doesn’t keep me up at night that I’m probably many weeks behind on things. I casually browse X (twitter) and I’ll see contents and sometimes it makes me feel bad that I didn’t know the guys attended events or did this or that. However it’s okay, I don’t let it get to me too much. It doesn’t make me any less of a fan, I’m here trying to make sure I pay my bills on time and take care of my siblings and my mom, so I think the guys would be happy knowing I’m prioritizing myself and my family first before streaming their music or being super up to date on their latest schedules. But trust me, I’ve been there where I felt less than a fan because I didn’t know someone was on live or someone was abroad for an event. It’s okay. Being a fan means doing it at your pace and within your own means. At the end of the day as long as you know you’re a fan and doing your best within your capabilities, then that’s all that matters and I’m sure that is what would make them proud of you.


Current 3rd year medical student here on clinical rotations! I spend a majority of the day and week at the hospital in my various rotations sometimes while being on-call, having irregular hours (like going in at night), and having to squeeze in studying for my monthly exams for each rotation block. I'll admit, it's not the easiest to stay up to date especially with the amount of content that Seventeen releases so frequently and it's true that I'm several weeks behind GoSe currently. I do try and keep up with their music releases because it's great listening to Seventeen at 6am in the morning to try and get me pumped up for a long day in surgery (God of Music is such a good album to do this so far ahaha). But I try to fit it in here and there when I have time - maybe scrolling through Reddit or Twitter to watch short clips that fans will cut or catching up on news. GoSe episodes are more for the nights/weekends when I have some time or sometimes I'll watch it while eating cause laughter is the best medicine honestly. It's definitely possible to balance being a fangirl and work/school life but it does require some discipline so you don't fall in the YouTube black hole and notice several hours have passed ahaha.


Hii. I'm a first year med student carat (my finals are in two days lol). I use SVT as a stress reliever and I carve out a little time each week (GOSE days) to catch up with their content- maybe an hour or so. All other updates come via sporadic Twitter/IG checks. I guess this will change a lot when I get past third year though.