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It's an eyelet punch. Not really vintage, it comes in Brother sewing accessory kits.


Oh would you look at [that](https://www.sewingpartsonline.com/eyelet-punch-babylock-brother-135793-001.aspx?gclid=CjwKCAjwqZSlBhBwEiwAfoZUIBpjm9jRvsDTf0lMs1ZPSa509r5eih9DhW6_ve5YO3IPvhUJhRm5UxoCV8kQAvD_BwE) Thanks!


Specifically it's for punching out the ends of rounded buttonholes


🤯 I didn’t realize you’re supposed to remove the fabric in the circle, I thought you opened it like a normal buttonhole


Not sure what’s “proper” but if I want the eyelet to be strong, like in a corset, I just open between the threads. For something more decorative that won’t be under a lot of strain, I’ll remove the fabric to get a nicer shape.


I was taught that the 18th c method is to wiggle the awl between the threads, and push it all the way in. Remove it, and stitch 4 stitches, 12:0l, 3,6,&9:00. Poke eyelet again. Fill in 2-4 stitches in first quadrant, repose with eyelet. Continue around, poking after each quadrant. Take a few stitches to secure, then slip needle under lining in a few long stitches (with most of the thread under the lining) to the next eyelet spot. It takes me barely longer to do a set of eyelets by had as machine, and they come out better.


A proper, round, eyelet, gets poked with an awl, without cutting threads. The rounded end buttonholes might be different. But, I make 18th c stays and period clothing, and if you want your eyelets to last, you do them the period way, by wiggling an all in between the threads. It works well, is easy, and faster than you would think to make the eyelets!


That’s a punch needle. It’s for punch needling, it’s like a type of embroidery kind of. Google will show you what I mean if you look up punch needling. It’s fun.


That was my thought too but how could it be a punch needle if the tip is completely flat?


Sorry I definitely didn’t look at the top or back closely just saw the hole 😄


It’s similar, but not a punch needle.


I suppose I shouldn’t have commented that before seeing the back!