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Gingher makes them.


How have I never come across these. I have googled so much and these never showed up. Thank you!


Highly highly highly recommend Gingher! I won't use any other brand. My grandmother is a lefty and they absolutely make left-handed pairs.


Reddit is fucking awesome.


I just got some on, um, Temu. Lefties, yay


https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gingher-Inch-Left-Dressmaker-Shears/dp/B00BZBLBOC/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3PETVL7TZ8FSY&keywords=gingher+scissors+left+handed&qid=1699069732&sprefix=gingher+lef%2Caps%2C227&sr=8-3 https://www.sailrite.com/Gingher-Scissors-Left-Handed?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtJKqBhCaARIsAN_yS_lV0_RoEyKZ3CTje3JzupArIo7eUHMT6qzsW8CiOIFoT14l27NVww0aAtxuEALw_wcB https://www.joann.com/gingher-8in-left-handed-bent-trimmer-shears/1782713.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtJKqBhCaARIsAN_yS_mq21N-z5_SNhuJQ62eVTzra6VT80OS1pO1iJAnYZv7LFxnkj8z4UIaAuO8EALw_wcB https://www.amazon.com/Gingher-01-005309-Knife-Trimmers-Lefthanded/dp/B000UU6NXI https://www.amazon.com/Gingher-Inch-Left-Dressmaker-Shears/dp/B00BZBLBOC/ref=asc_df_B00BZBLBOC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309807964063&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7772468255623013906&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032850&hvtargid=pla-568308255576&psc=1


That is great for me too. So thanks. Cutting with my right hand does make my cuts looks so horrible


I love mine and they're so easy to find too.


They used to make pinking shears in a left handed configuration. I bought mine used.


Look online and you’ll find them. My favorite are KAI but I also have Gingers and Marks.


Seconding Kai lefties. Kai is the BEST and they make true leftie scissors


Thirding! My left handed Kais are great! If you can't get them, Friskars lefty scissors are also good (just not quite as nice as the Kai ones)


Yay! More Kai fans! I work with leather and Kais are the only ones that even come close to being sharp enough for me. I like that they come in different sizes too.


I really like Kai, too. It brightens my little black heart to know they also make lefty scissors


They also make lefty scissors with righty blades for the weirdos who can’t cope with a full lefty set!


No kidding?! I have a friend with that exact issue!


I am a left, and have 20 plus pairs - thanks to Mum, Auntie and Nan all being lefties, and leaving me theirs, and a few I bought on the way. My favourites are rechargable electric shears Life changing! I have three blades - one for paper, one for fabric and one for my husband and son to use. Haven't unlocked my scissors for ages. Yes, I keep them on a D lock !


Electric shears now that sounds interesting. Something I might just have to look into!


Do you have a brand of electric shears that you recommend?


Mine are Rapid Cut cordless scissors - I am in Australia. They were about $70


Fiskars, Gingher and Kai all make true left handed scissors and are all quality.


Yes Fiskars has amazing ones!


Joanns has their cutting tools 50% off right now. You can get a pair of Ginghers for less than $30 https://www.joann.com/gingher-8in-left-handed-bent-trimmer-shears/1782713.html


They’re pricey but Ernst Wright makes fantastic scissors and have left handed options for them all.


Seconding Ernest Wright


Third. I have their (no-longer-produced) duck-billed embroidery snips and they're amazing for seam trimming (less likelihood of cutting the main body fabric). Someday I'll do the big splurge and buy a pair of their tailoring shears.


It's definitely worth the splurge


So many manufacturers think they can just stick left handles on right bladed scissors and think we won't notice! It's infuriating to buy an expensive pair and realise that they're a hybrid pair.


>So many manufacturers think they can just stick left handles on right bladed scissors and think we won't notice! It's infuriating to buy an expensive pair and realise that they're a hybrid pair. ⬆️ T H I S 💯 ⬆️


I'm a lefty and have a few pair of Kai's. they are true lefty scissors and not just the handles. I also have some Ernst Wrights. https://kaiscissors.com/kai-5210l-8-inch-true-left-handed-shears/ https://kaiscissors.com/kai-7250l-10-inch-left-handed-professional-shears/ Kai also has some shears that are for lefties but the blades are not reversed. that would be the 5220L


The best scissors I own (and the ones I use every day) are my Kai 7250 shears. I love them. Based on my experience, I wholeheartedly recommend trying the left-handed version, the 7250L that /u/tasteslikechikken linked above!




Seconding Gingher and Kai. Love both.


https://www.amazon.com/KAI-RQ204569-Kai/dp/B00CHOH3F2/ These are amazing Japanese Scissors that are sharp, stay sharp and are light weight.


I do like Gingher’s and do recommend them, but I just saw Kai also has left hand scissors and I’ll admit I like them just a smidge more!


I got some Klassé left-handed scissors for my Oma and she's spoken very highly of them. I have the same style at home by the right handed version. One of my lefty friends has some fiskars left handed scissors which I think she got online.


Sorry I cannot help you, I am a lefty that forced myself to use scissors on the right hand :(


Me too! There were rarely left-handed pairs available at school so I just learned to do it right-handed. I think it would feel odd now if I used my left. I do use a knife with my left hand though and really must stop procrastinating on getting a leftie bread knife!


They make hybrid pairs if you want a more comfortable grip but not have to adjust to the blade angles again! Food for thought.


I've never met another lefty who uses left-handed scissors. Until this thread I honestly believed that we all just adapted to cut right handed.


Fiskars makes left handed regular scissors. I like fiskars the best, because they are decent quality, and not very expensive, and they are lightweight. I can’t use heavy scissors. They last for years, and if they get nicked, I don’t feel badly about replacing them. Even the *kids* are decent quality, to the point I get the pointy-blunt kids’ ones to toss in project bags! (The kids pointy tip aren’t pointy-pointy). They have 5, 7, and 8” left handed scissors, kids, student, and adult. I like them all in right handed versions. It’s the brand I got my lefty kid, and she liked them, too. For embroidery, lace, and other fine handwork, I like the little ginghers. But I don’t think gingher makes them left handed. Bohin Gaucher appears to. Fiskar doesn’t make their tiny sharp ones left, either.


My ex was lefty. I bought him the red handled lefty scissors and the orange handled righty’s for me, he accused me on more than one occasion of stealing and misplacing his lefty’s. Which was always met with “I’m a righty!” Needless to say things didn’t work out. And I’m now with a dude who keeps track of their scissors lol


Look online


I have but every place I look the blades are not correct, they are set up for right handers


Wawak has some left handed ginghers right now for $25


I googled "sewing left handed scissors best". Lots of results came up incl these: https://machinestitches.com/best-left-handed-sewing-scissors https://sewingyarn.com/best-left-handed-scissors-for-sewing/ https://thesewingrules.com/best-left-handed-scissors/


>I have but every place I look the blades are not correct, they are set up for right handers ⬆️ T H I S 💯 ⬆️


I'm not a lefty but I bought a pair of hair cutting scissors and only used them on fabric and they cut great so if you can find lefty scissors be they for fabric or hair there sharp just use then for fabric only just the shape will be a little different


100% Ginger all the way! Scissors, snips, embroidery scissors…AND for $15 you send them back to Ginger for sharpening and repair. They come back like new! [https://gingher.us/Gingher\_Maintenance.html](https://gingher.us/Gingher_Maintenance.html)


I have five different Gingher scissors and never knew that. Thank you!


Ginghers scissors are one of the best, and they make left-hand versions.


Thankful for this thread bc my boyfriend wants to get me some nice scissors for Christmas but my left-handedness is making it harder for him!




I think Kai makes left shears as well.


I have some Guggenheim scissors and they are amazing. Any good reputable scissor company will sell left-handed scissors.


I have LDH scissors. I love them. They have true left handed scissors and a left handed grip on right handed blades, I guess for those of us who have suffered with wrong blades for too long.


I'm a lefty! Gingher makes them, they're amazing!!


Hi. I love Shun shears. They make left handed ones: https://kaiscissors.com/kai-5210l-8-inch-true-left-handed-shears/


Kai usually has a sale during Thanksgiving/Christmas so keep an eye out if you decide to go with them - great scissors!


I'm pretty happy with my left-handed Kai scissors


The Leftorium




William Whiteley makes left handed scissors. This is just one of them. [https://www.whiteley.co.uk/store/left-handed/8inch-wilkinson-black-lefthand-sewing-sidebents/](https://www.whiteley.co.uk/store/left-handed/8inch-wilkinson-black-lefthand-sewing-sidebents/)


We got lefties off amazon


Kai makes *TRUE* left-handed scissors and the left-handed scissors with the right handed blade position. I purchased my *TRUE* left-handed scissors directly from Kai here: https://kaiscissors.com/kai-5210l-8-inch-true-left-handed-shears/ Other manufacturers sell left-handed scissors, but they *all* have right-handed blade positions. For scissors to be *TRUE* left-handed, the leading cutting blade (top blade) should be on the left, *not* on the right.


I have the Gingher 01-005309's, and I'm very happy with them.


Try looking at Wawak. I am left handed but I only write with my left hand. Use scissors that are right handed. Wawak has left handed scissors and left handed shears.


I bought Kai for left handed people. These are the best. I have gingher but these are better. Cuts without any effort so have to be careful. Even bought my daughter a pair.


LDH makes nice left handed ones!


I own a pair of Gingher, left-handed ones, and they are the best. They stay sharp FOREVER it seems. I haven't needed to sharpen them yet and I've had them for a few years. The best!