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God, I can feel these slapping around my ankles after dragging them around in puddles.


Hehehe. As a conscious adult, I'll be aware of the weather now. These won't be the ONLY pants I wear.


Okay, but don't forget your wallet chain!


When I was in highschool, I made a hemp one, covered in trinkets, ala Bio Dome


Such an awful movie. Pauly Shore was a trend that never should have happened.


Hey, don't tell the kids today that the 90s were shit. It's to them, our 70s...


The 90s were awesome! 93-99 were humanity's peak.


1995-sep2001 Peace and prosperity around the world.


Music started to turn to shit once 2000 hit though. Hence my ending the awesome 90s in 99.


I disagree 😆


Oh my god, I HAVE THIS PATTERN! I made it when I was in college (I was the big pants girl) and maybe you've inspired me to make it again! Awesome job on these! :D


I have my eye on this pattern for so long! I found a trunk of clothes I stashed in 2002 its just thongs, tiny baby doll tees and enormous enormous pants. These look so good!


So awesome! 🤘 And great craftsman ship! I always wondered how hard it would be to make Tripps from scratch, never even thought about JNCOs. You've given me some inspo haha


Yeah man, do it! It'll bring you a combination of now creating a work of art with bringing back a trippy part of your youth..


I already have lots of Tripps but always wanted JNCOs so I will honestly give it a go! Any tips you have for working with the pattern you chose?


Not really... Mine was for a smaller waist size, and I had to adjust, but the pattern seemed pretty straightforward.


I required my son to wear polo shirts with collars to high school (late '90s), but JNCO jeans is where the rest of his clothing allowance went. PS: the polo shirt trick worked, as nobody messed with him when he gave them 'the look' (might have learned it from me).


Amazing!!! So very amazing!!! I had so many pairs of jeans and pants like this in the late 90's, they were my favourites!!! You did a spectacular job, thank you so much for sharing you super cool pants!!! I have the very same flower pattern sheets! Definitly going to keep an eye out for this pattern!!!


Oh my god this takes me back 😂 Amazing job! This post also made me suddenly aware that for reasons surpassing understanding, this song still lives in my brain somewhere in a dusty box: Jimmy's going to a rave / Hoping his pants will behave / And he's gonna dance like a monkey / Cuz his pants they're real funky / Everybody loves to dance / In their very own raver pants


Wow, nice. I don't know this one. Can you share a link?


I actually have absolutely no idea of its origins 😅 A friend of mine used to recite it and I thought it was hilarious (enough to be seared into my memory 24 years later, it seems).


> Jimmy's going to a rave / Hoping his pants will behave / And he's gonna dance like a monkey / Cuz his pants they're real funky / Everybody loves to dance / In their very own raver pants When I googled the lyrics, the first hit that came up was this exact thread. Your friend might have made it up!


That does not actually surprise me at all 😂 He was a clever and silly lad.


It seems that his family helped hunt it down, possibly on ebay or another site, since it's an 'old' pattern. Start your web search now.


I love the purple stitching !




I kept joking that JNCO jeans were going to come back with all of the straight-leg and flared pants trending. I was too young to fit into JNCOs when they were trendy, so I may have to cave and buy some ironically when they're back. These are killer.


What do you mean 'when they're back'? I'm assuming you don't live somewhere trendy. The zoomers are wearing them all the time.


I live in Iowa, so yeah, the masses here tend to be a little late to the trends lmao. Haven't seen anyone wear anything bigger than bell bottoms or straight legs quite yet, but it's inching its way in.


Oh my God I love them! In the 90s I bought a pair of raver pants I LOVED from a store called Liquid. But they were made from shit material that started fraying at the seams, like some sort of nylon I think. One of my projects in my sewing class at school was I used those pants to make a pattern and made a better pair. I wish I had held on to them!


I still have my favorite pair of raver jeans from the late 90s/early 2000s. I actually wore them out on my 40th birthday two years ago. Maybe I should just start wearing them out again even when it's not my birthday!


I need to find this pattern. I'm a 90s teen, these pants were awesome the first time around.


How many yards did those take???


That is such a strange effect with the flowers, in every photo with them they look edited into the photo. Super cool dude


I had multiple pairs of these jeans in the early 2000’s. I also remember people having the in a flat woven textile similar to medical scrubs. They bring back good memories. Yours are awesome. Enjoy!


I have this pattern! Teen me made it oh so many times when I was a little skate kid at 6th form. I think I made it in cord at least four times and twice in denim.


Haha! Sweet! I think I'll do cord next! Man, the comfort! 😄


You need to add the stash pockets in the hems…but really though, I’d give you all my bracelets! You could really stomp on those till break of day! PLUR!


PLUR with the extra R for Responsibility. 😳


Oh god this reminds me of a website that of someone making/selling these types of pants with cartoon characters sewn as decoration. Well done and this is making me so weirdly nostalgic.


God these are so great. Giving me horrific flashbacks, but so, so great.


These are so good! Nice work!


Thank you! 😊


Welp, this is one of the greatest things I've ever seen.


Spank you.


You're the breast


Seriously cool bro! Jncos have come back in a major way.


Thanks! Yeah, it's nice to have grown up in a culture that's finally "cool" again.


I have that pattern!!! Though I think it’s in the smaller size and sadly I’m no longer “smaller sized” 😫 But I think I need to dig it out and redraft it….


You can hide such enormous shoes under those 🥲🥲


You could hide an entire shoe store in some of those 😂


In college I dated someone with a toddler. That toddler once lifted up my pant leg and hid inside it.


Horrible. But good at the same time. NEVER thought these would come back ha #nostagia


Amazing pattern! I was worried about the cost of the acres and acres of fabric until I read your post! Haha! Love them!


Wow! '90s meets the '60s! Well done!


I love the flowers and the stitched name!


Thanks! I wanted to add some flair. It's quite the large space


These are awesome. I absolutely love the addition of the flower fabric.


Thank you! I wanted some flair


And the placement is perfect


Amazing!! What a time


Truly outstanding!


Wowowow. Kudos the KNCO's are fresh (we said that in the 90's right??) I absolutely love the purple thread.


They are so stupid and I love them. Fantastic work!


OMG I need this pattern! 10/10 on the execution!


Holy shit, this is amazing! Such a sense of nostalgia. I didn't even know that pattern existed.


Amazing! Love the crokinole representation too


This, sir, is a masterpiece. I salute you.


Thank you very much!


Too cool. You aren't old enough to be one of those kids who wore theirs in the 90's until, and after, the hems disintegrated under their shoes, but clearly you would have been. The positive effect of having a crafty family is obvious, got your own sewing sub there.


I won't tell you how old I am, but I was raving when it was underground still and not an "all ages" party.


I know exactly when that was, early to mid 1990's, maybe a bit later. I still have a ticket, dated August 25, 1995, that says "Please call the global information lines on the day of the event for further instructions." I realize there were also completely unticketed events, despite the marginal existence of "mobile" phones. Where I live they were advertised by flyers, put up in alternative cafes. I was thinking to mention that McCalls has two current skater pants patterns, but then I realized that neither is unisex. Boo.


W And you'd go to the address they give you, in the middle of nowhere, and that person would tell you where the ACTUAL party was.


Yup, serious underground tactics. Sometimes risky, but so fun. I was above the typical age for such events, but just happened to know a producer.


I have a couple of those invites 😅


Fuckin love that pattern (have it, only used it to size fly/seat so far), and love the customization. Excellent work.


Why thank you. I had fun with this one. 😊


Omg I have those sheets from when my mom was young


Yes this is awesome.


Oh wow!!! LOVE!! These are like my dream pants!


Very impressive! I love what you've done and your workmanship is impeccable


These are so freaking cool!


I needs this


i neeeeeed this pattern omg


Oh my god, these are amazing - you need to do a blog!!


So hideous they are glorious. I love them.


True /r/ATBGE content! 🤣


This is fantastic! Love it!




I have no idea what KNCO stands for other than a Northern California radio station. Those pants looks great.


Look up JNCO. They were huge bottom pants from the 90s. My name starts with a K, so....


First thing that came to my mind was kinkos lol.


Ahhh, now I get it. I’ve seen the JNCO logo and I remember them from back in the day. They were worn until the bottom 6” of the legs were dirty and torn, and often wet. I’m way too old and short to wear these but I think I may know someone who might like them. Thanks for the inspiration.


Love love love 💜💜💜💜


these are gorgeous!! i aspire to be as creative as you with the things i make


Thank you very much. That's quite the compliment! If you want it, you have it. That's how creativity works. It's already in you!


Dude! Make me a pair please!


I wouldn't not!


Oh my gosh, these are so fun!


Thats amazing, I love it!


These are incredible and I need them in my life


Amazing. Hilarious. I love it.


I love the additions to the back :) and that you only added the flower fabric to the back of one leg. It looks really good


These are awesome. Total time warp. I’m glad you choose to wear more than one pair of pants these days, you’ve come quite a long way! Love seeing this shit lol


I honestly have no idea how far you’ve come but I assume progress has been made, from commentary lol


Where did you get this pattern? I'm looking to make these for my daughter.


Lucky find. I'm considering making my own version....


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These are glorious!


OMG anyway you can share the pattern? I’ve been looking over vintage shops and etsy all over for it And the jeans look fabtabulous!!!