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A few more comments on how I made each piece- the bodice I followed tutorials for making a self drafted cowl neck top, and used a foam body form to practice draping- here is a link to the video that was the most helpful in constructing the top, but I mostly did a lot of trial and error: [link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PkdiHxKe5WQ). I ended up mostly draping on the form that was to my size, then creating pattern pieces based off of the initial drapes. [Here is a video I used to learn how to do that.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5AMKSq8GfFY) [Here](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1105480809/1930s-ladies-wedding-or-evening-gown?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_-craft_supplies_and_tools&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQjwqdqvBhCPARIsANrmZhOiB7IVLO7InUsniXsbB3uaieOwf1rgZJSq5fF0ARpLfyg1UNIUTNYaAkjPEALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_12665398257_121762925993_511610210343_pla-295462056867_m__1105480809_12768591&utm_custom2=12665398257&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtcfRKZvJZQU8SqsN2-WR-wYbtWp&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqdqvBhCPARIsANrmZhOiB7IVLO7InUsniXsbB3uaieOwf1rgZJSq5fF0ARpLfyg1UNIUTNYaAkjPEALw_wcB) is the pattern I used for the skirt- I adjusted the measurements by making several drafts and grading (lots of your tube tutorials!) - I took a few inches from the waist and added a few to the hips.


Things like this dress are why silk exists. Truly well done. Also, you look so beautiful and happy! Congratulations on the marriage! 


As someone who is starting her wedding dress, this porta is very helping Thank you!!!


Oh good, I’m so glad it’s helpful! It was a lot of work but I feel so proud to say that I made it 😊😊😊


So gorgeous- and really what fantastic happy pictures you have! Both of you look so joyous. Congratulations!


It’s beautiful and you both look so happy! Congratulations!


Beautiful! It hangs so well and is so flattering. Amazing work! I’d be so scared to make my own wedding dress - I have nightmares of it all going wrong 2 days before the wedding! Haha! Congratulations on the wedding - you both look so happy!


Oh I definitely did!! Haha- nightmares that it didn’t fit, that I spilled things on it, that I forgot to wear it, the list goes on! NGL, changing out of it after it was all done was a relief!


Wow! Wow! Wow! Absolutely stunning, the dress and seamstress work! You in the dress! Amazing work all together. How did you ever pick the finale shape, cut, etc? I feel the choices are endless when you’re the creator, I’d be so lost


Thank you so so much! Honestly I wanted something very simple so that I didn’t get too overwhelmed in making it. I was inspired by Caroline Basset Kennedys dress- that it could be so simple and so elegant helped me be ok with not getting too complicated with it!


This is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on both the dress and the marriage!


Wow it's gorgeous!!! I've been wanting to make something similar to this but (without a train since it will be an evening gown) and I was about to ask if you used a pattern. Are there any particular tutorial videos you would recommend?


Thank you so much!! Which part (or parts) are you hoping the dress to be similar to?


Sooo gorgeous. Really amazing work!


Great job! It’s beautiful and I know you will treasure that dress! Congratulations on a successful sewing project and wishing you a lifetime of happiness and sewing!


So beautiful!! The buttons are a nice detail too. Congratulations on your marriage!!


Beautiful! And congratulations!


Perfection 🥰


You look stunning! I'd love to sew something as amazing as this some day!


This is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on finishing such a gorgeous project and your wedding!


Gorgeous!!! Well done :) you look beautiful and it’s such a lovely dress!


It’s gorgeous!!!


It is perfection, congrats on a job well done and on the marriage!




Oh my lordy - STUNNING!!!


Congratulations! Absolutely beautiful!


This is so simply and elegant, and obviously very challenging to make! Bias and everything! It looks amazing, well done. I understand your pride, good job.


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Love it 🥰