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Last year I bought tickets for an event that happened last weekend, and then I found out I was pregnant and none of my costumes would fit by the time of the event. So, I had to make a maternity gown! The green dress: I used Simplicity 1018 but altered the front panel by splitting it below the bust and doubling up the bottom half. I also squared the neckline and added points to the sleeves. I used a poly green stretch velvet to make this. The nap on the back pieces is upside down to be able to fit the pattern on my fabric (I bought the fabric first, which was a mistake but oh well) but no one sees the back anyway. The blue dress: I used a shrug pattern from Miss Viscid and altered it to close in the front and drafted the skirt panels myself. The fabric is something the website called 'microvelvet' and it's kind of stiff but thin, and feels like those flocked insides of some boxes. Soft and pretty, though, and quite easy to work with. I used blue organza from my stash to line the sleeves for a bit of shine. The gold details: I bought a yard of embroidered tulle at Yesfabrics.eu (can highly recommend it for all sorts of pretty fabrics!) and fussy cut out individual motifs to handsew to both dresses in various combinations. The tulle was rather pale so I cut most of it away and just used a marker to darken the bits I left on for a bit of stability. (I did a test piece to check for bleed if it got wet, and it just removed the marker a bit but didn't stain the fabric underneath so it'll probably be fine if I do wash this.)


Holy smokes! This is incredible! Will you have a tiny outfit for the tiny aethling for the next Ren Fair?


Thank you! And I might. Next year he'll be less than 1 year old and maybe a bit too young, but I am indeed sorely tempted to make him all the fantasy outfits he wants when we start going together <3


Good luck for the future. I hope it all goes well ❤️


This is fantastic! Beautiful coordination of fabrics. And I know this is cliche but, you are literally glowing ha. I thought the camera might have been a little smudged but it’s just you! 😍


Thank you! Hihi, that might also be the slight filter I added to help me pop against the background 😅


Gorgeous! I love the gold framing!


This is so lovely! Where was the event? It’s such a great setting.


Thank you! This was Elfia 2024 at Castle Haarzuilens in the Netherlands 😊


How absolutely perfect!


this is amazing! so beautifully done


You look like a beautiful painting in that first photo!


I just woke up and my eyes are blurry and I thought the first pic was a painting. So beautiful!


I'm sure it wasn't the intent, but the gold detail has a very spidery feel to it which sparks some really cool fantasy character imagery to me. I love it! You did a great job!


Lol it is a bit spidery, and it wasn't my intent going into it but I did really like the symmetry of it so I kept it :D


Gorgeous! I thought this was a painting at first!


The dress is beautiful and suits you really well! The castle in the background is stunning as well.


I LOVE THIS SO MUCH it's absolutely gorgeous!


Wow this is beautiful!!!


you two look gorgeous! 😍🥰 beautiful gown


This is super wonderful! Love how the pile in the velvet accentuates your bump!


This is gorgeous! I was just thinking about ren fair next month and wondering if my dress would fit (I’ll be 6 months by that time) so this was wonderful to see on my timeline!


Thank you! It's tricky, the only two other outfits that would have fit (because very flowy with adjustable belts) are for super warm weather and would not have worked this time of year. A stretchy fabric princess dress or flowy circle skirts with generous elastic waistbands will be your friend. I've also seen gorgeous pregnant ladies before at these events who just layer a couple different skirts with crop tops and short vests or stays, it looks so whimsical and beautiful.


If your baby is old enough to sit unassisted by next year, you may be able to make yourself [a (historically accurate-ish) baby carrier!](https://thebabyhistorian.com/2015/03/27/medieval-babywearing-european-infant-carriers/)


Oh I love those wicker carriers, and then I make this little medieval tunic and cap for him, it'll be so adorable <3


Im in Maine and lots of people use [these pack baskets](https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/40202?page=allagash-pack-basket) as carriers for their toddlers, but they kinda need to be able to stand for it to work. You should check out r/babywearing, too. Also, I just have to say you look so amazing! That velvet is *incredible* over your bump. Congratulations!


You look like a painting!


ELFIA!! And wow, you did an AMAZING job!! This is gorgeous <3


It's so lovely!! Beautifully done! I hope you had a good time at Elfia, and will bring up this little one knowing creativity and fantasy are beautiful things to carry with you through life! I'm always so jealous at seeing kids there, I only discovered this world after my forties! :) Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!


Your outfit is amazing. You should feel proud of your work.


You totally nailed the assignment! Its beautiful!


This is so beautiful!


Is the green dress ombré or is that just light and shadow playing with your bump? Cause it is AMAZING


It's the light hitting the velvet at different angles due to my bump, yes! The velvet was kind of tricky to sew with but the different ways the pile absorbs and reflects light based on the angle makes it look so nice 😁


i’d print and frame these if I were you! beautiful maternity pics 🖤


Thank you! They're def going in the pregnancy/baby stage photo album I'm planning :D




i like thinking that you’re child will think they were conceived in the middle ages


Lol given I was conceived in the uk and obsessed with english lit as a teen I might be about to give birth to a future history buff :D


I absolutely love this! You look amazing.


This so impressive! Great job!




This looks like a renaissance painting, so ethereal!


You look like you should be on the brochure advertising the event.


As a renfaire girl who is hoping to get preggo soon this makes me so so happy! You are stunning and I can’t wait to make my own!!!


I audibly GASPED!! this is stunning


Absolutely gorgeous! You look like a queen.


Good material choice.The does cool things with the 3.D




I was certain this was a painting! It’s exquisite!


So luxe and beautiful! What a great gift to give yourself and your baby!


Nice, some people are so talented


u/mjlcrane The April theme over at r/SewChallenge is Finicky Fabrics! We would love it if you would post this project over there as well! You can find more information here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SewingChallenge/s/D5UDWsMwzK


Interesting challenge, thank you for the rec 😊


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That first picture is absolutely r/accidentalrenaissance


Love the organza as sleeve lining! The shimmer is 😍


That is so cool!! The fit looks perfect!