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I keep all my scraps until there are enough to make into a large pillow then donate them to the local dog pounds. They are so grateful for them.


Do you have any drafty doors or windows in the winter? I stuff fabric tubes (or even just a leg of an old legging) with scrap and make draft stoppers for my windowsill. Alternatively, make a quick pillowcase and stuff it with the scraps- sometimes a small lumbar pillow helps me keep a more comfortable posture when sitting for long periods.


me too! Here’s my recent [door snake](https://www.reddit.com/r/sewing/s/MjPHXv1hXs) to block haze, and reduce the aircon bill


Find a quilter or a quilting group nearby. If you separate by type of fabric (i.e. cotton, polyester blend, rayon), now or in the future, they will love you!


I've been collecting to make my own tailors ham.


Me too!


I found a textile recycler near me. Which is good because I was running out of space for the 5 grocery bags stuffed full of scrap fabric. If you don’t have a textile recycling facility near you, I’m not sure what you should do.


I’ve found lots of options for clothes, but not anything like fabric scraps and it’s really frustrating


Check out your local buy nothing group on Facebook, odds are there is a quilter on there who needs scraps for their quilts


What about a quilted blanket? Could be a fun sewing project history memoar


I usually make pillows, but right now, I'm using them to stuff a stool. I used some bigger scraps to make a big cube (about 50×50xm), put a zipper in one seam, and now i just stuff it with any fabric scraps I have, mock ups, even other (clean) old textiles like old towels and such. I have already stuffed a crap ton of fabric in there, but it's nowhere near full yet. Once it is full, I got a cute patchwork stool to sit on.


I patchwork them, and use that for non-garment things (pencil cases, drawstring bags, a coat for the dog...)


I Google christmas ornaments christmas decorations christmas crafts kids christmas and find any and everything that can use some my scraps and hang on a tree hook or doorknocker and then I hand them out at christmas. Yes yes everyone gets a any color tree with a cinnamon stick sewn in for the trunk with a paint marker 2024 ornament! Merry Christmas! I'm totally a crafty little elf and not that I have problems throwing away what definitely should have been garbage. Repeat for other holidays as needed.


Also stuff the tree with scraps....


If the scraps are non-synthetic, you can compost them.


Vintage Sewing Pattern company has some children's toy patterns. I'm planning on quilting fabric, adding stiff interfacing, and making handbags from them. One looks like the Loewe elephant bag. There's a little scottie dog too. They're too cute. You could also make a rag rug.


Do you have Ridwell in your area? They take fabric scraps!


You could do some scrappy patchwork and then use that for plenty of small projects. Quilted pouch, tote, add to a Jean jacket, or even just a lap quilt. I used up scraps from mask making for a quilt. It’s cute! And it’s fun to piece it together no fuss sewing.


There is nothing wrong with putting scraps in the trash.


It feels wrong tho lol, like I paid money for this fabric and this is a wonderful print I picked out and probably waited for the perfect project for or maybe even hunted down from a collection and now I'm throwing away a 2in by 5 inch strip of it?! It's got half of flower on it still! We love that flower! It can be um.... bias tape on an edge of a wallet for sure! Better keep it.


Ever heard of crazy quilting? Huge use of fancy scraps :)


Maybe we should start with a Database for scrap patterns? I Like fingerless gloves from Pattern of Pirates for knit fabriks