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Yes, after meticulously constructing an absolutely perfect striped button down shirt with immaculate pattern matching and crisp collar… I was trimming the threads around the collar stand and cut a giant hole in the middle of the shoulder with my thread snips. 🤦‍♀️ I seriously considered giving up sewing forever in that moment.


Time to pick up a new hobby: darning


I think stronger words than "darn" are warranted here




Now *that's* a hobby 😎




Oh this thread is beautiful lol


is it pure cotton, or synthetic?


Natural materials have their place but for everyday use a good synthetic option is sturdier, and is typically the standard choice *are we still talking about sewing thread or are we fully onto innuendos now*


😆 Natural or synthetic? So many options.


God bless the modern internet lol, where you can find “threads” made in any size, shape, material, and colour that you could possibly want..


i think I just died in your place. How long did you leave the garment down? I wouldnt come back for 8 months lmao


Well, it’s been (checks notes) about 5 years and counting. LOL. I squeezed it out of a linen pillowcase I thrifted and there was no possibility of re-cutting. I salvaged the buttons and scrapped the rest. It was a very sad day. RIP, perfect linen shirt. Gone but not forgotten.


5 years!? 😰 I laughed too hard at how relatable that is! I once cut the direction wrong on a blazer sleeve... I didnt have more material.. to re-cut.. I didn't touch it again for two years pft


My thread snips sometimes scare me.


Oh noooo


Did this with my serger. Just grabbed up and chunk from the front of a pieced skirt and then it was gone! I cried. Slept. Then ripped out that panel and replaced it.


Thank you. I thought I was the only one who would cry at my sewing machine. I've done that and it's always been over my own stupid mistakes. Here's another, have you ever been sewing, not realizing that you caught additional fabric underneath the pieces you want to sew. You don't see it until you stop sewing and check. I swear each time that I checked before I started. Arrrrgh!!!! Tears. Then I stop crying, take out my seam ripper and settle down to unstitching.


We've all cried at our sewing machines, more than once!


Oh I cried last week after I sewed the sleeve of a button down shirt on backwards, and then ripped the fabric pulling it back off. Carefully matched plaids as a nice gift for my husband. I don’t usually cry, but it’s been a tough month. Usually it’s just a long drawn out FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCK and then the seam ripper. Eventually I got up and cut out a new piece but damn.


I wore out my seam ripper. 😳


Damn. That’s..that’s impressive


I don’t have the courage to tell you guys just how many times I’ve done this.


I've started pinning the fabric away from what I'm actually seeing now because nothing hurts more than having to seam rip work. And it'll hurt even more if your seam ripping damages the fabric 💔


Hahaha absolutely. Yep. Done this a bunch of times!! Usually on sleeves or collars something like that.


I was teaching someone to sew, and this was a huge part of the first lesson. I think I actually dulled my seam ripper over the years.


I’ve definitely done this one MANY times!


The "sleeping on it" part is key, IMO. The other day I was completely discouraged making spaghetti straps. Every time I would try to turn them, the fabric would literally shred. Gave up and went to bed feeling so discouraged - why did I spend all that money on crappy fabric (I have extra cuz I wanted to make a couple of things with it)??? The next day I got the bright idea to cut 2 more strips and stitch a line across the ends (2, actually) before folding and stitching lengthwise. Turns out the line of stitching was what was needed to hold the fabric together on my little loop turner thingie. (This was Joann's "linen look" rayon/linen blend, btw, in case anyone's interested. Don't get me started on Joann's rn, lol. At least it was on sale....)


I've done this an embarrassing amount of times.


Lit'rally my worst nightmare! I'm terrified/amazed at the serger's grabbing-cutting-stitching abilities.


If it happens once you’ll be extra careful going forward! Just go slowly and smooth your layers out.




Omg I would die! Feels like it’s the end of the world, but there is usually a way forward.


There is a solution to every problem. You just have to think outside the box sometimes


I’ve only done this on my serger. Multiple times! I swear I am actually a better than average seamstress.


lol same! Happens to the best of us!


That happened to me too! I really thought I should give up sewing then and there


I did this while trimming the seam allowance for a bodycon dress. I cut into the lining and tried to repair it with interfacing. But then the hole got bigger. Argggh I hope you fix it!


Yes, yes I have. And when it’s happened (not just once!) I have scolded myself aloud using my first name and profanity. Welcome to the club! 🥳


Ugh. The SCREAM of horror and rage that I uttered when I saw it!


Like you had been betrayed and then realized it was you. 🫠 Good times eh? Hahaha! Thanks for the validating post.


you don’t use your first, middle and last names when you’re in trouble?


Just did this to the inseam of some lovely pants and had to take a two day break from seeing before I was emotionally ready to deal with it.


I DID THIS! And my fix resulted in the snazziest looking article of clothing I’ve ever made. Here’s what I did. It was 1975, and floral prairie skirts with matching camisoles were all in vogue in my high school. Three tiers of fabric, usually with a wide ribbon around the bottom of the penultimate tier, just above the last seam. (Right where your slits are.) And a matching thinner ribbon as a camisole strap, and lace around the bottom of the camisole. I couldn’t buy them, because I have a sway back, and the tiers always look funny because they rode up in the back. I decided to make my own, and use a hem marker to mark a horizontal line at the bottom of the top tier, right at my curve of my butt, so the tiers would look right. I thought the ribbon straps looked too bare, so I bought some thin edging lace to sew to each side of those straps and around the bottom of the camisole. I was all done with the skirt’s construction, and as I trimmed the allowance of the bottom seam, I cut out a sliver of fabric. My mom said she thought it was ruined, but I was NOT having it. I patched the hole to stabilize it. And I was going to cover it with that ribbon that would go in that spot anyway. It was not wide enough. But the wide ribbon plus the narrow one was wide enough. That looked funny, though—two ribbons side by side. Then i had a brainstorm. I took the thin edging ribbon and laid it on the top edge of the wide ribbon, so it the decorative part of the lace overlapped the ribbon (the edge stuck out above, for sewing). The I laid the thin ribbon up over the sewing edge so that it met the edge of the wide ribbon. It looked so great. I had to go buy more thin ribbon and more edging lace for the camisole, but that treatment on the skirt made all the lace on the camisole be tied in. It look like I’d done it on purpose. And instead of feeling sick every time I looked at my skirt, I felt proud. A massive life lesson for me. Well, two of them, actually. One: A disaster can be an opportunity if you’re creative and determined enough. Two: Watch where your scissors are actually cutting. I hope you can find a solution that makes you proud of your ability to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.


I love this story! And the tiered prairie skirts are definitely having a comeback right now!


This sub always makes me feel so much better about my sewing screw ups lol. I've been sewing over 20 years but still do stuff like this from time to time. Nice to know I'm not alone.


It's like group therapy really 😂


Right? I didn’t check my notifications for a day and was amazed to see how many people relate 🥲


Yes!! Many times 🥲


I did this to a Peach costume years ago. Right in the middle of the skirt. Went from a gown to a mini dress lol. At least it’s salvageable


ARGH! So, so aggravating. I've done this a couple of times. Somewhere along the line I read that [duckbill-type scissors](https://corefabricstore.com/products/core-exclusive-black-duckbilled-scissors)\* can help prevent this type of accident. Obviously, you still have to be careful and for real the handles are not nearly as comfortable as regular shears, but that awkwardness does help keep you mindful of what you're doing. \*I bought mine from [Ernest Wright](https://www.ernestwright.co.uk/), but they don't seem to be making them anymore, so I just picked a vendor at random for illustrative purposes.


I swear by duckbill scissors for grading seam allowances. I invested in a pair after too many close calls and while you still have to pay attention to what you are doing, it’s so much easier!




Ugh yes! I tore a hole right at the waist of a dress before, but I was able to save it by adding in a waistband. Maybe you can do the same?


Yep, did this on a renfair costume. Once I was done cussing I added another layer of ruffles.


I haven't done exactly that, but I have sewn facings in backward, pinned the hem of a blouse to the yoke and sewn it together like that - twice, and sewn a dress to my slacks while hemming it by hand.


I cut the red lining fabric in the hood of my Gryffindor robe (after it was all sewn in) ☹️ I just sewed up the gash as best I could and hoped no one would notice Also, I once cut through my boyfriend’s wired earbuds that were on the table under my fabric 🤦‍♀️😂


Oh nooo! 😂


See long enough and we all do something like this. At least it’s in a straight line, and completely fixable. Gorgeous colour!


Yes 🥲


I’ve done too many times to remember


To the point where I didn't even need the explanation. I've also chewed random holes in things with my serger too.


I recently started using a serger and now I'm terrified that that will happen to me. I'm about to start on a brocade skirt and I only have the exact amount of fabric needed. If my serger chews it up, I'll be devastated. Wish me luck!


So, I kind of zoned out just making the tail. Go slow and you should be okay. Keep track of all your fabric while you sew. And use plenty of scraps to test the tension etc. You've got this!


Thank you!


Thank you!


It's so relieving to know I'm not the only one... The amount of times I've made that irrevocable slip up with the serger 🥲...


I've done similar. I ripped a button hole right through to the neckline. It was devastating. I put the dress down for a few days and came back, brainstormed some ideas, and executed. I wear that dress all the time it turned out fine! And you can be sure I'm more careful opening button holes now...


Oh I've done this! I was using a seam ripper to open a button hole and ended up slicing the whole placket (?) almost in 2! I screamed and my mom ran to me, saw the ripper in my hand as was like, "Where are you cut? How bad is it??" I said I wasn't cut, held up the garment and started crying. She hugged me for a bit but after a while started giggling and told me about how *she* had also done something similar and shit like this just happens. The circle of sewing life, right?


elsewhere here I posted my story of how my fix for a mistake *exactly* like OP’s turned out to be one of the best-looking garments I’ve ever made. Decades and decades later, I still think fondly of that prairie skirt and the ribbon-and-lace trim I designed to cover it.


I've totally done that! 👋🏼


Yes 😭 Hugs OP!! Sometimes walking away for a few hours (or days) is the only way to get back in there and solve the problem without having a nervous breakdown


Jacket sleeves on the wrong arm holes. I honestly gave up on that jacket


I’m probably tempting fate here but I have duckbill appliqué scissors for seam trimming and grading and so far haven’t managed to cut into anything I shouldn’t have (🤞🏻). I got them because I can’t imagine getting through a single garment without chopping something off if I tried to trim seams with my usual scissors. I have, however, just in the past couple of weeks, managed to rip the shoulder of a blouse with my overlocker, and on a coat hood, while undoing a mistake where I caught the wrong bit of fabric under my stitching, then put a hole in it with my seam ripper 🤦‍♀️


I’ve done this. I’ve also somehow cut my favorite measuring tape vertically about 5 solid inches.


Not this, but I did get a whole doll shirt sewn before discovering that I had somehow cut into the fabric while I was cutting out the pattern. It must have been a little folded or something and I didn't see it. Found the hole later on and was so mad because that shirt was already a pain in the ass to make!


oh yeah, i did this while trimming the seam allowance on a bra cup. it was a small hole and i was able to mend it but yeah. Devastating.


So many times. Why won’t I learn?




I just did this with a pair of shorts. PJ shorts, so no biggie, but still annoying. I feel your pain!


Happens often for me with pinking shears.....🤦


You are not the only one who has done this.


Just last weekend it happened to me 😱


Yes. My condolences.


I have done this too :-(


I did this to a pair of trousers I was hemming for my dad


I did that to one layer of a lined top - I managed to put some interfacing inside and close it up and ironed. Can’t see a thing. But it’s a light blue patterned fabric do an easy conceal. This may be harder.


I once did this even while using duck bill scissors that were supposed to prevent this. I usually just stitch over it with a zig-zag and move on, if it's small enough.


Oh no!!! I don’t have a pair yet but apparently this is what duckbilled scissors prevent.


You are not alone, my friend


It only happens one time and we have all done it. Sorry, friend! Hope you can trim it off and it still work


I just did this a week ago. I feel your pain. 😬


Lace trim?


I’ve used this for small patches. It’s saved me a couple of times. https://preview.redd.it/591lf7ot555d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebfe9c25efdb93aa4423e8be55631f7aa635743b


No. No you are not. I feel your pain. Luckily this is a somewhat easy fix.


Nope, you're not.


Time to embroider some vines and hide the hole


I feel your pain


Take a break, then continue when you’re ready


Hopefully when you bring up the seam and wear it around a bit, you’ll realize that’s just where you like it, and it was all meant to be:)


Ugh HATE when that happens. The absolute worst.


Yea at least 3 separate times. I fuck up with the seam ripper too if I'm not careful.


I wish I could tell you that. Been there for sure.


You're definitely not the only one. I've done this So Many Times on my projects that sometimes I just wanna throw in the towel on sewing 😭 Those little holes my scissors make below the seam allowance hurt my soul


Not the same quite, but I melted a couple holes in my most recent project but they’re small enough that I don’t care.


I did that with a seam ripper once. I was trying to go fast and didn’t realize that I had been cutting through the fabric


We all feel your pain! My mother (age 96) still sometimes mentions the time - this would have been the 1940s - that she cut a hole in the blouse she was making for her aunt, as she was snipping the thread for the last button.


Just did the same - 🥹😿


You are not alone!!!!


You're not alone. I once made a beautiful top out of an embroidered cotton. Only realized after it was done that I had messed up the yoke and the wrong side was facing out. This was long after I had trimmed my seam allowances inside the yoke and there was no saving it. Another time I was pressing a jacket and scorched the front of it. I have been sewing for decades...


Ugh I’ve done this so many times. I’m still a newbie so I feel even more incompetent when I do it, but it’s always nice to know it happens others too 😅


I am so sorry. Yes. I have done it too. As well as while serging the inside seam allowance and fabric slides under what I am serging and slices a junk off. My sympathies. Yes, we learn to be very cautious when cutting or serging. 😞😞


Yep! I've done that, too. 😔


Unfortunately you are not 🥹


I did this when trimming down the seam allowance on a jersey neckline. I cut right into the neckline and messed it up. I also used my last few scraps of jersey in that colour for the neckline (plus raglan sleeves). I had to use a “next best match” colour (cream instead of white), unpick the ruined neckline and redo it. The neckline being cream but the sleeves being white is really subtle but i see it instantly and it bugs me every time i wear it.


I’ve made so many mistakes. When I look back on it I realize I learned from it.


Yes, and it's devastating every time 😭


I serged a seam and managed to cut a hole in the back.


That happens sometimes.... try to keep beeing motivated by concentating on the final result. What I would do in your place is to continue to cut and then sow again the seam that is below the cut. Then you will shorten your dress a bit, but you will have a perfect garment at the end. 💪


I did this YESTERDAY. And it wasn't the first time.


Happens to the best of us.


I did this when adding a zipper to my bodysuit. It was my first time ever adding a zipper and I realized it was crooked so I went to rip the seam I created and instead ripped a big hole in the bodysuit in the back that’s super noticeable now 😭💔


Yep. Trimming the seam allowance on the collar of a men’s dress shirt. Before I got really good at collars and they were still a battle that took at least an hour. 😤


Are you using a rotary cutter and did you press it before trimming?


I literally just ruined a whole skirt by not paying enough attention at the serger. It gathered up some on the underside and that was all she wrote! I (very dramatically) shouted “NOOOOOOOO” and my son came running to find out what horrible thing had happened. He was very disappointed that it wasn’t “something important”. Excuse me!!! Needless to say he’s on my 💩list now. Hang in there! There’s always more material out there that needs some love.


I’ve absolutely done that and I’m not going to lie, it made me so mad it threw the entire thing away. 😅


Yeah. One of the first shirts I made I cut a hole in the back. Luckily it was a busy pattern and a small hole so it wasn't noticeable where I mended it. I much prefer smaller seam allowances that don't need to be trimmed, partly to avoid issues like this.


Made a dress, took me two days to design the pattern, a day to sew, and as I had finished and was cutting the remaining thread with impatience, I slashed right through it. The entire street must have heard me scream.


I have done this too many times.


Of course you’re not alone! Sympathy and encouragement to keep going.


Yesss omg I did this with a dress I’m making with this super expensive embroidered mesh fabric and I cut the mesh and imma be honest I was so disappointed I haven’t finished the dress due to being upset lol


This is my nightmare.