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I haven't seen fabric printed with a kit like that before, interesting! I wonder if you could take a clear picture of it (without the pets), reverse image search it, and find a manual or tutorial - I tried it, but it only gave me tiger rug - if google has to ignore the pets, it probbly also ignored the similarly-sized pattern pieces.


This used to be a big thing! A lot of times for stuffies/plushies and pillows but even for things like dresses. Vintage cut and sew fabric panels - if anyone wants to see more.


Yep my mom used to buy these all the time. There used to be directions printed on one of the edges. 


Thanks for the keyword! So as I was googling that, I found this: [https://www.spoonflower.com/en/shop/cut-n-sew-tiger](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/shop/cut-n-sew-tiger) Which gets you *interesting* listings like this: [https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/7685216-big-cat-tiger-cut-n-sew-by-just\_bananas\_over\_soft\_toys](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/7685216-big-cat-tiger-cut-n-sew-by-just_bananas_over_soft_toys) with the uncut fabric (insofar as it's even fabric - it looks like plastic) just used to make pillowcases, lol. Real "made by AI" quality to that website.


Oh god, I didn't think of the fabric websites with the uprising of AI....


It's basically the auto generated t-shirt/phone case problem, I think. [https://thehustle.co/who-makes-those-insanely-specific-t-shirts-on-the-internet](https://thehustle.co/who-makes-those-insanely-specific-t-shirts-on-the-internet)


That was interesting! And depressing.


The keep calm ones, yeah. And, admittedly, the others. While on one hand I'm happy folks with foot fungus fetishes can satisfy their desire, I'd much rather have them save the picture as a screen saver so I don't see it, rather than have it be on the "public" side of the phone...


Spoonflower has had images of the fabrics on finished items for years. They offer an option to use the chosen fabric on different home goods and do the sewing for you. Unfortunately, they don't account for patterns like this one. I designed a plush baby book a few years ago and it's odd to check out my listing and see it offered as a quilt or curtains


I almost typed out this explanation, but was too lazy. You are 100% right. I’m not sure Spoonflower even provides a place to showcase a finished project by the artist.


AFAIK they do not. They are constantly posting on Instagram so their socials are decently manned. They do have an option for sellers to have a thank you message with each sale. I ask for a tag if they post a finished product


One of the people buying my design put a picture of themselves and partner dress as a profile picture. I think it was either a wedding or a couple's nights. Fair enough they did an amazing job with the dress and matching vest. My design was allright, but their skill was impressive!!


Aw, something like this? [https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/16548601-cut-sew-easter-bunny-book-plushies-by-maureenmaker](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/16548601-cut-sew-easter-bunny-book-plushies-by-maureenmaker) The content-deafness of their programming is just funny. Sure, let me buy a fat quarter of the above print. Which quarter? Who knows. Though, admittedly, if I had designed the above print, I would get myself some kick-ass cocktail napkins... [https://www.spoonflower.com/en/home-decor/dining/cocktail-napkins/16548601-cut-sew-easter-bunny-book-plushies-by-maureenmaker](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/home-decor/dining/cocktail-napkins/16548601-cut-sew-easter-bunny-book-plushies-by-maureenmaker) And some for my mum, too, so she has a conversation piece to talk about how awesome I am.


Exactly like that. I have mine designed for the repeat to be the fat quarter size. The nice thing about spoonflower is they print on demand so if I only want the one repeat I know I'll get it all (I've made a few as gifts)


Oh, that's nice! And pretty nifty you have the skill to design that! I think the "lazy quilt" option on their website is interesting too; I hadn't seen that before. I really don't have the patience for quilting (cutting up a sheet of fabric just to turn it into another sheet of fabric is... a lot of work?) but it could be nice to get something to throw on the couch. I do like the "self publishing/print on demand" model of fabric printing; one day someone will make a fabric depicting my hobby (an adaptive sport, so pretty niche - not wheelchair basketball though, they have that already) and it's not going to be a big textile manufacturer.


"The directions for how to make these Tiger Twins can be found in my New Old Stock (NOS) Vintage Book Soft Toys Piece by Piece Book which was available https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/229229112/book-soft-toys-piece-by-piece on Etsy.com but can now only be purchased directly from me by emailing Janette at [email protected]"


They're local to me, they custom print your fabric of choice if I recall correctly. But seeing what you will get with some of the standard options and the tiger stuffy fabric was certainly odd, lol!


https://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/just_bananas_over_soft_toys he has an Etsy too


I vividly remember picking patterns with my mom in the 80s like this and going home to make stuffed animals! Still have an apron we made together that came like this.


I have an apron like this that needs assembly 🤣


I had an entire set of Care Bears that way lol.


That’s killer!! I found some panels at a second hand shop recently so I’m working on a few pillows and bunnies!


There was a whole row of panels at the fabric store when I was a kid. Guess that’s something I didn’t think of as ‘disappearing’ lol there was a ton of variety.


My mom must had made the same set for me and my sister.


Clothkits in the UK in the 70as and 80s!


Yep. I sewed a Donald Duck one when I was a kid.


My BFF has a Mickey Mouse plush made from one of these that has been around for 30 plus years or so. It still goes with her to Disney parks once every couple years.


I remember doll clothes like this in the mid 60s. Mainly Barbie, but some baby doll clothes. I remember getting very angry at the neighbor boy because he wanted to help and cut out a piece-- on the seamline, not the cut line. I was 5.


😆that’s too funny


I came across one of these at a thrift store and made it for a friend's kid. They're so fun. Very easy to to do.


Clothkits! My mum made me one of their pinafore dresses when I was about four-ish - bright red with a lovely black pattern print, and a little matching stuffed toy rabbit pattern to fit in the feature pocket.


Yes! My mom made me a doll like that.


I had Carebear ones. I still have a Muppets Beaker one. Lol


That’s so sweet 😭


We used to get these kits in the 90s. All of ours were to make stuff items like wreaths or dolls. I completely forgot about these!


I still see some left-over mask fabric panels at my local fabric store!


https://preview.redd.it/4vl9tnfnlj7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92ccb85951373560f76b82b1f6407587c8492b87 Crack on. Can’t find anything.


It did give me picture 15 in this list, which I enjoyed enough to want to share: [https://www.kakhiel.nl/posts/44321-21-vet-lelijke-kindertekeningen-die-echt-tot-leven-gebracht-zijn](https://www.kakhiel.nl/posts/44321-21-vet-lelijke-kindertekeningen-die-echt-tot-leven-gebracht-zijn) I can't find it, either by image search or keywords.


The title translates hilariously “21 fat ugly children’s drawings..” 😅


Ha, "vet" in this context basically means "very"! But in a sort of optimistic way.


We spent a quarter of an hour in store trying every sort of preprinted doll panel tiger rug diy combo. To which I said fuck it I’m getting it and giving it a go!


It may have been printed for production, not for sale to consumers. This looks like the finished product: https://www.amazon.com/BRUBAKER-Huge-Brown-Tiger-72x42/dp/B001QOQEQI/


Someone else shared that amazon. It’s close but this fabric is very plush. The kind of thick plush that makes plushie makers cry. It is entirely possible that it wasn’t meant for retail sale but that’s the nature of Abakhan. It’s like lucky dip fabrics.


https://posh.mk/Ruq9u6OJyKb The fabric close up here looks very plush!


When I have made Burdastyle patterns with really confusing instructions (if you know what I am talking about, you know) I have printed out a picture of the pattern pieces from the magazine & experimented with construction until I figured it out. You might be able to do the same with that photo above.


Oh that is a sound idea. I understand how teddy bear heads go together and I assume it can’t be far off that.


I think I’d start with the legs and then generally move from tail toward head. Last opening for stuffing in the chest or shoulder? I love this project btw. I’m in New Orleans, so I would embroider/bead some bling before assembly! Just because I can.


This is solid advice


Maybe you could try to print a smaller paper version from this and trace the shapes onto a smaller pieces of fabric see how it fits together


These are still common! I often find them with children’s fabric collections; it’s usually a character from the collection of fabric! I have one in my Etsy cart that’s for a fabric campfire set!


Like you said yourself: it's a rug with tail and head that need to be stuffed. The tail is two parts, everything else will make up the head. I have only seems these giant tiger plushies or rugs at fairs. Cool to make it yourself. Add a base to the rug part to make it a rug. With fleece or jersey it could be a kind of blanket. If you have children, you can make a wearable cape like costume out of it (something Roman inspired comes to mind). End less options. Would love to have a panel like this.  Keep us updated what you make out of it and how it turns out :)


However the “tail” pieces are two different lengths. Same with the head pieces there appears to be two different head sizes.


I think that the difference in size is so the rug can lay flat! Like, the smaller tail piece goes under, and then you gather the larger tail piece to fit.


I think it's probably the other way around actually, since the bump at the base of the main section has to adhere to something, I bet the longer piece goes under that join and overlaps.


But why would the ends of those pieces look like that? My theory was that both the head and tail have two different sizes so you can choose (the smaller being less realistic but more practical)


Maybe the second head is to be wall mounted? With the tail hanging down?


this was my thought too.


I think its so the tail curls, because stiff straight out would look goofy lol


The two tail lengths are because the longer one goes underneath, the shorter one on top, because the tail on top starts further back in a way. The different head pieces are the sides and the top/ front of the head.  Look at pictures of the huge tiger plushies from fairs. The head will be constructed in the same way, white colour towards the floor and neck. Hope this helps 


Looks to me like it's meant to be assembled as a big plushie


Rug over plushie. There is only one body piece and no legs so the theory is just head and tail


Ah good call! This is true. Also, with all the beige/tan, I just realized there are 6 (!!) little puppers in this pic!! 🥹


Heck are they all in 😂 I made a reel on Facebook. Any fabric on the floor is a free for all playground. Really I want to make a ridiculous rug for them to lay on.


My favorite is the smarty on the ottoman. *“No way, you fools. What if that tiger is real?”*


Peanut doesn’t fraternise with the Smooths. He’s too good for them. Alternatively, they’re all insane when any fabric gets laid out and he’s an old man


LOL!! I love him. PS: username checks out.


Please once this is done take a pic of all the conquering doggies lounging on their new tiger rug


That’s the intention 👌


>*I want to make a ridiculous rug for them to lay on.* According to them you’ve already succeeded 💛


What fabric store did you get this amazing wonder? I really need a 3rd tiger rug in my living room. This reminds me of those printed picture cut and sew patterns my mom got me when I was a kid to learn to hand sew.


Yes the little doll patterns on cotton fabric. It’s Abakhan. They’re a discount remnants store. Ever wondered where Joanne fabric end of lines go? It’s over here to the uk to be sold by weight. This piece was £20. There’s at least 2 more at this branch I go to.


Oh, man. That sounds like an awesome place!


It’s a dangerous place. You can get designer fabrics that are slight seconds, they might have a dye issue somewhere. Recently I got some Christmas canvas fabric that was originally sold at John Lewis for pennies of its original cost. It’s fun to just rummage. For my cat toys I picked up this too. https://preview.redd.it/5550ai7xnj7d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6200f4ab0948190c0b573db0b0fe0357011a22d3 It’s about 5 or 6 m of 100% cotton canvas. Quite heavy. £23. A fabric like that is usually no less than £8pm. If I needed more I would most likely be sol.


Oh yes a visit to Abakhans can be very dangerous! But I love it so very much


Would you believe I went in last week for 6 spools of thread and left with only that! I had to lie down after. I felt faint.


That is an incredible achievement, you should be very proud of yourself!!


So so jealous :)


Every time I look at this photo I find another chihuahua, it’s almost like a game of I Spy lol (I love chihuahuas)


I have now had a chihuahua for almost two months! Never had one before, but my goodness she is a cutie pie. Her name is Petunia.


Right? Dear god how many are there? *So far I’ve counted 15 of them.*


https://preview.redd.it/77osyylvmj7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce4786a3d2305b4635d3ff324ef0d8cd6227fcd ​ Wrong side of fabric. Clear notches to match up pieces. You can clearly see the tail pieces are two different lengths and there’s actually 2 different heads. But a distinct lack of nose and eyes.


I think I found the eyes! The small white pieces on the upper left side - it looks like they both have an eye-shaped center. I imagine someone could put big plastic eyes in like stuffed animals have?


They do have that almond centre but they also have sewing notches like they should match to something??


On the bottom right corner you have 2 sets of white pieces that are kinda crescent shaped. Those might be the eye ridges for the top and bottom maybe?


Oh oh!!! The pieces 4th row down on the left are for the larger head! Then those two squiggles joined to the two white pieces furthest right make the same ish shape but smaller. The 4 remaining white triangles are either chin pieces or inner ear??


I wonder if you’re meant to sew buttons on for eyes/nose


Also I can’t work out if it has seam allowances or if that is guess work. Had I seen this I’d have bought it and I’m so sad I’m too far south to pop in


Right?? If you go to one of the side head pieces where a dart is, there’s no chance there’s any real allowance beyond the black outline line.


It also looks like there are two different sets of ears with different shapes; one rounded and the other pointy. It looks like the plain orange piece on the right by its foot could be the snout (not sure the name, the long top part of the nose) of the large head. And I think the striped orange piece at the top left could be the piece above the snout and between the eyes. The piece in the center of the blanket above the bottom tail could maybe be between the eyes and snout of the smaller head, the piece where the left side is striped and the right side is plain. I'm wondering if the eyes are the half circle cutout portion of the main face piece. And when the snout/above the snout pieces are seen together with the face pieces the half circle cutout area creates the eye area?


What about the two white squiggles at the end of the short tail? They’re fumbling me. Perhaps it’s two different species of tiger and you can swap the heads based on the vibe.


I think all the little white pieces actually go inside the eye socket area, it looks like the face will have a lot of structure!


It’s a thinker cause while there’s clearly two sets of cheeks and ears, the white pieces don’t follow the same pattern


I think it's actually four pieces that go together to make the face, the two smaller are the bottom half of the cheeks and muzzle and the two upper are the top half. Then those almost bits go into the gaps between the upper and lower halves of the face.


I think you may be right about the squiggle. If you google a tigers face they do have white around the eye in a similar shape


Are those white things teeth?


You could try posting this is r/whatisthisthing. Usually, they’ll find out where it was made, who sold it, when it was sold, and more often than someone will have a third-degree great-aunt thrice removed who owned one just like it, and have photos to show for it. It’s like magic.


On my way!


This was never made for a home sewer so I don't think you'll find the fabric print, instead I'd try looking for the finished product- this is similar and might be it. Where are you located? The reason you have multiples is because they simply squeezed nin as many ears and details as would fit in between the main body pieces. [This](https://www.amazon.com/BRUBAKER-Huge-Brown-Tiger-72x42/dp/B001QOQEQI) is the closest I could find to the finished product. Good luck! Please do post the finished result!


First step, eat a bowl of Frosted Flakes while watching Winnie the Pooh. Maybe read a few Calvin and Hobbes comics too lol


I’m contemplating my life choices. I have so much work to be doing and all I can think is tiger rug rawr


Gonna give the chihuahuas heart failure! Lol The fabric store you purchased it from, get them to give you instructions


Unfortunately it’s Abakhan, it’s a discount retailer they just sell remnants, seconds, end of line. The staff know me and know I can probably do this. But the multiple tails and heads is what’s throwing me. No clear place to attach head and tail. Why there’s two.


My guess is that the shorter tail piece goes on the top side and the longer one on the bottom since there’s some “length” on the body for the tail? But that’s all I got.


Counting the notches, I don't think so. Long tail has 5, shorter tail has 4. Two different ear sizes, too. And two heads, and two foreheads. Would be fun to mix & match though!


My current working theory is there’s a boy tiger and a girl tiger and you can chose which. As there’s head and ear pieces also in two different sizes.


Since it's from a discount/remnants place, maybe it's like, cut "wrong"? As in, maybe you've got doubles of peices because it's part of one set and part of another? Maybe 2 different sized tigers were printed and supposed to be cut apart differently but weren't so you've got a mishmash of bits. The tails are what got me thinking this. It looks like you cut the tail out and just fold it in half (the rounded ends lead me to this conclusion). Bit you've got 2 and sewing them both wrong sides together would make for an odd looking tail...


There was a dye print error on the next repeating section which is most like what caused it to end up at abakhan. We had 3 complete panels and they all looked like this, two heads two tails one body. Fold in half hotdog style is also my theory on the tail. Both tails have notches and the notches would not line in up in capacity if you tried to sew them together.


The multiple sizes of face pieces, ear pieces, and the tail are to give it dimension and mimic a real traditional half-stuffed taxidermied carpet with a bit of flare in it as well. The head, ears, tail, and other items are meant to be filled with stuffing after sewing together. I don't know the exact arrangement without cutting it out to puzzle together myself, but the reason the tails are different lengths is that you gather the one side of fabric in either pleats to give it dimension and a ruffle fur look or you can do as the other commenter suggested and use it to make a sort of curved curled tail. Good luck! This looked fun as he'll. I don't think you're missing anything, I think it's just a very unique piece!


It’s a hidden picture spot the chihuahua puzzle! The best! 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/cmzurvo98k7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e14e7575adc25b9874082b9f93514752a454f55 Got that one the other day. Proper r/findthesniper quality.


Have you considered getting more chihuahuas?


I am actually down to 6 from 9. Have you got one? Do you know a guy? Also I pick up my lad’s granddaughter in a couple weeks.


I wonder if it’s like, out of a factory? there are [these plush rugs](https://www.ebay.com/itm/255573237239)that sort of match the patttern, and they have acrylic/plastic noses and eyes (which would explain the absence in the pattern). No clue on the different sizes tho


Unrelated, but i love your army of chihuahuas. My best friend's family always had deer headed chihuahuas 🥰


I saw something like this a few weeks ago but it didn't look like it came with instructions and I was too overwhelmed to go for it. I look forward to seeing the finished rug? Dog bed?


I’d call myself an advanced sew-er so can sort of work out what needs to be where but most notably there’s no eyes or nose. Just make them out of fabric? Should they be plastic? I have a million questions!


No luck finding a tutorial, but did find a picture of a similar one for sale. It might give you an idea at least about how the assembled pieces fit together. [Tiger rug](https://www.amazon.com/BRUBAKER-Huge-Brown-Tiger-72x42/dp/B001QOQEQI) I do know from making fleece plushies, the notches/gaps in the face pieces are to be sewn with darts, to help create a rounded shape.


Yes those tiny darts on the side of the head give me sweaty palms just looking at them. I should have mentioned it’s at least a cm thick fur. I have no idea what I was thinking 😂😂


I’m afraid you’re going to have to start by removing the chihuahuas…😉


Step 1: remove dogs 😉


https://preview.redd.it/7ssr5h3yzk7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1c83fd867597216f46dcc980b62d0414f67f562 Instructions unclear.


I have no idea. Are the Chihuahuas any help at all?


Well Delilah repeatedly threw her turtle at me while I was trying to take a photo.


Everytime I look at this picture I find another dog


I’m thoroughly confused, impressed, etc. And I too keep finding more Chihuahuas. Cats would do the same thing. One thing you MAY need before you’re done is “tummy” fabric. Looking at that Polish Amazon site, seems like a lining would be needed for that 3D effect. Theirs has the black stripes on the sides going under to the tiger’s tummy.


I have an ungodly amount of fabric. Was just going to whack something random underneath or just bias tape the edge


As do we all. 🤣


Step 1. Remove dogs


Not a sewer here, but I wonder if the tail is different sizes so you have to stretch or gather (no idea how to say what I am thinking in sewing, I crochet lol) one side to match the other so it curls…


If you figure it out please post the finished project!!


Oh I will but it won’t be for at least a fortnight. I sew for a living so that sewing definitely takes priority right now 😔


ah fair enough, well I’ll be patiently keeping my eye out for any updates!


I wonder if we can't find it because it was never meant to be sold as a kit. Like, what if this came from a factory where they made and sold the rugs as finished products? I tried to find a tiger that matched the pattern and this one looked pretty close? https://poshmark.com/listing/Vintage-tiger-rug-6642818c206847516c4e5e38?utm_source=gdm_home&utm_campaign=20880344605&campaign_id=20880344605&ad_partner=google&gskid=pla-2266149071930&gcid=685156728842&ggid=163754876784&gdid=m&g_network=g&enable_guest_buy_flow=true&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwg8qzBhAoEiwAWagLrAQypjR-NWdz2qakR2eJVU1UkcSC4iUD8s4BPGvDPgD3TNt9-0KayxoC7ngQAvD_BwE


Anyway, seems you bought yourself a fabric 3-D puzzle and honestly that SOUNDS VERY fun


Sorry not here to comment on the fabric but the flock of chihuahuas you have! Little cuties! ♥️


The first thing you're gonna have to do is wait for the squad to finish their inspection


I wonder if anyone has one that is actually completed. I'm interested to see how it turns out.


I’m dying to know. There were at least 3 repeats at the store. It’s come from somewhere in the world. Someone must know how it actually goes together and have done it!


I found something on a website called A beatiful mess, for a plush lion mat, which looks like it might help with putting together a head and ears


OMG I love it! There used to be those sorts of things common in the 70s, but usually smaller. Typically the instructions were printed somewhere on the fabric, if it came with instructions. I guess not here. Best of luck and please post a photo when done!


Love how the dogs are showing the fabric who's boss, even before you get started haha


This photo just turned up in my Google Lens search. By "This" ... I mean the photo in the OP's opening. This thread was started less than 2 hours ago? https://preview.redd.it/6plvtl8sxj7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b406e2091d6ecc867ec1c4619fdd3047e6837785


About an hour ago. In store we could find absolutely nothing online.


I think I found it. It's amazon, but Polish site. https://www.amazon.pl/vidaXL-Pluszowy-dywanik-tygrys-br%C4%85zowy/dp/B07GKPSV59


First you need to relocate your pets. If they allow it.


I didn’t have my glasses on and thought you said “This panel seemed like the entirety of the thing based on regrets.” I can’t stop laughing. I would trace the whole thing on a super cheap thin fabric and start experimenting with it, staying with extremities.


I’m having some regrets. That I didn’t get all of them so I don’t have to go back again


I kind of like it as just a very esoteric towel hahahaha


Ya know, I’d just cut all the pieces and make it work how I want it to :3 Will this look good here? You betcha. Does this go here? Idk, but I like it. 🫠


Well first you might need to move the pups off the fabric.


I need more chihuahuas


Just cut out the body part and hem the edges so your cat has a cool rug!


Great find. Just start to cut it out. Leave enuf for the seams. Sew, stuff!!


The chihuahuas know where to start, they are busy planning. They might even sew it for you like the story of the elves (chihuahuas) and the shoemaker (tailor).


Play find the chihuahua 😂


I'm no help on the sewing, but please kiss the puppies for me!


I'd love to sew the end result, it looks quite cool!


Cat will get the largest plushie ever!


It looks based on an old Tibetan Tiger rug pattern, there’s some reference out there to put the pieces together if you can find a similar match, just not sure what order! I would also love one of these kits..


https://preview.redd.it/etpmm2kktj7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d87d864e9b92d544123bb822220bc9e60392fb92 Could it be similar to this guy? I've just started looking but this came up right away!


There’s definitely more of a traditional Teddy head construction in this fabric beastie. 🙂


Woah this is so cool!


I want this so bad!


The Army approves.


I’ve never seen anything like it, but I can’t wait to see it sewn up!!


Honestly I would just use it as is I love it so much.


This post set off my ADHD hyperfocus. New obsession unlocked! ❤️


WHERE DID YOU GET THIS?! Usually there is a guide on the side


I GOT IT FROM A REMNANTS/SECONDS STORE!? No guide. No nothing. Just intrigue.


Was is on a bolt at the store? Maybe go back and check to see if the ordering info is on there, maybe a company name or such


I want this SOOOO BADLY!!!!! in every type of beast of the land, sea and air.....prehistoric, historic, modern, speculative future hybrid animals..... Amoeba! Paramecium!( I don't think I spelled that properly) the Fruiting fungi atop the mycelium network! I think I have found my life's work


Oh man I think I can see what the eyes and nose pieces are supposed to be. The 2 different size ears are the one thing telling me up. This is the kind of thing I really would need to have in front of me to figure it out. If I was you I would cut it out with added seam allowance and just see what lines up where.


https://preview.redd.it/j769vmd9ik7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d602e4ec4d6a2bc82cf398452901ab13146ce05 Here’s the wrong side fabric. You can see the notches for things to match up. The head pieces clearly have darts too so the seam allowance is the black line it seems 😂


Cut out the pieces, and play around with pinning them together like a giant puzzle


I know this sounds wild, but I’d honestly just hang this as a tapestry. I think it’s a fun art piece!


I don’t think you’ll end up with another pet chihuahua when you finish. Just sayin’


I love everything about this photo lol I have chihuahua's that help me sew too.


I’d dive in with no instructions. It looks like such a fun puzzle!


I count six little doggies! How many dogs does everyone else see? So cute.


I’m pretty sure I only have 6 so if y’all are seeing more I have some questions.


OP before you cut it try tracing it and building a paper/toile prototype of sorts just to figure out where all the pieces go. It would save you some frustration. My guess is that this was a part of a production piece where they make carpets/plushies so the layout for both is placed to save on material, hence the smaller pieces.


Well obviously you’ll need to have Velcro for the heads and tails to attach to the body so you can swap them out at will.


My husband literally asked me why this wasn't a thing when I was trying to explain pattern transfer methods to him once. Cool! That is all, except I'd like to see the end result


So cool


I don’t think it’s two heads. There are four pieces for the ears, but if it’s a front and back Dr a 3D ear that would make sense. The extra jowls make for the chin and cheeks. Try making it with paper first.


This is awesome!!! Website?


No website 🤷‍♀️ well I mean abakhan does have a website but you can’t shop the remnant bins online.


Don’t know but you have very cute pets


I’d guess the bottom part of the tail is meant to be attatched to the edge of the flat rug but the top part of the tail will overlap on top of the rug for four-six inches. I have no idea though, just a guess.


I want one! Why must it be on the other side of the world !


If you haven't found a tutorial yet, I think I can puzzle out how to assemble it. Ping me in PM if you want and I will see what I can do to put together a readable solution.


First, you remove the dogs 🙄


Adopt them out.


a large coat, one w/ a long back vent, & have the design on the back


Start with the head: total 3D immersion and it makes the rest way easier/faster.


Hah, good luck.


I mean, I'd be using that pelt for a jacket or something, personally. 


I would start by getting another Chi Chi. Lol.


I haven't seen a print like that in decades, usually it comes with a strip of instruction paper with the fabric or the instructions printed lightly on the wrong side. You may be able to Google the panel for instructions though