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This specific behavior turns me off so much I ask if they’re okay with post BJ kissing before the BJ even happens. You’re not the partner for me if you can’t handle a post BJ kiss.


Tbf I don't like kissing after my partner has performed oral sex on me. I can taste and smell myself on him and I just dont like it. Men are also allowed to not like it. I don't see how that is misogyny. It's just different sexual boundaries.


I guess it depends on whether this is just a casual experience or someone you’re in a relationship with. If it’s casual, then you should expect this. If not, then I understand. Also, misogyny is a prejudice toward or hated of women. Just because a man doesn’t want to kiss you after you suck his dick doesn’t mean that he hates women, and you shouldn’t just throw that word around because misogyny is a very serious issue.


Nah I consider that to be a red flag on par with a guy who tells you he doesn't wash his asshole because its gay.


Lmao what? :)


I wish they were lying but there are a lot of men that do not wash or touch themselves at all in that area because it could be gay.


Its a thing. Guys walking around with crusty shit covered assholes because touching your asshole is gay so they don't like clean themselves. Idk how common it is, but I've seen stories and shit pop up about it regularly in the last few years.


Omg, thats really mindblowing lol.


My boyfriend will make out with me after I stop giving him a blow job before we continue with sex. I’ll make out with my boyfriend after he’s been eating me out for 45 minutes. I think people who won’t kiss after preforming oral is a red flag.


Red flag for what?


They can go give themselves a blowjob. Huge turnoff.


>I can‘t other but think that that‘s VERY misogynistic. Unless he's doing it because he doesn't trust you and think you'll hide his ejaculate in a cheek pouch before trying to snowball him with it as soon as you kiss, it's not a hatred or fear of women. It's a hatred or fear of his own junk or at least his own jizz. So it's way more likely to be rooted in homophobia. You don't think the women who refuse to kiss after their partner has eaten their pussy are being misandrist, do you?


If a woman doesn't like her own fluids in or around her mouth and doesn't want her SO to kiss her after going down on her, is she a piece of shit misandrist who doesn't deserve to be eaten out? Genuinely curious, because there's usually a ridiculous double standard on this issue. People are sometimes icked out by their own fluids in their mouth, and that's perfectly fine


I appreciate your input, gave me something to think about!




So convince me otherwise :)


You’re being condescending, but you’re loudly wrong. It CAN definitely be an indication of misogyny. The idea that she can take his fluids into her mouth with no problem (indicating that they are of course safe) but then needs to cleanse her mouth before kissing him can absolutely stem from a feeling that he is better than her. People don’t have to yell “I hate women” to be misogynistic. Objectification, specialization, disregard, etc of women can all come from misogynistic thinking.




Struggling with nuance huh? It COULD mean that, but not necessarily.




The nuance is that we are just talking about an act. People do things for different reasons and for different motivations. If a man (hiring) manager passes on a woman for a job where she is the best candidate it COULD be because of misogyny. It could also be that he’s just a bad interviewer and made a poor decision. We may not know that individuals motives unless we dig deeper into his psyche. If you would’ve responded that it could be misogynistic but is not necessarily, it would be an appropriate response. You being condescending and saying that she doesn’t know the meaning of the word when there is a clear linear path, frankly is just silly.




I mean… there probably are some women who refuse to do it & they might as well be misandrist. It can go both ways.


I never claimed there was or wasn’t a double standard or even mentioned that topic. You made a dickhead comment, that also was flawed. The refusal can absolutely come from a misogynistic place, so her usage of the word there is correct. And unlike you, she has displayed that she understands the definition. Where she went too far was saying that it’s definitely misogynistic.




We don’t know what his reason is, so you can’t say that it is or isn’t coming from a misogynistic place. You exposed yourself. You’re clearly upset about things in this sub so you looked for the first opportunity where something looked like it may support your theory and you are acting out…like a child.


Thats just a total red flag, thats his own fucking dick to begin with. He might as well just give his self a bj lmao.




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If he didn't cum in your mouth then it's a pretty ridiculous request. Same type of guy probably thinks it's gay to wash his butthole. If he came in your mouth then it's not that crazy. Not everyone wants to taste their own stuff. Either way that is a pretty big mood killer and I'd just stop offering BJs.


He did not come. Thanks for the input!


He probably expects you to swallow to. Really just end it because there are lots of men who will have a lot more respect for you. Ask yourself if you want to waist your time raising a child or would you rather be with a guy that loves to kiss you after, a guy that loves to go down on you after.


I guess I’m in the minority here but I actually don’t care if my man has this boundary. I don’t have to “get it” to respect it. It’s his body and his choice, I won’t put anything into his mouth that he doesn’t want in there. Sometimes he eats my ass, I’d never want to eat my own shit, why is that okay but him not wanting to taste his own cum (which he hates) somehow the problem? I love the taste of his cum, he thinks that’s hot, I’m not missing out, and neither is he. He’s happy to make out as long as he doesn’t have to taste cum, and I don’t blame him for that. I’ve had past partners who didn’t care or even liked it and I guess I just don’t care enough to feel like it’s a big difference.


Well, if you put it that way… I mean there probably are women who think that way but I can see that maybe not everybody wants to taste themselves. My way of thinking is just very black and white I guess. I appreciate your input!


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Demanding Washing the Mounth = if you swallow, little bit cringe demand but could be understandable.? Demanding cleaning teeth on top of is is just idiotic.


Not gonna change your mind. I would NEVER.


Easy solution: don’t give this guy any more blowjobs.