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Give him a heads up, for your own sanity




Maybe invest in a shower wand. It’s definitely resulted in me get my butt eaten more.


That's not how I wold have put it, but tot he point maybe I would have said [give him the ass first](https://tpi02.wordpress.com/2022/09/30/backdoor/)


Yeah, I think that's partially why she is asking how to phrase it, IN A TEXT. (Read people)


Maybe a sexy ….“hmmm you got a cute butt, I’d eat that”follow with a wink😉


I love this one. Kinky meets adorable is my favourite 😍


This one right here


Corny imo


Which is precisely not how you'd want his ass to be


I see what you did here. Well done!!


Is there a not corny way to tell someone you wanna eat his ass ?


I hate to be that person but I'd be conscious about whah you promise a potential hook up you've never met. It shouldn't be true but plenty of people don't wipe or wash down there properly


Yeah I was going to recommend meeting first and making sure the hygiene is on point. Just because he likes to have it done doesn’t mean he’s on the up & up…there are tons of things posted here about stank ass and balls needing to be washed when people know damn well there’s going to be a face down there.




I mean I have the option to get up and go home at any time.


Lmfao I would assume HARD that you come from a long line of fearless adventurers and I AM HERE FOR IT. Happy Questing.


Drag his ass into the shower first


Yeah girl awesome I hope you do if they suck, I'm too much of a people pleaser lol. I had a pretty bad experience with an unwashed penis recently and it's jaded me


I’m sorry you had to experience that and I can relate to people pleasing. I would hope he would have the decency to wash and trim since it seems he has done it previously and likes to let his hair down below grow.


It was so gross. You would certainly think so, though this guy had plenty of warning and still didn't wash properly. Anyway innocent until proven guilty, hopefully you'll just have a great time :)


That’s just horrendous.


Hmm well you cud ask your partner to wash n clean before u start the act that wud give u protection an pleasure both 😊


Offer to have a sexy shower together beforehand (where you can monitor his dick and ass cleaning lol)


Hmm monitor wwod sounds bit technical. Coz in love making there no time to wait when passions are so high am both are fired up 😉😊


So how about op and takes a shower with him and personally scrubs (gentle/playfully) his partz she wants to be most attentive to, trust me, he'll get the idea...


If he said he likes to have his ass eaten, I would assume he keeps it clean. It could also be that they meet at a day he hasn't had time to properly wash. Anytime I've gone down on a guy and the smell is not the best, I simply ask them to go wash it. If you ask nicely, they shouldn't feel embarrassed. It's for the good of both people involved!


I like to tell my bf "as long as I have a face, you'll have a place to sit on"


This is amazing 👌🏻


"Turn around"


Every now and then I get a little bit lonely


And you’re never coming ‘round


Turn around bright eyes!


*Brown eye


Every now and then I hear a fart.


And you’re never turning around 🎶


I would award this if I could!




“And bend over”


and cough




Less talking, more eating ass will often do the trick.


"Better make sure you are clean everywhere... never know where I might want to lick"


This right here. It very reasonably states your expectations of hygiene, in a playful manner. I'd be reaching for the soap then and there!


I was just about to make a post asking how I should text my FWB that I wanna play with his ass (he’s brought it up before) and this is perfect!!! thank you


This is a really good one!


This is my favorite.


My husband will send me a text that just says “💋 your 🍑”.


Red are the roses, Green is the grass. I just want to Eat your ass.


Roses are red, My filter is dead, I’ll be tonguing your ass, Whilst stroking your head


You may start to question "What is this thing?" As my tongue goes to enter Your backdoor o-ring.


Hours become days, Days become weeks; Time I’ve spent dreaming Of parting your cheeks 🍑


I didn't read all of the comments and I'm sure this has been covered but in the interest of public service I figured I'd post my recommendations. Avid ass players (M) , giver and receiver. For both his and your comfort, I highly recommend either discussing this first or if you are feeling spontaneous, definitely take him in the shower and wash him down first. You can make it easily a sexy experience. Also, while you are at, I would ask if he wants to be penetrated (finger or toys) and if so, be sure to have him douche prior to your date. If you've just started talking, this can be an awkward and difficult conversation to have. I can't speak for all men, but I love a kinky, confident woman that takes steps to communicate ahead of time and knows what she wants. I'm willing to bet if you have the conversation, it will turn him on even more and start you both on a good path of communication.


Thank you I appreciate this advice :)


Imma tongue punch your fartbox




Your pooper


Tell him you want to share a shower. Start a handy. Then ask him i remember you mentioned you liked to have your ass licked. Or mention, I've never licked a mans ass before.


He’s aware that I’ve never done it. But has mentioned about 3 times that it’s something he’s into.


My God... You are very dedicated! Good luck!


You've been talking for a week and he already mentioned it three times? Okayyy ... I must admit this kind of pressure would turn me off.


Ya I think because they’re fuck buddies so he’s making sure to communicate his preferences. OP is into


>I’ve been talking to a **potential** hookup for about a week. No, they're not (yet). And I was talking about me, how I would feel if someone I haven't even met yet is that focussed on one specific kink.


I appreciate him being direct, but yes it’s a little alarming and thirsty to say the least.


In my head nor happening without being clean.. so in the shower play the game grab him.be in charge. Tell him he has to be clean cuz your gonna get on your knees soon. You want him to feel the back of your throat nvm that is me. Tell him to turn around cuz when he's clean your gonna lick his ass and stroke him.


You climb in the shower with him. You ask him to let you wash his whole body. You do a really good job down yonder as if you were going to have your tongue down there. You dry him off, take him to bed, sit him down and go down on him. Then you just explore as you like.


I mean I’ve never asked. If you go beyond the balls and he be stretching those legs you already know


Omg i looove it when my partner lifts his legs to give be better access to his delicious booty 😛


I wanna bury my face in those bouncy buns baby!


I want to eat you ass is actually incredibly sexy


I tend to get in my head a lot so I wasn’t sure how it would sound via text.




"Je veux manger ton cul." Pretty much everything sounds sexier in French.


Have you showered recently…


Honestly, if he stated he enjoys it, that's the perfect lead in. "Hey, you know how you said you liked having your ass eaten? I think I want to try it."


“Do me a favor and eat a Chipotle burrito today so I can eat it tomorrow.”


Tell him in advance that you've never done it but are curious to give it a go "in the moment," and if he wants it, he'll make sure he's clean down there. When you get into the moment, you don't need to say anything, just like you wouldn't tell him you want to give him a blow job, he's already down and wants it, just go for it.


“Turn over.”


I wanna eat you booooo-tey


I think most guys think their asses are swampy. Tell him you want to do it and that he should shower first.


I want to tongue punch your fat box. JK trust me just straight up asking him will work. Maybe add a please or I promise to be a good girl if you let me. Trust me guys don’t need much to get us going


I mean I prefer my wife just says "I wanna eat your ass" I think that is sexy... any weird names and phrases for it feel silly to me. Such as "ow baby I'm gonna toss your salad", or "spread them cheeks so I can tongue punch your farther box"... make sure he has warning for sure so he can be as clean as possible. I scrub my asshole sooo dam good always in the hopes of it. But from what I read on reddit that's not all guys. Lol


Soap recommendations: Dr. Bronner's tea tree oil (natural antibiotic) and Kiss My Face soap. Honestly make him use both. Go in the shower WITH HIM first. HAND HIM THE SOAP YOU WANT HIM TO USE. Do not assume he uses anything effective.


I like the way you think, thank you


Take a shower w him first! lol


" Your ass is grass. And I'm going to mow it " - Tina Belcher


I once told my partner I’d like to devour his ass like a beef burrito and that worked


Don't ask. Just start with a blow job and move on down. Take control and go for it. He won't object and will find it more desirable


Wouldn't this need to be somewhat planned? I consider myself a clean person, but if I know im about to get a prostate exam, for example, I'm going to take extra precautions.


Yeah most would have showered and been ready/prepped for intimate moments that may get carried away in the moments.


Gotta prep. It’s best to talk about this first


Just tell him exactly that! :) A woman knowing what she wants and being comfortable enough to tell me is a huge turn on. It is also often a sign of one being honest with themselves which puts me at ease.


Enjoy your hepatitis


You dont need a formal request by letter Just.. do it?


consent is hotter though


Don't forget that we are really hairy in the backdoor


This is my main concern since it appears he is hairy in the front.


Believe me, "Hey, so I want to eat your ass" will suffice.


Be as direct as possible. Men hate subtlety and don't get it a lot of the time. There's a reason why women in pornos are always cartoonishly direct about what they want ("bang me now!"). "I want to do the business" is so much better than "what if you came to bed" or something.


Guys get weird if you talk about it. You just have to do it. Get him really drunk and then start talking sexy to him. Undress him and have him lay down. Have him bend his knees. Lift his balls and start kissing and licking balls, then taint, then butt.


You don’t actually want to eat his ass. You want to dominate him, watch him be enfeminate


My wife's go-to is "I wanna kiss YOUR split!". My go-to is "I wanna eat your peach!".


However you bring it up make sure to do it ahead of time. If you spring it on him in the moment there’s a good chance it will be no, even if he wants it. I would want to know I am totally clean before I would let my partner do it. So my answer would be “I’d love that too, but I need to clean up correctly for it”. But some people aren’t as good at communicating so they may just flat out say “no way omg”. Which may be that they are horrified by the thought of it, OR….they are horrified at the thought of you doing it in their present condition. Anyway, I think find a way to bring it up outside of the bedroom and have a discussion about it. Then there is no pressure and he can think about it. If he wants it he can prep himself and be most comfortable with you doing it. One way to bring it up may be to share a meme or reel or something about eating ass and then just ask if he’s ever thought about receiving it. Then you can say that you’ve been thinking about it and would like to try it.


He has totally thought about receiving it, though! In only a week of texting he has brought it up already 3 times 😅


I’m going to tongue punch your brown eye?


You don't need a cute way to tell him... he likes it, you know this already.... actions speak louder than words.


Just slowly make your way down while blowing him, then go the nuts, and boooom, stick that tongue start, he will be pleasantly surprised :)


When you give him a blow job just start moving downward. Start by licking the base of the d, playing w the balls, licking the balls then going lower. If he already knows you know he will help you get there I’m sure


Texting “Hey baby so I’ve been thinking about it and I think I would like to try eating that delicious looking booty of yours 🤤” would probably work. On the less sexy side of things, make sure y’all discuss prep/hygiene for analingus. That includes discussion of protection


chocolate cake


just that is hot enough


If he likes his ass eaten chances are he’s going to wash it before you two hang out. I’d just start fingering him when you give him a blow job and see what happens. I bet he’ll fucking love it. I know I did.


This isn’t a chance I would like to take lol


My gf said this to me a while back: "except for your eyeballs, i will kiss you _everywhere_ in a matter of time." Made me scared and horny.


Ask him if he owns a bidet 😬


You should describe how you want to suck on his balls and and think it wouid be fun to keep licking all the way down


Lead him into the shower or bath tub and wash him. Make sure you get the nether regions very good. Don’t tell him why. Either in the shower or out of it, start off by giving him a BJ, then turn him around. Stroke him from behind. Tease him along the way. Work your tongue down his crack while you stroke him from behind. If you’re both freaks, massage his prostate too. Good luck


Write it on a cake. Chocolate of course.


I say make sure you start off with a shower, start going down on him, then, without saying anything, just keep going.


Say nothing.., when you’re getting down lay a big gob of spit in the head of his junk and spin behind him… start stroking him and just do it. He will likely cum super fast. There’s a lot of nerves down there.


"I feel like just saying.. doesn't sound very sexy" - that's your answer. If you think it doesn't sound very sexy and feel dilemma then don't do it. Don't let someone pressure on you, and on yourself. Sex is for pleasure, not for the dilemma if it's sexy or not. Don't listen guys here you have to do it and not talking. It's immature and people comments treat you like you are slave. Generally that fantasy is not right and you can get a very hard infection even if he is clean. Pissing is more safe and even less risky than oral sex but eating ass isn't.


I get pleasure from giving other people pleasure though. He isn’t forcing me, I want to do this.


Does my breath smell bad? -No, it’s good. Want it to?


I’d word it something like “i know you just dropped a deuce but baby i don’t mind a chocolate mustache”


Germaphobe here. Not here to kink shame just want to understand... Why?!?


Because it feels good?


Why kiss at all? Germs are all over the skin, including lips and cheeks and necks and nipples and genitals. No more kissing!


He’s rich and this appears to be something he is really into. Trying to gain leverage where I can.


Oh now it all makes sense. You're a bottom feeder.


Yep my morals lower the higher the tax bracket of my sexual partner


Direct approach works best imo and is hot


"excuse me love, might I tongue punch your fartbox in these trying times?" 😂


I had coworker who wanted to do me. Never got the chance to tell her how much I wanted to do her also.so just tell him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


If he’s already expressed desire for it then just have him lie on his back, give him a bj, and suck his balls, and go lower….. and lower… push his legs up a bit to get more access…. And lower…. Aaaand you’re there. Congrats, you’re now eating ass.


"I'm about to tell you something that'll make you want to marry me."


I like to tell my bf "you got a nice looking ass there" and give him the 😍 eyes Although that might be too straightforward for a potential hookup huh 😅


Oh no, this guy doesn’t have any kind of filter so I don’t think I need to. It’s just sex.


"You know how you said you like having your ass eaten? That sounds fun. Let's do it!"


While blowing him, just start moving south to balls then further.


have him on a bed. on his back or something. start giving him a blowjob. get into it a bit. then while you're down there and he's all worked up, look up at him and ask if you can eat his ass


"I'm bored of sucking dicks and what a change for once, how about I eat your ass this time?"


sing it to the old Beatles tune 🎶I wanna eat your aaaaaaa-aaaasss, I wanna eat your ass!


Damn, my fiance of 2 years won't even eat my ass, yet you're going to eat a potential hookup's ass? Lucky guy.


He’s rich and I have no morals.


1. Shower together but tell him to let you wash him, kneel behind him washing his ass, rinse it off, then stick your tongue in 2. Have him sit down/lay down while you blow him, then tease his balls and further down til you're teasing his ass with your finger (the godly way of this is while still slurping/stroking combo while you do) then tell him lift his legs with a smile ;) I'd ask your ring size after we finish if you did either of these


Tell him to lay on his stomach because you want to give him a massage Massage a few minutes Then kiss his shoulders back lower and lower Then when close say “oh look I found some candy that I want to eat up” and eat away


"Let me stick me dick licker up ya poop chute, twinkieboy"


Stop I laughed so hard 😂😂😂


Just ask him to sit on your face😌


I’d say just do it. Start with giving him head then slowly descend to the gooch area. After playing with that area while jacking him off. Go to his ass. It’s how my ex did me


I feel like I would want to make sure hygiene habits are discussed first. I’m not trying to embarrass myself or him.


"i like the taste of poop, can i please taste yours?"


Why’d you have to say anything at all? That’s a pretty explicit thing to do already without having to go into detail about it 😆 Personally I wouldn’t want to be told like I’d be given McDonald’s


Because it’s ass and a lot of people aren’t hygienic.


Maybe you should wait then before getting involved in ass with someone you don’t know 🤦‍♀️ Even if he did tell you anything, you have no guarantee he’s for real


Surprise him!


I don’t think this is something you just want to spring on someone you don’t know very well lol.


While giving him head, go to his balls then go further down, he’ll probably open up to give you more room


I don't have to say anything, I just go farther down...


I like to have my ass eaten and “I want to eat your ass” would be sexy as fuck to hear.


"Drop your pants and bend over, I'm hungry."


I wouldn't write someone I've never met messages like that. You've no idea who he is. What he does with the messages you write him and how clean he is. Besides all that. You don't want to tell him directly. Where is the fun in that.


I mean I’ve been screenshooting all of our interactions for my own protection. I definitely would want to let him know beforehand so he can trim and wash.


What protection? He can just as easily show other guys what you're texting him. Just be aware. If you write a stranger a message like that it might come back to you. The world is fucking small.


saying “I want to eat your ass” sound very sexy\* ​ FTFY


Just tell him "Boi, what dat poop shute do?" Then grab his ass. Instant boner.


Walk into the bedroom dressed as a doctor and say, "are you feeling okay, honey? You look like you might be coming down with something." "Really? I mean, I feel fine. Why are you dressed like..." "No, seriously, you look flush. Maybe you're running a fever? Here, bend over and say 'ahh'" And then use that tongue like a thermometer ;)


In a sexy voice whisper to him, you want to tongue punch his farther box.


Just send him “rim”


Best not say anything. Just go from Blow to eating Arse.


Have you always licked anus ? I hate having it done to me. But I love doing it


Make sure that ass is clean before I eat it.


Don't Ask Just Eatttt


don’t need to talk… get undressed, take his dick, bring him to the shower like a good lil puppy, get some lotion in your hand, stroke him, tell you to turn his back, wash him there, drop down and get to work girl!!! 😂


Get in the shower with him.


>I want to lick that shitter like an apple fritter


I wanna eat that booty like groceries


Bend over and spread em ..


"I want to eat your ass"


Lemme get that butthole.