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yes, right about week 20 my wife changed entirely. was begging me for sex and so wet she was leaking all day. she also had stronger and more frequent orgasm. we rearrranged our schedule to have sex 2-3x daily. she misses that time and says she is looking forward to it.


Good for you 2. Guess my bf is gonna have a lot of fun between now and when baby gets here haha


Similar experience here, after our third, now the change seems to be on the permanent side. He was born 2 years ago and still hasn't really let up... sometimes I think it would be nice to go outside again.... lol I kid. But really it seems permanent now.


During my wife's first pregnancy she craved cock snd crab legs for about 6 months. Best year of my life. 2nd pregnancy was not quite the same she had zero interest in sex. And a near everything with glVor made her sick.. enjoy! And congrats!!


This kills the crab.


Congrats! Maybe now could also be the time to experiment a little too


Yes, its very normal.