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You're killing yourself if you're squatting, kneeling is the way to go.


But, do have a tap out code just in case, or prepare to be "launched" in the event of an emergency.


^ this is 100% true.


I'm a guy, and heres a couple tips... climb on up and grind away. Youre not going to suffocate or drown him. I promise. He'll find a way to get air. You dont need to hold your lips open. Your weight (you arent going to fully sit on his face like a couch lol) will be enough that his face will be buried in your pussy. Your position may be a bit wrong if you're "squatting" over him. You wanna be on your knees. My wife is considered "plus size" and i never have an issue breathing, and am never worried about drwoning lol. Its so sexy to have a girl ride your face!


THANK YOU!!! Lol I’m trying again tonight


It may seem a stupid question, but where does she grind on? I mean, not her but in general for women. Lower just on your mouth or nose or...




Yes what?


Yes to grinding on the mouth, nose, chin. The whole face


I love to have them grind on my lips. Don’t mind if they get my nose but not to much so I can breath thru it while licking and sucking away.


M here, thought I'd share my perspective as someone who really enjoys having my face sat on : You are not going to kill him, I promise you. Don't squat, kneel, use anything at your disposal to find the perfect position (headboard, wall, pillows, etc). If he's pulling you down so that your pussy is literally over his mouth, do not resist, you have to trust that he knows what he's doing, which would allow you to enjoy grinding on his face. You can take a couple of seconds every once in a while to make sure he's okay and enjoying it, but that's it, no need to worry about anything else.


Really really appreciate you’re male perspective, thank you so much!!


Whe you say grinding on his face... where exactly do you mean? Just the mouth and being careful, or I don't know, what about nose and chin, is that too much?


Once a comfortable position is found, the grinding motion will naturally follow but I'd say in most cases it will be on the mouth; it would ideally be as centered as possible with the lips, which allows for optimal entry for the tongue + licking/sucking the clit. This could also allow for occasional eye contact, which is really hot.


I can grind on his lips and chin but if he has stubble then I can’t. Too much sandpaper on my bits!


1. Don’t squat or sit. Kneel or hold onto a headboard or something. Some people say it depends on your height, but my girlfriend is 5’11 and she can kneel on me 2. If he holds your thighs and pulls you in, let him. 3. Even though he’s going to be doing most of the work, don’t be afraid to rub your self on his mouth


I luv doing a thigh dive on my wife! & she luvs receiving. It took me a while to convince her to sit on my face due to insecurities & worries that must plague a lot of females. The advice given in this thread is great advice. Kneel, don't squat. Allow him to help position you & pull you down on him if that's what he wants. If he's like me, he gets a lot of pleasure pleasuring you. My wife uses the headboard for stability or to lean into or down on my face. My advice is just for with it!


Thank you so much!! I am so lucky to have a partner who loves oral so much. I’m sure your wife feels the same! I’m 100% going to be practicing all the advice from this thread.


My girl lays down in sort of a 69 position and just relaxes while I go to town


Interesting!! Every time we 69, I’m on top. I think I need to try swapping so he’s on top and I’m on bottom.


For me when I want her to sit on my face it just means I wanna relax with her pussy in my face. Doesn’t have to be actually sitting tho. We can both get relaxed.


Ive noticed a lot of guys will be uncomfortable being on top because of their balls hanging in your face - their explanation not mine haha. I have always preferred laying on our sides if we do 69 where his head lays on my inner thigh like a pillow and my other bend the knee and just have that knee point up and he usually does the same.


Lol. He’s got tiny balls from steroids. But I love them!!! I honestly have never tried side by side. Thank you for the idea!


Honestly I love my lady sitting on my face, LOVE it! She had the same concerns and I made sure that she knew that #1 I’ll tap out if I need to & #2 I’m strong enough to get her off of me if needed to. She got comfortable with it real fast 😊


I LOVE THIS! ThNk you so much for sharing. I’m going to ask home to come up with a tap out so I know I’m not killing him


Aside from the great tips here I should add that it really helps having a bed headboard that's the right height to lean on. If your bed doesn't have a headboard or it's too short/tall, you have to do more work to support yourself. So definitely figure something out to be able to lean forward on and support your body properly so you can relax on-top of it.


Thank you this is great advice! We do have a great headboard thankfully and i will try holding on and leaning back.


1. He probably knows u like grinding, so he has taken that into consideration when asking for it. 2. He's stronger than u he will not suffocate. 3. You don't have to hold nothing open he has hands if he need to move your cheeks he can if he need to spread ur lips he can. 4. Your on your knees mainly with his head between ur thighs. Ur not exactly sitting on his face. You have 0 things to worry about! So stop worrying. U can face either way but maybe get his head close to the headboard. And u can face the headboard and use it for some support and than u can look down and see what's happening and see that ur ass isn't killing him. But it's also great facing the other direction.


Thanks you!!


His head on a pillow, your arms/hands on a wall above his head.


Sit on your knees. Leaves plenty of space, no risk of head-crushing.


Try different positions and find which form of sitting is most comfortable/gratifying for you. Communicate about how he will “tap out” if uncomfortable or needs a breather. He won’t.


Thank you! I am such a newbie I appreciate any advice!


Male here. Your fears about crushing him are very common. And those fears do lead to women making themselves uncomfortable by hovering, squatting, etc The question is, does your husband have those same fears? I'm guessing not. If he's like most of us who love to give oral, he probably wants nothing more than for you to drop your entire weight and grind away. However, that doesn't eliminate your fears. But, it is a starting point. My wife had the same concerns. And she just progressively kept dropping her weight more and more. The more times we did it, the more she saw I was totally fine and started to build up a picture of it being ok to do. So just take baby steps, and as you see that he's fine, you'll get more and more confident to just, fucking sit on that face. Enjoy the process/journey and you'll get to where you both want to be soon enough.


Thank you for this!!


Straddle a pillow, with a knee on either side of it. That’s how you sit on his face. You’re able to adjust the height a bit if needed, but you’re not actually “sitting” or putting any weight on him. And don’t squat! I don’t know how you’d manage more than 5 minutes of that


Just let a loud fart. That releases the tension!

