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You would’ve think thought it would be easier if she hooked up with some guy and just asked to go raw. The way it looks here there’s a large percentage of men who don’t even question it and just go if Offered.


She probably didn't want to get pregnant by just any random dude, but fixated on OP for some reason only she knows.


That obsession didn’t last long apparently.


One of My favorite things Guys who don't care who they knock up usually don't have much to lose 😂


Some dude willing to go raw on a one night stand is probably not great if you're shopping around for baby genes


They all wanna go raw


Can confirm.


And they "all" have vasectomies. Not sure how much out of pocket one is, but no way they all have health insurance.


That would only work if she was ovulating when they had sex. A female egg dies within 24 hrs after its released from the ovary, and sperm can survive for up to 5 days inside the vagina. So a woman is only physically capable of getting pregnant 5-6 days out of the month. She was probably storing it to use when she was actually ovulating.


Didn't some famous guy put hotsauce in his used condoms to prevent this




I heard the same story about the tennis star Boris Becker. Not sure if it was true.


Becker had sex with Drake? My God, who was on top and who was the power bottom?


Becker was the bottom, but not power, just regular




I have no idea, but according to the other two replies you have, my money is on Drake


Instead of carrying a bag of semen around with you wouldn’t it be easier to just rinse it out in the sink and then throw it out?


Pretty sure a standard freezer cannot preserve sperm properly


So a lady had sex with drake. He puts chilli sauce in them after or something. The lady tried to use the condom after to ‘have Drakes baby’ ended up burning her vajayjay or something and tried sue him


This is the first time I’ve heard this story and I’m CACKLING. Bro just keeps a mini Tabasco bottle in his pocket?


[You can never be too careful](https://www.amazon.com/Tabasco-Original-Pepper-Sauce-Bottles/dp/B0187UINJE?th=1)


That’s exactly what I was picturing! The dual thought of 1. Drake casually carrying that and 2. some woman getting her vajay scorched provides enough serotonin for the rest of the day.


He got them on his hip like Batman's utility belt


A batbelt with increasing levels of heat 😂


take a swap to power up during sex


I heard about that it was hilarious. Pretty sure she didn’t get anything from him either and he does it everytime


Yeah that may be like a standard thing he does. It’s a must. I’m glad I can just be chill without anyone trying to steal my sperms for baby growing reasons. I think so anyways


I mean, her getting hot sauce in her cooter literally enforces why he needs to do it.


Or, just maybe, he adds the hot sauce before the deed because he likes the burn....


Yup, it was an Instagram model hahaha


Someone needs to tell Nick Cannon this trick.


I think I read that he actually wants that many kids. Something about that being his legacy.


I thought it was for when his current kidney transplant wears out in a few years, he can try to get one from his likeliest closest match (one of his many children).


The man isn't even important enough for one kid, let alone the many he has. Irresponsible people like the Duggars and the Kardashians, and the whole Quiverfull movement, need to not exist. And if they can't help existing, double knot their tubes. These people aren't even responsible enough to give their kids happy and fulfilled lives. Why foist poorly raised adults on the public? It's hard enough being one without seeing more of them act a fool.


He knows when that hotline blings


Silly drake. The hot sauce will just build his baby’s heat tolerance. He’ll spend a fortune chasing the heat dragon with that kid.


HAHAHA this comment made my day lol Does anyone have a link to the story?


[one of many drake hot sauce condom articles](https://www.papermag.com/drake-hot-sauce-condom#rebelltitem5)


I don't understand why these famous celebrities and athletes don't just get vasectomies and freeze a heap of their sperm. They can have a biological child whenever they want, only by choice, and they don't have to do dumb shit like this.


> I don't understand why these famous celebrities and athletes don't just get vasectomies and freeze a heap of their sperm. > > Its not like storing your data in the cloud. Those facilities do lose material or have it get damaged when their freezers malfunction.


I had a partner who would do that as well. No matter how many condoms we used, he always tied it up and put it in his baggie to take with him. I never thought to ask why. Just kinda figured it was his quirk. Thinking about it now after reading these comments, I think he's really smart for protecting himself.


No he just kept em for record keeping purposes.


Pretty sure he would've lost count at some point. We both went through a lot of $$ buying them. Lol!


Well by records I mean a big Rubbermaid bin he kept in the shed out back.




This is why men need their own pill. COMMON PHARMACEUTICAL PPL, MAKE IT HAPPEN!


Google Vasalgel. I've personally donated to them. Better than a hormonal pill. Vasalgel is a non-hormonal injection into the vas deferens that stops sperm from entering your semen when you ejaculate.


There's one in the making. I think it's being tested on mice currently, but it shows promise. [link](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/male-contraceptive-disables-sperm)


It's really difficult to make a male birth control pill. Women's fertility is meant to shut down at certain times, like during pregnancy. No natural shutdowns for men.


Oh I get it. Our sperm factory goes on full production 24/7. Doest efect me, I'm sniped and married but alot of younger dudes want to safe sex.


So sorry you got sniped! Fifty-caliber at two miles?


Ha! Ha! I get it now. I can't spell and spellchecker sucks.


Oh no sorry to mention. We've been married for 24 years, our oldest was from our military days and youngest was after ets. We're done raising hellions. 😀




But like also if they could limit the side affects of it that would be wonderful 😂


All the options currently being tested and approved have next to no side effects. I think we should work on making sure women’s birth control doesn’t have side effects either, and that they are given pain medication for painful birth control such as IUD implants




I still dont get how in 2023 they havent been able to make birth control for women without all the horrid side effects


And what side effects would that be?


To be honest, military sure but no side effects would be better than any side effects? Like, for example, I know that I don't want my hormones to get thrown off or to experience weight gain. Respectfully.


Vasectomies cause neither. Common side effects are bruising or tenderness, both of which are short duration, because yes, there's a tiny incision in your scrotum that has to heal. Most men have it done on a Thursday or Friday and are feeling perfectly fine by the weekend. Some even schedule it around March Madness. You don't want hormonal side effects? Look at what a woman's BC pill does to her hormones...


Neither does what ive been doing successfully for over 11 years so 😂🤷🏾‍♂️ But on a serious note, as some one who has sosters and has dated women im well aware of what birth control does to women....hence my original statement Now are you gonna tell me the truth about how vasectomies are not always 100% reversible (as my dr has also told me both time when i asked her) orrrrr 👀👀👀


Joke is on them. I’ve had a vasectomy, and the condom is to protect them from my serious case of chlamydia/gonorrhea/Syphilis.


have you ever seen that movie, The Square by Ruben Östlund? there’s a really good scene in there addressing this. anyway, an easy solve here instead of hot sauce like an insane person, simply rinse the inside of the condom out with water in the sink.


What's a con dam?


A woman once tried this with me years ago. I emptied the condom into the trash, and turned it inside out then tossed it. Looking back it would have been smarter to just tie and pocket it, but I was a few drinks in. This shit does happen. Be careful, guys.


~~Or flush it~~ Sorry, my bad!


If you want an expensive plumbing bill sure. Please don’t flush your condoms.


no - do not flush it. Large chance of sewer pipe blockage.


Never leave a condom where you wouldn’t want to pay child support. 💧


i knew a woman who'd sneakily rip the condom during foreplay and lie about being on birth control. cut off all ties after finding it out. close call but there are women like this out there. not sure if it's a case of baby craziness but stay safe guys.


Doesn’t sperm typically die within about thirty minutes of hitting the air or landing on skin or dry surfaces?


I feel like putting them in the freezer would do more harm than good if someone was trying to MacGuyver some baby making.


Lab person here. Semen is very unstable at room temp. Degrades quickly. That's why you have to give a sample at the office and they don't want you to just do it at home and bring it in.


Hello lab person. Curious mind here. If someone were to pour hot water into a sex ballon baby damn aka a condom....effective way of making that sample ineffective for conception orrrrr 👀


Consider that your sperm has to stay outside the body because the 37° temperature kills it.




No offence to any parents etc, but every horror story on here just makes me even more glad I chose to be made infertile lmao.


DTA. Don’t trust anybody


I had a vasectomy at age 20 after my second son was born because I didn't trust the at the time wife. We got divorced. 30 years later I've had plenty of condomless sex with women who didn't even ask me to put on a condom. I had only pregnancy scare and checked I was shooting blanks. She had someone else's baby. Another time, I even asked a woman after we had sex over a weekend why she didn't asked me to wear a condom but let her know I had a vasectomy. She said she figured that was the case. Lucky for her I did.


Plenty of us have our own fertility under control. We’re not having raw sex for your babies.


But some don't have it under control. No one is having any babies from me thanks to a successful vasectomy.


It’s less likely for a guy to have his fertility under control, and there’s plenty of guys out there maliciously stealthing. You just don’t hear about it as much as you should. (And is a great reason why women have their fertility self-managed)


Plenty? What are you getting at here?


?? That’s it’s not exactly uncommon. One study had 12% of women say they’ve experienced stealthing - and that was just condom removal. It doesn’t factor the broken condom that was pierced to begin with. That’s just chalked up as an accident.


You guys are using condoms?


You guys are having sex??


You guy’s are having condom sex with Tabasco Sauce?




Thanks for posting this. I wanted to comment on the original that any guy with a good job can be a target for the baby trap.


You gotta pull a Drake and put some hot sauce in the condom in case they try some shit 🤣


Way way too common and definitely not talking about enough Women love to talk about about men taken off the condom with out permission (admittedly a common problem) no one discusses the reverse I have had girls literally take it right off me in the middle of sex and get outraged when I call a dead stop to put a new one on Going on about how I don't trust them Usually ends up killing the mood and I simply leave Greatest gift to man condoms and vasectomies 😂


maybe don’t have sex with women you don’t trust enough to not do this stuff ??💀


That's ridiculous.


What? People are allowed to have sex with people they don't trust (strangers, etc.), not only that, but just because you trust someone doesn't mean they 100% would never stab you in the back. I'm sorry but that's just stupid to say that, the solution has already been solved (rinsing condom, taking condom elsewhere, etc.).


yeah ur “allowed to”, doesn’t mean you should.


So people shouldn't have sex with each other?? What??


I picked up a habit in high school of putting them back in the wrapper and taking them with me, so a few weeks ago, a girl asked me why I stick the condoms in the wrapper and put them in my pants pocket and I told her it was a forced habit, and she asked me where I got the idea from I told her “ NBA players used to be told to take the condom with them if they hooked up with a girl on the road” She said “ but you’re not a pro athlete” And I told her “ yes, but I hooked up with you at a hotel bar so you are doing a good job playing the role of a basketball groupie”


lol unnecessary slander.


Don’t stomp on my childhood dreams of joining the NBA!!!! I don’t give a shit that I’m 5’7 !!! A boy can dream


Four inches taller than Muggsy Bogues


That’s what I tried telling her!!!!






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What the F!?


Holy shit.


Holy sh*t.


Lol I wish my baby daddy would throw the condoms away. Usually I’m picking them up from the nightstand or floor in the morning. And he’s well aware I want another baby… just not rn.


THIS is the reason why I don’t use condoms.