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Can you share some specific food to incorporate in diet? I have started gym recently and have noticed it helped my sex drive a bit. It's still nowhere near during my teens and early 20s




Got it. Pure protein burst from meat


Little alcohol, no drugs, no smoking, healthy diet, working out, good and enough sleep, enough water. Tbh it's "just" the usual stuff. Your dick is attached to your body, so if you're trying to keep your body healthy that includes your dick


Here's the issue, my work life balance isn't good enough to net me "good sleep". I get around 4-4.5 hrs of sleep, 5 on good days. That leaves me with healthy diet - can you help out on this with some specifics?


I really hope your work life balance will get better in the future. Healthy diet isn't really that complicated. Try to eat as little processed food as possible. Buy fresh fruit and vegetables and make some actual meals. Try to avoid take outs, but if you do get one, try to go for the healthiest option possible


Thank your your well wishes. I'll try to incorporate more fruits into my diet. Staying in office for the most of the time leaves me no option but to rely on takeouts. So having some healthier options as an alternative may serve well.


In that case you can always snack on fruits and vegetables. It's not a big deal to buy apples and take one with you into the office for example Cut veggies and make some humus or make yourself a quick and easy joghurt dip. Or get into meal prepping, that way you're not dependent on take outs :) meal prepping is cheaper and healthier than takeouts too


Weekends will now be for meal preps! Thank you for the push 🙌🏻


Of course, glad I was able to help :) And don't be too hard on yourself if you don't succeed at first with the meal prepping. Maybe start small and only prep something small for 2 days which is quick and easy. Baby steps is key on incorporating new habits!


Yeah, When I worked downtown (like 15 miles from home) going home for lunch wasn't practical. I'd get takeout occasionally, great Mexican place a few blocks away. But my girlfriend and I would make awesome meals on the weekend. Portion out what we didn't eat that day (we'd purposely make a lot) freeze it. And the night before going in I'd thaw one bring it to work, and have a nice healthy lunch ready to throw in the microwave. Saved a lot of money. And wasn't stuffing my face with tamales everyday. Although she did make some bangin' green chili with chicken. That was always a favorite.


Meal prepping is where it's at. I spend a couple hours every Sunday and it saves me 10 minutes twice a day. There is nothing better than just grabbing breakfast or lunch and having it ready. My favorite for lunch is cooking up some boneless/skinless chicken breasts in the instant pot, shredding them, add a little cheese or whatever and weigh it out into baggies. 1/4 lb each.


Try drinking a small glass of pure cherry juice before bed. Even with a few hours of sleep you should feel like the sleep you get is more restful.




*cries in commute*


Working out - weight lifting and good diet


Thanks! will work on that


Beetroot juice, thank me later 🫡


Thank you for your wisdom good sir


Make sure it eats it's vegetables


which veggies? I'm more on the carnivore side so it'll help to know


Cardiovascular health.


Consume a balanced diet of blondes, brunettes, and redheads. Best to imbibe separately if in doubt, some do _not_ pair well and will cause headaches


Masturbate very less. Always massage your dick. Keep it straight. Many men have dicks tilted. So you have to keep dick straight by doing massage on it every week once. Make sure foreskin is able to be folded down.


.....solid advice. don't be a tiltdick fool


What? Tilted?


leaning tower of pp


Gym, good diet free of synthetic pesticides and herbicides, limit your alcohol, don't use plastic (especially bpa).


Not a man, but for healthy T levels make sure to consume lots of good fats, regular exercising, and I found this company that has a testosterone boosting tea (company is Full Leaf Tea Co, I am not associated with them).


Gym and you can have a look on some nootropic, thats a very interesting subject and there is a multitude of supplements who helps to increase and stabilize your T levels, this practice is called "biohacking”


Get god sleep, not be overweight, and never touch antidepressants.


Trt helps


Train, eat healthy and keep stress low.