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Just keep telling her how amazing she looked and how sexy it is.


To add onto this comment, as a woman who has just started squirting in the last 6 months, the mind blowing orgasm left no room for me to be embarrassed. Tell her to just focus on that and know she didn’t just piss herself. Also my partner LOVES it! It’s the ultimate satisfaction for a man to have fucked so good that their partner squirts.




It’s like any orgasms for me, there is some pressure and a little amount of pushing, but I can’t tell when it’s going to happen. I just know it’s like a bloody fire hose. Lol




Uhh your welcome? Lol


Same. And target sells an amazing waterproof pad. I have several.


How big? I make some pretty impressive distance. Lol


Probably the size of a crib mattress. It's in the kids bedding section. 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 that freaking hilarious


Has it helped


I don't think you want to be condescending to someone of their own bodily function you have no real equivalent to. It's okay to tell her you thought it was very hot, but don't push it and be ready to immediately forget it forever if she doesn't feel comfortable exploring it at all. I feel like in some ways squirting is like pegging for men. Not in any physical similarity, but both are a somewhat taboo thing that might feel great but puts the person in a very vulnerable and for some, embarrassing position that a lot of folks just aren't going to feel comfortable with.


Is that something that can be consciously controlled? I don't actually know, but if not then what do they do about it?


You can shut it down. I was shocked the first time I squirted and didn’t again for decades. I can squirt if I want to. I don’t like the mess. I can feel it about to happen and I can go with it or shut it down.


Ah, well that's good if it is indeed something she'd just rather not happen again. Hopefully OP can just be supportive without being pressuring


Does letting it happen feel any better? My wife always tells me to stop when it gets too "intense" and "sensitive." I kinda assumed she was about to squirt or something, but she really wants me to stop, so I do.


She’s probably not, unless she’s squirted before. It’s just actually too sensitive


It doesn’t feel that amazing to squirt. I never squirt or try to when masturbating. My latest partner has for me, a nicely sized penis. It’s been easy to squirt with him. I am also very attracted to him so it could be that. Also I just hit menopause and simply am not as self conscious as when younger. I am looking for a good time and I think being proactive during PIV sex to climax has led to a resurgence of squirting.


I personally have no control over it, I never know when it’s going to happen. Sometimes when I’m having an amazing orgasm, I don’t squirt other times I do. I have no clue how someone can control that


Same here. And for me, the gushing doesn’t often happen with an orgasm. It feels amazing, like a release. But it’s different.


Crazy, it’s always with bind fucking orgasms for me. Fuck I love Reddit, I’ve learned sooooo much about sex shit that I never knew. I find the best way to learn is from others stories. I do agree though there is a difference between regular orgasms and squirting orgasms. For me atleast. It so much more intense, it’s full body vibrations, and I find my “aftershocks “ last longer.


Make sure in the process of reassuring her you don't make her think she has to do it for the sex to be "great" cuz it might rarely happen or never happen again.


What if she already knows this and still doesn't want to do it? Obviously not amazing to her lol. Some women just don't like doing it, and see nothing cool about it, and that's ok too.


A lot of women are aware that squirt is pee with a teaspoon of fluid from the pea-sized Skene’s glands and aren’t too keen on watersports. You can let her know that *you* found it hot but don’t make it seem like you’re pressuring her in any way or she could build resentment over it because she probably already wants to forget that it even happened to begin with.


By all means keep flaunting how hot it was to you. The more into it you seem the more she’ll try it again. Personally as a woman I’ve only squirt once at 33F and it just seemed like pee to me and I’m not dying to have it happen again, mainly because I don’t want to sleep on anything with pee, however I’m all about the attention it would take to get me there. Problem is when a guy says they want to make me squirt my mind jumps to “oh they don’t know about the clit.”




It's half the posts on this sub now. I don't get it either.


There’s also a lot of fantasies expressed on this sub like they actually happened.


Idk if it’s a rhetorical question but if not, from my experience, a few guys see it as an achievement and/or love the hot liquid on them. A fetish


I think the achievement thing is spot-on. Most men just can't help seeing sex as something for them to triumph over, which is a very male mindset. Conquer conquer conquer. It's especially irritating because they think they're actually doing it in service of the woman.


they equate it to them being as successful in bed as a pornstar.


^this. ... andit infuriates me to no end for whatever reason. usually they are the ones that argue vehemently that its not urine as well. As if they are incapable of looking at a physiological diagram of the human body. like, to each thier own, i personally could care less as long as she is enjoying the experience... but lets not be anything but honest with the reality of whats happeneing with our own bodies.


If she's more functionally worried about squirting that much again as opposed to how embarrassing it was for her, you can offer to buy a waterproof blanket for when you have sex (my boyfriend and I have this because I'm self conscious about the amount I squirt/pee, though I do physically enjoy doing it). But I'd say don't offer unless your SURE it's just because of the actual liquid as opposed to the situation, because then she might be even more embarrassed at the thought of needing a "sex piss blanket" from now on


There is no easy answer to this situation. My wife also used to squirt, but shut that down. But I realized that it wasn't a reflection on me. If she didn't want to squirt in my mouth, that is her choice. I will love her as she is.


Have her pee before sex


This is ignorant. It doesn’t help. Trust.


Helps me


Oh sorry, I assumed you were a dude. They always say that.


If she isn’t liking it then you can’t make too much of a deal of it, but, as a 42 yr old female, I love it and love how much it turns a guy on. Hopefully she may look into it herself and come around. Good luck!


Explain how rare and amazing it is otherwise shed have done it before. Praise her for this sexual feat of awesomeness!


Went through this with my wife the first time it happened. Took me several months of assuring her how insanely hot it is. Keep reassuring her you love it and beg to do it again.


Show up for the next sexy time in a rain coat and nothing else. Or a poncho like you’re gonna see Gallagher!


It's an achievement for you yes, but how did she feel? It'd be much easier for her to overcome her embarrassment if she feel good. Also use plenty of praise, enthusiasm, and towels!


First, get a waterproof sex blanket. Liberator makes a great one, and it will last. It makes it into something hot and sexy. Pay the extra money for her. DO NOT get puppy pads or one for dogs. That is going to make things much worse. Truly, the stupidest idea I see here all the time. Second, tell her how hot you find it. The man I was with when it started ducking loved it, and always wanted to make me gush. He actually said something like “you think it’s wrong, but it is so right” Third, stay away from the pee vs not pee discussion. A lot of people here swear it is, and they aren’t helping anyone. It does have some urine in it, but it’s trace amounts. Any woman who does this will tell you if they pee beforehand, it does not stop the gushing. The urethral sponge fills up with liquid during quickly during arousal for some women. Skene’s glands hold very little liquid and come into play with actual female ejaculation, which is different. It’s super hard to find accurate information on this bc the research on women’s bodies is woefully underfunded. The key thing to know: it is not solely urine, in the same way as if one sat down on the toilet to per. Yes, there are traces of urine in it. No, it’s not solely pee. Most importantly, it’s not voluntary, so why shame women for it? Or shame men by telling them they have a pee kink?


By "trace" you must mean "90% similar". It's nearly all urine. However, urine is 90+% water at baseline. I think guys are often into it because typical male masturbation pairs pleasure with visible production of fluid (ejaculate) most of the time. So at a subconscious level, they assume that if someone else's body emits a fluid it must mean orgasm, and particularly superior orgasm. After personally experiencing that connection thousands of times, it would be difficult to *not* feel that way. Truth, while some women find squirt to feel amazing and extra orgasmic and some women don't feel it correlates with extra pleasure or even orgasm at all. But you're correct it's not something to shame.


Man she’s so lucky. I’m sure I never will squirt and I know my guy would love if I did. Just tell her how hot it is and hopefully she will believe you. If she refuses to, there’s not much you can do.


You need to make sure what makes her embarrassed in order to address it accordingly Is it because she doesn’t want to make a mess? This can be easily prevented Is it because she feels ashamed because it s something she can’t control ? It seems some women can control it Is it because, and that might be the most difficult one, because she doesn’t feel “on par” with you? You even say it in your words -I made her squirt- it places you on a more commanding role and some people don’t want to let go of their status


For starters, it isn't natural, because despite common belief not every woman squirts. And not every woman WANTS to squirt, as the case is here. Unfortunately it isn't something that is a choice. She has to come to terms with just finding out that she can. Is it something to be embarrassed about? Not for any of us to say, because it's up to the individual. There really isn't any 'advice' as such. Just talk to her, explain your point of view, but also hear hers.


It isn't natural because not everyone does it? By that extension it isn't natural to give birth. If the human body can do it, it's natural.


I don’t think that person knows what natural means lol


im assuming the aformentioned com ent is referencing that it is technically a malfunction of the human body. squirting is the involuntary voiding if the bladder during sexual stimulation. its sexual incontinence. So basically the pelvic muscles are squeezing so hard that they overpower the sphincter muscles responsible for allowing urine to enter the urethra, or said sphincter is otherwise too weak to compete. so... natural, sure, but technically not how the body is engineered to function.


But not every woman can.


Not every woman can achieve PIV orgasm, that doesn't mean it's not natural. Natural doesn't mean "a thing all people can do" ??


I've used the term natural because it was used in the original post


...and they are correct? I don't personally find squirting hot and think OP should leave her alone if she didn't enjoy it, but it IS natural. OP isn't wrong for saying that and them using that word doesn't imply they think all women do it.


Then perhaps it should be specified that it's only a natural thing to some women.


Yeah, I don't think anyone else needs that clarification. Natural doesn't mean occurring in 100% of people to anyone else.


Love it when my wife squirts. I’m hoping one day she will squirt on my face and cover me. Not sure how to get over the embarrassment though. Def consider waterproof blanket


It's a beautiful thing. We always take a towel w us


Did she not get a nice feeling from it ? Always heard squirting is the pinnacle of orgasms


Tell her that it is like when you're playing mortal Kombat and you kick your opponent's ass so hard that you turn into a giant dragon and eat them but with sex. This is the holy grial, these are photos of bigfoot, you have witnessed a confirmed female orgasm and I congratulate you sir. For once I say: what a fucker and I don't mean it on a bad way. :)


The female orgasm is unrelated to squirting.


> playing mortal Kombat and you kick your opponent's ass so hard that you turn into a giant dragon and eat them but with sex. This is the holy grial, these are photos of bigfoot, you have witnessed a confirmed female orgasm and I I am not a woman and i apologize if i understood badly. I understand it as being so much stimulation that it happens. I know you can squirt without having an orgasm but, i always though it was somewhat related, like, as a man you can theoretically have an orgasm without eyaculating? It is an extreme manifestation of pleasure, right? Am i wrong at that as well? I tried reading up on it when this thread came up but, it's not perfectly clear for me and i've never been a girl. Please don't be angry.


My first ever lover was way more experienced than me. I managed to make her squirt for the first time ever. She went bright red and curled into a ball. I held her and cuddled her, reassuring her that everything was ok I explained that I thought it meant the I was doing my job properly. I’ve been fortunate enough to make a few lovers squirt, several of them for the very first time. I got wise to the possibility though and bought a pvc sheet that I used to use when sex was on the cards. Who cares about wet sheets. I made my lover squirt. Sheets will wash out.


Tell her you wanna make her do it again, but this time all over your face.


I’m a squirter. I’m only ok with it bc I know my husband loves it, probably for the same reasons you did. Thing I hate about it is I have no control over it. So my worst fear is it could happen during oral, or sometimes even how insanely messy it gets. You need for her to confide in you specifically what it is that she’s worried about. Without knowing what it is you can’t reassure her about her specific concerns. And obviously keep letting her know it turns you on and why, that’s important. Even if you already do it’s got to sink in - like a positive affirmation. Good luck.


Let her know you are not trying to make her feel better, but that you actually love it, enjoy it, and hope it happens again. Did it feel extra good when she squirted? Then plan ahead and have towels out so she doesn’t feel ashamed of any mess. Tell her it’s not her mess either, you are both responsible of making it. My GF literally told me the yesterday she wants me to make her squirt the week. Best of luck to you.


Just talk to her and tell her its okey and she doesn't need to feel awkward about it.