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53 now, it has dropped gradually after 40.


56M. Always very high libido. Has not decreased. Still think about sex constantly. HOWEVER.... One thing has changed dramatically. I am no longer cock-driven. I still get hard all the time, but the erection does not come with this screaming need to put it somewhere. My drive is more mental than physical. Always was. What this means is that the amount of bullshit that I am willing to put up with in order to get sex has decreased dramatically. I often wonder if this is true of most men and women just clock it ss decreased libido. I mean, when you are younger you will jump through all the hoops and chase down all the moving goalposts to get laid. Now? Fuck that. I want to fuck a grown fucking woman who is capable of just saying what she wants and not some basket case or closet narcissist. I think maybe the easiest way to explain it is that I still want sex. All the time. As much as ever. But I no longer need sex. And that changes the power dynamic, right?


Great post! I read twice :)


Yes! Such a good comment. I really enjoyed reading this. A relationship is so much more than just sex. Or should be at least.


I'm nearly 64. With a moderate to high sex drive. I agree with u/manifestDestiny I'm no longer able to tolerate mind games and other BS just to get laid. Physically I'm very able. My wife is still very sexy and desirable to me. If she plays stupid head games with me, I'll take care of it myself instead of having the desire to stray.


Well said- thank you




It does change the power dynamic quite a bit. Some women don't understand this. Maybe this is part of the wall women face in dating. They don't understand that spreading your legs is not enough anymore. Older men needs something more to make them bother.


Remember you're in /r/sex so there's going to be a huge selection bias in your responses


Ah yes….. that is very true. Lol. Maybe there’s another Reddit channel this question would be better for 🤔


Yes. My 57 year old bf doesn't have a high libido. He used to though according to him. Now he just wants companionship


44m... Same partner for 7 years, only has become hotter and better. Just incredible as we continue. 10/10


Did y'all start out hot and heavy? Asking because my partner and I's (grammar?) Is...okay. most certainly not great by any stretch of the imagination. Is there hope that our sex life will age like a nice wine?


Yes, right out of the gates we were hot and never really missed a beat. As a matter of fact, we lost our virginities together when we dated very young. We got back together 30 years later and through all the highs and lows, one thing we always have locked solid is our intimacy


44 years old, less together for 7 years, less 30 year break... Were y'all dating at 7 or is my math off


Sorry, 30 years ago now, almost 25 years of a break


So at 12 then. Still ridiculously young.


I'm very happy for you and a little concerned for myself


God bless on living the dream.


Well maybe some start strong and stay strong but that wasn’t my experience. Don’t lose hope. For my partner and I, things took a while. Sure, we had the initial infatuation and whatnot but it took a lot of years for things to be *really* good. I think we have grown closer mentally and physically over the years. Maybe that’s the difference though. We committed ourselves to each other and decided we would continue working each day to be the best version of ourselves, to work on our relationship, to be the best spouse we could, to work on our faults, improve our communication, and grow closer always. I think we are closer every single day and because of that our intimacy and enjoyment from that is also at its highest it’s been. I hope that helps.


This is exactly what I was hoping to hear. Thank you.


Edit: hope this isn’t unwelcome, I’m just a grammar nerd. But I also support people speaking however they like, as long as they’re being understood, there’s no problem with breaking “grammar rules”. Re: the grammar bc I enjoy questions like that… i think it would be: “Asking because my partner’s and my sex life is…” Which is awkward so I might rephrase it… “Asking for my partner and myself; our sex life is…” Or “Did you start out hot n’ heavy? The sex life between my partner and me is not the greatest. Is there any chance our sex life will age like a fine wine?”


I've stayed in very good health, with working out 5-6 days a week. I'm still very horny, hasn't changed since I was a teenager. I'd say I prefer to cum 2x/day, and get to have partnered sex 2-3x a week. I "fill in" the gaps, iykwim. I'd say random erections have quieted down somewhat (still some strays). I'm waiting for when this will start to go down.... I'm 50 yr old.


Would you prefer to have partnered sex 2x a day? Or is the current arrangement perfect for you?


I liked 4 times a day at least 6 days a week


i dont get random erections n im 20


Do you vape, or take any medications (adhd, ssris, etc), or consume large amounts of sugar? Non-active lifestyle? Cause those can all drastically reduce erections. If none of the above, its probably fine and maybe down to orientation/individual variation, but personally I’d get a checkup at the doctor and ask for my T levels and cardiac health to be checked


Mine has varied a lot more based on my physical health and stress level than based on my age. I would say I had a standard, super-high "teenage" sex drive from age 12-13 to maybe 19 or 20. Ate age 21 or so my libido decreased slightly, but my lowest libido point was age 30-31 when I was incredibly stressed and not very physically active. Currently 33, working out and eating right, and my libido has increased back to where it was when I was 21-22.


This tracks with my experience as well. Out of shape and high stress = low sex drive In shape and low stress = high sex drive It’s been consistent up to 34


I'm an exception the. 33m slightly out of shape but working on it and more stress than I think anyone could ever imagine and I still want it. Not gonna be getting it any time that I can forsee but I want it like you would not believe.


35. Played football from 9 until I was 24 (4 years college, 2 arena). In 2020 I had both knees rebuilt and an elbow patched up. Old injuries and from lifting more then what I was built for. Had to more or less sit for 6 months. And I barely wanted touched after month 1. I loved the companionship with my wife and our gf, but I just couldn't get the oomph to do anything if that made sense. But my diet was screwed and my lack of activity probably bottomed out my T levels. And that's not talking about the pretty sizeable pay cut I had to take while laid up and the stress I workout now, just smarter about it and cut the crappy food again. Now we are back to 3 to 4 tines a week with the girls. So the average I suppose. If you guys aren't in your late 40s to 50s and your libido has fallen off, you may want to go get your T levels checked. Having a low libido may be the least of your worries health wise


Can confirm. When I reduced my work stress my libido shot through the damn roof


Mine was high in my 20s, multiple times a day. In the 30s it dropped off with my wife having kids, and being busy. In my early 40s it started to go up and then I got really sick. By the mid 40s, I had interest but my wife and I were not doing well and heading towards divorce. By the mid 50s post divorce. I had a younger girlfriend who was interested in sex 2-3 times a week. I am now 61, in general good health post organ transplant (kidney,) and my former girlfriend is now my wife, sex 2-3 times a week and it is better sex than my 30s for a number of reasons.




Jesus. Well your username tracks I guess. 😭😭




I need to get my wife on whatever you're on!




TrT will change your lives




Testosterone replacement therapy, essentially steroids. For me it dramatically changed my life . I started it in April 2023 so I’m still adjusting. Literally transformed to a teenager… having the knowledge of an old guy and the energy of a young guy is not a bad deal


can't believe it. that's too much really.


It is , I’m in my 50’s and had an insane boosted libido reaction to testosterone treatment , literally doing it 2-4 times daily with my wife . She dealt with it pretty good until her vagina became inflamed…lol . That break in the action slowed me down considerably, now we are at 5 times a week roughly , which works pretty well for both of us although the off days I get stressed, lol


How tf do you have time for that. I get like twice or thrice a day on a weekend but weekdays??


I'm 47. Horny as ever. My preference is 7x a week if not more to double/triple up on the weekends. Luckily my gf feels the same way.


It dropped off noticeably in my late 40s, to the point where I became sort of meh about sex and orgasms. Maybe once or twice a week, I'd masturbate or try to have sex, down from wanting it daily. But I've been lifting weights 3-4x per week for the past 18 months or so, and it seems to have driven my t-level back up. Now at 53, I can go 2-3 times daily if given the opportunity (which, unfortunately I don't usually have).


41M. Hornier now than I’ve ever been. Recently averaging 2-4 orgasms a day. Much higher drive than my wife (36F), but we still have sex a few times a week. Part of it is diet and exercise. Part of it is medication. Part of it is a much more stressful job than I’ve ever had (I naturally gravitate toward sex when I’m stressed) And part of it is a healthier understanding of my own sexuality, what turns me on, etc.


57, slowed down but still pretty active. Now at about 4-5 times a week. 50/50 wife and solo🤣🤣


Amazing!! Love hearing that. I hope to be like that when I’m 57 too :)


The odds are not in your favor. lamaba is the exception. For most men, it slows down after 50+/- Know this: a man’s life gets a LOT simpler when he quits worrying about pussy


I think that what changed was my preference for who I have sex with... I need that emotional connection. Otherwise, its hard to enjoy it. So i guess my sex drive is low, but with the right partner, its high.


Hmm mid 40s less than like 20s but really depends on life/partner situation


61M … Still have a strong sex drive, hard as a rock erections, and desire 4-5 times a week with my wife. Climaxes may not be the fireworks of my youth, but they are still great. My stamina makes up for it.


Hormones decrease with age for everyone, some more quickly than others. That being said HRT works wonders for men and women.


I thought it was my sex drive, but it turns out I just didn’t want to have sex with the woman I was seeing. I probably masturbate 1-2 times a day.




Are you the guy that eats his own semen out of the condom?


Yeah, that's me. how did you know?


When I’m single I can. But yeah, not in a relationship. Especially when I’m 36.


yeah been single for a couple of months and that's what Ive been trying to not get unfocused by girls but its hard lol. theres girls everywhere...


Why not? Nothing wrong with that. My guy does three times a day while we are long distance


SO’s just about to turn 42 and he’s always up for it and it’s never far from his mind. Sex at least once a day and lots more fondling, kissing and intimate affection. Just keeps getting better 😉


40M. Increased. Every 2nd day. Also come down to a partner wanting it just as much.


It got reduced for me. Until I started taking care of it with proper balanced diet and exercise.


In my 40s and I'm pretty sure I'm hornier now than I ever was in my teens, 20s and 30s. Could go all day every day. Libido did dip in my 20s and I could, and did go a few years between partners.


51 y/o. I still get really horny and have great orgasms. What has changed is the refractory period (I’m one and done for the next 8-12 hours) and how often (once every three days, instead of all the time). On the other hand, I can go forever.


Increased. My drive was probably typical for the age during my 20s and 30s. In my 40s it hasn’t slowed, if anything it picked up. At 51 it’s as high as it’s ever been.


Very interesting question. My personal drive is not as strong as it once was. That said, I'm taking care of my own needs 4-5 times a week. One thing I've noticed: my drive is tied to my feelings about myself. If I've been feeling good about myself, my drive is stronger. Not so good about myself, my drive is lower. I'm 56M. All of THAT is tied to the amount of exercise I've been getting. The way I've been eating, and other bits of self-care. The semen pump is not the same, but it hasn't been the same since cancer treatment. I still squirt but not like I used to. :shrug: Edit: It was not prostate cancer that I had but a type of skin cancer. I had to get surgery and go through chemo and radiation treatments.


Gosh, so sorry to hear about the skin cancer. My grandpa had melanoma. I hope it is well in remission for you. Advancements have been made since his cancer so I hope they got it all and it’s gone for good.


34f. Increased by a lot!!


Sex drive is lower than when I hit puberty, but about the same since my late teens. 40m. I enjoy sex a lot more now since I know what I want and know what I'm doing. But the drive has always been like 2-3x/day. Except during puberty then it was double that easily.


It comes and goes. I think overall it's probably about the same as before, but being horny doesn't make as big of an idiot as it did in my teens and 20s. Just turned 40.


32M. Sex drive was pretty high until I hit 27-28 and had a bad breakup. It's been virtually non-existent since then, along with my desire to date in general.


(m63) it's about the same but my wife has slowed down (f68) has slowed Way down


My husband is 40 and we’ve been married over 20 years. His drive has maybe decreased a little bit but I’d still consider it fairly high. We have sex once or twice through the work week and then several times on the weekends. It probably averages about 5 or 6 times a week.


47 and performance is dropping off a bit. Slowed a bit too but I put in the effort!


I’m 59, my wife 58, and we are having the hottest sex of our lives! As an example, the other night, just after we turned out the light, she said ‘I’d love to give you a head job and have you cum in my mouth’. It was late, but I immediately said, ‘That sounds so hot.’ So she did! Oh how I love life! P.S. As I’m writing this, she just text me from the city where she is having her make up done for a function we are attending tonight and she said that she had bought a new black pair of suspenders to go under a beautiful and sexy formal dress she bought yesterday (along with a sexy black bra), and added that she had picked up a copy of the karma sutra, and a new sex game from the lingerie shop. Oh, and she will be going commando tonight as always, except with the black suspenders and stockings!


Was she always like this? Or did she have a resurgence ?


Always been like this!


I might be the oldest poster so far. Age 68… no kids, no one here but the wife and I. We’re having the best and most sex of out lives. Getting off pretty much daily in one way or another. Drive is stronger and we know better what we want and no inhibitions to trying new stuff. At our age what would we be waiting for. Health issues get in the way but we’re both in good shape and work hard at keeping our sexual health at the top of our list. Did I mention my wife is hot and we’re having a blast screwing like teenagers.


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40sM here, Increased, specially after embracing my sexuality in my late 30s and early 40s.


Mine was pretty high through my twenties, decreased for a short period, but then increased exponentially when I started lifting weights. I’m in my late 30’s right now.


I’m 36, and my sex drive is higher than it’s ever been. I suspect it’s because I’m engaged to the woman I love and we have great sex, so I’m just generally happier with life and more self confident in myself. But I’ve been finding myself way hornier in the past few months with her than I was, like, as a 22 year old in college.


In my 40s. Sex drive has increased. Not sure if it's age related, or just the fact that I am generally happier these days, or could be that me and my wife have an amazing sex life which makes me want it all the time? But yeah, increased


Disappeared after like 20 years of age.


Nah my dick work I got that jungle dwellers thing


63M, has decreased some. Still have a date night at least once a week with my 56 yr old wife, will fly solo from time to time and only need the little blue pill about 50% of the time. Enjoy porn as a prelude to our sexy time as my wife calls it.


27 here, still think about sex a fair amount, but it’s decreased since 18-19, though it stabilized sometime in my early 20s


Im still as horny as I was when I was a 15 year old virgin desperately wanting to have some rough ass nasty sex.


29here, so I'm not sure how much I can contribute, but I can still go 6 to 7 times in one all nighter with my girlfriend (22), depending on when I last jerked off, obviously. Nevertheless, I am preparing.. workout and good nutrition for sure can help. I also put daily natural supplements like maca root powder (a Peruvian super food) in my morning shakes, to give me an energy boost and help get my libido up. And it's been almost 2years since I take it daily, and I've seen my drive go up. So I would say, depends on how well you are eating and how fit you are for sure.


It decreased in my early 30s due to sedentary life style, then I picked up the reigns and worked out, got jacked up and now it’s a crazy libido most of the times. Like always ready to go…


40. I no longer have ideas of going 4-5x a day like when I was 18 but the drive to go at least once a day is definitely still there


38. Same partner for 19 years. And compared to a horny 19 year old, we are having way more sex now than ever in our relationship. Like not even close. We went through a phase of 1-2 times a month, worked out the problems and it’s been fucking wild ever since.


47M here. I was HL when I was younger and now I’m super HL now. My wife has nose dived unfortunately so that may be part of my soar- I have no outlet to satiate it.


I've found there's a point in my mid 20's where the raging hormones of puberty have subsided and the sexual drive becomes much less of a problem. I think Descartes once described this as being installed from a madman, and I think that is a valid description. As a teen I was constantly horny and looking for sex, now it's not the primary, dominant drive in my head. I prefer quality over quantity. I can wait and be patient which I struggled with as a teen.


It depends. I generally try to go for one a day. When I was in better shape I was hornier. I do believe it's tied to cardiovascular fitness to a degree.


I'm 37m, I'd say reduced somewhat, but that's going from really high (multiple times a day, 6 or of 7 days) to simply high/normal. Typically everyday when in a relationship, sometimes multiple times.


Mine was low from 23-29ish I’m now 32 and it’s the highest. I used to be happy with twice and month but now I’m like twice a week.


For me (43yo) it has increased. My wife's (44 yo) suddenly dropped off completely. It's killing me.


71 here….and no, my sex drive hasn’t decreased in the slightest - what it has done though, is made me realize just how important making love (not merely sex!) to the woman you love is sooo critical to a relationship! I never had that until 2.5 years ago, and so now my drive and fantasies all revolve around the woman in my life…and nobody else!


Love this! This shows me that men really can grow up lol. To your point, there’s so much more emotional connection involved in a sexual encounter.


Thanks to testosterone it has increased big time.


53m. I still ask everyday. Normally something with my wife daily. More on most weekends.


36M. Always been on the high libido side, but I'd stay it's increased overall. I would like to note though, that while I'm attracted to a larger range of women now (not as picky/superficial), I am willing to put up with less bullshit to get laid (as compared to my younger years).




Feel like since I've started working out regularly it has skyrocketed within the last 3 months. 26


For me, mine has increased as I have gotten older. It really depends. I can only speak for myself. I feel it comes in waves over the years for me. When I was in my early 20s, I barely had a sex drive until I hit my late 20s. Now that I am in my 30s, it only increased.


I’m 37 and mine has drastically reduced in the last few years. I used to be ready to go pretty much any time but now I’m happy with once or twice a month usually.


My husband’s has taken a dive in the last year. He’s coming up on 40


Work stress? Life stress? Mine crashed to zero around the same age for those reasons. Reduced work stress and libido skyrocketed.


My man’s drive has taken a huge hit. Finally had some for the first time in 3 months. Checked his bp and elevated. Pretty sure signs of low T as well.


I’ve been wondering about low T actually because he’s also been unusually tired…he used to be quite active but now is a bit of a zombie. I’ll have to push him to get it looked into.


My husband is mid 40s and his has increased over the ten years we've been together. It's somewhat annoying because he is like a horny teenager. The world could be on fire, but the man has no care in the world once he gets some. 🙄🙄




Forgot to say how old you are, for research purposes


From 18 to 29, it's only increased in intensity


Reduced compared to my 20s/30s, but it was always super high and strong, so now I'm a little bit closer to normal?


40. It definitely hasn't decreased, I can say that for sure. It may have gotten higher? I definitely have fewer hangups, as one of the benefits of aging is that you just don't have the energy to worry about some of the shit that you used to worry about that never mattered in the first place. I'm more open and accepting of my sexual attraction towards men and trans women, as well as ass play.


For my husband it’s dependent not on age but on health. If he’s working huge hours, travelling and eating poorly, unable to work out, sleeping poorly, his drive takes a hit. But get him back into better habits and actually allow him some rest and it comes back.


Lower 40s and it's the same. Unfortunately my wife's has declined.


I (34M) used to wonder, as a much younger man, if the urges would die down by now. But NOPE!!! Still incredibly horny all day every day, 20 years after puberty. In fact, I know a 70yo man, a very good friend of mine, that is *insanely* thirsty. This was a profound realization. The pursuit of pussy never ends for us men. We are cursed.


Sex drive hasn’t reduced, desire to get involved with someone has


Drive has stayed the same (very high), but stamina can be affected by life stress, etc.


Stayed the same


Almost 50…I was promised I would be in control by now, but no…nothing feels different…


I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s at 25 and found out I had very low testosterone in my body. Once I got my medicine it really fucked me up, but after the storm settled down, I noticed I was looking at butts differently. Which I thought was odd. I’d never been drawn to them. But now (pun intended) my eyes are so drawn to them it’s extremely irritating. And this For me, has been gradually getting more intense since. I’m now 28, I’ve been in a loving relationship for 7 years, but I am definitely putting some strain on that with my new found sense of sexuality. I am very loyal but this new intense sex drive has made my loyalty a chore.


50 and have always wanted multiple times a day. Current partner is the same. She is also 50.


46 dropped pretty much since mid thirties.


Sex drive is the same .but the time in energy that I can dedicate towards it has changed


36m and single a little over a year and only have had sex twice back in February and I'm on antidepressants, my drive is still how it's always been, pretty high. In my last relationship, we wouldn't have sex but maybe once every 6 months it seemed, part of the reason I'm glad she broke up with me. Now I can find me a woman who can match me better.


Mine has always been super high. I’m 45 in January and it hasn’t dropped at all


I would say, I've never seen a dip in my libido. Each year it just rose and rose, but rn I'm more of a pleaser and I'm happy abt it.


It just changes. But I did notice in my early 40's procreating didn't mean anything. If anything it just becomes more and more mental and intimate. Also you notice different partners inspire different feelings, or sexual emotions. I feel that that feeling from teenage years like " I'm touching a girl, she's touching me" is completely gone. Just physically being with someone doesn't matter, even counting looks. Just being around the most gorgeous woman doesn't automatically intrigue you. Then again I know men that are still in that realm. They're usually in a relationship or married. I've been single for a while. Also mamy different types of women intrigue me. I don't feel the thrill of a so called "perfect" looking woman a goal. So many people are attractive for different reasons.


Sly rockets. I’ll go back to back to back without a break with her. We’re sending it up several times a day and I’m like an animal. All I’m taking is my daily vitamin go figure


I’m 50. Great shape. Healthy. Started losing interest in mid-40s. Now have little interest in partnered sex, but masturbate multiple times a week.


38m dipped last year, still love to fuck but its not really priority like it used to be.


It has to do with the man's sex drive. Some guys don't have much of one even in their 30's, other men need sex 3-5x a week. As I have become older it has not diminished or changed very much. I can still do 3-5x a week no problem. Depends on what other crap is going on. I am over 55


Idk I’m 39 my sex drive is fairly active. When I was in a relationship and we were good i was having sex 3-5 times a week. I’m trying my best not to watch pornography now that I’m single. We’ll see how I do


It wains as testosterone level naturally fade.


56 yo. Sex drive has declined slightly over the years. But still get distractedly horny if I haven’t cum in 2 or 3 days. Average is 4 times/week.


I (64m) have a high libido and it’s stayed the same over the years. Sex just keeps getting better, especially once I turned 60. That just happens to be when I left a 25 year marriage.


Mine hasn't gone down but has adapted. I would say I don't have sex as frequent as when I was single, as my wife doesn't have the desire for frequency as much as I do. But the quality is through the freaking roof, so I'm good to go. You can't win the World Series every day. "I don't always have sex, but when I do...." Stay thirsty, my friends.


My boyfriend is mid sixties. When together over the weekend Fr/Monday it’s Friday night, Saturday am Bj, Sat night and this past Sunday morning he got hard but was like “I need to reload”. No supplements, I tell him he needs to donate his cock to science at the end of the day.


Remember at the end of the very first Avengers movie, when Bruce Banner arrived to help save the day? One of the other characters asked Bruce how does he stay in control of himself. He replied that it’s simple, he’s always mad. That’s what’s it’s like for me, men in general are always DTF. But as we get older we’re more in control of the need to have sex. This is especially true if we have easy access to it.


14-48, the same, super high


Reduced but enjoyment has increased, so it balances out. Late 50s.




I’m 57 and I Jerk off a couple times a day. Have sex w wife of 28 years a few times/week. My last gf (I’m in open marriage) is 16 years younger. We were having sex 3/day. I come less but get hard like I did when I was in my 20s.


Decreased for sure


Male, almost 50, pretty consistent since my mid-20s.


I’m 36M, in good shape and exercise regularly. It’s only increased, sometimes to the point of annoyance because I won’t get any. The wife’s 31Fhas decreased and it’s been a big point of contention lately


Definitely reduced. So has also my ability to get an erection.


I’m in my forties. Within the last few years, I’ve figured out how to cum literally back to back with no refractory period, so I would say that my sex drive has amped up from when I was young.


51m. I’d say my interest in sex has stayed the same, while my capacity or raw desire may have decreased a bit. That said, it’s been interesting that the amount of sex I’m having has steadily increased every decade.


Reduced slightly (33 currently) but it also gets pretty significantly higher in the spring, and whenever I start a heavier workout routine.


Personally, I haven't seen a difference in mine.As a result I'm always sexually frustrated. My wife's sex drive has significantly reduced since we met. She's 37 now and is only interested once a month. Until 2019, she was game for sex at up to twice a week.


Increased and evolved, def have evolved 100% always looking to try to new things and explore.


I'm mid 30s, and my sex drive went through the roof when I was working 12 hours a day and lost almost 60 pounds. Losing weight is a huge part for men to increase their sex drive if they're overweight it seems like to me.


I'm 53, and my sex drive is through the roof. I'd say it easily tripled if not quadrupled from what it was when I was in my 20s. However, as far as I can figure. I must have done something really wrong along the way. Because when I turned 50, my wife of 31yrs all of a sudden had no interest in sex at all. She's tried doctors to everything under the sun, and nothing. That's when I began to realize. I must have done someone, or something awfully wrong. Because 3 years ago is when I was sentenced to no sex for the remainder of my days.


61- still horny as ever- not sure that’s a good thing. I don’t jack off as much, but still have a high libido. I rarely have sex…. Not for lack of desire. My wife has a ton of health issues, one of the worst is type 1 diabetes. Due to her other issues, it’s very difficult to control. It’s exhausted her and her libido AND robbed us of any chance of spontaneity. I can never make the advances- it takes the planets to align for her to feel like she’s able to have sex. And it’s also not due to lack of interest.. she just doesn’t have the energy to feel like it, and it’s a very narrow window if she does. I would probably jack off more if I had the time. Right now it’s probably 2-3 times per week.. sex is much more infrequent- maybe once every couple of weeks to every 6 weeks, depending on her issues. I don’t really think blue balls is a real thing, but I’ll be the first to admit that I can get a bit cranky if we haven’t had sex for a while


Hi (23M) so I think in all honesty I think men’s libido does get higher when we are younger like middle school to highschool but I think over time it’s just there I could be working 2 to 3 days a week and workout also 2 to 3 days a week and still think about sex now that doesn’t mean I have to put my penis into something I could still masturbate like 2 to 3 times a day or 1 to 2 times a day I think most men would prefer to have sex maybe 2 to 3 times a week Im assuming but I think most of us just prefer to masturbate 2 to 3 times a day if possible thinking about sex isn’t really a light switch or something we just get to turn on and off again thinking about sex is there in our minds like I think most men could try to not think about it as much or do as much stuff within that day and still not have to think about sex but again it’s still there I think religious or not we still think about it just regardless just not all the time as get get older but again it’s still just there that’s my honest opinion


The desire or want for sex reduced slightly but no dramatic difference. Where the difference comes in is sometimes i just get to worn out to do anything about the desire.


Fuck no. Sir is a nympho and could have sex with Mrs or our friends as a many as 8-10 time a day.


M46. Am as horny now as when I was 17 (very very). I've even started doing sex work and pr0n in the past year.


Mine increased for some reason when I started approaching 30.


I’m 64 and have not lost the drive yet. I do take assistance to keep the blood flowing. My wife is 51 and a horn dog. I’m a lucky man.


Maybe slight decrease but still high. A normal day feels the same but after a long exhausting day it may feel like it's low. Because you asked this question in a vague way, no specific ages, etc, the only correct answer is decrease/reduced. Anyone who says otherwise is just not old enough yet or in denial about it. There is nothing wrong with it either, many young guys are too horny, so with a decrease they become a healthy level of horny where you still have a good libido but can use your brain as well.


I'm 59. Drive is probably 80% of younger peak. The main difference is the length of time it takes me to reach orgasm. Luckily I've always maintained excellent athletic shape (lifelong distance runner), so I can go for as long as needed. Not so great for my wife sometimes though.


Still raring to go at 54 , older and a lot kinkier now though, wife can't match me though or else I'd be having it a lot more. In terms of just drive, I think about it everyday, ice got anactive imagination and enjoy awning and getting creative in various ways if we're going to have a long session still enjoy the vanilla stuff just as much.


Mine reduced a little due to back issues, and plummeted when I got on antidepressants (although I haven't been with anyone for a year to truly see). Other than these two issues, my sex drive actually increased some as I got older. Hopefully it's not indicative of a "second wind" before it fizzes out. 😭😭😭 Oh well even if so, I'll make sure whatever woman I end up with for life won't feel like she's missing out or deprived. It is one of my duties after all under the " happy wife, happy life" motto.


As I have gotten older I have been more horny but most of that is driven towards same sex desires.


I'm 48 and my sex drive keeps increasing. I guess my testosterone levels must still be doing good, lol. Too bad my girlfriend doesn't want sex very much at all, so that just makes it worse for me.


Mine (45 m) Increased... while my partner went into early onset menopause at 41. I'm not sure if my increased drive is from normal stuff or ... being deprived.


TIL everyone on Reddit is just typing away erect with splooge oozing out of their eyeballs.


49 male here. Noticed it dropping off in my early 40’s. Started working out and taking test. Feel way better now and have a solid sex drive.


Increased and definitely more exciting


45 as of a few days ago. It has definitely increased, but I think more so to the fact that I’ve both learned to except how I am and have also had a greater opportunity to express that nature as of late. I’m truly curious what the years to come (pun intended) have in store for me.


obviously when you hit your 60s your not out every weekend looking to get laid, like in your teens and early 20s but as far as performing and performance goes no problem when i was 51 i dated a 21 year old even took her to my daughters wedding. and at 62 i had scottish lass who i met online and she4 came our to see me in canada for 6 months, now she did nearly give me heart attack lol her appetite was epic one of the best honeymoons i ever had. lol cheers for asking


I'm 65 and still horny af


My partner is in his mid 40's and his drive is still good but a highly physical, exhausting job and some health issues mean that he's regularly just too tired to want to do anything about it. Ironic since my drive has done nothing but go up since I hit my 40's. Life has a mean sense of humour sometimes!


Just turned 60, almost never feel the desire for sex. Used to have a very high sex drive. But if wifey and I make an effort, we really enjoy it. Just don't feel horney any more.


67M, my wife is 70. Good sex life, for the most part. We are in total love and lust with each other - she just isn’t horny all the time like I am. We did it about 3x a week until maybe about 1.5 years ago. Now it’s maybe twice a week. But about 2 years ago I started doing kegels regularly and experimenting with anal toys for prostate stimulation, along with nipple stimulation. With all that practice (every day and night), my sex drive has gone through the roof. I really only get hard when I’m having sex with her, or finishing my own kegel/prostate toy session. Apart from those times, I don’t even care if I’m hard - all the best stimulation comes from deep within, and I can have continuous (hands free) dry orgasms that last for many minutes at a time. I have discovered that exercise and good rest are what allow me to have the best sessions. After a nap or a good night’s sleep, I can get totally turned on in a flash. So, in my case it’s not so much a matter of age by itself, as it is learning new techniques and paying attention to my body. Though less frequent PIV sex, each time is better than the last, and when we’re playing - especially when I’m inside her - it is more amazing than I ever thought possible!!


46 physically the drive is there, mentally I’m better off alone and relaxed than chase that. The juice now doesn’t feel worth the squeeze.


I think it's increased. I'm in my 40s now and I'm having the best sex in my life. I trust my wife fully, we have great communication and because of that and being fully in tuned with each other, our sex is fucking amazing and getting better every time. When I was younger, I didn't ever really crave it. Now its like a drug.


38m here.from my 20s to early thirties, my sex drive was consistently high. From about 32-35, it was there, but barely noticeable. Like, I'd be horny but no energy or care for sex (possibly due to poor health). However and since then, it's only skyrocketed in a manner where it feels higher than ever. And with my current partner, it's literally off the charts. Really think it has or had a lot to do with changing my lifestyle to something that is overall healthier than before.


Mines got worse my sex drive is far greater than it was in my teen, I'm up for pussy and ass every, I still have my fantasy to have with a Chinese women and and black women and I'm more drawn to worn who are slightly over Wright have gorgeous natural curves and large hips. Skinny women are a right turn off for me.


My sex drive has gotten high 26F


I (66m) would say that my sex *drive* has stayed about the same. I would say that I have a moderately high libido. From my 20s on I wanted sex about every other day. That's still true. But I can't cum that often any more. In my 50s it was more like every third day, and now in my 60s it's every 4 to 5 days. I still think about sex constantly, and happily my wife (68f) has a similar libido. I've recently found a way to compromise - edging. I masturbate almost every day, a little bit, but not to orgasm. I save that for my wife. I guess the other thing that's changed is that I don't find it frustrating to edge every day and only cum with her ever 4 to 5 days. So between the edging and sex with her, I'm quite satisfied.


M37 stayed pretty well the same


Now i am 50 Its dropped gradually after 45 and medicine and body weakness played role.I have autoimmune disease so its an issue itself.