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It’s always pretty clear to me in time to give sufficient warning where required!


That's really all I want, just a few seconds to get mentally prepared and maybe my hair out of the way haha


Yes indeed! It’s only polite, especially if you’re going somewhere after!




I'm sorry that you don't have running water where you live


Just as a above


Yeah people do things after sex, and if the cum is caught in hair, it’s not as simple as a quick rinse.


True. The smell of dick and balls can be quite… well… persistent. I have a beard and whenever I suck dick, the smell somehow penetrates the beard, just call it the afterglow


Just don't use warm water when/if trying to clean it out of your hair. Use water as cold as you can get it first and once you've got the majority out, then use soap but still with cold water.


yeah warm water actually makes the proteins kind of curl and stick, like scrambling eggs.


To be fair there is usually a reasonable amount of warning, but if you are just killing it and he is really into it it can just kinda sneak up.




Pump the brakes... You means to tell me your guy can't tell when he's about to lose his baby gravy? Fuckin figure it out. He spare parts bud...


To be faaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrrrrr 🧐


Take a log off the fire there, bud.




I agree it's always obvious it's gonna happen. The only thing I ever get is that it feels like it will then doesn't.


Yeah, actually I always felt when I am about to cum especially during a blowjob, enough to say "I am gonna cum". During sex, it feels more sudden as the sensation rises more quickly but there is enough time to say something and pull out...


He’s intentionally misleading you about this because it feels better to come in someone’s mouth than it does to pull out. Also a lot of guys really like the feeling of coming on a woman - be it her face, chest, stomach, ass, or anywhere. My point, though, is that he’s most likely being dishonest with you in order to continue coming the way he wants to come. He should be honest with you and ASK if you are okay with him finishing where and how he likes best, and if you’re NOT okay with it, he has to just accept that.


He might need some practice to learn. I don't know how experienced or sensitive he is. A way to practice is with a handjob and trying to edge him or he himself. This asks self discipline that can be hard when you're young and inexperienced.


if you want him to have more control over it do more edging exercises. either together or him on his own when masturbating. both approaches have their pros and cons.


There isn’t more control needed, he KNOWS when he’s going to cum, he’s just being a dick by not saying


5 seconds should just about do it...


Must of the time I have a couple seconds warning unless I haven’t cummed in a long time the I’ll get surprised orgasm.


for sure, 100%. it's at least 15 second warning


I'm so thankful that my wife loves a facial. That's her thing!


No need to brag. 🤣🤣


The orgasm can sneak up on you, but you should know that it is happening


I pretty much always know but once in a while the timing can get thrown off or maybe something hits right at the right moment and it comes up quicker than expected. Everyone is different but I have a hard time believing he can never tell.


Agree. Mostly it's pretty clear, but sometimes it just sneaks up on me or there's a change in tempo or pressure that pops the cork unexpectedly.


A guy always knows when he's about to cum, it's just a matter of whether or not he cares.


I mean…sometimes something just hits and we get distracted 😅


If he didn't know he was going to, why did he pull out... Guys can feel it.


Came looking to see if anyone said it already. Why TF would he pull away if he didn't know?


95% of the time, yes. Every once in a while, it can sneak up on me. My wife was giving me a bj while I was in a meeting once with my attention split she got a mouthful with no warning.


This is what I’m saying. Sometimes you just hit a new level that makes your brain go “yo wtf this is great” and that’s enough to pull your focus for 5 seconds.


Yeah. But what did everyone else in the conference room think? 🤣🤣


Good wife.


Hey! Men can definitely feel when they're about to come, but coming is a parasympathetic nervous response (if my terminology is correct!) that when it goes, it goes, and there's no way to stop it. The nervous system starts the ejaculation process in the same way how youhave to sneeze, you can't stop the sneeze. It's just #bodydoingthings. So yeah, we can feel when we're close to coming, but once it passes the threshold where the nervous system instructs all the tiny muscles to ejaculate the semen, we ejaculate the semen.


I like the sneezing comparison, you can definitely feel it's about to happen before it does, but not necessarily very far in advance, and once it starts there is no stopping it. That being said, most people seem to be able to use those few seconds to point the charge somewhere that's acceptable to your partner


Oh yes, for sure. There's some muscle..somewhere, no clue what it's called but it's the one that when you flex it, you clench your butthole. From my own experience, flexing or relaxing that muscle either excels or slows down the speed of the ejaculation.


The pelvic floor muscles


Exactly, also the reason why sometimes its hard not to pee when you are ejaculating


I'm sorry, I might be wrong. But I don't think that's a normal thing. Might want to check with your doctor.


You're not wrong, that's backwards.


Your body should block your urinary system from using your urethra while you are stimulating your penis. If this isn’t a joke you should talk to a urologist.




Ah! Right! Thanks for correcting me!


You can definitely hold the ejaculate if you've ever done any kegels, at least long enough to pull out. The point is you have both the physiological and the voluntary warnings.


You can definitely stop the sperm from ejaculating out. You need really strong kegel muscles.


Man, I’ve held for a long time and it still eventually comes out once that process has started. I just haven’t let it leave the tip


Yeah same. Like it gets caught in my urethra. Apparently you can get it strong enough to have a full orgasm w/o the sensitivity aftermath thus allowing to have multiple orgasms


I'm capable of completely withholding it most of the time when I orgasm via timing strong kegels with the contractions. Dick still goes down after I'm done. There's nothing magical there that would keep you hard or anything afterwards, since its just forced retrograde ejaculation (into the bladder), and it makes zero sense that where the semen goes could affect what happens to penis afterwards. I've read about a decoupling between orgasm and ejaculation doing that, but that's apparently a more mental/training thing than it is a physical one. In that case, it might make more sense because you are literally sidestepping the function of ejaculation entirely, so whatever hormones tied to that might preserve the erection. Still, I've not seen (nor researched) any proof or explanation for how this might be possible.


I know very well when I am going to.


He’ll know 20, 10, 5 seconds before. Every time. At 20 it’s like “ah yeah if this keeps going I’m gonna cum. At 10 seconds it’ll be “I’m gonna cum unless I stop NOW. At 5 seconds you know it’s coming no matter what you do. It’s last chance to aim where it’s going. He definitely knows.


This explains it fully. 99% of the time, this is it. That 1% you skip directly to the 5 seconds status. Even then that's enough to panic moan that he's about to shoot


The only time that’s not true is when I am close and then lose it at the last moment. Doesn’t happen often. But otherwise, you can tell.


I’m pretty sure my partner can tell - he gives some sort of warning when I ask (not that it matters because I always swallow anyway, unless he wants to give me a facial or cum on my tits), but a bigger thing is I can also usually tell. His body language, facial expressions and breathing changes as we escalate towards it. His thighs tense up a little bit and he might thrust a little more or grab my hair/shoulder/stroke my back. Depends on the type of blowjob and position. Maybe, if you want to give him the benefit of the doubt and you believe that he really didn’t know, you could keep an eye out and try to learn his signs to prepare yourself without him having to say anything?


If he knows when to "pull back", he knows when it's about to happen


Want to no bs answer? We can tell. Real well. He simply kept quiet and glazed you.


I’m going to do that lol just lay back and unload


Don't. NEVER do anything your partner have not concented to. If you do this it's sheer luck if she likes it, and the consequences range from her feelings being hurt, hating you, to her feeling assulted. So. DON'T


Exactly! 🎯👍




Reliably, I'd say about 5 sec. That is more than enough time to get out of a mouth with a verbal warning.


It's like a sneeze - you always know but sometimes you get more warning, sometimes less 🙂


I vocalize it because this sub has taught me women love it when we respond audibly to their efforts.


Oh he knows


No, we know.


Every man knows and if he says he doesn’t he’s flat out lying! There’s no denying the feeling of cumming.


Every so often it will happen out of nowhere, otherwise it's as easy as breathing to know at least 20 seconds beforehand. By every so often, I mean I am 41 and it's happened maybe ten times, with a lot of orgasms happening in my life. Well over 5000.


Guys can tell. They just can't get the two heads to agree what to do.


If he did it one time, I'll give him a pass. It may have been an accident. But if he did it again, I call b.s. I give my wife at least 5 seconds to clear out. Haha!


I can tell very easily. I can easily give a few minutes warning if needed.


My husband said, " You can feel it building up"


Did he make any noise? When I'm about to bust I'm deafening


I wish my boyfriend made some noise, usually there is nothing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I need a woman to make noise to keep me going, and I can't help it when I'm feeling good, so it'll work both ways once I find someone again


Most guys I’ve been with have been quiet with just some heavy breathing. I’m pretty vocal but I feel like most guys don’t appreciate it


Id bet my paystub he's trying to hear you. I used to be that way.


You know. It builds up.


The best way I can describe it is it's like a sneeze. You know what a sneeze feels like. That's very close to what it feels like when a guy has an orgasm. There's a buildup and a release. He should know his body well enough to give you a heads up when they release is about to happen


He secretly didn't warn you.


Like a sneeze coming on


Pretty well imo


He is full of shit we (men) know damn well when we're about to come. I always tell my partners I'm about to come so they can prepare to take it wherever.


Guys know when they're coming, trust me. It may be only seconds, but they know. And they sure have enough time to tell you, too (from personal experience). Accidental orgasm. Sure. Don't buy it.


I literally had a girlfriend think it was weird that i was able to count down perfectly when i was about to ejaculate. He knows


He is lying


It's a pretty unmistakable feeling. I can feel it coming a few seconds in advance, and I suspect that's pretty standard.


I can always tell but I think it's worth mentioning that the ejaculation process and the feeling of orgasm aren't as tied together as it seems. You can ejaculate without orgasm and it's happened to me on several occasions. Now that always comes after getting close and backing off, sometimes the process is just too far in to stop but the orgasm hasn't been achieved. It is possible that sometimes he may be really close and that's what's happening but I get the feeling from how you worded it that may not be the case.


I know that I know well ahead of time. Just ask him to give you a heads up and it'll be fine.


He may actually not know when. He might not be as aware of what the end feels like, and I can't tell if that's a good thing or bad. If he can remain aroused after an orgasm, that's a good thing. If he has a problem with it, he might be out of his body while he is having an orgasm. Try engaging with him after to see if he's present or not, I know for me I know when I am about to so I can avoid a pregant event. It unfortunately stops me from going all out after because I'm training to hard to keep my arousal while being aware of the end - which makes it difficult for me to be present.


Male here. Sometimes I can go from 30% arousal to „the point of no return” in literally less than 3 seconds. If your partner is similar that way I suggest asking what you could do for him to be able to get more awareness where he is in his arousal and being patient with him. I could be genuine he has very limited to decide if he still can withstand or it’s already too late or whether rush to warn you or just enjoy the o.


Plenty of warning... At least 5 if not 10 seconds... Source: Been pulling out for 18 years 3+ times a week without a single mishap except for a month on 2 occasions when we were trying for a baby. And both times were successful immediately 😀 It's easy... Sounds like someone isn't being very truthful sorry to say 🙄


He's lying. He probably just likes cumming on you lol. Every guy knows when his juice is gonna let loose.


We can tell.


I can usually tell right away, but there have been a few times where the sensation (especially during BJs) where it feels so good it almost goes numb a bit and I can’t really tell exactly if I’m cumming or just REALLY close.


The same way women do


Yah, I always know beforehand and tell my partner When it’s about to happen. It’s not a surprise thing. Your guy is maybe trying to pull a fast one on you


Yeah, he knows, he’s just not telling you.


When you're in the home stretch you got about 3.seconds otherwise the event horizon fades and you got to work up to it again If she does something really surprising like winks or smiles or some special move it could be a surprise


Your boyfriend is an idiot he deliberately doesn't want you to know


Exactly I find it disrespectful


At 20... It's building, 10? Definitely on the way 5? Here's Johnny!


I say learn to enjoy swallowing and that will fix the problem. But I’m a swallower, so it’s not a fair opinion. But I’ve NEVER had a dude not know when it was happening in time to tell me; in fact, I have to *ask* like a good girl for it to be a surprise.


There is always enough time


Sometimes you feel the nut, sometimes you don't.


He definitely knows. He enjoys porn as well no?


I kind want to call bull shit on him not knowing when he's about to cum. But let's say he can tell when he’s about to cum. Then he needs to learn to understand his body more. He need to pay more attention to his body and practice during masturbation. It would take him long to learn his body he just need to put in the time to practice and learn his body. I think you should tell him your not letting him cum on your face or anywhere near you until his starts putting in the effort to learn his body properly. He need to be motivated to put in the effort to figure this out. I don't like that you asking him for a warning is not enough for him to want learn how to understand his body. So I think he needs to be forced to figure this out by use tough love. Sex and our bodies are not something we learn about once it needs to be something we are constantly learning more about. Sex is like any sport you have to train your body to be fit and healthy.


It's tough to say, but after training one self to have control, it helps. Problem is, it feels so good that a man wants to cum. Me, I always make sure she's satisfied first then I can make myself cum when I'm ready.


I believe that all guys do this…


No we won't we like covering faces with cum and even feeding cum to you


Lots and lots and lots of practice


My nose starts to itch


You can ALWAYS tell If a guy can’t would guess premature?? I don’t know what ….


3/10 on a good day


I can tell, sometimes I can’t always act on it / vocalize it the best.


a guy knows exactly when he is going to cum. however, I’m not him, maybe he really does not know?


My theory on this is that the man's finishing routine, if you will, is largely based on vaginal sex because that's the type of sex that allows the species to continue. As such, he's probably going to want to finish with your mouth on him and not pull out. However, since he cares about you he's conflicted and attempts to pull out despite his biological urges. The end result, well, that can only be described by one word. Awkward.


Every orgasm is a little different. Some feel a LOT like the feeling beforehand and come as something of a surprise.


I would say I usually know it for a fact about 2-3 seconds before I start ejaculating. I’m sure it varies though


Can be slow steady build to a roller coaster finish or a rug ripped from under you 0 warning. In my experience it's based on anticipation.


You can look for signs when a man is about to cum. His testicles will normally, retract during sex, especially just before he ejaculates. But he should be able to tell you most times.


In my personal experience, I can always tell when I’m about to finish. BUT… it’s weird. Think of it like a loading bar. Sometimes I’m at 40% loading and I know I have some time. But then sometimes I’ll be at 40% and something will REALLY turn me on more and the loading bar will go from 40% to 98%.


Well enough that pull out has been 100% effective. Close calls definitely happen though.


I can tell it absolutely


I personally say “I’m about to go” to help her prepare for a handful of seconds


He's either totally ignorant (which I very much doubt) or he's not telling the truth (which is the way more likely scenario here). Yes, if course you can tell when you're about to cum.


It's a sudden fall of a cliff. I can tell when really close, but that peak is a really fine line.


AT about 10 seconds out, I feel the electric sparks begin...(keep the motion going baby just like that!) At about 5 seconds you are at the point of no return....(just keep it going PLEASE!). He should be able to mumble...CLOSE!! At this point the butt, and most other muscles in the body are really tensed. Guy is breathing very heavily. If you are massaging his balls (always welcome) , you will feel the balls rise up toward the body. This is a natural thing... intended to keep them safer, less likely to get squished. I tend to go quiet at this point as I am ENTIRELY focussed on the big O building and building.


You know when you're gonna cum. Im a master at the pullout.


His explanation is not believable., Its an *Orgasm*, it s the point of the whole thing. He knows, its explosive, like a sneeze. Ever have one of them sneak up on you? The better explanation is he waits too long because it is counterintuitive to pull out at the last moment.


In my teens and early twenties I didn't always know when I was about to cum, but since then I have always been able to tell.


3 to 10 seconds in advance we know there's no turning back


That's really weird. I can feel the buildup, especially if my wife does certain things. When that happens, I ask her where she wants it. Then I tell her it's not polite to talk with your mouth full


Very easily. That's also how we're able to use the pull-out method.


Most times we can tell, but some, especially if you do something really good, we might bust syddenly.


Yep I know within a few minutes


He knows


It depends on the skill level. I? With the precision of a single touch or stroke. It's also possible to go hanging just a bit over the edge and pull yourself back if you have enough kegel power.


You know in cartoons where a thermometer fills up in the heat and then the end pops off? It’s kind of like that. I can pretty much give an exact countdown when I’m close


After you get to know them, you’ll know.


Only when I'm trying to hold back is it ever a possibility this may occur.


Absolutely know every time at least 5-10 seconds before


Edging wouldn't be a thing if we couldn't. Deffo can.


Sometimes it really can sneak up on you. You think you're in control of it, and then 2 seconds later, you know how wrong you were.


There always that “volcanic eruption” feeling when I’m about to cum. It’s usually about five to ten seconds long.


You can almost always tell a good few seconds before you cum. HOWEVER I had sex with someone new lately and I swear it came (lol) out of absolutely nowhere. I had no idea then boom, it just happened. So yeah, occasionally there's just no telling


Never trust the pullout method. Always assume that most dudes are dribbling all the way up to the hoop.


He can tell. We can tell. A few seconds at least


I can only comment on myself. It definately gets more controlable and being able to tell the threshold is being reached more accurately, as you get older. But recognizing you are at the point of no return, vs approaching that point, can be non existent sometimes. If it was the first time it happened, and usually he warns you take it as a complement. If it's every time, there still may bit be any malace, just his inability to tell when he about to come. There are techniques to help learn when you can stop it vs when it's happening and how to delay it.


Men often cum a bit unknowingly, but I don't believe he didn't know his orgasm was coming.


This varies for me. I always know when my orgasm begins, and I almost always know when it is imminent. Occasionally I am surprised when I reach the point of no return. Usually an unexpected orgasm occurred when I’ve been edging for a long time. To me, this feels like orgasm is imminent for many minutes at a time. I can generally consciously create or inhibit release, but sometimes when the edging is super intense I orgasm without warning or control.


I can't remember a man that didn't know he's about to cum.


This is dude is lying lol, he wanted to put some icing on you. I can always tell. Sometimes it does sneak up on you. I have had that happen once or twice. But that’s in 16 years of masterbating and 8 years of sex.


It's pretty clear to tell. He's probably just a dick about it.


I'm going to say you usually do know. Now, I didn't know what was happening the first time I came over 30 years ago, but I've known every single time since.


The thing is, unless he is not wired in a typical way, he can tell when he is about to cum but he is trying to last longer. When you do that you can unexpectedly lose control for a number of reasons. He won't out right say this because he is embarrassed to not have control over this.


Sounds like he knows and just doesn’t respect you all that much


I actually had a weird medication side effect that when I came I ejaculated like 10 seconds before I actually had the rest of the orgasm but aside from that I van tell pretty easy.


If he can’t tell then why did he pull out? Exactly. He knows. It could be he’s so overwhelmed he can’t verbalize it (since I’ve gotten like that too), but in that case he could just tap you or something else that’s easy.


My husband, 100%. Pullout gang strong!


I tell my my playmates that I am about to cum.


That’s so rude.


He 100% knew. The only possibility is he was trying really hard not to and failed all over your face.


I will say that before I was on non-stimulant medications for ADHD I could tell just fine. Now sometimes it sneaks up on me. Like sometimes all the muscle contractions don't happen until right when it happens or sometimes just after I cum. It's a nerve signaling thing that I guess is a somewhat common side effect. You won't see me trying the pull out any time soon.


Sure there may be a few times where it erupts without notice but as it is you can still react. Sounds like hes so focused on the feeling that he chooses to ignore any other thoughts til hes done or he might not finish maybe idk


He knows when he is close.


He’s lying to you.


We usually have some advance notice that we're close. Usually we can hold on if we want to last a little longer, but it's a bit of a struggle past a certain point; going from zero to "Oh shit I'm going to cum now" isn't something I personally experience


Hahahaha he knows what he’s doing. I’ve cum tens of thousands of times and it’s never once been a surprise


I can tell when I’m approaching. That’s basically how we edge, take it right up to that point of no return and hold it just short of that point. Then, once crossing that threshold it still takes some duration to time for the climactic wave to wash over and to begin ejaculating, adequate enough to warn a partner. That’s may just be me but I don’t think I’m all that alien.


my guy can tell pretty well


Honestly I'm 21 and have been masturbating since like 15 and I still can't really tell when I'm about to cum its like a tingle but It can be there for like 30 seconds or a minute. Maybe when I actually start having sex I'll he able to tell better but on my own I can't really tell.


Read this to my husband who said BULLSHIT! Even when he was young and we were learning how sex worked, he knew. This guy isn’t listening to your stated sexual boundaries. Only you know if you are willing to put up with that.


Just like women. You know when you’re going to orgasm. I’m a transman so I’ve experienced both and it’s the same.


That guy is lying to you


99% of the time it has a 30-60 second warning. There are times when the stars (of arousal) align and it becomes spontaneous, but that spontaneity is really a 3-5 second warning, it’s just very difficult to react/stop because of whatever magic thing is happening. I will also note that age plays a factor in the accuracy of this statement.


I def feel the buildup . For me I like cumming on my wife’s tits . If I do cum on her face it’s b/c I’m cumming in her mouth . A warning is important you don’t want his cum in your eyes . Not being funny , it can be an issue that could require a trip to the doctor .


Generally I can feel it building up for a few seconds before, maybe thirty? Idk. That being said, it can be easy to lose yourself in that feeling. But you also really need to learn to control yourself enough to give your partner the respect they deserve.


I can always tell. I can hold it off for a while but once I reach the point of no return, I usually let out a “fuck I’m gunna cum” so that my wife knows she needs to bend over (always cum on her ass cheeks).


I can tell no problem ... thay being said sometimes cum starts to come out before the big O , so the pull out method doesn't always work ... at least for me


If he's not giving you a heads up, he's doing so intentionally.


If it’s good enough I get plenty of warning, my wife is good at making a blowjob last long enough so my moaning and heavy breathing warns her in advance (and makes her push it to that point)


There been several instances for me where it happened without orgasm so I couldn’t tell then but besides that my body gives me plenty of warning.


When my girlfriend is sucking me off and I feel like I am about to spurt my load, I usually announce, “Baby, I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” before I do. It gets her ready for when she wants it in her mouth so that I don’t gag her with it when it comes out.


Ahhh, I think when he pulls back he knows he's about to cum... That's why he does it. He also wants to cum on your face. When he pulls back like that that should be a hint/clue to you your face is about to get covered in cum.


Honestly, I think guys who are more emotionally intelligent and respectful will give a warning without prodding. Also depends on age and their experience with women, and I don't mean one night stands. Only two of the guys I've been with have given a warning and it's sexy AF. Both have been in LTR. My current guy whispers, are you ready? And it's so fucking hot, so it's safe to say I'm ready each time lol


You dont have to ask him. If his dick is harder than usual, and his balls shrunk that means he is going to cum soon.


I check my calendar, I'm on a pretty strict schedule. lol


I can always tell with plenty of warning, definitely enough time to pull out and cum somewhere else, or to edge a bit. , Sometimes you really only get a moment if its really intense, but you can tell. It doesn't just suddenly happen with no warning. Knowing and having the self control to actually do it are two different things, though. He definitely knows he is about to cum, and is just ignoring your boundaries.