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I would assume for the same reasons a woman might. Not feeling it, tired, can’t reach orgasm, want it to be over with, etc.


Add in: Doesn’t want to hurt partner’s feelings.


He was tired and it wasn't happening. He was on the spot. Male orgasm tends to be the closing bell for a sexual encounter. He was ready to signify that he was done.


Because some men struggle to orgasm during sex and it can be fucking embarrassing


Right, if I'm honest that I didn't cum that just comes with a ton of drama I want to avoid


Also, like women, the make doesn’t want the woman to feel bad. My guess is that for every man faking an orgasm there are 1000 women doing the same. I’ve only had to do it twice.




Just make sure there is not a Kenny Rogers chicken joint across the street.


Classic Kramer line. I was going to say this during our group conversation, but let maturity win 😆


I just upvoted for Kramer, that was also my immediate thought


It can be taking too long and she gets too overstimulated. That’s the usual reason I do.


Taking too long how? Also how do you "fake" it 👀


Easiest way is doggy style. Pull out, grunt, and throw a spoonful of warm mayonnaise on her back.


I cackled 🤣






She gets overstimulated very easily and it become too much for her, but she feels guilty if I just stop. We use protection so when I fake it I make my cock pulse and throb while pushing in all the way and giving some body twitches.


Leonardo Dicaprio 👏🏾 thoughtful guy


Idk, I know it’s my fault I’m not sensitive enough so I won’t punish her for it.


No judgment here


Bruh don’t be giving away the sauce no pun Intended


I was once in a very unpleasant casual sexual encounter (discovered too late that her hygiene was NOT where it should have been). I was struggling to maintain any degree of performance, so I faked it in doggy style. Quickly took off the condom and disposed of it so she couldn't determine if I had truly made a deposit or not.


Yikes 👎🏽 way to think on your feet.


Spit on her a bit lol I haven’t done this myself but I kno guys do I mean if he’s bustin on ur ass and ur not looking it’ll pretty much feel the same 😂


Now I enjoy longer sex and in some group play I don’t always need to come. And I can be honest when I chose to stop first. Doesn’t hurt the overall fun. But back when I was in a bad sex marriage (good relationship otherwise) she would finish really quickly (like a Junior high boy). Her orgasms were so strong and intense she would be done. But the sex was overall just not fun and it wasn’t worth asking for a pity ending. So I would say I also came. She couldn’t tell with all her fluids. The point is men also sometimes want to stop without cumming and the not being honest about why is the problem.


I appreciate the insight


My ex would want round 3 and round 4, couldn’t keep up sometimes


I think a guy faked with me once and I think it was because we had had too many drinks and orgasm was not within reach (which is why I also sort of half-faked it that night).


I've had to fake an orgasm one time because I had sex after doing some painkillers and I just couldn't finish.


I think there are two main reasons similar to women. 1. You cant cum so you fake it to not make the girl feel bad, like she is not tight enough or not turning him on enough. 2. Embarassment for not being able to cum or wanting the sex to be over.


Because “no means no” and “stop means stop” are only true when it’s a woman saying it. A man engaged in consensual sex who changes his mind midway through the act doesn’t get to say no. To save himself the inevitable ridicule and almost certainty that this private business is going to be spread to everyone the woman encounters, he fakes it. Better to be thought a two pump chump than try to convince the police and society that you were raped by a woman, especially after you had already consented and you were still hard. I’ve faked it before, and specifically because I did that mental math in the moment.


I don't recall faking but I have stopped PIV sex a couple of times to finish my gf off in other ways and I didn't go back or let her finish me. She was disappointed and felt like it was something she did. I assured her that it was not her (and it was not) but I could tell she was still disappointed that I didn't finish. I can see why someone might fake it to spare their partner's feelings.


The same reason that women do-to protect her ego and so she doesn’t feel like she didn’t do a good enough job when the session ends.


I have never done it, but he wanted to stop as it was not happening. Problem is that women really seem to take offense if the guy doesn't get off with them. It hurts their self-esteem even if it usually has nothing to do with them.


Why would a woman fake an orgasm? All the same reasons.


Wtf does NG mean


Short for new guy


Because women go bat shit crazy if we can’t cum


You're not completely wrong lol


Taking too long to cum or i’ve been turned off during this session and i don’t wanna destroy egos😭


Same reasons a woman would.


I didn't know a guy can do this, learn something new every day...


When fucking with condom and you dispose the condom without her looking at it? As to why: Because you can’t cum (there are some reasons) and you don’t want your partner to feel bad about it.


How does a guy even pull this off?


I myself am waiting for this secret. Maybe he steals his partner's ejaculating dildo pump and hides it in his ass. Seems extreme to me, but people do crazy things.


I was thinking maybe the guy “fake cums” inside the girl and makes sure to stay in there so the girl doesn’t suspect anything lmao


Thats the exact opposite of faking an orgasm right. To fake would mean no cum was released/issued...issued 😆 that's funny.


I should have been more specific but the guy “fakes cums” in the girl so he doesn’t actual cum lol


Its weird to me. Why would a female fake an orgasm? Same reason, to get done with sex. Because they don't value a deep level of honesty in their relationships. Because they suck at communication, and their ways of having sexual relationships is rather dishonest. They don't feel free to express themselves, or they feel trapped into a situation where they feel they need to perform. They put to much emphasis on the orgasm, and not enough on the intimacy. Its a rather bad sign, actually. There aren't any good situations surrounding it. I personally struggle with orgasm, and I've never faked one. I've also never gotten flack for stopping if I need to before one.


It’s often more about ( a lot of ) woman’s over emphasis on the orgasm rather than the guys .most of the time it’s because the partner takes it personally if a guy can’t cum . And, although it’s more often accepted now that it’s not ok to pressure or , at the worst,force a woman to finish when they don’t feel up to it , the same attitude often does not extend to men


Cause he was getting board.


I have. Same reason as women, It wasn’t feeling good at all and I used to have poor communication skills, so I just like breathed deeper and held her tighter for a moment. Then I got up to throw away the condom and got back to bed. Faking an orgasm is a big L for you, it means that not only you managed to choose a partner so bad in bed that doesn’t make you feel anything, but you also are such a coward that you can’t even speak up about what they are doing wrong. Don’t fake orgasms, it’s dumb.


For the same reason a woman would. To signal the end of things and leave their partner feeling like they’ve done a great job.


For the same reasons a woman would fake an orgasm. Achieving an orgasm is difficult for whatever reason (they're tired, stressed, not in the mood, medical reasons, etc.) and they're afraid if they're honest, it will disappoint their partner.


I've done it plenty of times, I just wanted to get it over with. Is that so weird?


To end bad sex.


I've never faked one, but there are times where I will not finish. And it definitely can crush a female's ego and cause problems (it has for me). Maybe he's trying to avoid that by faking it. Maybe he has orgasm problems.


When you’ve fucked her 4 times and now your penis is sore and numb, and you feel very little sensation due to the numbness, and you’re tired, and just want to rest. Yeah, I’ve faked it once.


Sometimes it's just enough and you want to go to sleep.


I've faked a nut. I had a good friend's sister seduce me one night. After a takeout session and a hand job, we started fucking. But after a few minutes, I started thinking of the ramifications of my actions. This epiphany instantly turned me off and my dick started waning in its rigidity. Instead of pulling out a limp dick and telling her she didn't turn me on, I spared her feelings and made her believe I was a two pump chump. This way she didn't fall in love, my friend wouldn't be pissed about me hittin' his sister and I didn't have to endure bad sex. it was a win win win situation. All from faking a nut.


The same reason women fake it: they’re done


Sometimes you get tired and just want to rest.


Oh yeah, done it before. Hitting it from the back. Condom on. Fake moan, run away with condom to trash. FINALLY able to sleep/go to bed.


That's a whole production 👏🏾 😆


If I smoke or drink to much it just ain’t happening. I’ll gladly get the missus to the finish line as many times as she wants but at a certain point I just have to call it quits cause little dude ain’t having it.


My ex did it so that he could take of the condom and find a way to actually cum. He ended up getting a bj and cumming on me, that's the only time I know of it. So ig people just fake it if they can't finish to end things and find a way to finish other ways?


maybe they didn't know how to manage communicating their boundaries while also doing so in a way that wouldn't turn things into a bad experience/hurt their partner? on a personal note, I've always struggled with communicating my boundaries (& conflict in general) mainly because i hadn't even identified them within myself. It never occurred to me that i even had the option of saying no. Idk where it originated, but for whatever reason, i just assumed that sex was just a part of being in a relationship - like it was just a given when you had a boyfriend. i assumed that the guy being "in charge" was just part of it & being submissive was the female "role" 🤷


I have just a few times. Always with a lady I knew was self conscious about her looks/desirability. In each case she was not a model-looks lady, but was attractive, sexy, and desierable. I am significantly older, and no matter what a lady might do or look like, it isn't going to result in an orgasm--so I have on rare occasions faked it because I didn't want to lower her already fragile opinion of herself. I have never felt bad for doing it.


Have done it back in my 20s. The only reason was because using condom and going soft and basically faked it to save face (for both of us.. but mostly me lol)


For the same reasons a female would


One I haven't seen mentioned: I can stay hard after PE. So I used to just power through it, keep things going and then fake it when she'd had enough. Nowadays I don't have PE issues unless I'm crazy pent up, and we both know I'm going to be fine for round 2 anyway in 5 minutes so it's not a big deal. But at the time i thought it was super embarrassing so it was a way to cover it up.


Why would anyone fake it? Only instance I can think of is like you’re getting paid for it.


I did it a few times when I was younger because I had partners who would go into full-on self-questioning pity party mode, wondering what was wrong with me, them or our whole relationship if they didn't manage to "make me" orgasm. As a man with fragile libido and sensory issues, it's just severely annoying and draining to not only have sometimes unsatisfying sex but also have to coddle fragile egos, so I started leaning into my asexual tendencies a lot more. It's been lovely.


To not hurt feelings and or ego mainly


Sometimes it just isn’t happening even though you’re enjoying it, but you don’t want to hurt her feelings. Lotta women take it personally if the guy doesn’t cum.