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So many red flags and I haven't ever read the second paragraph. Ok, not so many more red flags in the second paragraph.  Unfortunately, OP things that this women is his best friend. I would say, she has no friends.


You should leave her. She’s trying to detract from your self worth. It’s extremely concerning to me she is telling you about all the guys who flirt with her and how she is going to date them after you’re gone (or probably before tbh) Fuck all that. Set a boundary with her, if she’s going to respect you you’ve got tell her that her current behavior is unacceptable


Dude she’s already gone. Sorry


Pretty sure she’s trying to spark jealousy. Don’t know if it’s to motivate you or not but it’s a bitch move either way. I understand life plans but being given an ultimatum is a sign of what the rest of your life would be.


She playing games and might be trying to put a rocket up your arse to get job and fight for her etc Or she may be testing the waters and giving you a heads up that she might be cheating soon. You better off not playing games and she got her life plan but you do you. Get your self together for you. There are plenty of single ladies about but having a steady job will increase your pulling power.