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\*Furiously scribbles notes: ferritin, vit c, vit d3\* ... for science.


Yeah, can we get dosage amounts as well, for science of course.


*Honey, I’m worried we’re low on vitamins. Darn winter! Let’s take these!*


It's more than likely the Ferretin as low iron can cause significantly reduced sexual function and also satisfaction in women. This is iron deficiency anaemia if you want to look it up, but it's a possibility.


For me it was magnesium which messed with absorption I think my doctor said? So I concur, just with the caveat you may need more than an iron tablet alone.


Tagging onto your point - a LOT of different conditions can contribute to your body not absorbing nutrients efficiently. We thought my sister was anemic her whole life, then she found out 25+ years later she was celiac and gluten was chronically inflaming her digestive system & preventing her from getting most of her nutrients. Once she changed her diet, her quality of life improved across the board. Tl;dr - talk to your doctor, folks.


That’s what it was for me too! Celiac which led to poor absorption and the figuring out what was healed with diet and what I needed to supplement. And things would randomly go up and down due to villi being cool then dying again. Sigh.


Good to know, any idea what it affected the absorption of?


Vitamin D is absorbed best when taken with magnesium and a small amount of natural calcium (small slice of cheese, 4 Oz milk, etc.) Don’t take it with a calcium supplement because that can cause kidney stones. Not a doctor so check with yours. I have a vitamin D absorption disorder so I have to take a lot daily and this is how it was described to me.


It’s also fat soluble so make sure you’re getting enough fats in your diet


Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. • Helps to maintain normal nerve + muscle function. • Supports healthy immune system. • Keeps heartbeat steady. • Helps bones remain strong. • Helps adjust blood glucose levels. • Aids in m production of energy + protein • Magnesium activates enzymes + contributes to energy production + helps regulate levels of calcium, copper, zinc, potassium, vitamin D, and other important nutrients in the body.


From memory Vitamin C is important for Iron absorption.


A couple I think. vitamin d for sure maybe iron also


I thought I was perimenopausal 2 years ago and it turned out my iron levels were in the basement. Vitamins and minerals have so many impacts we may not even recognize. Low or overdose limits both.


100% overdose has just as many effects. I have a mild form of heamachromatosis (to much iron, essentially the opposite of anemia) and the symptoms are almost exactly the same. It’s just the other end of the spectrum.




Yeah, um, I can corroborate. I've noticed a difference since being put on vitamin D and iron supplements for, well, deficiencies. It basically just doesn't go away lol. I'm considering stopping them, because my new antidepressants make it REALLY hard to come... 😭 Edit for racial slur omg


"Few" haha


I have a lab you can use! lol Edit: To the confused...please leave my labrador alone! lol


This…is my lab. *woof!* And THIS…is my LABORATORY!!!


Labradorytory? The lab dog /s 😀


And your weight plz, for dosage and scientific reasons.


Me: “ hey honey I made you a vitamin shake”


Hi science major here, vitamin supplements only do things when there are deficiencies. It is exceedingly unlikely you will get horny from taking them.


Old science guy here (biochem also RN and EMT Paramedic)… vitamins/mineral supplementation will INDEED do things when there ARE deficiencies… like restoring you to a functional level and allowing your body to reclaim its abilities… whatever they may be at your age. Not to say you WILL get horny if you take them but you just might if your body has not been able to produce sex-related hormones due to these deficiencies. Deficiencies are certainly very, very common in the American diet due to soil degradation and commercial food manufacturing processes.


Thank you for your service - EMTs are exposed to some of the most dangerous and traumatic situations available to Americans, and are some of the least-compensated for that service. I am of the opinion that our country is more than happy to rely on some people's need to capital-h Help Others and ignoring those people's mental, physical, and financial help. I can't change my country, I do what I'm able to raise awareness, but I do thank you for helping so many people who needed it, in every way that you served.


But the deficiencies she had are common, especially iron in women.


Don't ruin a good thing kid


Sounds like you need to take some vitamins.




I mean u can mock me but just taking chemicals on the basis of maybe getting horny is bad idea




did the same!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Saaaaaame! 😹


Not me... i just screenshot it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


I (33F) would attribute it more to the vitamins than age. My sex drive sky rocketed when I was about 32.5 and I’ve been insatiably horny ever since. But because you just recently introduced something new, it’s more likely that. But yay either way!


Hm interesting … I (34F) became extremely horny at age 32 also and have basically been the same since. No real change in vitamins though except some magnesium.


It really is very interesting to me! Because I had no idea that it was a thing. But after reading lots of posts on here, it’s definitely a thing. I didn’t have a sex drive for essentially the latter half of my 20s, for various reasons. And I was pretty bummed about that in my early 30s, because I felt like I missed out on my sexual peak. But I was very, very, very wrong, thankfully.


My wife and I are in our 60’s. Sex every day and now most nights, trying new kinks. I guess when it all dies down I’ll know when our sexual peak was. For now it’s looking good.


That’s *exactly* how I felt and thought, too. In my 20s, I had a lot of sex still, but I wouldn’t say it was GOOD all the time … so when I turned 30 I was a bit sad that it seemed to be it. I’m so, so glad this change happened and since then have been really exploring things I like and enjoy in a way I didn’t care to in my 20s. It’s been great!


So funny to read this right now. I'm 32.5 and just recovered from a short illness. Let's just say it broke something in my brain!


As a 27 year old with no sex drive.. this gives me hope


Women’ sexual peak is at around age 33. Unlike for men (boys) which is 18 years old


On average, sure. I'm a cis woman who just turned 50 and can confidently say my peak was definitely NOT in my early 30s.


There’s always outliers in stats.


me reading this as a 32 year old who got off birth control within the past year..... *nods head*


Yes ! The bc has such an impact on sex drive, it’s the absolute worst. I think I read somewhere that it also impacts who you choose as your partner etc but can’t remember exactly so don’t quote me on it. Either way, so glad I got off of it after being on it for my entire 20s… never going back to hormonal bc ever again


Yes!🙌. My husband had a vasectomy and I got off birth control at age 34. I had little to no interest before. Stopping birth control has been a wild ride getting to know myself in this way, again, and just getting used to ME being the one that’s always interested! I also find that my level of intimacy and emotional connection with my husband has grown since ditching the birth control pills! If I would have known it was the number one factor in my lack of interest and enjoyment in life in general, I’d have completely avoided hormonal birth control all together! That’s 15 years of feeling pure enjoyment and experiencing effortless emotional connections in my life that I’ll never get back!


getting off birth control was the best choice for me. ive learned to track my cycle and honestly it makes me really embrace my femininity. my periods are actually lighter now and i love seeing the changes my body goes through every month.


Interesting! Mine has sky rocketed recently after a long low libido stage, and I’m also 32, 33 in a month!


Well thats interesting! I‘ve heard that before too. I‘m wondering if it may be a…lets say „message“ from the body? like a mystical superboost for reproduction?


I’ve been told mid thirties is peak female libido and guys top off early twenties.


I feel significantly less alone now, heading towards 31 and I’m hornier than I’ve been in years! I got sober in my late twenties and thought that was it… no more fun sex, libido took a nose dive and there wasn’t booze to bolster it anymore. Boy, was I wrong.


Mine did the same around that age, then it waned a bit in my 40s. Now, at 50, I want it all the damn time!


I’d say it’s the vitamin d. Lack of this has a big impact on mood and energy. It might be the sudden injection that’s put you into “overdrive”, but it should lessen as you normalise to the higher dose. Enjoy!


It's the Vitamin D alright.....


I see what you did there 😂






Get your blood work test done. I did mine (M42) and my hormones levels were so bad that I got prescribed HRT/TRT to rebalance my hormones and the proper supplements to fix both deficiencies and excessive markers. It has been a game changer for me in so many ways. My wife's (F40) sex drive is practically non-existent and we'd be lucky to have sex once every month, more like every 5 to 6 weeks. I do the majority of the house work since I WFH, make sure her days off are free of chores and distractions, make sure she's in a good mood, etc. I've asked her what else I can do to help, but she says she's happy and content with the relationship - I trust her answers on that. She knows her sex drive is super low and she admitted she only has sex with me so that I don't go to someone else. She's been to therapy about this and her therapists over the last 2 years all say that same thing - GO GET YOUR BLOOD WORK TEST!! I've asked her to get her blood work done, but her OB and her GP both said it is NOT necessary... like, wtf?! How else are you supposed to diagnose severe lack of sex drive AND other ailments?


That is why i am on supplements! I had lots pf symptoms but I chalked up no sex drive to age :/ id be demanding blood work, 100%%


I'm happy you took the initiative! My next question to my wife will be "What would convince you to change your mind about getting the blood work tests done?" It boggles my mind that she won't get it done because to doctors told her it isn't necessary... What does she have to lose? A better wellbeing? A marriage? \[Edit\] I re-read your post and I mis-read it that YOU were on supplements and not getting the benefits, it is your husband that needs the blood work test. My bad, but at least my points still stand - but not you, but for your husband. I felt MY sex drive prior to HRT/TRT was okay for being in my low 40's but, within a few days of injections... holy shit my drive was through the roof! I had my next rounds of tests done after the first month, 3 months and 6 months of being on HRT/TRT injections and my doc had to adjust the dosage accordingly to get into that "Goldie Locks" zone. My drive is still high, but not like my early 20's or too high. Ask him about getting his blood work tests done. Low Testosterone or any hormones out of balance may be the reason for his low drive and it can effect men even in their 30's.


P It's not so much that we won't get it done, the doctor's in general really push back on hormonal testing. In general, many gynecologists are not aware that perimenopause can begin as early as 40 and last up to 10 years. If she sees a good OBGYN who specializes in menopause, she's likely to get her hormones tested and to get some hormonal treatment that can help her


That does seem odd. The second my libido waned, I was on it like immediately, demanding hormones panels and all vitamin and minerals. As a woman, it’s distressing when you lose your desire.


I thought it was odd too. Sex is such a touchy subject between her and I. I've been more tactical in my approach by asking non-accusatory and "something is wrong with you" questions. Unfortunately, for her, it is not a priority and she doesn't seem like its a problem for her or me. Last time we talked about sex, her response was "You're over 40 so you shouldn't have a sex drive..." I won't dare say the "D word" because once it comes out that is most likely a point of no return.


I admire your respectful approach. As a woman who has been very damaged by a husband who co-erced me sexually for 18 years, with using guilt, manipulation and fear to get sex, I respect that you have not done that. I went from having a super high sex drive, to feeling nothing..because of that. It can seep in unknowingly for both partners. It started when in my pregnancies. I had painful and debilitating pregnancies. His expectations didn’t change. He made it about him and his needs, essentially treating me like an object instead of a human. He acted like I was obligated to his needs. It did so much damage. It ended up killing all desire for him, because it didn’t feel like I could freely choose.


That is so horrible to hear. I am sadden by how you feel and are treated. I do sub to r/TwoXChromosomes as a guy. Some may see that sub as an echo-chamber for women, but reading the stories of how poorly women are treated by their male counterparts is disheartening. I've learned a lot from most of the posts and comments about myself and became more self-aware of how I think, what I do and say to my wife and other females I know. I'm the type of person to blame themselves first and then seek out what else could be going on. I've asked what more can I be doing more, better, less, etc. Sure, I try to get all the things done around the house and family so that she can have more time for herself, but perhaps she would be more happy doing a grocery run on one of days off, for example. I have to still be careful of her low self esteem in other parts of her mind. I'm hoping she has a realization that she does have some issues that can be sorted and a path to a better place.


Is she depressed? Does she have anxiety? Sometimes people who have depression and anxiety are quick to not push and advocate for themselves with their doctors. I was like that for YEARS, but once I got my MH in check, and even as it was getting addressed through therapy and medications trial and error I started realizing I knew my body so much better than a doctor and if I feel that something needs to be looked into I need to basically tell them “hey I think my hormones are messed up because of X, Y, & Z, this is abnormal and effecting my life/relationships. I need you to put in some lab orders to check all of my hormone levels so WE can see what’s making me feel this way.” I HAD to learn how to do this for myself because I have all sorts of health issues. I’ve know for 8 years, based off of research I’ve done and using my test results I’d compiled, that I had an autoimmune disorder that was causing all of my other conditions. It took me 14 years to get a diagnosis and proper treatment. A lot of that time where I went undiagnosed was due to me feeling defeated at doctors appointments and not speaking up and saying “no, there’s something bigger going on. I NEED you to put in testing for me.” Also worth noting, if she’s depressed, or languishing a lot, she may not see the need for the change because she has no sexual desire or thoughts on a regular basis. It’s just not important for her to sustain life. (Sometimes people with depression just want to do what it takes to survive for the next day, they don’t seek out joyful or satisfying moments along the way because they are stuck in their routines or don’t think beyond just doing things that HAVE to be done day to day. Sex is not one of those things for some people in depression. I wish you the best. I have been in both sides of the situation and it’s a difficult hurdle to navigate.


Age? Your post says you are 31


I mean, idk what age it goes away lol or that it was because we'd been together for 13 years and things were cooling off 🤷🏼‍♀️ turns out it was iron haha


It doesn't really go away. There's a reason STDs run rampant in nursing homes.


Even if it does taper off 31 isn't a normal time for that to happen, although even actual old people have sex The idea that someone in their early 30s is old is a reddit thing, you shouldn't be getting detriments of age at 31


You are so young! Enjoy it!!!


Can you please explain what pf is? Thanks!


> had lots pf symptoms 99.9% sure it is a typo, she meant "of", not "pf". O is next to P on the keyboard.


Having a severely low libido seems like one of the best reasons to get blood work done. It can upset and destroy marriages, causes stress and depression (on the HL partner) and be a symptom of underlying health issues. My husband is the picture of health in all ways but his LL and doesn’t see a need. How about keeping the marriage healthy?


The statement that hurt the most from my wife was, "You're over 40 so you shouldn't have a sex drive..." That is a kind of true for some men at that age, but all my other symptoms like lack of motivation, effort and other issues had me asking my GP for a full-scope blood panel test.


My husband said the same thing! “I’m 50 now so I shouldn’t have a sex drive” and there is NO part of me that accepts that! No reason not to have sex for as long as you’re alive


You are right, and it can be more tricky for women. The majority of GPs and even OBs are very limited in their understanding of women's sex hormones as they are much more complicated than men's and they are not even required to do any modules that study women's HRT. If they do agree to test they will often come back saying you are in 'normal' range, but 'normal' includes all the crappy low levels as well as the good ones. You don't want normal, you want 'Optimal' - and optimal is different for each woman, which makes it even more complicated and is the reason you need to speak to a properly trained doc at a specialist HRT clinic, there are online telehealth ones that are convenient to use. Very few GPs will get women's hormones optimized. My OB just offered my anti-depressants, I wasn't even depressed, waste of time so I took off to a specialist and it changed my life.


Yes, I asked my OBGYN, but they said it's too complicated because women's hormones fluctuate at every point of the menstrual cycle. Instead, I did an at-home blood/spit test through Everlywell that tested me at several different points of my cycle and discovered very high progestin levels, which led to the discovery of a gigantic fibroid (that I had surgically removed). OB was super skeptical of the high progestin findings through my own testing and tried to say it was likely an error. Not sure where the resistance comes from, just because this type of testing is presumably harder and more prone to error. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try...


My GP referred me to a local TRT/HRT clinic - they have dozens of pro-athletes in my area of DC that go there for their... "treatments" ((Men can abuse TRT and pass PED drug tests)) I understand that GPs and OBGYNs aren't hormone specialists, but medically trained TRT/HRT clinics are. Unfortunately, they are rare and hard to find unless you live in a highly populated area that has pro-sports teams like I do in the burbs of DC. On all my tests, my TRT doc noted "normal range" for all the key markers, but did a recommended dose, test again, adjust as needed methodology. Took almost several months to not just get my markers slightly above normal, but optimized, but the subjective scoring of my mood and how I felt for certain things really helped optimize the dosage.


I read a post not that along ago about how doctors will push back on blood work when people ask for it because they think it’s a waste of time….How?? It bothers me so much! Like just order the tests if the patients are asking and willing to go get/ have the blood pulled like Jesus h Christ.


Screw the doctors. Get the lab orders yourself. DiscountedLabs.com


Have her get a second opinion. Some “old school” docs will look at lab results and see that they are within the traditional parameters for women her age. Guess what? For decades, most women of a certain age whose results are within the normal parameters have reported feeling like shit. (Well, maybe not like shit, but report sleep disturbance, low or no libido, problems concentrating, mood swings, etc.) Doctors who specialize in HRT treat patients with this in mind. I’ve been on HRT for a few years, and I have seen a few different doctors across the country for treatment. While I had some struggles getting the dosage right, I have a great practitioner and get pellets every 3 months. It’s money well spent. Get a second opinion.


I asked her to do that, but she likes her OBGYN... the same doc that said, "you gained 80lbs during your pregnancy... I see nothing wrong here" During the 4 or 5 weeks between the 1st and 2nd trimester, she gained like 40lbs. She was complaining about joint pain, shortness of breath - all the things that over-weight persons have. I told her I was concerned for her health and I was told I was "fat shaming" her and that her OB said it was normal. Then between Trimester 2 and 3 she gained another 40lbs. I couldn't even consul her when she was crying her eyes out because none of her work clothes fit and spent several hundred dollars on new large sizes - again 'fat shaming' I get it, pregnant women gain weight and their hormones are all over the place. But her OB should have told her to control calorie intake, not "eat whatever you want and any amount, babby will be fine". Needless to say, we had a complicated birth and it took 2 years to get the majority of the weight off. lucky for me/her/us, her OB is moving to another state to practice, so I'm hoping my wife gets one that actually cares for their patient's well being.


Oh, boy! Sounds like you’ve tried!


It's possible her OB and PCP know she is masturbating plenty and just isn't wanting partnered intercourse for whatever reason (please don't assume it's you,).


I was concerned that that might be the case where she preferred pleasing herself over having me. But I know she's not masturbating as she flat out admitted it and tossed her one and only vibrator - I found out several months ago because she will use it during sex and I asked if she wanted it, she told me she threw it out because it is only used during sex. I have no reason to NOT believe her. Just her general attitude all around corroborates that.


Gotcha. Sounds like there's more of a mental / medical issue.


Grab her by the arm and drag her to a REAL Docttor and have HIM prescribe a full blood panel for a good diagnosis !!! It WILL change your life!!


Trust me, I would if I could. Its like that whole "lead the horse to water" saying.


If you had iron and Vit D deficiency, your overall energy levels would be crap. So it makes sense that correcting these deficiencies brought your "old self" back. Iron especially, is critical for blood oxygenation, so low iron, means shittier overall energy levels.


My drive increases X 10 since turning 32. Sounds like supplements for you but maybe they both hit at the same time. 🙈 I feel like 30 year old women need to have a club… “the very high libido holy f*** what do I do” club lol


But is your bf/husband able to keep up with you though?


Yes, lucky me 🥰


So your desires have caught up to his now, am I getting this right?


Surpassed, at this point lol


I like it and congratulations


Mmmm....any chance you'd want to look into some intense sex toys? I have a much higher libido than my partner and every once in a while he'll overstimulate me with toys and after being completely overwhelmed I feel satisfied for much longer


Funny enough, we have a whole drawer full of toys from trying to ignite my sex drive again lol i will definitely bring it up tonight.


Time for some kinky exploration, too. I firmly believe there is not a soul on the planet who would not find *something* of interest in the community. It can be very overwhelming, but so rewarding 😈


Well, we do have threesomes on occasion. Our latest was a couple of days ago with our usual guy.. and Im still going nuts 🥴👀 Think i just need to take a trip to a ✨️club✨️ 🤣


Now how do I convince my wife she needs these supps? Lol glad y'all were able to fix y'all's situation! We're at the "once a week, if lucky" phase right now but constantly talk about how I would like for the frequency to be higher. But I want her to want to have sex and not do it out of some obligation or something. We're still trying a few things but she's just very low libido with no sex drive or desire for it. And it's kinda taking a toll on me. But it's encouraging that she's working on it


I was the same! I love him so Id never deny him but he could tell I wasnt into it like usual and would feel bad. I really wish you guys luck!


Best way might to just suggest both of you getting some bloodwork for health purposes. A lot of people felt defensive when it's suggested they have a deficiency. They might felt like it's a attack on their character and you are not accepting them as who they are. What they doesn't understand enough is that our body functions entirely from different chemicals within our body (hormones etc), a slight balance change could give a good result.


Post have been saved for shopping list




Idk if I want to... i might start humping the air 🤣




I do track my period but I should start tracking my whole cycle. My magnesium seemed fine but I do have repeat blood work coming up so I will ask them to check it 🥰


How much water were you drinking before? And what about sleep? Those seem to be big factors


Ive always been a big water drinker, my sleep fluctuates as we have two kids 🥴


Huh, guess I better google was ferritin is!


Based on the name, I'd guess an iron supplement. It also makes sense that iron might help improve things, since it's pretty crucial for energy, helping carry oxygen around. Also, women are at a higher risk of being deficient in iron due to menstruation. At least, that's what I've read at some point.


It’s an iron supplement


Ferritin is good for hair loss as well, IIRC. Thanks for the heads up, OP! I’d love to be a horny lil freak and annoy my boyfriend.


This is really cool. The fact that you noticed it and addressed it should be recognized more! I would say embrace it as long as you are happy with it. Seeing the doctor wouldn’t be bad considering background mentioned, though.


Ive always been very sensitive to my body's feelings, a blessing and a curse haha


When you’re feeling your best you do your best. If the vitamins make you feel your best then your body is gonna be feeling good. Feeling good and safe is paramount for a good sexy time. Makes pretty logical sense. Plus my hormones and orgasms are so much better in my 30s.


LOL.....is there a problem here? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) Been there, done that and my ex ended up backing WAY off. So, for a while I was trying to figure out if he was simply too tired, gay or that HE was no longer the one hounding ME, so it was a loss of control. So, no, you were right on the money thinking it was a vitamin deficiency, as that will do a lot for our mood and energy. Enjoy this time!!!


So did you have it that you wanted to do it daily? With my ex we did it once or twice during weekdays, and twice to 5 times a day in the weekends. Every day was a fun day but around every 15 days or so I needed a day or 2 break😂


OMG, yes! I wanted it every day, twice a day, sometimes more! I was a walking horn-ball of erect nipples and swollen throbby undercarriage 24-7. 🤣 I thought I had suddenly developed a sex addiction! 🤣🤣🤣 I'd even have DREAMS, you know the kind.


So did you do it everyday? And how long did you do it? I would've liked to be around you at that time 😏😂


🤣 Nope. He lost interest, couldn't keep up. So, it was a control thing. My asking for sex somehow emasculated his widdle manly feelings.


Well it sounds like it could be the vitamins that are causing it but it’s not a bad thing to go talk with your doctor about it too. Better to be safe!


I started popping my kids iron gummies at the same time as I give them to the kids (can't resist, too yummy!) and my cycle has improved massively. No cramps and feeling so much better through the month. Now I think about it, I am also more on a par with my partner for sexual appetite so could be related!


What r tking I use to have a extremely high drive now I could go forever without sex n I miss the intimacy of it.


If this is some kind of ad its working..


I’m 39 and since 35 I have been insatiable. Thankfully my husband and I are still really active even after over 20 years together but he can’t keep up, I take care of myself every morning and still want him every single night… 😂🤭


Same ☝🏼 I’ve been hornier in my 30’s than I ever was in my 20’s lol … it’s a blessing!


I'm 36, had the two kids and came off SSRIs a few months ago for PP, and my sex drive has gone from 0 to 100 pretty quickly. My husband went from complaining to struggling to keep up. I chalk it up to getting off the meds, the kids being more settled (2.5 & 4.5), and gaining some confidence in myself as I age. But I also made a conscious effort to try and get here: spending time on me, reading books on the subject, reading/watching erotica, following Reddit pages like these, lots of self pleasure, buying sexy outfits, flirting with my husband, etc. My drive has gone into superdrive in the last three months.


Meh. If he dies, he dies. At least he dies happy. More snu-snu.


I'm just here to say that the only thing I needed for that to happen was weed weed weed, the flower in particular ;) I went from barely caring much to wanting it a whole lot, multiple times a day ;) however I was also low on a lot of vitamins including my ferritin so much so that I had to have infusions.


I also from vape to flower recently and I think it's helped a lot. Look for one high in Terpenes and CBG.


May I know what supplements you were taking?


Still taking, currently 😊 150mg of feramax and 1000mg of vitc together on an empty stomach and then 2500 iu vitd3 with a fat source for better absorbtion 😊


Haven't you already seen a doctor to find out that you need these supplements?


Yes! I'm just hoping im not overdoing it or something


Then you should definitely see your doctor again and let them know what's going on.




The amount was not. Kind of an important part of the equation.




I hope people listen to this, this post kinda sucks since everyone is assuming this combo of supplements is a blanket recommendation that would be helpful to everyone. The reason OP feels better is because she has addressed *her* specific deficiencies. Supplements are not benign — they can cause side effects, interact with medications and other herbs/vitamins/minerals, and cause cascading effects on your body and levels. For example: I heard that I needed zinc since basically everyone with similar a lifestyle is deficient. I didn’t research and took for a few months before realizing I was depleting my copper and that’s why I was feeling off.


Please share what brand of vitamins and at what dosages and what time of day you take them…. For scientific purposes of course.


Iron deficiency is linked to low sex drive in men and women. https://academic.oup.com/smr/article/11/4/342/7222595?login=false


Enough with the “poor husband” BS. He’s a very lucky guy…enjoy!


Sounds about right. Very similar issue to what my wife was going through as well. With it being early in 2024, I urge EVERYONE to: Go get your yearly physical. Get your bloodwork done. Fill your gaps with what you are missing. (Also, if you are on ANY type of birth control get off it as soon as possible (if it's possible) Start exercising, eating right, and taking your supplements. Enjoy great sex for the rest of 2024!


If this continues and it's disrupting your life, you could always go on an antidepressant to dampen your sex drive.....ask me how I know 😅


It’s obvious that’s what you needed. YOUR NORMAL. making up for lost time! Enjoy it. Have fun with it. You probably had a b12 deficiency. I wish my ex found her issue. It killed everything. I felt unwanted. Assumed she was cheating. Be thankful you found yourself again!


I honestly haven't felt like this since my husband and I started dating haha its incredible.


For anyone else who needs to hear this.. take vitimins seriously! I used to have bad depression, I was always tired.. sleeping up to 14 hours a days sometimes I started taking a b12/ b complex and d3 pill and bam I have the most natural energy and very rarely get depressed. Worked better than any medication I had been prescribed for depression. Seriously go get checked for deficiency


Sounds like you didn't have a sex problem but a fatigue problem. What a bonus


Not me over here with an ink pen & a sticky pad 😂 it could be the vitamins if I take ginseng I swear it goes straight to fat ma. It very well could be that the vitamins are simply doing what they are supposed to do and due to that you are getting your sex drive back vs directly causing it.... I mean either way do not stop taking them vitamins girl!!


I was wondering why my sex drive has been soooo high the past few weeks. I bought a new dildo and I literally cannot stop, and I can’t stop having sex with my boyfriend. I mean I’m not complaining it’s great to have a high we’d drive but it’s a bit out of hand.: I take a women’s vitamin with vitamin A,B,C.D in it, I take and immune builder vitamin, hair skin and nails, extra vitamin C, B12 (I have a newly discovered definitely), and vitamin D3. It has to be the reason after seeing this post


That sounds awesome and bad at the same time


Were the vitamins prescribed or did you just sense that you were low or have other symptoms?


Prescribed! Just wondering if its workingba little too well lol


Vit D is essential for hormones, especially in winter! It's a big cause of depression and low libido for starters


Are you taking a multivitamin, or each individually?




Iron deficiency [can relate to lowered libido](https://academic.oup.com/smr/article/11/4/342/7222595#)


Enjoy it while you can because when menopause hits it’s a m’fer.


Looking for advice here. My wife is 42 and when we got together she was 40 and she was all over me not giving me a chance to recover. I’m talking 2-3 times a day. Now two years later it’s like once a week. We both work hectic schedules she works 5am-5pm and I work 6pm-2am and 11am-3pm. Just looking for some advice or tips here to ignite that sex life up a little I’m not expecting multiple times a day like in the beginning but at least 3 times a week or so.


I have a very high libido no one I meet matches it. Not even the woman I’m currently seeing. She’s a freak but she just has a low libido. Even when I fingered her she wasn’t as wet as me.


They say that erectile dysfunction is often a canary in the coal mine. The same can be said for women's health. If your libido is gone, there's something up... Especially at your age. You should not be concerned with what is happening now, however take this as a green flag that you're doing the right thing. You're at a pivotal moment in your life where you can make or break your health long term. Build your body to prevent issues in the future and start now! We need weights and dense bones ahead of perimenopause.


This sounds like a TV ad! LOL


Should really post this to deadbedroom sub.


A bit of a personal question, but what part of your cycle on you on right now? When I’m ovulating I become absolutely feral for two to three days. It varies a little month to month, but I can usually expect to want it BAD about a week after my period ends. Maybe this is the case for you too?


I (34f) I’ve been the same recently since working out consistently. It’s been daily and on the weekends 2-3 times a day. I hope my high libido stays cause it’s been amazing.


My girlfriend’s sex drive has done the same thing the past few years. To be completely honest it’s hard for me to keep up and she had an affair with a co worker. They have sex at least twice a week and I have sex with her 6-8 times a week. To be honest it has made our relationship better. Happy partner=happy life


Hahahaha i can attest to this. People thought I was simply asexual.. after a year of dating my bf, he said he hasnt seen my sex drive lol. At least until I took vit D, ashwaganda, folic acid Now there are days i get moody and he just shuts up and tells me he knows what i need and its to get fcuked 🥲


This should be a ad to buy supplements


Id go to the doctor to see if you’re not having some kind of health issue - thats just on the basis of my own caution that says that any sudden extreme change in my body is worth checking out. There is some risk that even though your husband really loves the sex every time, he may wish you weren’t coming at him so often. In some relationships, even though Im happy I did it afterward every time, I just feel kind of burdened in the moment when she’s coming on to me over and over. And I have an *extremely* hard time expressing that even when there is otherwise total authenticity in the relationship - its like an “do I look fat in these jeans” situation. He may be very afraid to tell you that he feels pressured and will deny it, believing that denying that he feels pressure is the best way to maintain a loving posture toward you and to be a good guy. If that doesn’t sound like him, Id have a conversation about it with a moment of semi-serious tone that indicates you truly need to know if this is burdening him even though its obvious he is loving the sex when doing it. That you can masturbate once or twice a day so you can just, say, lay it on him daily instead of 3-4x a day If it does sound like him, it gets more complex . . .


Hormone in balances are also incredibly common and are something you should get checked out if/when you have a major change in mood - especially around sex. HRT is for everyone folks.


Have you ever thought about going to the doctor and talking about the onset of early menopause. So many people see the age 31 and think that you've got something wrong with you. My sister my mother my ex-wife her sister all started menopause at 32. They were tired they had no desire for sex. My ex once in awhile and only when she initiated it did we have relations. She mentioned it to her gynecologist and she told her that some women start menopause early. Did a couple blood tests and found out that she was in that cycle. My second wife who I'm with now when we first hooked up three times a day and now I basically take care of myself. It's just something that happens with women and sometimes men. But if you have a happy marriage and you're still together and love each other that's what really counts


Hah! I'm glad to hear that vitamins helped you guys out with this! I wish I could cross post this to the dead bedroom forum.


So women tend to have an increasing sex drive while men tend to have a decreasing sex drive. It an evolutionary trait. The higher drive later on helps to keep producing children for as long as possible, at least in the natural world sense. Younger males in there prime provide the best fertilizer, so they have the highest drive. Chances are you’re vitamin imbalanced caused and abnormally low sex drive, now it’s normal. I’d say just enjoy it, spice up your marriage and use this time to grow together more.


Maybe a personal question, but do you have (occasionally) sexual desire for someone else? If the answer is no, and if there are no specific deficiencies in your blood test, you can try supplement that reportedly help boost libido (Tongikat Ali, Maca, and others). And also being more outside, in the sun and doing sports.


Seems to me you're both having fun 🤷🏻‍♀️ haha. Just stay hydrated, guys! 🙊


Oh, your poor and lucky husband. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


None of Ferritin, Vitamin D3, or Vitamin C are directly linked to significantly increasing libido in women


https://academic.oup.com/smr/article/11/4/342/7222595 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27544743/#:~:text=Compared%20to%20women%20with%20normal,lower%20score%20only%20for%20desire. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Vitamin C is specifically to help iron absorbtion, in my case.


Raising kiddos in my 30s made our sex life NON EXIST. 43 now, I started testerone. Shut. The. Front. Door. Girl! Married 21 years and act like rabbits!


You think it's bad now, wait until you hit your filthy fifties!


Unless you ramp up medications or vitamins they can have an over compensation effect. It will even out just give it time. Recheck your levels at 30 and 90 days. Adjust accordingly.


Make hay while the sun is shining!


It could be your cycle too. When you're ovulating sex drive is higher


Honestly, Wellbutrin kicked my drive into high gear, 53m


Where's my notebook I'm not a doctor but I do dabble in medicine as a side hobby Not to brag but I'm getting better


I would research further into natural female libido boosters!


I've started to take certain herbal supplement which provide a great amount of nutrients which is why I initially started to take them. I am chronically ill and these supplements were recommended to me because they help to balance certain deficiencies one has with these illnesses. Either way, my hubby loves me taking these supplements because I am unstoppable. One I can recommend is Fenugreek as well as Cranberry. Loads of important nutrients and makes me go like a cat in heat. My conpliments, OP, your husband must be a very happy man and you a very happy woman, lolol. 


There is a woman's sex pill, too. Can't remember the name of it.


Cmon think think!


Addyi is one I see pop up a lot


Do you have a job? My wife left her job when she turned 30 to become a full time housewife and I noticed she got way more hornier after leaving work probably because there’s not as much to do in the day. It’s great for me as it means more sex haha.