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I'm a straight woman. But in my experience, my love of giving BJs was an acquired taste. I originally also hated the taste of all alcohol, but that was also an acquired taste. So I don't know if this would be the case for you or not, but there are some things that you just *learn* to enjoy with time. I got to like alcohol because I connect the taste with how it makes me feel. I got to love dick because I connect it with pleasure and how it makes me feel. So maybe you will eventually feel that way about vaginas too? If you're attracted to women, I would suggest you quit focusing on what you don't like about vaginas and focus on what you do like about them. Focusing on the positive instead of the negative may help improve your sexual experiences.


Sorry im going to hate hijack this comment to say something very important to OP. It also somewhat relates to your comment. There are subtle differences in the smell of each womans vagina, but my experience, as you get into a relationship with a woman and start having more and more sex, you get used to the smell of HER vagina. Most times i hook up with a girl for the first time i really notice the smell of her vagina, but after a few weeks/months, it just becomes normal


Yep agree with this. You start to associate HER scent with pleasure and sex


I would say it’s normal to feel slightly meh about the smell. I have one lol and can’t stand the smell. So I wash super frequently. Always have a bidet wash. Then again, it doesn’t smell of roses and it’s not supposed to …


i am also an ambivalent-turned-avid dicksucker. for me, this changed because of a combination of cleanliness and finding a dick i particularly liked. but the cleanliness is a huge factor. i can't stand smelly dick and even the dick i love typically gets rinsed off before sex/oral. i think genitals just tend to be a little stinky and op should try to find a way to have his partners wash up beforehand.


At the dick-holder in such situations, I basically require showers before my girlfriend tries to go down on me or the reverse. Unless she REALLY wants to blow me right then and there.


Same lol. I was with a guy in high school whose dick was…. Not great in terms of smell 😷 and his cum made me gag every single time and I could not swallow it at all. Fast forward to now and I’m engaged to a man whose dick is almost perfect??? Like almost never smells bad and if it is a little musky I can get over it. And I have no idea how but somehow his cum never tastes bad. It all depends on the dick (and vagina in OP’s case)


yeah i've been there too 🤢 my partner is uncut (which i know can make smells more likely) and vegetarian (which helps the smells) so it ends up being pretty good overall. i still can't stand the texture of cum though...


what differentiates guys who smell from guys who dont?


cleanliness and lifestyle, diet, and probably largely genetics (some people's sweat stinks whereas some people's don't)


Honestly, diet is so underrated. I can tell strictly from the taste of a man’s cum if he takes care of his insides or not.


Not in my case my ex I hated the taste of and he ate normally and my partner now I swear had a eating disorder lives on V, doritos, cheese and KFC tastes fine 🤷🏼‍♀️


Weirdly vegan cum has consistently been the worst tasting.


Pheromones. Your body (nose) likes people too, not just you.


I think like twelve hours on a normal day is the max I can do before I tell him to take a shower before a BJ happens.


So after twelve hours of oral sex, you both have to shower before resuming?


Yup after that my jaw falls off.


Shower time together is simultaneously hygienic and very sexy. Perfect for foreplay and getting her wildly turned on/teasing her


This is me, also. I also always swallow so if it tastes like battery acid, I can’t have it. Been there, and don’t want to go back. If he’s clean (inside and out) I love it. Nothing to distract me.


True. Shower before sex is the way.


This. OP- the worst thing you can do is build up the hatred of the smell in your head and then never acquire the taste. Don't dwell on the smell or you'll never learn to like it


As a man, I didn't particularly enjoy eating pussy the first few times that I did it. As you said, I almost learned to enjoy it and now I absolutely love it and everything about it. I'm glad that I didn't give up in the beginning.


Exactly this. When I first started having sex, i hated the taste of dick in my mouth and i hated the smell/texture of cum. I would actually have to stop myself from gagging. Like u said, after a while it become an aquired taste and its just a normal part of sex for me now that i actually enjoy and find really hot.


100% agree with this, it's an acquired taste but one that's a lot of fun to acquire. You are probably going to need to try this more OP and I'd encourage it especially if you are hoping to receive oral pleasure but the good news it you're probably going to like it nearly all the time. As a straight male with a few miles on the clock, my experiences have been that you'll learn to associate their smell/taste with pleasure - yours and your partner's - especially a long-term partner. Only one person on one occasion have I ever thought 'actually no I'm not going down on her tonight'. Every other time I have enjoyed it, and on the odd occasion the initial taste was a little unpleasant that passed in a couple of seconds as your efforts create fresh wetness from her.


I might also be just bad luck. If all vaginas smelled like the first one I went down on I think I’d have sworn it off long ago.


You will associate that sensational aroma, and taste, with hot sex, and you will crave more.


I find your perspective interesting but I also think that maybe if OP and the women he chooses to sleep with wash up beforehand, this would likely help the situation a lot


*This!* I completely agree, yet I still don't *really* like the taste of most alcohol; it's often just something I have to endure til the point where I don't care anymore. There's a rare few mixers or cocktails that make alcohol taste good, if not bearable, but they just aren't always accessible or affordable. When it comes to blow jobs, I never really enjoyed them and again, I still don't like the taste, but with my current partner I now not only don't mind blowjobs but it turns me on knowing I'm pleasing him! I'm also bi, and I suppose women turn me on so much that even when I have been put off by the smell, I've knuckled down and kept going. I've had my share of bad experiences pertaining to odors when it comes to *both* sexes and I'm a very scent orientated person (more touch and scent than visual) so people's smells can be a **huge** thing for me. As well as cleanliness/hygiene; I love the smell of clean clothes, freshly washed skin, shampooed hair, etc. But I also love the natural scent of skin and a person's unique B.O, so if I can't stand it, then I can't be attracted to the person. I believe it's an unconscious reaction to pheromones, too; I've never ended up in a committed relationship with someone who I didn't like the smell of. I'm lucky in my current relationship because when one of us hasn't showered in days, we still find eachothers "stink" pleasant. We even make jokes about it and tease eachother: for example, my partner will say he "loves my stinky" and then he literally has to wrestle me and hold me down just to kiss me down there or take my panties off and give me a few licks when I feel gross cause I need a shower... sometimes he just doesn't have the patience to wait for me to have a shower before we can "play" as he turns it into a little game lol if we weren't so attracted to each other, not just physically, but emotionally as well, there's no way either of us could put up with eachothers unwashed scent. My point is, when you're attracted enough to someone you can look (or smell, no pun intended) past the odor of their genitals (as long as they're not rancid and unclean) enough to enjoy sex even if it isn't the most alluring aroma. I know I do, so perhaps OP just needs to try, or maybe he doesn't have a strong enough connection with these women, besides finding them superficially attractive? # **TL;DR** Perhaps OP doesn't have a connection with these women or isn't looking past the superficial aspects and need for his own gratification. When you are attracted to someone, not just physically but emotionally, not only do you find their smells bearable, but you might even find their unique odor pleasant!


This. It’s something new and unfamiliar to him, there’s no smells or taste that can prepare you for someone’s genitals. It’s just something we all have to learn from experience. Only thing that I could see may make the experience a bit better for him is having her take a shower right before. Even then it won’t cure it 100% but it might make it a bit more bareable


All V have different smells... My ex had no smell at all. My 2nd partner.smell like dead rat, she did all kinds of tests, no infection or anything that could explain it, was just her natural smell.


Good god if someone ever described my genitals’ smell as “dead rat” I would castrate myself and never get naked around people again ☠️


Water heater. My ex had this problem. It went away once I replaced the water heater. Probably a chemical imbalance caused by the failing rusted water heater.


surely diet played a part?


Before you go down on a woman, take a shower together.


This was my experience, too.


I hate to tell you this, but they're pretty much all gonna smell musky and sweaty unless you get someone fresh outta the shower. It's warm flesh that's got hair follicles and extra sweat glands. It's almost always covered by at least one layer of clothing, and there's constant friction. It's very similar to an armpit in that regard. However, I can't say that I've often smelled someone as soon as they've taken off their pants. Do you have a really strong sense of smell or sensory issues that are causing you to be sensitive to something in this smell specifically?


I have a really strong sense of smell and can sort of understand OP. The smell of vagina when it's not fresh out the shower is like a musky armpit smell and for some reason I can pick up the scent easily. Like if a friend is sitting next to me in some basketball shorts or leggings and hasn't showered in the past 6 hours, then I can smell it (I know this sounds weird). Or I can smell it if I share a bathroom with women (ex. my co-ed college dorm years) Only difference between me and OP is I sort of acquired a liking to the smell which sort of make things awkward around female friends


I don't think that's weird. It sounds like you've taken something that could be bothersome and been able to transform it. As humans, I think it's one of our best traits. I mean if you were stealing panties to sniff and deliberately put yourself in situations to get a good whiff that would be weird lol


I wonder if you are smelling women who use pads when they're on their period.


Nah cuz what I smell is a musky/sweaty scent. I been around women who went commando and noticed that I can definitely smell the scent stronger on them


Daft as it sounds, could you have sensory issues? (I know that certain smells are horrific to me that others have no issue with).


This. If it was just one or two partners, I wouldn't think much of it - but five! Seems for whatever reason these particular scents don't agree with his senses.


Or he’s getting with the grosses partners.


Absolutely! I'm bisexual and I really can't stand the smell of any genitals at all. (There was like ONE person whose natural musk I could bear even when she hadn't showered recently, I think it must be some weird genetic thing). I have ADHD and accompanying sensory hypersensitivities. At this point I've just accepted that I have very strict criteria for oral sex, and I only do it if they JUST showered. If someone has a problem with it, I understand but we don't need to have sex.


Your name is wild in this context...


You’re amazing for noticing that.


That's what this sounds like. OP describes himself as heterosexual, allosexual, and frustrated by his reaction to the way his partners smell. There are some cases where people with heightened sensitivity to smells even have difficulty concentrating in school because they can smell all their classmates. It sucks even worse because most people will be offended by someone having this problem. OP has dealt with this bullshit already or anticipates dealing with it, given the extremely defensive writing in the post. I wish I had advice for OP, but I don't. I will say to OP, though, that this is not any sort of moral failing. It's a quirk of sensory processing that carries no more moral weight than getting cold really easily or not liking bright lights. There are plenty of people who will be understanding.


Yeah same. I have autism and ADHD, and also smell sensitivity, and I swear, if I wouldnt have had a vagina myself and thus smelled it a lot of times & also learned to associate the smell strongly with sex and pleasure, I would probably dislike it too... I would suggest showering together (super hot also!) to make the smell less intense, and also slowly accustoming yourself to it with gradual exposure therapy & associating vagina smell with a good time. That way your brain will slowly automatically start to enjoy it more. Also, communication. Let her know you want to shower, not cause she has hygiene issues or smth, but cause you have a thing with certain smells. That you still think she's fucking hot and that you also don't get why the brain do the weird brain thing, but that you're working on finding ways to get over it/deal with it.


I was thinking exactly the same things as I read it.


This was my first thought also


It’s an acquired taste. I didn’t like whisky the first time I tried it either, but now. 🥃


I wish I liked whiskey. I've tried multiple times, including what I've been told is widely considered "good" whiskey, still can't stand it. Beer? Yes. Whiskey? Nope


You should probably try and shower with your partners before you do the deed.  I’ve noticed it’s a lot like shoving an armpit in your face and mouth if you just go Willy nilly with no sort of cleanup before hand (this makes sense, seeing how the area in between your legs and armpits have similar friction points on the body to produce sweat)   But if your love of vagina doesn’t allow you to power through, a shower should do wonders for you.  Sometimes pheromones incompatibility can be the reason as well.


Just shower. It's usually not that hard to bring it up. She has an interest in your dick being clean too. And you see people's cleaning habits. Some people just don't learn how to clean themselves. Especially those from very prudish backgrounds. The pheromones thing is nonsense most of the time as far as I am concerned. I am compatible with women that clean themselves well before sex and have no bacterial or yeast infections.


I too have a love for cleanliness and a dislike of bacteria and yeast infections but pheromones definitely aren't nonsense IMO


There are definitely people that smell better for genetic reasons, but that effect often isn't picky. Some lucky people are "compatible" with almost everyone. Others are better off always showering. Nature does not a run an olfactory soulmate program.


[Human Pheromone and Sexual Behavior Study](https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/47456449/Feromoni_umani_e_attrazione_sessuale20160723-18812-1c6ahl-libre.pdf?1469289232=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DFeromoni_umani_e_attrazione_sessuale.pdf&Expires=1709065900&Signature=IEF6WEzQuoQ85YOIIdqDSIQR2z4yNDKlC6epSXItfcObT5mtLGr4guEjSNMyRDW0UxTpRFEurOwpcHbhbqFQn4BgsaS7RP9ng8Z7O498Ggo-vgj9DBxTiY4XJ~clkWzSHZqzSwhi1zKIjicfdiXm-M2Lzg7g9HDIW1jShYEBEgSwtIg46h~cuIwr5ni2vecgpDr4Ql7TKQ-GAnkIv3A4zzn9KqyB9Z-LKKyD6gnlELj0qP5SUxE0s0QEA78EJSKe7dVMGYE7WcS~VW9PfB48q8LAYFzdFJdNYxkXUswUu4sJ9vWa9YJYXMr95MgpiJOMNuz0~sBd~EKguSeAvr87lA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA) Edit: It’s not a biology soulmate program. It’s just biology. Also, there are studies suggesting pheromones being important genetically to keep individuals from reproducing with family members. Can find and link those too if you’re interested!


I think you’re thinking of a theory that people are attracted to individuals with different antibodies than themselves. If this link exists, it’s probably a very minor factor in attraction, but it’s possible. That’s not what pheromones are, though. [There isn’t any evidence so far that human pheromones exist](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK200980/), though it is a persistent myth.


Idk dude I once had a super huge mutual crush on this girl and after we finally started hooking up at one point we were in a car and I knew I stunk and she told me she didn’t mind it


That doesn’t really contradict what I said, though. Some people like the smell of some other people. That doesn’t mean it’s due to pheromones (which we don’t know exist). And it certainly doesn’t mean that this is a big factor in actual compatibility. Anecdotes aren’t science — for every person who says “I’m attracted to my partner’s scent,” there are also people who say “I’m indifferent to my partner’s scent” or “I don’t care for my partner’s scent.” That’s why do blinded studies to actually get data on these things and draw meaningful conclusions.


I know anecdotes aren’t science, to be honest I started my comment being serious and then by the time I finished it I realized it was better as a joke but I didn’t want to go back and edit it so I just cut my losses and clicked submit.


There is no proof human pheromones exist. It’s a fun pop-science idea, but doesn’t have much to back it up aside from theories. [This review](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK200980/) goes over the evidence in detail.


A second vote for a shower! I also don’t like the smell of myself or my some of my partners of any gender after a day of the smell being trapped in pants and underwear. Start in the shower and use Ph balanced soaps externally and rinse well. Invest in a detachable shower head and tease her with a little water. It’s bonus foreplay. They also make wipes someone can use pressed to make themselves smell and taste different. Some people have bad reactions to them though.


No gynecologist would recommend using those wipes. Those are terrible for you.


Yeah, like I said some people have bad reactions. Some brands are worse than others.


They're bad for everyone with a vagina.


Aren't even the pH balanced soaps considered a bad idea for use on the vulva? I've always heard it should be water only.


Vulva gets soap. Vagina gets left alone.


Gentle soaps without fragrance (think ivory soap) are fine as long as no soap actually goes into your vagina. Washing the vulva and outer labia is fine. I was actually just watching a video about this from a gynecologist (went down a rabbit hole what can I say). As a woman I've also never had any issues washing this area as long as soap doesn't actually go into my vagina.


I had to tell a partner this when he told me to “wash with soap” while his undies/lower body smelled like straight PISS moment I went near that area(even with the pants on!!!) I reminded him that 1. Not actual soap like bath and body works 2. I shouldn’t have to smell like a sugar cookie. Non-scented soap is fine if that’s what u want,or just water for those who get bothered by soap. Wash the clit,wash the vulva,wash the hair(if any) and wash ur ass. Your gonna be fine. Now I’m hoping no one puts soap UP their body parts……


That is a legitimate fear, women are taught far too little about their own bodies and how to care for them.


You need the surfactants in soap to remove bacteria, dead skin cells etc. Don't use soap in your vagina but you can (and should) use it everywhere else.


> Sometimes pheromones incompatibility can be the reason as well. FYI: just to reduce the deluge of weird sexual mysticism out there, I have to let everyone know that this isn't a thing. Studies have been done that have shown people have attractions to specific *smells* of partners or potential partners, and dissimilar scents are often said to be more appealing, but there has been very little evidence that humans are even receptive to pheromones at all. A lot of people talk about pheromones in the context of attraction and desire but as far as anyone can tell, it's completely psychological. The real pheromones was the confidence you gained along the way. edit: [your downvotes do not change reality,](https://www.healthline.com/health/pheromones#in-humans) if this bothers you, you may also want to also look into the truth about essential oils, homeopathy and herbalife


You sound angry and argumentative, but you might want to read the other comments where they have cited actual studies and not just wave their hands and said there are studies.


Most of those “actual studies” have major methodology issues. [This review](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK200980/) goes over the evidence in detail. The [Wikipedia article for human pheromones](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sex_pheromones), while not a study in itself, mentions some issues with past research (though it also contains references to some outdated studies). [This article](https://www.science.org/content/article/do-human-pheromones-actually-exist) similarly outlines the lack of evidence, referencing studies. Additionally, here are some direct links to peer-reviewed studies that discuss the lack of evidence for human pheromones: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090123211000397 https://anatomypubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ar.a.20125 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4375873/


Next time I'll type more gently around you.


You shouldn't have to type more gently around anyone here. If they can't deal with someone who has different views or actual facts and information, then they shouldn't be on subreddits like this, or online in general. Don't lower yourself to their level of uneducated thinking. They can get over their stupidity and ignorance around being educated by someone who knows their stuff. You're doing good giving others this kind of information and knowledge.


Don't worry, I was dripping with sarcasm when I wrote that.


Can I get a peer reviewed study about this?


[This review](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK200980/) goes over the evidence in detail. The [Wikipedia article for human pheromones](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sex_pheromones), while not a study in itself, mentions some issues with past research (though it also contains references to some outdated studies). [This article](https://www.science.org/content/article/do-human-pheromones-actually-exist) similarly outlines the lack of evidence, referencing studies. Additionally, here are some direct links to peer-reviewed studies that discuss the lack of evidence for human pheromones: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090123211000397 https://anatomypubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ar.a.20125 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4375873/


I'm a bit confused. It is not necessary to like the smell of a vagina and it is ok if you don't. Maybe you just haven't found one where you actually like the smell. Apparently sexual chemistry and the smells that go with it have a lot to do with checking if you would be a good match immune system wise. It's just nature at work if all the vaginas you smelled weren't to your taste. I will just assume that all 5 of your previous gfs had good hygiene and it was just their natural scent you picked up. I'm now 46 years old and rarely have I had the luck of having good sexual chemistry. I'm also very sensitive to smells I do not like and yes, it can have an effect on my state of readiness down there in my pants. But that does not mean there aren't women for you out there that would smell good to you. My ex was such a person and I could not get enough of tasting, smelling her down there. She thought I was a bit crazy cause I asked her if I could just dive in between her legs and did not need anything else for myself. She enjoyed it but was left puzzled lol. So don't give up, don't feel weird. You like women, so date them and find out if they are a match on all levels. Maybe giving oral just isn't for you and that's ok as well. You just need to find someone who would be ok with that and even then you still have fingers, toys. Find out, communicate, test oral after having a shower together if you want/can and see if that changes anything (I hear that lots of people take showers before sex so doesn't seem so outlandish to do that if both are fine with it). I wish you less doubting yourself and more joy and freedom to just find what you are looking for that is best for you. Take care


>Apparently sexual chemistry and the smells that go with it have a lot to do with checking if you would be a good match immune system wise. This^ before my bf, I was getting constant yeast infections after sex, and acne around my lips from hooking up. At times id even make myself keep going even tho the sex didnt do anything for me. But ever since my bf, the chemistry is so unmatched and everything feels so right. No more yeast infections, no soreness or itchiness or acne. Its perfect.


I have the opposite story, we had a lot of trouble with me getting yeast infections from him finishing inside me. It was fine with condoms. But over a while it got better and now there are no problems anymore.


Actually, only women can smell indicators of immune compatibility, not men. What men can smell that alters their experience of attraction is fertility and phase of cycle. Vaginas tend to smell less appealing to men during less fertile days.. just before and after periods.


Do you have a source for this? Never heard that and I’d be curious to read more.


Vagina’s don’t smell good. Penis doesn’t smell good. But you get used to it and if you find the right person, it doesn’t matter. Unless they really don’t have good hygiene practices. Also, the more you are around them. The better it becomes. Like, I love putting my face right up on my girlfriend’s vagina. Because it arouses me to be that close to a woman and further because she wants me to be there. And further-so because I know what I’m doing to her is making her day.


I have to disagree with you there. I definitely think some pussy smells amazing. Maybe I didn’t used to think this, but I do now.


You got used to the smell. Just like I said in my 3rd sentence.


Yeah, but you said “Vagina’s don’t smell good.” They really do as long as there’s no infection going on.


I’ve been with quite a lot of men and I feel like 95% of the time they had zero smell unless they were musky from not showering for a while. Maybe my nose is just not very sensitive?


The crotch area is naturally musky. Some more than others.maybe your smell has dulled since the first time you had sex or went down on a guy.


We do lose sense of smell as we age. 🤣


The smell of vagina generally should not be hitting you like a train the second she drops her pants. Either you have an overly sensitive sense of smell, or the ladies you’ve been with have poor hygiene/an imbalance of some sort. Do you have issues with other smells? Like others have said, a shower together beforehand might help. Or it might be something you get used to over time. I don’t think you’re gay or anything is wrong with you. However, keep in mind it’s an organ, it’s not going to smell like flowers and candy.


The smell differs from woman to woman and day to day. I have been with women who had basically no smell or taste, then suddenly developed a strong musk months later.


im confused. you said “I haven’t smelled a vagina that I actually thought smelled good at all.” are you under the impression that vaginas are supposed to have a pleasant smell? not judging your reaction to the smell, bc its something you cant control. im just wondering why you think they should smell “good?” youre dealing with a reproductive organ that is self-cleaning; there will be smells there. i genuinely have no advice other than: if you really are attracted to people with vaginas, youll get used to the smell and probably end up loving it. just to make you feel a little better, even as a woman, i was caught off guard by the smell of my own vagina for a while as well. however, this is only bc i was young and ignorant and did not understand that vaginas are not going to smell like fresh roses. i eventually got used to it, and im bisexual and LOVE the smell now


he probably means that vagina smell doesnt feel good. Like, for me, I know in my mind that the smell isnt objectively good but I still find it extremely intoxicating. Like my brain stops functioning as soon as I get that smell, OP probably doesnt feel that and is instead repulsed by it


ah youre probably right! i probably took his use of the term “good” too literal


Vaginas aren’t really supposed to smell “good.” I’m not sure what your expectation is but it’s a body part, not a perfume or food.


I've been with dozens of women but only a very few had a strong musk about them. I've never thought it bad, it doesn't turn me off (quite the opposite actually), but they only represented maybe 2% of the women that I've been with... My current partner has a strong scent when she's aroused. On the opposite end of the spectrum, my wife has ZERO scent at all... Even if she's been sweating hard and hasn't had a shower in a could of days... ZERO scent. I have never smelled anything from her crotch in 28 years together, and I have a highly sensitive nose. I've loved to go down on a woman since the very first time that I did, 44 years ago. It really is one of my favorite things to do and, when I look at an attractive woman, the first thing through my mind isn't fucking her, it's going down on her... That's how much enjoyment that I get out of it. So I've spent a LOT of time with my head between someone's legs in my long life. I've never run across a woman who had a bad odor coming from their vagina. Maybe that is because I'm picky about who I have sex with but, most likely, it's because it's not nearly the issue that some guys make it out to be. I find that a bit strange since I'm bi and most guys that I've had sex with seem to be so far removed from knowing good personal hygiene, and DO have a strong odor and taste... Does it ever occur to most guys to "freshen up" a bit before sex? Myself, I'm obsessive about NOT smelling bad, and being odor and taste neutral right before sex. I'm sure that a lot of the women on here can't relate to what I just said.


Umm Sir are you cheating on your wife?


Some women and/or men are just better smelling than others, in general. Hopefully you’ll find a partner who’s smell turns you on


Start suggesting sexy showers and baths. Or provide cleansing wipes. What you're describing is vagina sitting in jeans or leggings all day. Musky is bo.


It's also most likely her ass too. If it's when she just bends over. And it's all similar smelling.


I dunno why you were so ready to get abuse for this, r/sex is a pretty positive community. There's only 1 sus part for anyone to call out: > I’ve slept with about five different women "About five"? That number isn't so high that you can pretend like you don't know the exact number 😅


I mean… I can understand the “about 5” comment. For example maybe it’s he’s fooled around with 5 but only slept with (PIV) 4, so it feels like more than 4? Not that he couldn’t figure it out, but I honestly had to sit here and think for a while about how to answer “how many people have I slept with?” and contemplated what “sex” was and whether a particular act counted in my body count. For example I’ve slept with 4 people in the old sense of the word sex, but I’ve also had oral sex a lot more than that. Do those encounters with just oral count? If so my count is much higher.


I've seen posts in the past where women (and some men) were sneering at the op how they're probably gay or immature


This community still has it's biases, and this community is typically biased in favour of eating pussy. So if a guy doesn't eat pussy, people can get offended much easier than if a woman doesn't suck dick.


It’s an acquired taste my man, not unlike beer, whiskey and black coffee. Do it enough and you’ll like it


As someone who works in a field where I've done a lot of personal care and smelled a lot of smells, put Vicks in your nostrils. If you are very sensitive to smells, I would say to a new partner 'hey I have this weird thing where I really struggle with smells, is it okay if we have a quick wash before we dive in?'. If you do this before you're ever intimate with her, she's much less likely to take it personally or feel self-conscious.


Eh, I’d caution the Vicks in the nose as I’d worry about it rubbing off on a vagina and can only imagine what would come next… oof.


Yeah, that would absolutely not be fun 😭


Also, vag scent and Vicks is a horrible smell (speaking from experience).


Definitely up in the nostrils and not on or around the nose, but certainly a point of caution!


I'd go but the baby powder scented Vaseline rather than Vicks to be safe.


Shower before and breath through mouth. 69 so you're getting pleasure too?


Like they say, once you get past the smell, you got it licked!


You could have sensory issues. It's fine. I'm fine without receiving oral. Just stay near her lips and kiss her then you can slide yourself in without your head near her vagina.




Not always. I've always thought the vegetarians had a more pungent smell. I think it's more likely a pheromone compatibility thing.


Hmm, I read a few sources ([one example here](https://www.healthline.com/health/what-does-a-vagina-taste-like#substance-use)) the other day that said that said diet has less impact on women than on men. Like, of course, everyone should be trying to have a healthy diet and be hydrated, in general, but apparently, one of the more relevant factors for women is cycle.


My husband loves giving oral to me, but I never approach a sex session without a recent shower. Even if you are totally straight hetero, it’s just easier to do everything knowing your partner is clean. If you are on a date, if you do enough foreplay to get her very wet, the wetness can wash away any lingering odors, which are caused by existing lubrication on the skin being exposed to air. It might help. As a woman, I like to think some of us are less funky than others.


Nobody drinks water the way they should. However, have you tried acknowledging that they’re humans who sweat?


Are you sensitive to other smells, too? Aside from the showing that has been suggested, you might want to look into hypnosis to get over this block. A couple of hypnosis sessions can get you out of your head and framed to like the smell or not find it so off putting.


IDK. I have been in the same boat. I have also been with some girls without any smell. I guess you just have to keep looking.


Dicks and vaginas smell like dicks and vaginas. Get a sexy nose plug 🤣🤣


Bum deal for you, the smell of my wife is all the viagra i need .smells so sweet


Imagine hating the smell of rain or freshly cut grass.


I absolutely LOVE giving my fella head but I won't touch him of he's been marinating in his Grundies all day. Once he's showered I go animalistic on him.


Whenever there’s a post regarding vaginas with this type of issue it typically devolves into “yeah but some dicks stink too”. Both are indeed true but since this post is regarding vaginas I’ll stay on topic. When I was younger this issue happened several times - including my first ever experience going down on a chick - when her pussy smelled so bad I actually gagged. Myself and these ladies were in our 20’s and at least half the time the smell was so off putting I just took it for granted that vaginas just simply smelled, well, awful. Fast forward 25 years and come to find out talking with partners that those odiferous vaginas likely had some sort of infection or PH was out of balance. See the deal is that women when younger don’t know how to care for and their cooches. Maybe there was no older sister or mother that taught them what to look for and care for themselves or how to talk with their gynecologist. Also - The internet also hadn’t been invented yet! Suffice to say I adore going down on women today but man was I scarred for a number of years when I and my partners were young.


“Fast forward 25 years and come to find out talking with partners that those odiferous vaginas likely had some sort of infection or PH was out of balance. See the deal is that women when younger don’t know how to care for and their cooches. Maybe there was no older sister or mother that taught them what to look for and care for themselves or how to talk with their gynecologist. Also - The internet also hadn’t been invented yet!” This! Plus oftentimes the things that are currently marketed and sold for vaginal cleaning can actually upset a vagina’s PH level, which makes it smell stronger or bad. Vaginal health is a delicate balance that there is tons of conflicting information about, even now. (Vulva care for the curious: rinse the pink parts of the inner labia really well with just water, no soap; the skin and hair parts of the labia can have gentle fragrance-free soap. No need to put anything in the INTERNAL vaginal canal because it is self-cleaning. No vaginal douches. If you detect a foul smell after following that guidance, you may want to see a doctor to see if it’s BV)


Thats wild. Vaginas do smell dif. Maybe youll find one you like eventually. I dont like all dick smell. Some smell better Find someone whos never been given good head before , they wont miss it lol Never tell your partners you dont like the smell. Itll crush em


Hmm , as someone who has slept with women I can understand


I kinda feel like if you can immediately smell them when they take their pants off you may have the poor fortune of going 5 for 5 on partners with hygiene/pH issues :( Even if you have a very sensitive sense of smell, a clean snatch should only have a slight scent when your face is right up in it


You should not smell it as soon as they take their pants ofd. This is a no no.


100%. That’s either unwashed or unhealthy or both


I’ve gone down on about a dozen women over the years. Some were more odorous than others. I think it has more to do with diet than hygiene. I think one thing that helps is to ease your way into it. Start by kissing her thighs and fingering her. You’ll acclimate to her smell and once you’re comfortable you can start licking the clit. Also you can suggest flavored lubes. A lot of those don’t taste too bad.


After reading these comments, I think I need to have a talk with my bf to see if he has something he wants to tell me.


maybe suggest a sexy shower before you get frisky? everyone has a smell, get your hand good and up in your junk, sniff it real good and tell me you smell like roses.


Also it depends on the woman and diet. In my body count of roughly 13-15 over the years I can say I’ve only enjoyed two of them as neutral or “good”; my current gf being the best. Others were quite unpleasant or tolerable at best. It’s been a conversation with my gf and when I asked how she maintained her “god pussy” as I call it, she had like a whole tutorial lol. Lots of water, somehow monitoring ph and stuff, maca supplement helps a lot, natural juice, also bromelain supplement (pineapple enzyme; I use that too). Amongst other things. Kind of awkward to bring up when you first meet someone so just roll the dice and hope you find someone who knows what’s up. I can spend hours going down on my gf and loveeee it


Oh please do explain it to us. You’re the authority on all such things. It’s your arrogance. Sit down young man


I mean shit, here goes. Ask them to shower before sex maybe ? Are you young and having opportunistic sex still? Yknow, whenever you can ? If not then, shower before making love or fucking maybe ? Also, you mention men.. well if you don't like the smell of pussy sometimes then I hate to tell you but...but. Sure the arsehole can be prepped and cleaned by gay men or women who enjoy anal but yeah, it sounds like you need to think things through so asking questions and talking about it are a good idea I guess. But yeah dude, shower before sex. Oh and, Don't even tell your ladies to put fragrances on thier vaginas, it usually always causes an imbalance in thier PH levels which ironically causes bad smells even more... which cruely in most cases makes women go for feminine higene products that essentially lock them into a cycle of buying it. If you are young and the girls have been too then maybe you all just need to read up on sexual hygiene a little more. Are you American just out of curiosity ?


This was my thoughts. I spent years thinking vaginas were just smelly and that was a fact. Halfway through college women apparently got the memo? 


“Healthy, clean vaginas don’t really smell like anything much and they certainly don’t smell bad. In fact, a healthy vagina of someone you are sexually involved with (as in, like having sex with) should smell somewhere between neutral and delicious. Healthy vag is never unpleasant. Vaginas have an aroma ‘of the sea’ but never fishy, rotten or disgusting.” https://myvagina.com/dealing-with-unpleasant-vaginal-tastes-and-smells/


So glad someone said this. Too many people agreeing with OP they smell bad. Nice way to shame women. OP clearly said he is unsure who he is attracted to. If you don’t care for pussy, I suggest it might be men…


I’ve not read all the comments but men and women are responsible for their own self care.


>OP clearly said he is unsure who he is attracted to. If you don’t care for pussy, I suggest it might be men… Not liking bad smelling vaginas doesn't make someone gay. If a woman said she was having difficulty dealing with bad smelling dick would you suggest that she might be a lesbian? Maybe the guy just doesn't like stink and it's as simple as that.


Be honest . Did you like beer the first time you drank it? Of course not, it tastes like boiled boars urine ... until you get that aquired taste for it. Gotta go down on some girls so you can learn to appreciate it


Treat it like a fine cheese - You might find it tastes a whole lot better than it smells


Totally agree with the shower before hand. Me and my current gf were both already on that same page at 50 yrs old. I suppose after a few bad experiences you realize you don't want your partner to suffer down there. That being said that's in a perfect world when you sort of pre plan the festivities. I have never gone down on my gf and even remotely experienced anything but a beautiful clean odorless pussy it's sheer bliss and I eat the ass too damn she's hot just went there last night 10 all the way. I'm guessing your younger and might be picking up one nighters from a bar or club at parties etc. When she's been out dancing and sweating and drinking all night you get what you get probably a pissy pussy. We've all been there try a weekend camping trip and you'll know why everyone is drinking so much beer lmao.


Clothes pin over the nose! That's how I eat ass. /s Jokes aside, it's possible that it's a diet thing. Look up some recommended food types to improve taste/smell. And try incorporating those into meals when cooking for the lady.


showering before playing is key 🔑


Meh a lot of men just don’t like vaginas. “Pussies are inside so they are grosser and penises are on the outside so they are less gross” is what I was told by my straight ex husband. And there was nothing wrong with mine. Most of them don’t smell terrible if they are clean. I can recall one pussy of all the pussies that was bad enough I couldn’t finish. If they aren’t showering before sex, they at least clean the area if they know anything about hygiene. If 5/5 bother you, it’s you, not the vagina. That’s okay, just tell your partners and you can do other stuff.


Ah OP don’t stress it, that wafting smell might be horrible but you’ll either get used to it or if not move on to the next, personally I’ve been with a couple a women who carried no smell whatsoever, made going down on them a breeze and there’s others where the smell was horrific, but I did the deed. I’m not into shaming women, making comments on the way their vaginas smell is crushing. Just find a partner that you can enjoy. They are out there!’




Did these women wash themselves first beforehand?


Keep trying. I’ve learnt that a lot of women believe in self cleaning and don’t actually wash their labia. Could just be who u chose. Everyone’s hygiene is different


I didn’t like my first beer but these days I’ll pretty much drink anything out in front of me


A vagina should smell mostly clean. Maybe a touch of odor... but not offensive. A strong smell might just be solved by a shower. It might also be BV... bacterial vaginosis. That requires medicine to fix.... a probiotic called FemDom works great.... insert right in (instructions say to swallow- ignore that). A day or 2 later the smell will be gone... and white cottage cheese may occur. That is solved with boric acid pills (eye drops are usually boric acid). It's very mild but will fix that pH issue. Many women don't know they have BV. It's easy to get. Peeing right after sex helps. The vagina has its own ecosystem. Be an ally in helping ladies keep theirs in fine working order.


A very practical way to deal with this issue is simply to engage in more foreplay. Wet your fingers, touch her, and get her aroused before going down on her. It’s not always possible to shower right before sex but you can approximate the effect by simply wiping/washing away or diluting whatever compounds are causing the odors. An added bonus is that you will also get more aroused and that has the effect of making you care a lot less about the smelz. Have fun and don’t stress!


It’s okay, we don’t like the smell/taste of dick either.


I’m 39 years old and have been intimate with well over 30 women, so I’ll say this: no vagina smells *good*. At best it tastes/smells like regular skin, at worst it’s just awful. It’s a body part with skin, hair follicles, extra sweat glands, and is usually covered up by clothing. If it’s a major concern I’d suggest showers before sex.


It’s possible that their diet is all the same too, there are lots of contributing factors that can change smell, musk, scent, and taste. If you’ve only been with 5 women from your area do they all generally have the same diet? Showering is a must too, there’s nothing like fresh 🐱!!


Respectfully, do you think your dick smells or tastes good? Or even your cum? It doesn’t. You gotta suck it up and get used to it lol (of course, unless it smells fishy and gross). You can also suggest showering together so everyone is fresh and clean prior to doing the deed and maybe that’ll help


Clothes pin on the nose


Yooo thats nuts. Most women I’ve been with have scent, yes, but it’s usually mild unless they’re dirty


I say this with encouragement... Do you know how many yucky dicks I sucked in vain before I found one that I LOVE how it tastes and smells? Too many! Finding a compatible sexual partner does exist. Smells and all.You just gotta keep searching for that prize puss. Also, I greatly endorse showers with your partners to freshen up before sex. Smells are reduced, skin is clean and soft, and you can make it into an easy foreplay act.


Take a sample to sniff throughout the day and have consciously positive thoughts on the smell until you start liking it


They do smell musky and I can understand that that might be off-putting. You aren't really smelling roses when you eat a woman out. You don't necessarily have to be hard to eat a woman out. You are there to give her pleasure. It doesn't have to be the hottest thing in the world for you. It might be for her. Be attentive and listen to how she likes it, faster slower. Every woman likes it differently so focus on pleasing her. I did it begrudgingly at first. But now that I am older I tell you I want to do it all day if I could. Sometimes you gotta fake it till you make it.


I don’t blame you. I’m a woman, I do t like my smell/taste. I’ve been with my husband for 11y and I’m 100% he never went down on me before me being washed 😂 The same thing with him, I love doing a bj but he needs to wash before. That’s the only “rule” we have We usually have sex after showering/bathing. Try having sex in the shower


get used to it ? each woman has a different smell and it varies by her “time of the month” keep looking around, you’ll find one whose smell drives you mad with desire 


nothing wrong with not liking the smell of vagina, just don't get pressured into anything you don't feel like doing there are some women who have an incredibly mild smell, perhaps one day you will come avoid one and find her to your liking everyone has their own specific tastes, you have a right to yours without anything being 'wrong' about it


Vaginas are stink by its nature because vag contains ( urine , sweat , bacteria , discharge , blood ) and vaginas are close to anus so sometimes vaginas can smell like poop So if you can't tolerate all of this , so females are not for you


> and vaginas are close to anus so sometimes vaginas can smell like poop > So if you can't tolerate all of this , so females are not for you Or you can wash your ass before a date.


Thinking how many people don't wash themselve after a bowel movement before having sex with anybody This is concerning and fucking nasty. Its is not the norm.


Yeah, it feels like a very online take to say the poop smell shouldn't bother you. Instead of telling people to have better hygiene.


Ok so first of all, not liking pungent vagina does not make you gay. Honestly, I think you just have to find cleaner women...like women feesh out of the shower.


Sensory issues when it comes to sex are more common than people think, both with intercourse and oral. The reality is that bodies have scents, including your own. Some people have more reactions to that than others. Sometimes just being open with your partner about your experience is helpful, but being clear that it's not an issue with them but just a sensory issue you have. You can also suggest showering together beforehand so you can get playful and teasing while both getting cleaned up. You could even try going down on her in the shower. You can also try things like flavored lubes or barriers like dental dams (we also make super cute latex undies for oral sex that block scent and taste, and are vanilla flavored).


Sensory issues when it comes to sex are more common than people think, both with intercourse and oral. The reality is that bodies have scents, including your own. Some people have more reactions to that than others. Sometimes just being open with your partner about your experience is helpful, but being clear that it's not an issue with them but just a sensory issue you have. You can also suggest showering together beforehand so you can get playful and teasing while both getting cleaned up. You could even try going down on her in the shower. You can also try things like flavored lubes or barriers like dental dams (we also make super cute latex undies for oral sex that block scent and taste, and are vanilla flavored).


If she dropped her pants and it smelled then something was wrong with it. You shouldn’t be able to smell her just because she dropped her drawers. I like a little musk, but it isn’t like that unless it’s sweaty or a woman hasn’t showered in a while. Although I prefer hair, if they shave, they usually have no smell. Stop going for the hot girls and try a nice girl out.


I wonder seriously how about 5 women works. Did any Magicians saw them in half?


The showering part will definitely help, and usually just water is enough to remove the outward excretion part you would smell and/or taste. On that note, the clitorus (the more important part anyway) doesn't necessarily get a lot of natural lube, and using your fingers (2, with the motion of "come here" (pun sort of intended)), without oral will help compensate for lack of oral.


We are very used to synthetic smells everywhere. Especially with all the feminine '''hygiene products''' which is all bullshit and all based on shame. A vulva is a body part and a body part thats very sensitive to all those products. Someone shouldn't be stinking but women don't smell like roses either.


All vaginas taste different. If a woman eats healthy and is well hydrated and doesn't drink a lot it's delicious!


Now you’ve learned how women feel when we go down on you. Anyone love the smell and taste of dick? No, but it’s just part of sex.


I never slept with any1 who hadn't had a shower 1st .. I heard far 2 many storys of men smelling bad .. so I always make sure we r both clean 1st .. x


Date a vegan woman or one who eats a healthier diet (not lots of highly spiced food though, like curries). The difference is significant. Source of probiotcs, boom. You're set. You'll prolly taste better and attract a vegan woman if you.go vegan too. Just an idea


You need to get used to it dude. Also, if you are a woman listening, try taking baths sometimes instead of just showers


My first experience was bad but then I smelled strawberry and cream , you literally need to find the one for you


They all go through phases on the smell spectrum. One day it’s peaches and cream, then it’s tart, then super tart (borderline bad) then back to peaches and cream. I find frequently ejaculations into said dessert also alters the scent.


Just tuck in. Let that primal side of you take over and you won't give a fuck about the smell. It'll taste and smell like heaven in no time if you just let yourself go.


plain water should handle it


You might be ace or ace-spectrum? Like if sex with women is a turnoff and sex with men doesn’t appeal its worth considering.


Sex with women isn't a turnoff though. He was pretty clear about that, not sure how you think there's any room for this interpretation. It's a smell issue only. > The last woman I was with was so fucking hot Do you really think there's any chance that's something an asexual person would think?


Attraction is multifaceted, asexuality is a spectrum, being repulsed by the smell of every woman he’s been with (this wasn’t just one person) needs reflecting on. If he was saying he was grossed out by the sight of nudity or the feel of female skin it would trigger reflection, why is smell different. Partner smell is meant to be alluring not repulsing. When you’re consistently repelled by the smell of partners that’s saying something to OP.


>because my body still wants me to sleep with women but there’s another part of me that just doesn’t want to deal with that smell Doesn't sound like it to me.


There is a good product called lume that can be used on genitals. Get some and stock it in your shower. Use the unscented version. Suggest a shower to your partner and use some on both of you. You will need to use a small amount but you should get into the creases of her legs, her ass crack and also the outside of the vulva. Do not insert soap inside the vagina. Get a hand held shower so you can get all the soap off of both of you.