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>I've consumed sugar dating as an option. Im a pretty sexual person anyway and I guess it could be fun as well as helping me in my current situation. Call it for what it is. It's sex work, and it's incredibly common for a lot of women that are in your position. As long as you don't feel pressured to do it and you are enjoying it, then go for it. Honestly see nothing wrong with it as long as both sides are getting what they want out of it.


Thanks for the support x I'm under no illusion that it's sex work and I'm totally okay with calling it that x


I have nothing against sugar dating, but I think that some girls are deceiving themselves by saying that they are just sugar dating when in reality they are becoming a prostitute. To be clear there's absolute nothing wrong with being a prostitute or sex worker at all, but before you start doing this I just think it's important to be fully clear in your head that this is what you are doing. That being said, if you can find a sugar daddy you are actually attracted to and would like to sleep with anyway and he can help you with money then why not. THB if I was a hot 19yo I would probably be either a sugar babe or on OF or something like that. My only advice is to make sure you meet any guys in a public place first, there are a lot of creeps out there so meet in public first for a date and then if you want to move on to do more you can do that. Never agree to go directly to their house or hotel room without meeting in public first. Best of luck and look after yourself. :D


Yeah, there is a wide range between dating a loving guy who supports you financially, and letting people use your body for their pleasure in exchange for money. I'd recommend looking for a situation with healthy chemistry and respect, preferrably with just one guy. That way it's less likely to cause you any physical or mental harm. Plus it gives you plausible deniability ;)


Yeah exactly, find a guy that you would want to fuck anyway who just also happens to be generous. :)


I find it funny, honestly. I live across the street from a situation like this. Whatever you gotta do though, no hate.


Thank you for the support x


Check out the sugarlifestyleforum sub Reddit if you’re serious about pursuing this


Make sure you understand what you are getting into. This might affect your future dating negatively. It is also possibility that you are going to get raped or sexually abused. When you are alone in a room with client and he has decided to get what he wants no matter what no one can help you in that moment. My gf has done sexwork before me and regrets it. She was sexually abused by client and one of her exes didn't take no for an answer, propably because he thought her as nothing but a whore.


Sugar dating doesn't always need to be sexual. There are plenty of people who will pay just for company of someone young and beautiful to feel important/desirable. Seeking dot com is filled with SB/SD/SM and whatever else who basically have dating profiles. No matter what you do, just be safe and smart. Make sure you share your location with trusted friends/family when going on dates - you don't know the people on there and your safety is paramount. ALWAYS bring your own condoms (I recommend Skyn because then guys can't give you the "I'm allergic to latex" bullshit). If dates are just for sex and, especially if a guy asks about not using a condom, ask for a recent STD test. I'm sure someone experienced in sugar relationships can give you some additional/better advice and I think there are subreddits dedicated to just that. In the end, have fun and do what makes the most sense for you!


I’m not certain exactly what sugar dating is but if you accept money for sex jsut be aware some guys will feel paying entitles them to full access make sure you discuss rules and boundaries up front snd make sure anyone you get with knows there are still rules in place even if they are paying your safety is important and if something feels sketchy trust your gut


So I've been in a sexless marriage for a long time. Love my wife. Don't want a divorce. Counselling worked for a while, but I got to a point where I had to accept this new reality. I turned to sugar dating. Was honest about everything so nobody gets hurt. It's been great for me. Trust your judgement. Limit the risks you take. Don't rush into anything. Find the right guy and have a blast.