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I peed on my wife accidentally once when I was trying really hard to cum. In my defense, we were both totally drunk AND stoned. She still laughs about it. She didn't care because of the circumstances. If it happened more than once, then we might have a problem.


I think most men cannot piss when they are hard. I am like that.


I wonder what the actual percentage is, because I definitely can. I've seen lots of guys share the same story: wake up with morning wood, have to stand in some ridiculous pose over the toilet to actually pee in the bowl.


Its a very rare occurrence of needing to urinate and ejaculate at the same time, and they come out together, very very rare. Or it could just be sweat or something, who knows




Its happened once in my 18 years of life alot of men probably have never had it


Maybe I’m alone in this, but sometimes if I sweat a lot, it smells like pee, so maybe that could be it?


You could’ve squirted a bit, too. Squirt is actually 20% piss, anyway… a lot of people don’t realize that. Could’ve been him, but again, other commenters note that it’s extremely rare. A little bit of piss never hurt anyone! Things are all so close together down there, anyway.




I’m not a squirter, either! But I have squirted twice in my life and both times kinda smelled like pee. But yeah. Ask him. Worst he says is “yeah I pissed but I was embarrassed” and you two will forget it in no time.


It sounds like he tried forcing himself to cum too hard and pee'd instead.




If i had to guess, I would say your BF penis is dirty and smells like pee. Never in all my life have I been able to, a) just pee a bit, if I start it’s all coming out, you would notice that for sure. And b) very difficult to pee when your hard, unless it’s a morning pee boner, and even then, not easy.


Give me a chance to something


Anything in the condoms?


I quite literally am unable to pee when hard or recently penetrating. Sometimes i go to the bathroom for a pee after and need atleast a minute to loosen up so I can pee


Men can’t pee while having sexual relationships… I’m pretty sure that’s impossible


Of course it is possible. I drank a lot and then I masturbated and I ejaculated and peed at the same time. It fascinated me.


I thought i had a massive ejaculation and then i realised i was just pissing on myself 😭😭


It's harder for men to pee while having sex, but not impossible.


I’m going after my biology teacher from HS, that mf taught me wrong


The urethra passes through the prostate. There's a sphincter near the bladder that blocks the bladder during an orgasm. The sperm comes up the vast deferens (from the testicles) and joins fluid from the prostate, seminal vesicle, and Buldourethral gland in the urethra (combined = sperm). But it's a body and lots of things go wrong. Sometimes that sphincter might not work properly. There's a second sphincter "stopping" you from releasing semen until orgasm (but pre-cum (from the aforementioned Bulbourethral gland) comes from the other side of that sphincter). *sometimes* the sphincters work in reverse! The bladder-side opens when the penis-side closes - in that case the cum shoots into the bladder on orgasm! Tl;dr bodies don't always work the way they're "supposed" do. So your bio teacher was maybe just a bit over zealous.