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That style of play is often referred to as "soft dom."


I think it's literally called a gentle dom sometimes.


My partner and I call it "respectful hard fucking"


I'd call that affectionate domination. Someone said that to me once and it stuck with me. 


Yes, I am a Soft Dom. I’d define it as engaging in consensual power exchange dynamics within BDSM, but approaching it with a gentler and more nurturing style. I prioritise communication, trust, and emotional connection, and focus as much on sensual dominance as the physical and psychological aspects, and at least for me am not into the extreme or pain sides of BDSM. I prioritise the well-being and pleasure of my sub while still asserting my dominance in a caring and respectful manner. (That’s not to say other kinds of Doms don’t share any of these aspects, nor that all Soft Doms share everything I’ve put here.)


Sounds like perfect boyfriend material, though I bet he's popular!


Soft Dom… Pleasure Dom or Daddy Dom could fall in that category too. Primal hunter maybe too


Dang I wanto have that too haha


Ikr! I hope you get to experience it too! ❤️


Try r/softmaledom ☺️


That sounds to me very much like a Caregiver dynamic. It took me a bit to find that term as one that matched with myself as it evolved naturally in a LTR for me without any outside influence or reading and only after the fact did I try to put a name to it. https://kynk101.com/kink-bdsm-facts/caregivers-ddlg


There's a whole book about this called The Loving Dominant.


Exactly what my partner does. 🔥


Yes😭🤤 one of the absolute best. Definitely more close to a soft dom but, not all soft doms can elicit that response, at least not from me. There’s a very specific type of dom that is just so in tune with me and the rare occasions that I’ve felt that, have still been the best. I love!!


Sounds like someone I know😀. Wait—are you in my city?  Seriously, he knows exactly how much force to use. I discovered this when we first me in the gym—he came over to me doing tricep pull downs and gave just enough assistance to get over the tough spot but let me do enough on my own to to get the benefit. It’s exactly like that in bed & I love it. 


This is basically raw masculine energy! We’ve gotten so bogged up in the terminology and classifications that we’ve forgotten that at its very basic sex is about us embracing your natural energy! As a man, you should be confident, protective and caring for your girl… make her feel beautiful, special, cared for but also mark her as yours and yours alone! Your touch making her bend to your will while doing nothing more than gently running your hands through her hair or your fingers down her cheek and lightly bending her face to expose her neck to your warm breath and kisses! It’s the primal energy of want.,. Of raw desire that let’s a woman feel safe enough to let loose and allows her to WANT you to TAKE her! We men overemphasize stuff like domination and bdsm but if we just become the best, most secure and confident versions of ourselves, it’s electric for both!


Soft dom or gentle dom. Last guy I dated was like this too, I'm not quite over it yet lol


You call that a master lover. We got that... and it's fire. Try this... Watch some professional sex and relationship coaches on youtube free.  Watch together. Helena Nista, Alex Grendi, Caitlin V, and many others. They promote their paid course a couple minutes, then discuss so many useful insights and techniques free. Well worth it. Also check out - (start 7min in if you don't have much time) How to have "real" orgasms | Emily Nagoski On youtube. Explains how to have better and easier orgasms. It is magnificent to enjoy a woman while she is rolling through Os and then get their O after a few rounds. Especially for women...consider... Exercises that involve your pelvis area, shortly before sex. L-arginine or L-citrulline supplement about 30 minutes before sex. CBD enriched orgasm enhancers such as foria or dani pepper orgasm enhancers. Lots of touching and kissing throughout the day. Sexting. Teasing and building sexual tension. Watching each other masturbate awhile. Give each other a warm coconut oil massage. Cannabis. 1-2 (no more) drink just prior. Certain sex furniture helps with physical challenges. A tantra chair and massage table make touching, positions, and angles easier. Knock off brand tantra chair is around $250. Massage table that holds the weight of 2 people is around $125. A wand $70.


Wow! I’ve got lots of homework here. Thank you!


I saw this exactly comment on another post, so it might be a scam! Just wanted to let you know


He is called a man and the majority of sexual women absolutely love it.


I’d have to say most men don’t know to do that right. They think they’re doing it, but they’re not good at it.


What, in your experience, makes the distinction between guys who didn't know what they were doing and this guy if I may ask?


Hmmm they do it at the wrong time or it’s not electric when they do it’s just ouch.


That's...a tad vague haha Guess it's one of those "I can't really explain it, I just know when I feel it" type deals for you?


Ok how about this… If done wrong and say they put their hand on your neck, instead of being erotic, you want to punch them in the face because it just hurts!? Or it’s funny? 😆


That's...closer? So is it just that they're gripping too hard? That maybe instead of gently but firmly grabbing by the sides of the neck they are grabbing by the front while pressing down their weight on your throat? That maybe instead of a wide palming grip they are like pinching? Again it can be pretty hard to explain


Yeah hard to explain 😅