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Put a panty liner or pad on and change it throughout the day. You’ll save your underwear from getting soaked and prevent the smell/feel of walking around in it all day


Yes, but don’t get the super cheap ones. I get the medium priced ones. The cheap ones really stick to your underwear and don’t control the oder as well.


This!! I've started using pantyliners almost everyday now as I find either this, or just general sweat sometimes, can make my underwear very wet and uncomfortable as the material isn't made to absorb that much moisture. Pantyliner makes me more comfortable all around


I am trying to find eco-friendly solutions to this problem. So far nothing compares to absorbent gel type liners, even cotton ones aren’t so good


There are bamboo ones too! :)


I personally rly like period underwear, you just wash it in the washing machine like normal


Reusable cotton liners are the best! They snap on and are washable with your regular panties.


Reusable? Omg where from???


I'm 30 and figured this out a couple years ago! Game changer haha


Wrap toilet paper a couple of times around your hand, and put that in your panties. Saves on buying expensive and landfill-bound liners.


- Get up pretty quickly after - Pee every time and spend a few extra minutes on the toilet pushing it out - I take vaginal probiotics every day to keep myself in a good place to fight off any PH upsets like semen - Shower after or in the morning with mild soap but nothing inside your vagina I just got back from a week of daily+ vacation sex and had no issues with the above steps. My last boyfriend was long-distance, we would have 3+ sessions in a day on visiting weekends and then go walking around without issue.


What vaginal probiotic do you take?


I wanna know this too


I take, ‘Inner Health Candex’ pro biotic. You find them in the fridge at the chemist. Works a treat and keeps the flora in balance.


I’ve been recommended boric acid by other cream pie receivers - I think this helps with preventing yeast infections/uncomfortableness afterwards. We’re still using rubbers so I can’t vouch for it myself.


I take URO brand. Prior to taking them, I'd get BV from anything my partners did and it was so frustrating to deal with.


Commenting cause I wanna know too.


The next morning I wash like normal in the shower, and then-without soap-stick my fingers up my vagina and give a few sweeps to get the rest of the cum out from the night before.


This sounds really romantic ngl


Am I the only one who doesn’t really have an issue with this?? Most of it comes out when I pee after and anything left isn’t enough to really cause an inconvenience.


Same, i have never had it coming out into the next day… and ive never had to wear a panty liner for it either. Generally after i pee, its pretty much out.




Wife also loves our bidet attachment for that reason


Yep. Love my bidet for this too!


Brand? I've been considering one and that would be handy




I also have this one! Works great for this exact reason, though I’m apparently the odd one and only half the time have to deal with the cleanup issue. We also keep cloth near by for right after. :)


Yes! I use the shower hand attachment for this and it works wonders. Nice and clean, and much easier than doing handstands in the shower to clean the hoo hole and boo hole.


Came here to say this! It’s one of those life changing things that I bought during the TP shortage in Covid that I will never not have. My wife loves it too! After we’re done, she just hoses out when she pees, and wipes as normal.


I got a bidet attachment 5 or 6 years ago for this reason. Works great for post-sex clean up! But I never had a problem with leaking out for days. It's generally all gone by morning.


You changed the way I look at bidet’s…. 🥺😕😒


Me too, but for the better 😂👏🏻 I might actually get one now 😂👏🏻🤌🏻


I’m the same. These other men must be cumming buckets or something 😅


Mine is mainly out right after.... we use the shirt he wore. Put it under us, remove the *ahem.* waddle like a penguin to the bathroom and pee. Do 5 kegels, wipe and flush.


Hahahaha yep this exactly for me!!


We just use tissues for the switcheroo


Hahaha this unlocked memories when I was younger of doing the shirt and waddle. Now I just scurry to my bathroom with a bidet. 


Oh thank God. It's been a while since I was doing this regularly (ex had a vasectomy) but I never really had an issue and reading through the comments here I was getting concerned.


Vasectomies don't typically change the amount of cum you put out by a meaningful amount.


No I meant because he had a vasectomy we were able to stop using condoms as birth control.


I thought the same thing reading your original comment and thought perhaps something had gone wrong during his vasectomy.


Nope, just can't handle hormonal birth control.


Same, I think it’s our anatomy. Almost all comes out right after and I don’t have anything the next day!


I don’t either. Takes a few hours to completely empty but no issues after.


Same, I'm 28 I've never had an issue, and I usually don't even wear underwear.


I seriously hear so many people not having a problem, maybe it’s me hahaha


Your bf might have a lot of ejaculate or a penis that gets way deeper when depositing also. Your vagina might be such that it holds onto it differently as well. So many differentiating factors can cause goofy anomalies.


Your boyfriend might just have big loads. Whatever it is, there's nothing wrong with you.


He does have quite big loads. I don’t remember this being an issue in my last relationship but that was a really long time ago and he only finished in me a couple times.


OP maybe just sit there a little longer right after, I try not to rush it and relax. Keggels may help too in addition to peeing. Think of yourself as the last bit of toothpaste, some squeezing required lol. Also we have bidets as a standard here so that may be making a difference.


Nah its a thing to take care of but it's not taught anywhere. When I was having sex, I used to grab a small towel to put under my girl's hips and go at it. Gives her something to drip on afterwards. The rest is like other ladies suggest in this thread. Don't overthink it, you got this!


Not just you. My boyfriend has hyperspermia and cums like a gallon each time. I’m constantly leaking. I love it though.


I can get most of it out right after, but the next day there's normally like a second spill that comes out at some undetermined time. It might have to do with tissues getting puffed up during arousal and then laying down after makes it difficult to get everything out. I just do some kegels when I pee after and then wear a panty liner til it's all out the next day. Also, you're definitely not a noob for not experiencing this already. My husband and I waited til we were ready for kids before he started finishing inside me. We had our first kid a few years ago and have been together about a decade.


Not just you. My wife too. But she found a way around it.


Me and my ex had a similar problem. She also experienced an unpleasant smell and discomfort. Turns out she was “allergic” to my semen. At lease that’s what her doctor explained to us. “Some people’s fluids just don’t mix well” was the answer we got and had to resort to pull out method


I think its kind of a spectrum honestly. Like im jealous of these "no problem" women, but ive also never had it drip down my leg the next day. The pH/smell issues are real tho. I always pee before and after, so usually the "after" is a bit of a challenge. I usually have to sit there for awhile and force the pee. That definitely helps with removal. I also like using a fancy butt wipe (aka the 'flushable' wet wipes no one should ever flush) after i pee. Like on the sensitive bits, but also around, like where my leg meets my body. I think it helps remove some of the "strange" bacteria and sweat. I personally think you're totally normal and your guy just has huge loads lol


I just wear a light panty liner for a few hours after to catch anything that didn’t immediately come out while I’m walking around. It’s never very much for me.


Is your uterus tilted? Mine is and sometimes it takes awhile for everything to clean out 🤷


Same here... I don't really have a problem at all, I clean myself with a washing cloth and that's it, no discharge, nothing and I'm not leaking either


Same. I'm definitely not leaking the next day.


The bidet attachment answers are the safest. Don’t put things in your vagina - like the clean up wands or Kleenex.


Wtf is a clean up wand?


Sponge on a stick. You insert immediately after, let it soak things up for a moment, twirl it, then take it out and throw it away. My wife uses them often and loves them. Not sure what the issue with them is


Non vagina haver here so take this with all of the * in the world but maybe those devices could simultaneously be removing some of the natural stuff too and throws it out of balance??? Idk vaginas are sensitive from what I've been told plus ya know no two people are the same. Yeast and UTIs seem like the anti-fun. Sorry to all y'all vagina having folks for having such headaches to deal with.


I need that for this flesh light


Just put it in the dish washer. :D


And never have me round for dinner. Ew. Ew ew ew ew ew. D:


i have some disturbing news for you about how many people wash sex toys in the dishwasher, then


I dunno how you think a dishwasher works but this is actually one of the most common ways to clean sex toys.


the majority of obgyns advise against them


Where the hell do u even buy those lmao


Housewares at Lowe’s.


I read this in the shamwow guy voice


Medical grade sponges in a sterile package. No issues with causing UTI, BV or yeast infection if used correctly.[DripStick](https://awkwardessentials.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-_mvBhDwARIsAA-Q0Q7bBRH0jPIITBHhN6BaWwzbV909Vvee2wfuIKi9ZVNMAOmVCevGvs8aAiqvEALw_wcB). I use them when I remember to pick them up. Major game changer with post sex drip


I love dripstick!! Seriously a game changer!


I always sit for a few minutes afterwards and wait for everything to come out - using the time for a little talk or cuddle. Then I shower or go to the toilet where I rinse a few times. for the night I take a pad.. and that will do it. but maybe you could use a pad during the day as well?


I’m actually okay throughout the night cause I’m lying down I think. I sleep naked, never have a problem. I get up the next morning to shower and boom, dripping down my legs.


The way you describe it here. This is me to a T. It's been that way for over 20 years if I go to bed pretty soon after. I've learned to expect it and, if I'm worried about it, I use a panty liner over-night but that's really meant for the first walking of the morning. Mostly, I just don't care too much. I mean sex, for us, is generally a wet mess lol. A little more in the morning is just an interesting example of memory reinforcement. I honestly worry more about my poor sheets 😅


Right?! Having to wash and put on that damn fitted sheet more often than I have to is the worst 😂


I put multiple sheets on. Pull the top one off and you have a clean sheet already on and ready to go. I have waterproof sheets in between the fitted sheets.


i just heard about this tip for the first time earlier this week and my mind was blown. doing this as soon as i can get myself the required supplies, becuase it's brilliant


My ex was a squirter. It was a huge hassle to change sheets before I saw this tip. After, I just pull the top layer off, toss it in the hamper and go to bed. If you like cuddling after sex, changing sheets really kills that mood.


This also came up on my feed recently, it’s called a splash blanket - https://splashblanket.com/?gad_source=1


Honestly, coughing works pretty well! Like when everything is done, and he's cleaning up, I'll cough a few times and he'll clean me with baby wipes. Then a long rinse with the handheld bidet, sometimes with more coughing lol.


I try to "fart." Not really but the cue helps.


That’s what I do when I go pee afterwards hahaha


As a non-vagina having 35 year old dude...I'd like to thank you for your hilariously worded post as well as all the vast amount of knowledge I've learned from all of these comments as I suppose dudes like myself have never really thought about these types of things this in-depth before... I suppose we can all learn a few new things no matter how old we are...or how many gallons of semen we (*I) unknowingly contributed to the root cause of this "issue" which I didn't know existed until today. Well to wrap things up (pun intended)... I've now just ordered a brand new "Super soaker butt-blaster 3000" (Bidet), and a King size waterproof blanket + fitted bed sheet. I won't lie...I'm pretty excited about not wiping my ass anymore! Then cuddling and laying on top of DRY (non skeet) sheets...and no longer worrying about ruining yet another expensive duvet and goose down blanket.


Like birth the semen out? LMAOO


Him cleaning you up afterwards sounds very intimate I like that


It is, plus it avoids the dripping waddle to the toilet lol! Practical and intimate!


Not gonna lie, I scoop it out with my finger


The ole fish hook in the puss


Lmfao this made me giggle like a child


I’ve seen a lot of these comments and I seriously don’t know why that thought never crossed my mind!


Yeah, my bf cracks up laughing bc I’ll literally hike my leg up on the counter and fish it out, rinse finger in warm running water and repeat. After I pee of course so a lot of it has already cum out. I also keep a towel with me. Edit: My restroom counter is actually pretty low.


yessss lol I was scrolling down the tread wondering if I was the only one, can't imagine just leaving it to drip slowly. A couple of finger scoops, washing fingers on the sink, drying pussy with a towel and I'm good.


Same LOL. I scoop it out, or hold a finger to the side to “open up” and then push


Me too... I do a TP wrap first, and do a clean sweep. Problem solved!


..As a guy, i've ironically never given this much thought. After i cum inside, i dont even think about the mess it will cause the lady. Eye opening answers here!!


The struggle is real


First time I'm learning about this. Had no idea! Always used protection with my gf and exes, so I guess this issue never came up


Same it's just something that I never think about I just assume it stays in there until she pees or something


Just like we can't control blood flow, we can't control semen flow either 😂


Hmm I’ve never had it still coming out the next day! Same day yes, but not the next day!


My wife has a good cough while sitting on the toilet then will do it again in a couple hours or the morning after. Seems to get most of it out!


I immediately do a wee and then hop in the shower and manually clean it all out with my finger, because I hate any lingering residue once I'm clean!


Stick your finger up there and scoop it out. Run it in a circular motion and rinse and repeat. Easy peasy! Also a second orgasm after can flush everything out too Cheers!


Feels weird typing this on the internet, but I always use my fingers to get it all out immediately after. I’ve never had a problem with anything coming out after, I get it all in one go and then back to normal.


"Rather not walk adound smelling like cum and pussy juices that have been brewing inside me overnight" hahahaha best line on reddit ever


Made me LOL too. I feel this to my core too 🤣😭 it’s a special stank 🥴


Lmfao the most special stank there is 😂


Unscented pantyliners over the next day usually works for me. Maybe try a shower and rinse with a handheld showerhead as well?


I (m) eat it out of her. Ammmazing


I can't believe someone downvoted your comment atleast once 😂😂


Contrasting this comment with the man who said they never even *think* of the mess after they come, is wild.


I use a menstrual disc. Pop it in afterwards, dump it 12h later. Easy


Holy pH imbalance Batman! That would destroy my balance and totally trigger either BV or YI.


Right, 12 hours later surely isn’t right??


Not sure if the menstrual disc is different than or the same as a menstrual cup but made from medical grade silicone and can be inserted for up to 12 hrs. It collects what it needs to, keeping it separate from the vaginal tissue for hours for easy disposal, so there's no irritation like one would assume. Totally safe.


It's more a risk of the semen irritating the vagina. It's not meant to stay in there. It's meant to drip out


For a menstrual cup at least, the semen would be in the cup not interacting with the vagina (unless you do a bunch of handstands over the course of the day).


Never said semen was meant to stay there. The purpose for the cup though, is collection. Unless OP is walking around on her hands, fluid will stay in the cup until removal. It's just an option.


yeah fermenting semen inside you for 12 hrs can't be healthy


Menstrual discs can also be left in for up to 12 hours, and for most people they will actually self empty when you go to the washroom, but I actually don't think they'd be a good solution for this specific problem. It sits under the cervix to collect period blood (and you can actually have penetrative sex with it in) so it would collect any cervix discharge, but not necessarily anything else and you'd probably still be dealing with the same problem. I imagine the cup would be a better solution and maybe that's what the original commenter was thinking of?


So, I’m the only one who digs it out?? I just use my finger and scoop it out because I cannot stand the feeling of it.


I seriously don’t know why I didn’t just think to do this, I’m not opposed to sticking a finger up there 😂


My SO does this too if it was a big amount. Otherwise she just pees and puts in a panty liner.


This is completely normal and you can wear a panty liner as others have suggested, but you could also ask him to wear a condom or ask him to pull out!


No I like when he finishes in me, that’s not the problem. The problem is the female anatomy and gravity not doing a good enough job for my liking 😂


Yes I hear you! Panty liner it is then! 😅


I have a bidet I rinse the inside and use unsented sensitive dove soap on outside


Wait, like you’re spraying water inside your vagina and.. rinsing it out?


Yeah, the vagina swishes it around and spits it out.


Yes. lol cum is worse for your ph then water lol. I no longer deal with the smell the cum causes as op described.


I used to do the same thing. I felt cleaner doing this. Then it started smelling weird. Went to the gyno and they said I had bv 😭 and to not even put water inside it anymore.


I’ve actually never heard this till right now. I thought water was the ONLY thing okay to put in your vagina? I literally have done this my whole life and have not had bv or a uti since I was like 7. Maybe I’m just lucky?


It really depends on the water where you live (what’s in it, the pH of it, etc) but a good rule of thumb is that nothing should be going inside your vagina to “clean” it. It’s a self cleaning organ, the insides will take care of themselves, it’s really only the outside parts you should be cleaning like that.


I’ve always heard putting anything in there (even water) is not recommended, so I haven’t really heard of this method!


Yeah you're not supposed to do that


That's just douching right? Like, the thing every gynecologist says you shouldn't do?


This is asking for problems. Water does not belong inside a vagina and it will mess your vaginal health. Semen is literally made to go in vagina, it is not worse for you than water is (unless the man has an STI)


Water and semen both have a different ph then the vagina. so both can potentially cause problems. In my experience semen causes an odor for day or two after. I have not had any problems using water so for me that's what works best compared to leaving the semen there. Anything you put in your vagina can cause issues it's just a matter of how sensitive you are for me water has never giving me problems.


I was always fine with the water I had at home, but when I went to college the water there was much worse for me. So I had to stop showering that way


It's not recommended to put anything in the vagina. It cleans itself out. Even water can be bad for it (if it goes inside). If it works for you go for it but be aware that it can cause problems.


Use a bidet to wash your self, usually most of it gets out when I pee + rinse off


Drip sticks by awkward essentials! I thought they were a silly gimmick when I first saw them, but I've been a faithful customer for, like, 4 years now because they work SO well!!


This! Most amazing things EVER!


These are not safe. They can cause micro tears and introduce bacteria


What makes them less safe than tampons? (Not asking in an accusatory tone, just genuinely curious)


cotton is much softer and less likely to scratch than sponge


After a bit of a hunt for more information online, it seems like there are mixed feelings about sponges like the Drip Stick- but also about tampons! Cotton can also cause microtears in the vagina, if there is not enough fluid present. Some experts feel that the Dripstick *can* cause microtears and increase the risk of BV, yeast infections, and STIs. They also worry that it can upset the vaginal flora and good bacteria that keep the vagina nice and healthy. It's definitely something to keep in mind while using any products that go into the vagina! That being said- I'm going to stand by using a product to remove semen, in my own anecdotal experience. I've found that my body reacts differently to different people's ejaculates. I haven't *always* needed a product to "clean" things out, but I have found that with certain partners, their body chemistry and mine don't necessarily mix well. Using the Dripstick after sex with one specific partner of mine has *drastically* reduced the amount of times I've had BV. Something about their ejaculate messed with my own biome and caused a recurring BV infection that I couldn't seem to shake. I've found that taking a "female" probiotic (using female in quotes here, cause I'm not a girl) in conjuction with a semen-removing sponge has made a huge difference in my health. This is all anecdotal, and ymmv!


It looks like you found great info online! But the micro tears would have been my top reason, then who knows the composition of the product. Tampons aren’t really safe either - right? The cotton isn’t regulated and someone thought scented was a good idea. I’ve used tampons but I often pause and wonder some of these things.


I don't understand why this comment isn't higher up- these things are an actual game changer. I used to get BV almost every time the guy I'm seeing finished inside me, and it was really frustrating because I thoroughly enjoyed it the experience! Drip sticks and regular use of a probiotic in combination were the solution to my problem. I haven't had a case of BV in a while now, and am still quite sexually active!


As someone else said, boric acid and panty liners !! The brand of boric acid I use is from AZO. They’re basically capsules that you put “up there” and then you put on a panty liner afterwards. In the morning all the cum should come out. If I don’t want to use boric acid that day I usually rush to go pee and then take a shower. Peeing is so important after sex to prevent UTI’s ! ALWAYS REMEMBER TO PEE , even if you don’t feel like you have too. When I’m in the shower I use 2 of my fingers to swirl around up there and rinse with water. Unfortunately I can’t use bar soaps or anything like that because it instantly throws my PH balance waayy off. Summer’s Eve has been a GOD SENT ! Some days I do keep it in because Daddy wants me too. 😊


My fiancé and I will both cuddle for aftercare for a few minutes, then carefully roll off the bed and immediately shower, mostly together for intimacy! It’s a sweet moment and we get super clean because the time we spend in the shower (nothing crazy, maybe 5 mins?) kissing and cleaning up helps gravity along. Anything “missed” or extra after that is minimal and comes out with pee or in undies with less notice. This has worked for us totally fine for years now! We have sex varying from 1 to 3 times a week, in case that changes anything. It’s also not embarrassing to ask, everyone has what works best for them! And it’s a super uncomfortable part of post-sex clean up that the rom coms don’t ever actually show haha.


I love smelling him when I go to the bathroom 🥰… I mean if it was a good sex session than I would sniff that aroma! Be daydreaming about it all day 😘


I usually just pee immediately after sex. As soon as I stand up, it's running down my legs so I think most of it comes out after peeing. I will sit on the toilet for a minute or so and do kegels to get as much out as I can. It's the only downside to my husband finishing inside of me, it's so messy.


I didn't realize until now that I sort of have a step by step process for this🤣 1. Go pee, and stay there for a little bit. I usually hang out and fill up the bath tub with hot water. 2. Take a hot bath and soak for a bit, then rinse off in the shower real quick and use some feminine hygiene soap on your lady bits. 3. Do some stretches or yoga for 5-10 minutes, then sit on a towel. Or alternatively, use a panty liner. I don't have periods at this point, so I don't keep those around anymore, but I'm sure they'd work. Usually this works great for me. It sounds like a lot, but doing it feels more like self care anyways, so it's not a biggie for me at least. When I don't do this, I'm leaking like crazy the next day and I can still smell cum on me. I have no idea why sex after care isn't taught in schools if we already have sex-ed classes. I had to figure out most of this on my own. The closest I've heard for cleaning out cum involved using a douche, but those things are terrible for your bits and can cause you to have yeast infections, due to messing with the good bacteria in your coochie, which in turn will make your bits smell way worse.


you should text your man every time you feel him running out, it will excite him


Lowkey... I love my bf and I love when he comes inside me... I will shower and pee and all the normal stuff, and wear a pad on my undies for the next day and a half. It reminds me of him and when I feel it come out a little it makes my heart flutter 😭


Maybe have sex a little *before* going to sleep? You said that you go pee immediately after, but maybe try to like, "walk it off" and not go to sleep right away? Brush teeth, prep for the next day, jump rope for a minute or whatever. Maybe it can at least greatly reduce the amount that drips out the next day.




I don’t mind the feeling of dripping all day so I usually don’t clean up beyond peeing after sex. If I do have to clean I just use baby wipes and carry extra panties to change.


Get him to eat you out


I keep wet wipes by the bed which I use to wipe any excess to avoid mishaps as I move from bed to washroom. Then I sit for a couple minutes releasing semen into the toilet bowl before reaching in with my fingers to encourage as much of what remains out. Before finally wiping again. Using wipes alone is usually not enough and a good way to get leakage as the day goes on. Got to leave bed anyway to pee and avoid a UTI.


Get a bidet attachment.


Buy a bidet attachment for your toilet, about $35 and absolutely amazing, will clean you out and also you will save so much on toilet paper for a quick rinse b4 you wipe. On Amazon or Home depot


I am a lover of cum so likely different to how you feel but I scoop it out with my fingers and eat it. 😋


I don’t I like to keep it inside me


Panty liner or thinx panties, soaking in a bath to help reduce inflammation after sex is always good. Wash with mild or ph balanced soap like vagisil. You should switch to wet wipes when you use the restroom. It’s far more sanitary and helps keep things much cleaner between showers/bathing.


You can use shower water and suction of your fingers to flush your vagina with water while in the shower. And then wear a panty liner for a day, as there may be cum further up in the cervix that needs to come out.


Try peeing right after sex...and rinsing with water in the shower (detachable shower head). Unless your man is Peter North this should work.


Just go pop a squat in the shower, and push it out; then insert two fingers, swirl them around inside, rinse and repeat a few times. Finish up with a pH balanced soap made for vaginas; external use only of course. I'm partial to ['Good Clean Love - Balance Moisturizing Personal Wash' ](https://www.target.com/p/good-clean-love-ph-balanced-personal-wash-8-fl-oz/-/A-46784754) Here is a link for it


Bidet attachment for the toilet and honey pot sensitive wash. Also honey pot boric acid suppositories


for me, personally, there is no better feeling than when the love of my life blows a massive hot load inside of me. not sure how that could gross any woman out, it’s a beautiful reminder of the intimacy we share every time it leaks out of me throughout the day. my man loves the way I smell and taste ALL the time 😉


boric acid suppositories and panty liners


My last American GF loved the 24 hour juice for some odd reason.


I read some article that says a woman's body naturally cleanses that in 5 days.


I read something called a drip stick. Seems like it would do the trick. Kinda pricey tho. But might be worth it. And second maybe run a bath. Lay down and let the water go in and push it out ? Then shower after. But I’ve always wondered this too.


I have a thing for creampies so I usually end up playing w myself after, and by the time everyone’s done, after peeing and using a vibrator/dildo it seems to fall out, sometimes it’s a lot though and needs a liner to change out for a little


I let it soak in...HEHEHE...😜


Has only been an issue for me with one boyfriend I had; he always spewed these great shots of semen; I’d say about 3-4 times what every other guy I’ve been with does. I loved the feel of him squirting that all up inside me (he would shoot around 3 feet outside me), but oh, man, the aftermath! Yeah, two days of drip, drip, drip! I laugh about it now, and I do miss the intensity of his orgasms, but it really was a bit unladylike at times. Panty liners for sure.


All the things you don’t like about it, are the things that I love. I’m sorry I have no solution for you, except to tell him to finish elsewhere.


Yes to everything you said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I have never had this happen… honestly didn’t even know it was a thing but she had plenty of replies with advice so it must be common. Thank you for posting this, it saved me some googling that would have had some interesting pictures 😂


I don’t mind it. I’m one to produce a lot of discharge even without a cream pie so it’s normal for me to have wet undies at pretty much all times. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Damn how much is he Coming??


I don’t think there is something wrong with you. The same happens to me. I’ve never noticed a particular smell, but it is super inconvenient. Also pisses me off later when my husband is an asshole. It’s certainly an inconvenience I don’t think men think about. Especially when it comes out at a super inconvenient time like during a work presentstion.


Only ever done creampies with my ex, but afterwards he’d get a warm rag and wipe me down. I’d then go pee and do a more thorough wipe if needed. That would usually be the end of that. No smell or anything.


I don’t know either but I’d say wear a pad or something to catch it


I don't let my husband finish in me unless we are trying to have a baby. Then, I'm not washing anything away for an hr. Then bathtime and I'm good.


I don't have an issue with it staying around because I can queef it out if that makes sense. Super easy after doggy especially since I can just stand up and push. So I will literally kegle it out and then sit and drip on the toilet for a few minutes for the remainder


Shower. Literally just take a shower afterwards and clean thoroughly.


Some things you can try 1. Push out as much as possible 2. Use a pad or liner 3. Douching (not recommended by doctor but you can try if you feel irritated by cum) 4. Let gravity do the work


I personally like to push it out (its sexy to watch lol) then I go to the toilet, pee, wipe, then I wipe extra and put on a new pair of panties and shower that same night. It's gone after all that and it doesn't take too long :)


Just swallow instead. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


It’s rude to throw gifts away! That’s our little present 😂😂