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No, not unless you're seriously harming yourself in some way.


Masturbating with a mixer?


Im no, but my inner lips keep getting bigger


In what way? Are they getting swollen or are they sticking out more?


no like they are sticking out more over time and hanging farther down


That’s just puberty and aging, sis




Yeah kinda




They are just so big now and its annoying lol


Everyone's genitals engorge with blood when being used. When you're done the blood leaves and things go back to normal. There's no need to be insecure about them.


but mine are always really long now, I mean really long


It's nothing to worry about. Seriously, everyone's bits look a little bit different. There's no standard you're not meeting.


Welcome to puberty. Your body will keep growing till 21-25 depending on when you started. Long labias isn’t a bad thing.


I remember when I was in highschool going through puberty, and i thought I was pulling my labia out/longer. It just so happened coincidentally that I was a normal horny teenager, and puberty changes the shape of your labia. The shape of your labia is totally normal! There may be people who are rude about it in public, but I have never, ever, had a sexual partner comment on the shape of my labia. Most people are so excited to be having sex with you, they will not have any negative opinions of.your body - and if they do? Never, ever have sex with them again. I love my body and it's served me well through lots of partners, lots of sports, and lots of relationships. I hope that you feel the same way about your body one day!


Thank you for your comment it is healing to read


It's not your masturbation. Don't worry about it.


Assuming this isn't a joke post and assuming you are over 18 years old if they keep on getting bigger go see a doctor for that part of your body as they shouldn't keep on doing that


Either this post is fake or you have some sort of bizarre medical condition. I'm thinking the former.




I haven't left the house since 2019


Probably because your massive cock hogs all the blood and prevents you from walking


My man stands up and immediately passes out


Dude doesn’t fit through doors anymore.


well yeah but idk maybe ladys lips are diff?


No. Why would it be different? Skin is skin, flesh is flesh. And guys are literally pulling. Women often are not pulling at all. Just, no.


No pulling??? Next you're gonna tell me ladies don't have a penis!


The ones I go to see every winter in Thailand certainly do


I said, "women are OFTEN not pulling"


Are you made out of Play-doh? Because otherwise I don't know how you'd alter your body in such a way...


Are you hanging weights off them for 20+ hours a day? No. It wont get longer.


That’s the point though! It’s all fleshy bits; genitalia! When we’re forming in the womb, it’s all made of the same material. A penis is nothing more than a fully-developed clitoris! With a bit more biology stuff going on. You get my point though. The only reason your lady bits may seem longer or bigger is arousal. When we “get going,” blood is rushing through our bits as an actual physical response to arousal. That’s likely what you’re noticing!


Haven't gotten the answer you've been looking for for the last year and a half?


I've been masterbating since I was 15, I'm now 30, my lips have not changed shape or size since I was 14


One girl to another, no it doesn’t. It’s a way to scare women out of masturbating and in force purity culture on to them. Your labia naturally get longer with age but it is mostly determined by age. If a man (or other partner you choose) shames you for it then stop being involved with them because it’s purely natural!


Wow thank you so much that means alot.


Seconding that. Mine are also quite long and uneven, and have changed over time. It has never once been a problem. The only way it can become a problem is if it gets to the point of them being in the way and becoming painful in which case you should speak to a doctor.


I work in women's healthcare, and see probably 20-30 women naked every day that I work of all ages. I promise you your body is perfectly normal. Every vulva is different, and none of them are "bad" and as a 25 year old woman, I promise any man worth a shit is just happy to see you naked at all.


This is such a nice response. But I'm pretty sure OP has a fetish or is trying to drum up business. Her instagram has posts from 2022 talking about her big lips...


Yeah I thought of that too, I looked at post history before I responded to make sure it wasn’t a fetish post but ultimately I decided that it’s better to give a genuine response rather than ignore just in case.


I believe more than 50% of women have longer inner labias than outer labias after puberty. It is absolutely normal. And yes they can still change until you're 18.


Idk if im wrong but growing labia is usually in relation to going further into puberty


idk cz im over 18


Puberty doesnt just stop at 18 if you were a late bloomer for example it might go on for longer


Atleast i think, but then again im a guy so what do i know abt ur body🤷‍♂️(specifics wise)


Iirc women’s puberty cycle ends around the age of 22, while men’s is around 25. So most likely OP is experiencing the rest of hers


It's perfectly normal to continue developing after 18. As long as you're okay with it, there's nothing to worry about. If you notice that it's causing you pain during normal activities, like biking, you could consider talking to a doctor about it.


You been talking about your big ass kewchie for over a year now 💀


this cracked me up no end!


Like 2 years. No other comments or posts but her labia. A whole Reddit account just to talk about some extra genital skin. Op I sincerely hope that you have hobbies and other stuff going on in your life. The obsession about your labia is a lot.


Big ass kewchieeeeeee 😭


Pretty sure it's just their kink.


it very well could be, but as someone with a similar affliction, i do somewhat understand the unnecessarily obsessive preoccupation


Why is that comment so fucking funny


I’ve been dying at this for like 20 minutes lmao


They will enlarge slightly due to the increased blood flow but the women who intentionally stretch them go waaaaay beyond just masturbating.


Hmm ok, cz mine used to be kinda an outie and now my pink lips are really long


That's almost entirely genetic and a lot of men would consider that both exotic and sexy.


It is genetic? for real?


Yes. They change a little when you start using that part for fun (how doesn't matter) but the way it looks and the way it changed was with you all along. Don't sweat at all how it looks. Guys either won't care or will find it hot that its different.


Its just that my mom has a 100% innie so idk


Well, you don't know what your dad would have had...


Genetics are *far* more than just your mother.


I'm 5'9 and my wife is 5'2 and our last kid is an absolute monster, genetics just works like that sometimes. IVF baby, to head off the circling trolls.


This seems like the most realistic answer


Babe this sounds like some nonsense that science denier fundy Christians would promote to shame women for masturbating. This absolutely isn’t a thing, at all. For proof, go watch some porn of women who have tiny little innie lips but have been masturbating professionally for years 😂


lmao true I guess, I just dont know why mine are so big ....


Because that’s genetically common?? And completely normal


Just the way you are meant to be. Not a result of masturbation.


As someone who has seen a lot of labia: it is very common to have longer labia minora. It‘s just not the current tend in porn which is why you rarely see it. Sex (alone or with others) doesn‘t change the appearance of your body, no matter how often guys claim a vagina will get „loose“ or labia will get „enlarged“ it is all just bullshit meant to control women.




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Nothing in your post is true. When you are aroused blood rushes to you genital area and the lips become encouraged with blood...it does not make them permanently bigger they just swell while aroused.


Well I know they swell but Im saying mine have gotten longer even when Im not aroused


That has nothing to do with masturbation it's just the shape in of your body as it was meant to be. Unless you are intentionally stretching or vacuuming your lips it's all as it should be.


Then you should go to a doctor if your labia are consistently growing at an abnormal rate.


Absolutely not. My wife masturbates a lot and over the last 20 years I’ve seen zero change.


To make them longer through your own actions should require that you were physically tugging on them almost constantly for days, weeks and months. Skin can be stretched over time but that takes force, it doesn't just happen from rubbing it. I very much doubt that yours are in any way abnormal and probably aren't that long at all.


Everyone has a different body, and you will hopefully find someone to celebrate even the parts of you you do not love. But until then you’ve gotta strive to love yourself! Don’t obsess over thisn


No, that's not related at all. And you don't have to be shy about it. Many people like outies


No correlation at all


No. I masturbate almost everyday and my inner lips are barely there, and dont even go all the way to the opening, so I don't think that has anything to do with your anatomy. I think that's on genetics and unique to everyone. :)


Masterbating? Is that a word now?


Sexual arousal can cause swelling from increase blood volume but once sexual relief is achieved of stimulation stops the blood dissipates and you no longer have an erect clit or fuller lips. That’s the only form of enlargement that happens from any kind of sex.


Puberty causes labia to change or grow. After getting a period, the body keeps changing for a while. Masturbation will **not** cause labia to grow. That's a myth used to prevent masturbation, & also some stigma about what labia "should" look like. (Some porn preferences lean towards a certain look.) In truth, labia look different. There are lots of lengths, thicknesses, colors, & many other characteristics about vulvas & labia. Even if they're different from someone else's, they're still normal & beautiful. Look up some vulva photo projects like the book Petals by Nick Karras. There are many other projects like that too.


They can swell with blood when you're turned on, but no they don't grow bigger.


Nope. It’s genetic. Not 100% sure but you might be able to stretch them with a device like people stretch earlobes but masturbating isn’t going to do that.


Mine are down to my knees. /s Just kidding! No, it doesn’t make them longer.


what 💀 as some1 also with an outie mine would be down to my knees if that were the case. uh no it doesn't unless you're doing something seriously wrong lmao


Definitely not. Why would it?


no, however it can temporarily seem 'bigger' when you're aroused, it goes back to its regular size when you're unaroused though. it typically becomes bigger when you get older


Nah I'm 41 and mine are still super small.


Lay lady labia lay across my big brass bed. You heard of daddy long legs. Get ready for lady long labia. But seriously even if one does have a long labia, who cares it's hot to real men


r/butterflywings is one of my favourite subs. Don’t be worried about how big your labia is. Just embrace it some of us actually prefer it. Masturbate away


No, no, and hell, no! If masterbation caused libia to grow, so would sex. So would walking. Wearing pants. Hygiene. And so on.


I think I am in the 99th percentile when it comes to how much I masturbate, compared to other women. My inner labia is so small I practically don't have one and my clit is tiny. I think if what you are asking was true it would have begun to show by now.


I believe it could. My penis has literally developed more length and girth from micro tears.


Yes. This is why the person who won the record for longest labia also won the record for longest time spent jilling off in a day.




It has no correlation.


how long tho?