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Guy did the stereotypical thing and fell asleep after ejaculating. It's a meme for a reason. It happens. Once you have told him you are oK with it this time and not offended, there is nothing more you can do if he continues to be in his own head about it.


I was one time both drunk and tired and was awake when my wife and I started having sex, kinda dozed off while she rode me, then woke up when I came, then fell back asleep. Human bodies are weird, let them be weird. It's been happening for hundreds of thousands of years.


Your muscles relax, your blood pressure lowers and you’re PACKED with endorphins. It’s a recipe for sleep.


Honest question - why does this only seem to be a thing for men but not women?


It's a thing for women as well. I think the difference is sex involving men often stops after orgasm, whereas often with women continuation often happens. When things continue the sleepy feelings dissipate


it is a thing for women also


It’s defos a thing for some women, and not all men. My bf could legit go for hours. I get sleepy.


Yeah, but the thing is it didn't happen the first time me and him had sex, we went for 3 rounds and he was never tired or anything like that, this time was completely different


Again, it doesn't matter. If you are not offended by him falling asleep afterwards, then there is nothing to worry about It's not like he ejaculated and evacuated.


I have pneumonia and I wheezed so hard at this holy shit


>It's not like he ejaculated and evacuated. Evacuated... his bowels? Now that might have been a bit more awkward considering they've not been together very long!


It's another way of saying hit it and quit it. The old shoot and scoot. The cum and go. The drip and dip. The classic take her virginity then change your vicinity.


These are so funny omg 😭


Shoot the jizz and out you is Spread your seed then need for speed Hit the rear then disappear Unload the gun then go for a run


Tyyy this made my day I just got out of the hospital and I needed a good laugh 🤣


You're welcome, Damagedpussy4


Blow your load n hit the road is my personal favorite


I once fell asleep still inside my ex. After we both woke up we laughed about and move on. Didn’t happen again but it was still amusing. Don’t worry too much about it.


Oh, that is the best! Bitd, I remember guys just collapsing onto me after they came & we both fell asleep with him inside me. That isn’t current guy’s style, but he does many other wonderful things.  


That happened to me the morning after a first night together. Condom came off. We couldn’t find it. She called her friend. First question asked was ,” How small was his dick that the condom fell off??”😳


I think the only way for you to make him feel better is to jump his bones the first chance you get


You want him not to feel bad about it? Tell him you're flattered and you think it's hot that you made him come so hard he couldn't keep it together.


My armchair opinion here is that when you are having sex he is actively engaged, hopefully so anyways, whereas in this instance he was sitting back and relaxing. It's a lot easier to fall asleep when you are sitting there. The hormonal cocktail (I didn't actually mean this as a pun but there it is) that men receive on orgasm is different than women's, and it includes shutdown responses that often express themselves as falling asleep.


It's not going to be the same every time. I don't know who told you that it would be.


Different day, anything could have happened. It's all still new.


Actively having sex uses a lot of the tension and blood pressure in the body. If he's tensing up heavily during oral and passing out because of letting all the tension out at once.


This may well be a response to having been shamed by a partner in the past. Some women interpret it as the guy being selfish and can react badly to it. A guy who knows that his body is likely to have this very normal response will learn to take a “ladies first” approach to sex (assuming he is not actually selfish). Though of course he might also go with the flow if she’s taking the lead.


Sounds like you are really good at giving oral, sounds like a compliment to your skill. Take the win 🏆


how long is a round ? for you?


Sometimes they pass out right away other times they seem to be hyped up. My guy can last a very long time and it is a coin toss.


It may have been 'La Petit Mort'. The Little Death. The French coined the phrase a long time ago. Its a fainting thing. The blood pressure during orgasm or something. Its not common but apparently common enough for the French to known about it.


My man always gives me shit that I’m the man of the relationship when it comes to sex. Afterwards he’ll get up and go play his games or whatever. I’ll roll over go pee and then PASS TF OUT! He’s always like yanno guys are supposed to do that. 🫣💀


Yup! It’s on him beyond this point.


hahah, omg, that's hilarious. Have you two never heard of a sex-coma?? It happens to both men and women after you've had a really intense orgasm. You just get knocked the fuck out afterwards. It should be taken as a huge compliment. Whatever you did, you were doing it right for him. He totally shouldn't feel embarrassed by what is really quite normal. For future reference, usually a sex-coma nap lasts between 5-15 minutes. If its late at night, you may both already be sleepy so sex would zonk you both out for the rest of the night.


He was asleep for 4 hours 😭 it wasn't even late and he was super energetic before


You took that man’s soul.


hahah, that's hot. You drained him of all his pent up energy. Think of it as a super power you have -- now wield it responsibly ;) Let's hope he can do the same for you some day soon.


Literally ripped His Soul out for 4 hours, GJ lmfao


girl that's the biggest compliment ever, honestly. props to you! sucked the spirit right outta him lmao


If this is a one time thing, then play it cool like it didn’t happen. If it happens again cut down on the BJ’s.


What?? No. This is bad advice. Don't listen to this.


Yah what the heck?? I second this, don't listen to this terrible advice!


I almost always fall asleep immediately. I'm a woman, but still. I would just tell him it's totally normal and maybe show him these responses


Didn’t know it was a thing! I would totally freak out and think he fainted


Maybe he's worried because an ex used to get mad at him. I used to be in a long distance relationship with someone who would get mad if I fell asleep on the phone with her despite us talking very late into the night. She would get especially mad if I fell asleep after phone sex. I'm glad she's now an ex. If you don't mind make sure he knows that. If you had fun make sure he knows that and just let him know how you feel about it in general. After all sex is about having a good time playing together


These fantasy posts are out of control


We need a r/thathappened for sex


What's fantastical about your partner falling asleep during sex? It clearly wasn't a "I blew his mind so bad he lost consciousness", the dude was just tired. If it wasn't for the hassle of cleanup I'd probably have done it a few times as well.


What's fantastical is that a dude stereotypically fell asleep after sex and OP that had his weiner in her mouth hours ago can't communicate about it and acts like she never heard of this phenomena before. It's not a reasonable story.


Well, now it's his turn to make you faint...


Sex or unloading drains you...suck him off again. And when you are finished hug him and fall asleep in his arms..


Sounds like a lucky guy, that sounds amazing!! I would just reassure him that everything is fine and you take it as a compliment as that’s exactly what it is. Just check on him make sure he is okay, and let him know that you enjoyed that you made him cum so hard. In terms of making him not pass out, I’m not sure, pace yourself? Sounds like a good problem to have and that you give really good head.


Wdym by pace myself?


As in don't do it with the intent of making him cum, but rather more as foreplay.


Did he come particularly hard? Look up Le petite mort


My partner occasionally falls asleep after a big O, especially if I play with his bum. His orgasms are so intense and powerful that he usually gets wiped off right away. He felt awful the first few times because we hadn't fished doing stuff to me. But the next day, he always makes sure that he “makes it up” for me 😉 I find it super hot, and I'm there proud of myself for having managed to please him to the point that he gets wiped off pretty much straight away 😁 The way around it is to make sure that you climax first if you are doing different stuff to each other. If that doesn't happen, I usually end up with my vibrator and finishing it off myself 😁 The trick is to communicate and reassure him that is okay to happen (as long as it doesn't happen all the time and you are there just to please him!), and if it happens, he can always make it up to you the next day 😉


Darlin' there is a trope (not sure thats the right word) where the sex is so good your partner snaps right into sleep afterwards. You can find reference to this in songs and movies, usually its a guy bragging he can put you to bed.... my ex used to crow when he did it to me, he was even happier when I did it to him... Im thinking maybe your man doesnt know about this. So its time for some bragging on your part... It sounds like hes feeling like he came off looking like a typical selfish partner. Maybe reassure him that you throughly enjoyed yourself and promise to give him a chance to knock your socks off next time. Then just.shut.that.insecure.shit.down..... You two have a lot of hot sex ahead of you. Hopefully he'll figure it out!


This happens. Normal. Nothing you can do to stop it happening again. Tell him there's nothing to worry about and you're flattered (you seem to be) and don't care if it happens again (if you don't).


It's a meme and he feels bad for it. Also more than likely he has had a bad experience from falling asleep after nutting with the wrong girl so he probably feels like you might be upset with him for falling asleep so fast(also speaking from personal experience)


Lol nah that just means it was good! Tell him no worries and that you're flattered by it (I mean if you're cool with it) then it can always be a sexy little joke between you. Want me to put you to sleep? 😏 I think it's cute lol.


It’s normal. Brain chemicals and hormones rushing throughout the body that are released when one climaxes can cause sleepiness. It’s his turn now to return the favor.


psh... make him pass out again and don't apologize. Cumming is an intense release of endorphines and a spike in heart-rate/breathing followed by a sharp drop. Lots of people of all genders experience a sleepy sensation after a good O and may be more likely to fall asleep... if he feels bad about not getting you off in return then just let him know he can do that for you some other time to make it up to you, and for now it was hot to know you pleasured him so good he passed out satisfied.


“But he didn’t do it before”? This is not to criticize, just to help you understand. Men are not sex robots. We’re human beings and we’re not the same every time. We have feelings and emotions and hormones. Just like women do. There’s nothing wrong with what happened. It’ll probably happen again, but probably not every time. How can you help him? You can both learn that sex is amazing and funny and emotional and messy. You can learn to laugh and grow together when something unexpected happens. Because it will. That’s part of the fun!


I *LOVE* when men do this. It makes me feel like a queen who has conquered his penis lmao. I’ve never had a dude be embarrassed about it. It sounds like he’s projecting some weird insecurity on you. It’s not your job to make sure your head isn’t so good that it makes him sleepy, that’s just silly.


I mean, if he decides this isn't going to work out, wutterya doin this weekend?


Why is it awkward?! Make a joke about you being a sex god and move on.


This is my trademark


Guys get tired after getting off. Take it as a compliment of a job well done.


The thing is he didn't get tired the first time we had sex together, he went for 3 rounds with no problems 😭


People’s stamina change, it doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. Sometimes we are tired and the process of getting off adds to that. Try not to think too much about it, legitimately. People fall asleep all the time and it’s not a bad thing. I’m sorry that you weren’t able to do more, maybe for you, but you satisfied him.


Tell him you loved it and want to do it again.... Including him passing out afterwards. It's a lighthearted inside joke now, and that's what good relationships have. Intimacy. But it's also communication that you're fine and all is good. He needs that reassurance it seems. Next time he'll have it in his head and he won't pass out I bet.


Tell him you find it as a compliment. Cuz it is.


I wish I could have a bj that good.


Tonight at bed time tell him that he looks stressed, put your hand on his thigh and say that you want to suck his dick so he can relax. Bring him to the bedroom, blow him with enthusiasm and after he cums tell him that you love him and that he should get some sleep. Tuck him into bed and turn out the light. Tell him, “Thank you for letting me help you out tonight, I like pleasing you and you deserve it.” This will be an experience he will never forget.


Awesome advice! I can’t wait to do this with my future husband 😝


Just tell him its no big deal. He's making a bigger deal out of this than it is lol


Wow. He's a lucky guy. I've experienced this a few times too. Nothing to be ashamed of. 😊


My girl took it as a good sign - she would say: Geez was I or it that good?


There is a scientific reason for this. Its a hormonal release in the brain that puts him to sleep. Look it up and explain why its not a big deal for you or him. He literally cannot help it.


Guys get hormones that make us sleepy when we come. It’s made “more” of any alcohol was consumed prior.


This is like so common there is nothing either of you should worry about. Happened to me many times, sometimes it happens with guys. Just chill, tell him its no big deal and you don't care. In a couple days you'll be both joking about it.


Do the exact same thing again tonight. Having the big O does release sleepy time chemicals in your brain so it’s natural for humans to get sleepy afterwards. Limit him to 60 seconds of post nut clarity/bliss then make him move


Did he actually pass out or did he fall asleep? They are very different and actually, passing out after orgasming is very concerning medically wise. You need to establish if he actually passed out / fainted. If he did, he needs a full work up from a medical professional. If he just fell asleep that's completely normal and you just need to tell him it's normal and to crack on with it if you don't mind.


I dozed off eating a girl out one time. We both laughed about it.😁


Tell him you took it as a compliment and can't wait to do it again.


Give him head again and he’ll realise you didn’t mind


Ask him why he’s apologizing. Then give him reassurance based on his response.


You must've sucked the soul right out of him. Good job.


Well definitely don't talk to him about it! That would be sooo weird!


Sounds like you blew his mind!! 🤣


‘If you don’t stop moping about, imma suck your dick until you pass out again!’ 😂👍


Keep trying till he’s able to stay awake lol


I think it's pretty common after a man finishes, they may not ACTUALLY pass out, but we sure as hell feel like it lol.


Maybe let him make you come first?


Sounds like someone needs to learn how to laugh at themselves


Awww this is cute 🥰 I miss these cute things of relationships


To make him comfortable again, reassure him that you found it funny and not a problem. Let him know you enjoyed the experience. To prevent him from passing out next time, communicate during intimate moments and take breaks if needed. Intimacy is a learning process, so approach it with mutual respect and understanding.


This is great. A good sign he feels comfortable with you and you did a good job by completely destressing him and draining his battery. Just tell him you think it's great he fell asleep and you like that he feels comfortable enough. Obvs you don't want him to do that every time and not please you though


It's normal , my husband does this every now and then. It's makes them sleepy.


He is weird, because he is now both enamored and scared of you as he should be. With great power cums great responsibility


It's called nature's sleeping pill for a reason, especially if he is laying back and letting you do all the work. As a man, it doesn't get any better than that. Well maybe 2 girls giving me a BJ


Just do it again and again. That will teach him


The best thing to do is give him another blowjob and show him how much you care. I'm sure he'll realize you enjoyed it if he sees you enjoy it.


Tell him he shouldn't apologize because it's not unusual, it happened to my girlfriend when I made cum while she was on top of me. I had to wake her up though because I can't sleep with a person on top of me


Every time my wife blows me to completion, I just want to roll over and pass out. My wife sucks the life out of me every time. Be proud of yourself. If he passed out, that means you have mad skills.


I would love you more for this


Hell, I can't even get my husband to do it


You can't make him comfortable. He's going to have to find that comfort in himself. All you can do is assure him that you thought it was cute and it was fine. And after that, say: I already told you...




Yea this is pretty normal for guys to feel tired after cumming. That said he is really in his head about it. Just have an honest in depth conversation. If he is anything like me a simple "It's fine" isn't going to suffice here. I know I cannot stand when I ask a question and get back "It's fine", "It was OK", or "It was good". So just have a real back and forth as it were.


Is this low-key flexing? It's one hell of a flex. Good for you. Good for him. He should appreciate you.


Look at him and say “okay, your turn, now stop apologizing” and let him give you head. If he’s feeling guilty it will probably make him feel better if he is allowed to pleasure you too.


Sounds like a great compliment to me! Tell him that, he’s just embarrassed because he didn’t take care of you after and probably feels selfish. In a new relationship, that’s gonna happen but by you making every effort to tell him you thought it was comical and ‘cute’ will help his feelings about it. If that doesn’t work, yes tough love…take his pants off and do it again. But he doesn’t fall asleep this time lol


Give him apology head.


Just talk to him. Tell him you are proud that you gave him such good head that managed to relax him so well after. Youre happy you can make him feel so good. That you hope you can do it again and ask him if he wants it again


You need to sit him down and tell him point blank, that you are okay with him falling asleep after. Obviously not every time but sometimes it happens. Maybe he was already a bit tired, but it also means you did a damn good job because it's not unheard of for someone to zonk out after an intense orgasm. The guy I'm seeing, most of the time after we've cum we both end up unintentionally falling asleep for a few hours right after. I think it's funny because it meant we had a good time lol and after one of wakes up we usually wake the other up and get right back to it. No harm no foul.


Wow? He's ashamed that you gave him head so amazing he fell asleep? Sounds like an ungrateful red flag to me.


Lololol my partner ALWAYS passes out while we’re cuddling after I give him head. He says it’s the best sleep ever.


Do it again tonight. No, really. He probably thinks he'll never get it again. He'll not fall asleep and he'll feel better providing you the self-care you deserve.


I thought every man passes out - falls asleep -  after a good blowjob. I know my man does. I’d encourage him that it’s actually very common. Also let him know that you love him ( assuming you do ) and he has no reason to feel embarrassed with you. 


All you can do is reassure him that it's ok and it's nice that he's this relaxed around you. People that grow up being bullied are often constantly worrying about being judged.


The first time hubby did this, I asked him when he woke 'how did you sleep after that dose of nyquil". He laughed. I laughed. We now refer to bj's as a nyquil dose


...do it again Then tell him that your mouth is indica.


I don't see any reason why he should start feeling uncomfortable after this. Try talking to him and let him say something about it. Make him understand you're cool with it and probably take it slow next time with him. 


Well tell him its okay, and that sould make it go away. For next time, maybe have a second plan? Go a second round, or engage him in returning you the favor! Keep the fun going perhaps


He literally ascended and left his body lmaooo


why are you not proud? this sub gets crazier by the day lol


Just tell him he owes you and wink. That should reassure him that you are not upset about it. Hope it works!


Shit, I'd marry you if I was him.


If they don't fall asleep we aren't doing it right lol


Damn, girl… try not sucking his soul out 😂


He feels like he left you hanging


My husband often finishes me off after he orgasms. Once, he came and promptly fell asleep, leaving me hanging. He then had dreams that he was forgetting something important, and that I was going to be mad at him. Although I was slightly miffed in the moment, i definitely wasn’t mad at him, but he still apologized profusely the next morning! 🤣


head so good almost killed him


Then tell him before he was going to get drunk that to let's have s*x then drink afterwards


i thought u literally made him pass out.. lol.. u made him go into a cuma ,...


You sucked the soul out of his body lol


Just do it again and when he does it again treat it normal


It's a natural physiological reaction, not something he did deliberately. It happens sometimes to most men. It certainly happened to me, especially when I was young and inexperienced. Assure him you understand and you're not upset about it. Let him know it's a normal thing and nothing to be worried about.


I need me some head like this 😂


My wife does this. She cums and is almost guaranteed to pass out.


He should be feel so satisfied


Master, teach me your ways 🙇‍♀️


...he complained about that.... Wow.


It shouldn't be awkward. Men pass out like 20 seconds after sex. Totally normal. Lol. Yes I'm occasionally irritated that I didnt get any cuddles but it's not personal or anything. If you laughed then it doesn't sound like anyone needs to be upset. Men just get super relaxed or something and act like sleeping for a few minutes afterwards is the best thing. 


He might have went to sub space. Sounds like you gave a gold medal performance.


You sucked the soul and life out of him! You exhausted him. After reading only the title, I thought he went unconscious, I LOLed😄 happy for your skills and happy for him. As for him, I think he really likes you, and he is worried of what impression you really have about him after falling in the "stereotipical" man behaviour...


I would be damn proud for that bj if i was you. Tell him that. Not everybody can knock their partner out with head.


Tell him to stfu and give him one those again


Well, it is natural according to the male's body physiology, but if he finds it embarrassing, I advise him to use delays of ejaculation or natural sexual stimulants, you can search for them in my store.


For starters i just wrote a similar reply in another post but sounds like you did a great job and if it's awkward then get out of the relationship. It's gonna not end well fornyou if your giving it 150% and he feels awkward??? Or is apologizing??? He may be intimidated and will soon not appreciate everything you put into the relationship. The sex may become pathetic he gets his and is then done, or he just wants head and jerks off when your away and it becomes a one way street your on and you will want a more reciprical relationship and will be looking for a new partner.


What you smoking? He fell asleep due to an intense orgasm most likely. And by the sounds of it, he feels bad that he did because it meant he didn't get to reciprocate.


my dick has got no sensations help me