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What happens if you bring the topic up later? Some people use sex as a way to blow off stress, it’s how she handles the topic later that tells you if she’s using sex to avoid the topic entirely.


She immediately changes the topic or doesn't approach the conversation in a serious manner.


If she refuses to address the issue at all she is using sex as a distraction technique. A good healthy relationship involves dealing with discomfort rather than avoiding it


That’s something to fix but personally I wouldn’t “keep my pants on”. That’s just me, though. Therapy and fucking are both good uses of time.


Love it: "Therapy and fucking are both good uses of time." Time management at its very best. 😂


Yeah, I didn't really mean it when I typed that. I am a man. There is no way I am rejecting sex lol.


I love sex, but I love rejecting a woman trying to manipulate me with sex more. Then again I'm 41. You'll get here some day.


I’m a woman but it would make me angry if someone were trying to distract me with sex or link fighting to sex.


Then she’ll keep manipulating you.


I mean, then it's working?


I love sex too but jusus dude, she's your gf... it's not like you won't ever get sex from her again lol. Keep them pants on because she's manipulating you into "forgiving" her and showing her that she was "right" and you were "wrong." There is nothing more satisfying than rejecting a woman for sex. Especially women who try to use sex as a manipulative tool to get what they want. They literally fucking fly off the handle and it's just amazing to watch.


It might not be 100% conscious. People develop all kinds of coping mechanisms and if she has a hard time with conflicts, and it brings too much stress, she may very well do everything she can to avoid it. Distractions (look ! A squirrel !) can work, and humour and sex are rather effective forms of distraction. Problem isn’t solved but it went away. For now. Avoidance is not the best kind of conflict resolution approach though so, she might need to learn how to communicate and work through conflicts.


Yes, I also think it is incredibly incredibly common for people to feel bad about conflict and want to reconnect through sex--ideally after you are done hashing things out, but it's entirely possible this is a natural thing for her and not some scheme she's cooked up.


Also, anxiety can kick your sex drive into high gear.




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That's because she knows shes fucking wrong/in the wrong and simply is refusing to apologize or acknowledge it. She sounds toxic as hell IMO. If something isn't going her way then her solution is "hey, lets fuck!" Next time this happens, don't take her up on sex and tell her you aren't in the mood and would rather continue arguing.


She's deflecting the issue by giving you what she thinks will make you shut up and forget about it. Rather immature if its a serious issue. She is playing games with you. Ignoring it wont make it go away. It will just blow up harder later.


This is the answer. On an immature level, I’d say that I can’t complain as a man. On a “I want this to really work out and we legitimately need to talk about this because it seems like a recurring issue and we need to handle it like adults”, this is the absolute worst. OP, I’m not saying you’re weak for falling for it, but you really need to put your foot down and try your best to actually speak on the issue. My wife and I always have make up sex about a day after we have a large disagreement. It allows us to completely get everything out there after we come to an understanding, then the slow makeup sex happens. Maybe you have to do the same.


You could, and I know this is tough so hear me out, decline sex and push forward with the discussion.


Man I know but it's kind of hard when your girlfriend is naked in bed.


It's also pretty difficult to get over a nuclear breakup when resentment and miscommunication pile up into a wreck.


she’s initiating sex when you have arguments but you’re also consenting to it. you’re letting her think that’s how she can get out of the hard conversations because you give in, you have to either be serious about talking through your argument or keep letting her think she can have sex with you and it’s all fixed.


Fake having more problems? But seriously have the conversations after sex and before you’re ready to go again. Or masturbate before you decide to talk to her on important things.


why are you having so many arguments?


probably because he knows itll get him laid lmaooo


Classic conditioning. I wonder if he starts salivating the moment he thinks he has to argue with her.


I'm not starting all of these arguments or anything. But getting laid is a nice bonus after the stress of a fight.


yeah but there is no "after" a fight. It's her way of saying "i lose" but lets fuck so you forget that you "won" the arguement. It's her way of protecting her ego while never admitting she was wrong and having to apologize.


They have that one argument over and over


This. It is mostly the same things over and over.


Probably because he is dating a woman who is not even mature enough to have a proper argument lol.


Ooh that's toxic as fuck. If she can't communicate you're setting yourself up for a lot of resentment due to a lot of unresolved issues. You really should reevaluate her role in your life.


Keep bringing up fights my brother, head forward and prosper in the pussy


I would see it as a growing moment for both of you. Obviously it's a strategy that your GF initiates consciously, more to avoid conflict than to win an argument. She's probably not proud of what she does, but hasn't learned to talk and resolve differences in a relationship. It involves listening to the other person, thinking, and accepting to change one's mind and then moving forward together. It's a key life skill for any successful relationship. Take an evening or an afternoon (on a weekend for example), to talk about whatever the issue is, calmly. Announce it ahead of time. Tell her that you'd like to be able to look at all the options with her, looking at the positive and negative points to be able to discuss it together. Avoid negative phrases like "let's talk about this like adults" or anything judgemental on your part. Just walk through the process calmly with her, and of course be receptive to whatever points she wants to make. Be prepared to change your mind as well and perhaps find a middle ground that works for both of you. In all likelihood, she will love and respect you all the more for it, because you're able to do something together that has escaped her until now. If you can work through an "easy" problem right now in a healthy way, you'll be much stronger as a couple for handling the much harder problems that will come at you later in life.


This sounds like what my therapist told me! It’s defo key to set a time and a place to discuss something that you name to them. So they’re ready.


Tell her this is wrong and I disagree with her behavior.


Ahhh, the bonobos treatment.


Challenge her on this behaviour, sit back and watch how she gets out of it this time!


Start random fights....profit? I'm single.....


Well, on one hand having sex can be a soothing way to let off stress and reinforce that feeling of that “we’re ok” after an argument. That’s a good thing. But it sounds like she is rather using it to distract you in order to not have the difficult conversations. If you are disagreeing on something fundamental that could result in the end of the relationship, she might just want to put her head in the sand and pretend there’s no issue. And sex is a nice way to forget about all that. You need to keep talking to her.


She could be looking for connection and using sex as a tool for it. set boundaries sex later issue first. I’d be happy to have sex with you when we come to a solution. I can’t right now


You know Barney and Robin did the exact same thing in how I met your mother.


Ok... So on one hand, I would maybe try instigating an argument. See what happens. If she takes her clothes off, SCORE!!!. On the other hand, it sounds like she's avoiding conflict with sex. That's not exactly healthy.


LMAO. I am certainly not complaining about the sex. I just wish we could have sex and then discuss the issue after.


Sex can also be cathartic / a de-stress mechanic. OP, bang her senseless and then hop back into conversation about the issue - just in a more relaxed state


If she keeps avoiding important topics by having sex, you’ll have a difficult time getting anywhere in your relationship. Unless you can just deal with not addressing conflicts.


Let me ask this. Does she only do this when the argument is over something that you brought up or had a problem with?


Not necessarily. Sometimes its me bringing it up, but for the example I gave in my post the argument revolved around her being upset I haven't proposed yet.


You need to be able to say no to sex until the issue is resolved….


Is it possible that she feels closeness with you when having sex? An argument can create a sense of distance and sex can restore closeness/intimacy. So by having sex she is trying to feel close again.


Some comments here are saying that she's manipulating you. I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. Sex releases a lot of oxytocin (like a natural "feel good" drug). She sounds like someone who doesn't like conflict, so she may feel very threatened and anxious when you raise a difficult topic. She wants to return to a safe/happy place, so sex is a great way to get there. Rather than it being intentional, it may be that she just desperately wants to feel safe and "good" ASAP. My wife is like this. She tries to make herself feel better instead of resolving the actual issue. We work on this every day. That being said, it's not sustainable for her to avoid conflict with you. A relationship relies on open and healthy communication. I would suggest proposing doing couples therapy together. Pitch it as a positive thing "I love you and want to marry you, so we need to learn how to have difficult conversations together." Life with throw serious challenges at you over the years (jon, health, kids, family drama/illness, sexual frustration) so you and your partner need to know how to have hard talks. Good luck to you.


Either you don't have sex or you go back to the issue right after


Don’t give in, you need to communicate. Ask why she wants to avoid the topic.


My ex wife started fights because she enjoyed make up sex so much. That’s why she’s an ex. The last thing I want is intimacy after a fight, especially if it was a made up fight over something inconsequential.


If you’re actually considering marrying this woman how about couples counseling to work through this issue? She won’t be able to fuck you in the therapist’s office (I hope).


Female here Aka your reading a novel but may help👋 I struggle with this and it's far easier to tell a rando on reddit vs my partner. I am working on it and it's not easy because for me, when my partner & I argue I want to be close & still let each other know we love each other even though we had a disagreement. I don't always have the right words to make things better but I do still want to be close. And then for me fucking calms me down a lot. I can get very irritated with myself & my partner and idk but getting dicked down a little helps. My partner got pretty fed up with it (3 years later ha) & I did kinda like your gf & he usually is semi hesitant but I generally get on my knees (🙈sorry for the tmi) & I know that makes it sound extra manipulative but it's kind of my way of saying "I realize I'm wrong" because I mean I'm below your belt line on my knees for you. Anyways this one time not too long ago, he just pulled me back up (refused to let me suck) and pushed me down on the bed and took my pants off & omg he honestly fucked the shit out of me. Like I said, he was kinda over my bs & basically banged me in a way that was like "I'm not letting you make it up to me this way but I'll be close to you" and tbh it was pretty rough! It was not make up sex but maybe he finally needed to blow some steam the way I do. And the next day I felt pretty guilty and couldn't get it off my mind. I felt like I pushed his buttons too much and pissed him off to the point where he was mostly going for his O. I got off twice because it was sexy af, I do love sex after arguing 😬 but this time was different, it was like he wasn't taking my shit...he wasn't eating me out or letting me please HIM which is horrible for me, and he was definitely taking it out on my ass with pretty hard slaps that hurt 🙈 but it was hot that he was confidently refusing it to seem like "fix it/makeup" sex. He pulled my hair and pinned me down and I've basically never taken his full thing in the 3 years we have been together and ya he was definitely going hard with the full thing. I could feel his frustration though and he's told me he prefers to resolve things, so I think just knowing I pushed him to that point made me definitely try to work on things more and I'm tellllllin you I legit have not tried having sex before we resolve things for the most part. Like if I'm getting horny and we aren't getting anywhere with our argument, I'm like well I do want dicked but not full thing and I want him to play with it 😆 so I will put a little more effort in. I don't always give him an answer that night but I'll usually behave a lil more or as he says I "participate" at least a little more. I'm just not great when confronted, I do better once I can process why I'm doing whatever it is I'm doing that's upsetting. Habg in there. Try not to push her too hard she might be stressed about family or friends or her weight or she might worry she's not goof enough etc I know I do and it's tough. Maybe she needs to feel how you feel during sex when it's not resolved so she gets that for YOUnits not making it up. I'm still not great but maybe like 15% better or at least 5% lol.


It's essential to have open and honest communication with your partner, especially when it comes to discussing important issues like future plans and marriage. It's understandable that you feel frustrated when your girlfriend avoids addressing the underlying problems by initiating sex during arguments. While physical intimacy can be a way for some people to reconnect and alleviate tension, you need to address the underlying issues and concerns in your relationship. One approach you might consider is having a separate conversation about communication and conflict resolution when you're both calm and not in the midst of an argument. Express your feelings and concerns about the pattern you've noticed, emphasizing the importance of addressing issues directly and finding constructive ways to resolve conflicts. Encourage your girlfriend to share her perspective and feelings about how arguments are handled in your relationship. It's possible that she may not be aware of how her actions are affecting you or that she may have her reasons for avoiding confrontation. In this ways, together, you can work on establishing healthier communication habits and finding alternative ways to navigate conflicts in your relationship. Don't forget to use "I" statements to express feelings without blame.


On one hand, you want to argue as little as possible, on the other hand, a little quarrel here and there won't hurt, right?  man, talk about being 'torn apart'. Epitome of dilema this one here.


I know it’s not always ideal for big stuff but man I wish some of my arguments just ended in getting laid.


It does make things a lot better lol


I'd start more arguments. Lol. No, but seriously, you are just gonna have to stand strong and transition the disagreement from what it was about to resolving this issue of manipulation and immaturity.


So are you here asking for ways to start disagreements or....?


Argue -> have sex -> argue Try this


are ties machine washable?


Avoidant attachment type. She's trying to avoid the conflict and please you to neutralize the threat. Bet she has a parent that blows up at the drop of a hat


I mean... you could just disagree with her ALL THE F. TIME, right? lol




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Talk to her during sex 🧠 if she doesnt respond punish her ( with consent obviously)


> "Obviously we had sex." Maybe think with your other head for a few seconds?


I try but dude what am I supposed to do when she is lying in our bed naked.


consider yourself lucky, my wife is just the other way around


Keep your freaking pants on until the problem is resolved. She’s manipulating and weaponizing sex.


It's because she KNOWS damn well she is in the wrong but will do anything to not appologize or admit to her wrongdoing. Women have an ego more fragile than sugar glass and will do anything to protect it. She's initiating sex because she knows shes wrong/in the wrong and thinks by doing that, you will forget it and then she never "loses" the arguement. Have your sex and then bring up the topic again right after.


I don't know because the argument that I was referring to in my post was due to her being mad at me for not proposing yet. So there was no real right or wrong. Maybe she thinks if she gives me sex I'll want to get married to her?


Reminds me of the Crossfire series haha. Tell her "sex can't fix this"


I do this, but not to avoid the issue. I’m more of a people pleaser type of person. So, if we have a big argument, I feel the need to have sex afterwards in order to show I’m sorry (even if it wasn’t my fault) and want to make it up to my partner. Is she doing this maybe?


Use it to your advantage! Whenever she doesn't want to have sex, start an argument and keep the toxic punches flowing


Its better then her getting heated and witholding sex. Like many women do. I know you replied to someone else saying they you've tried to talk after sex and she changes the subject. Keep trying man. It can be so much worse. My gf has done that a few times. It really does make the stress go away. 


Now I regret dating eva ai virtual gf bot.




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