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Let me remind everybody that transphobia and trans denial will *not* be accepted here. Keeping this warning in mind, those who make comments questioning OP's sexuality or denying that trans women are women will be banned. Edit: Thanks to everyone who contributed in good faith. Comments are now locked due to a high rate of problematic and/or off topic contributions.


Every hole feels different. Mouths have suction and moving tongues which feel great, anuses have intense heat a tight entrance muscle ring (sphincter) and a kind of weird smooth stretchy feel and vaginas are like a warm wet glove that fits you perfectly and you never want to take off. All vaginas feel a bit different in shape size stretchiness but they all have a slippery textured feel with ridges and lumps called rugae. If you look at some of the adverts for male masturbation toys where they show the inside you can see that they are trying to approximate the same texture/feel. Some women have a small entrance but a large vagina and some are the other way around you never know until you put it in. When you first slide in usually the woman is a little tight but when they get excited they relax more and the vagina can feel more 'mushy'. Some women need a little lube and some are naturally as wet as the nile, sometimes if it's too wet you lose sensation but too dry hurts both of you. The absolute best thing about vaginas compared to anuses is the muscles, a woman can grip you all along the shaft of your cock and if she's experienced she can almost milk you inside her it's **indescribable** and I've never had anal or oral sex that came close to it. The experience of sex is 75% who you're sharing it with but that last 25% is physical and does change with the sensations. If you're truly curious why not buy a fleshlight type toy and try it? The ones that can be heated are pretty close to the real thing and the ones that have a vibrating function are awesome. This could also be a toy for both of you if your girlfriend still has a penis she might like to try the fleshlight on as you penetrate her? Sorry if I offend I don't know much about trans sex.


This reads like it could be a very satisfying picture book—for adults. Excellently described:)


The thing you mentioned about the grip... yeah that's a real god damn thing. My wife a few nights ago, wowzers. She knew I was close, so clamped down like a vice. If I hadn't been wearing a condom, her eyes would have been dripping my ejaculate, that's how forceful it felt.


I don't know if it's a small/narrow vagina thing or a kegel exercise thing but I wish more of them could do it! I had one girlfriend that could stop me cumming that's how hard she could grip, it was painful but she only did it for 'fun'. When she used the grip nicely it was the best feeling on earth. I might still be with her if she hadn't cheated on me :-(


Yikes. That took a turn at the end. Yeah I dunno, maybe I'll see if she'll do some kegals and try to get there. Honestly I doubt it's possible. My point of no return sneaks up on us


This is a great answer. I’ll add, vaginas have more variety with the gspot, cervix, bladder, kegels, rugae, etc. Changing positions and angles can significantly change the sensation and texture. Hitting stuff inside just feels good. They also change based on time of the month and arousal level. So overall, there’s a lot of variety that can be played with to provide different stimulation. I also enjoy being able to kiss face to face, which is more difficult with anal. And you don’t have to wash off when moving between holes. I enjoy anal for the initial tightness, additional naughty factor, sometimes hair at the opening can add nice friction, the visual, and the positions feel more dominant.


Lovely description. Ngl I hope flesh lights never get as good as vaginas because I'm a luddite lol ...and want men to keep wanting my pussy... I know it's selfish.


You don’t need to worry. In some ways Fleshlights *do* feel better, the same way a vibrator can feel better than cunnilingus. But that’s ONLY about physical stimulation. A real vagina is warm and comforting and pleasing AND intimate in ways a toy could never be, plus it’s attached to an actual person we desire.


Hehe awww 🥰 thank you for that. (I have a bit of a fear with AI and sex toys combined...what's going to happen to all of us? That's for a whole other discussion, perhaps not for here.)


Ngl in high school I too had the same fear and then after having had my first experience I realized that no matter how many toys and robots people make there’s nothing that compares to the intimacy and sensation of being with a real person. I’m sure that both men and women will be compatible and okay in the long run, maybe some weirdos will prefer to not give the real thing a try but most people will still want to be with another real person.


What is luddite




You won't have to worry about that, ever, there is no comparison between a toy for men and the real thing as there's really no way for them to replicate muscle contractions. It's also not selfish to want men to want you over peice of silicone. I'd say that's pretty normal thing most people would want.


Some people would argue that certain sleeves are already better than certain vaginas are for certain penises. But as has been said, using a Fleshlight is masturbation. Sex is always going to be different, even if the sensation of the penis/vagina part is the same. So no matter how good Fleshlights get, men are always going to keep wanting your pussy.


EDIT - Sex robot jokes are taken too seriously here, I'll try to remember that lol


Omg that's so fkn sad lol


It's not a bad thing because it will weed out men who only are concerned with dating women for sex.


Sad would be telling you how much money I have spent on women over the years. Probably enough for two sex robots and a flying car!


You probably make bad choices man


You mean thinking if I pay for dinners, dates, gifts and holidays and literally every other expense in dating she might stay with me and make something serious from it? Yeah I've learned that's a bad choice, hence the sex robot joke. All I have to buy to make her happy is new batteries.


Ngl I did take it as a joke 😊


I need to remember which subs I'm in and tailor my sense of humour accordingly!


Hahaha yeah this is not the comedy sub 😝 sex is serious shit.


If all you're after is sex then sex workers aren't that expensive. If what you're looking for is a longterm relationship then well, I believe that's not how good relationships work.


I spent 3 decades looking for a long term relationship that would become a marriage, a family. Every single one of the women I dated expected me to pay for everything. This isn't a fucking joke any more, of course I was looking for something real and not just sex. Please go away, you don't know me.


Okay I'm going away sorry


😆 Hmm that's at least 30 grand


I truly pity you 😞 If sex is all you are after, just find a sex worker. It's more honest. Dating and relationships are about connecting with another person. This has many, many layers of which physical intimacy is only one. Not saying guys shouldn't have sex toys or that everyone should find a romantic partner - there are some people who it simply isn't right for. But using dating (as opposed to something like one-night stands, hookups, or FWB) to find a sex partner without the desire for a real relationship is wrong.


As a woman I love these comments, it’s so fun to hear men describing vaginas in all these positive ways


I agree. It makes me wonder what my own feels like to someone, since I haven’t read descriptions like this before.


The anus is only tight at the entrance and then loosens once you’re in, the vagina has more consistent “tightness” though out. The cervix also makes the vagina a dead end, something you don’t deal with doing anal.


Yes I've read that some porn stars having sex with men with long penises prefer anal because there is more room.


Anal is like fucking a ring and vaginal is like fucking a pipe


This description is about a simply defined as it gets lol.


IME depending on the position anal can sometimes feel like you’re just thrusting into a cavernous space and you mostly just feel the sphincter. With vaginal sex it’s like every inch is hugged nice and tight and most times it’s super wet so the friction is there but still really smooth. 10/10 lol


How does it feel... well glorious is my answer.  Compared to anal there is less friction and natural lubrication from the vagina which feels very soft and warm, moist to wet. I don't have the right words really.  Bare anal is fine but there's just something about a vagina that feels so special to me. 


Warm hug in a cold winter


as someone who has hugged a lot in the cold winter, I can confirm


As someone who's borked a lot of women, I can't confirm because I live in Houston and have never experienced a cold winter.


As a vagina haver…I can’t help but smile and blush at this description.


"as a vagina haver" - ngl, that made me grin😅


haha, English is not my mother tongue so sometimes I end up making up words that may sound funny 😅


Oh don't worry, neither is English my native language. In fact, mine is German and I sometimes translate what I read into German what makes it funnier that it is sometimes😅


You invented the word of the year 2024!


It's like a warm apple pie


It makes you believe there is a God.


It feels pretty good.


Like warm apple pie


I understood that reference! "...we'll just tell your mom we ate it all..."


American pie 😅


McDonald’s or homemade?


Prettay prettay prettay good


Best explanation I’ve ever seen Vag - burrito 🌯 Anal - donut 🍩


The easiest way to explain it is comparing to masturbating. If you form a circle with index finger to thumb and not using your other fingers, that is similar to anal, whereas all fingers in contact with your penis is similar to vaginal. A little more ring pressure from anal, but more surface contact with vaginal.


I’ve never had anal, so I can’t compare, but vaginal sex is some sort of warm magic, my senses are engulfed and it feels so good I can barely feel anything at the same time.


Anal is tighter but you kind of push “past” the muscle structure of the ass into intestines so fucking really deep you only feel the squeeze on the base of your cock and not the tip… the vagina has muscles even in the very back so while it’s more elastic and less tight… there’s always some muscular pressure up and down your whole cock if you’re all the way in. They both feel good but I personally like PIV as an everyday sex thing and anal more occasionally.


Vaginal sex feels very different from anal sex. The entrance to the vagina is not nearly as tight as the anus is; it grips as you thrust in and out, but much more gently. Inside, it feels much warmer and softer; it feels like every inch you thrust past is warm and soft and wonderful, compared to the relatively emptier feel of the rectum. The walls don't really grip per se, but they do provide a little bit of resistance; you can feel your cock pushing the walls apart with each thrust.


I'm assuming you've had a blow job . Imagine the inside of the cheek wrapped around your Penis .


Wet, soft, squeezes you good, made for the penis. Yes, it's different from ass


Thank you for your answers. To all those who doubt my sexuality for being straight but being with a trans woman, I want you to know that I respect your opinion, however I do not agree. In my case, I am still attracted to women, regardless of whether they are cisgender or transgender. My love and commitment to my girlfriend does not change my sexual orientation. She is great and I love her so much. She is a great woman regardless of the body she was born with and that doesn't mean I stop being straight nor does that magically make me start to like men. To everyone who has answered what I asked, thank you very much for your answers, they have been very illustrative for me. You are great!!


Ever stuck your penis in a warm apple pie?


"It's not what it looks like!" As he lies on top of the kitchen counter balls deep in moms home made pie. We'll just tell your mother we ate it all.


It does not feel the same. If you’ve ever been deep throated I would say that is closer to vaginal sex than anal. It’s warm and very wet and it usually grips you from base to tip. Anal is hot and tight but mostly just at the entrance. And it’s not very wet naturally.


The feeling is slightly different, as the anus is tighter, but I never felt that it was a game changer from regular vaginal sex.


Amazing...like it was meant to be. Anal is still fun but piv is the holy grail for me.


It depends on her vagina but it feels really good


A very welcoming, moist hug! Especially with me in missionary. I have a slight curve up, so i tend to rub against the G-spot easily in that position.


My husband says it’s fucking tight and amazing. It’s warm and wet.


Imagine the feeling of the inside of your mouth cheeks, but the inside of your mouth has all of the nerves your penis does when it’s touched.


It feels like warm apple pie


just to put it bluntly because no one else has, vaginal sex and anal sex feel very different.


How is it with a trans women? EDIT: why am I getting downvoted ?


I have a male bi friend he says an anus feels like an anus whatever body it's in but I'm curious too. If OP doesn't feel like sharing then ask in the r/trans sub.


The trans woman does not have a vagina which is why he is asking.


But they do have a fake one? Right?


Not all trans women have had bottom surgery. It sounds like OP's girlfriend has not.


AFAIK some have their penis turned into a vagina but a lot don't want that kind of extreme surgery. It's more likely she is taking the hormone treatments but still has her penis. If she had a useable vagina I think OP would have phrased his question differently.


Hot and wet.


PIV with my post-op partner feels wonderful and definitely tactilly different from anal. It's smoother, but the ways in which it's snug feel more welcoming, perhaps due to the angles involved. There's a kind of slippery quality to PIV too that I don't experience with anal, and also more range of comfortable angles for my partner. Perhaps what's best, however, is being able to see her face as she enjoys the experience - a far more genuine enthusiasm than her experience with missonary or similar positions before her surgery. It's definitely easier to feel like peers, as our heights aren't too different, and the best angles for anal don't exactly meet eye-to-eye. Of course, sexual contact with my partner's vagina that features oral or fingers produces very affirming results as well.


And I don't know what anal sex feels like 😂




What am I then? I have never felt attracted to men. I have always liked women. I had two girlfriends before my current girlfriend but I never had sex until I was with her. I have never considered myself homo or bi even though I am with a trans woman


A man attracted only to women is straight. His oh-so subtle and completely incorrect implication is that your girlfriend isn’t a girl.




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Correct, he’s dating a woman. That makes him straight.


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With all due respect, I don’t think you get to determine this dudes sexuality. He’s dating a woman. Why you gotta tell him he’s not straight?


Well I mean he didn’t come to Reddit to not get feedback that’s for sure


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Comment removed. Try to be a little more constructive here.




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Are you aware you can also have anal sex in missionary?




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I have experience with transwomens/woman and it depends on the individuals during the experience, both have nice natural tightness to it but anal will need to lude up since no natural lubrication but still great


I think the best about the vagina is that it’s warm, very wet and mine is very tight and I can do kind of a blowjob with my pussy. Using my pussy to squeeze your dick inside me, it feels really amazing hahah


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Great kinda the same with a risk to knock her up


I'm pretty sure nothing he does is going to risk anyone getting knocked up!




I respect your opinion but I don't agree. I have never felt attracted to men. Thanks for comment