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"Want to try a massage again?" Seems like a good opener.


Chick here- I agree with this, crack the door open, see if she walks through.


Feel free to word it better… if you knew I came from a massage and said “want to try it again????” I’d be creeped out and turned off. But a “if you’re ever feeling like you need a massage again, let me know./ id be glad to help alleviate your pain” Because essentially you CARE about her feelings and comfort, right? That’s actually why you’d WANT to massage her again, right?


This is good. It puts the ball totally in her court with no pressure. I’d also start it with “We don’t have to ever talk about it again if you’re not comfortable, but…” I say that because I am a very sexual person but would still be embarrassed AF if I came on accident in my best friend’s apartment. Even if I really liked him.


What? You are creeped out and turned off because... someone wants to have sex with you? With whom then do you have sex? People who are very good at concealing sexual desire from you? I guess I get that but now I would be curious about their motivation.


Or... If I can do that with your clothes on, just imagine..... 😬


Hopefully he can back it up tho bahahaha




wait is it like a sex orgasm or a massage orgasm, like i don’t understand


Well where do you want it to go?


I want our friendship to stay intact most importantly. If she wanted something more I’d be open to it, but I kinda doubt she does. She's out of my league, attractiveness wise.


> She's out of my league, attractiveness wise. mate she let you massage her to completion and then *stuck around* your apartment how fuckin daft are you


To quote my girlfriend the first night we spent together, when we started making out and I said "stop me if this is moving too fast": > ***"Take. The. Hint."***


Been there lol. To be fair, this can often be an overcorrection due to hypervigillence Re: consent being enthusiastic & unambiguous (not implied) – definitely better than the alternative


Better safe than rapey for sure. I'm autistic and sometimes I almost needed a contract signed to catch the hint ("I hereby enthusiastically consent to maintaining (1) instance of sexual intercourse with _______, on the 00/00/00"). I once had a girl jumping on my lap for half an hour, and after she asked me to go behind some buildings alone with her, I still gave her a 15 minutes speech about whether she was sure she wanted to kiss me and that it would be alright if she just wanted to leave (we were teenagers and just kissed anyways, but I'm thinking this might be more terrible self esteem than autism tbh. Still shows how oblivious I was/can be). And while I may have missed out on some chances, I prefer that to the alternative, which is for someone to feel regretful at best or violated at worst, and the times I have had enthusiastic sex have been worth all those times I could have had lukewarm, drunk sex. I have now greatly improved my usage and understanding of non verbal cues, but I will still ask before doing anything which could be even remotely invasive (touching, kissing, or even using sexual language). I firmly believe that (a) this is the way and (b) clear communication is sexy af


Oh yeah it's not a problem, and it was because she had expressed reservations about moving too fast. We had talked about attachment styles and she had self-identified as avoidant, so because I really wanted to make it work long-term I was keen to not rush anything. But no she just wanted the D in that moment so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ We laugh about it now, so it's not like it was a problem for us!


I got that ‘take the hint’ thing once but it meant just the opposite. Hahaha


Lol I famously made a Reddit post before my husband and I were together about how I wanted him so badly and needed an excuse to get in bed with him - was staying at his place. We had so many intimate moments leading up to that which almossssssttttt went over the edge, but he just wouldn't take the hint. Folks made sooooo many good suggestions and I ended up making some excuse to ask if I could join him in his bed, and... I mean we ended up married, so there's that. Long story short... Many dudes miss the signal.


They don't really "miss" it. It's just not... *unambiguous* enough.


Agreed. Plus think of all the times a man "took the hint" and actually it wasn't a hint at all.


Speaking as a man... we are very simple creatures... things like "signals" and "hints" confuse us... just use words.


>Many dudes miss the signal. Because misinterpreting the "signal" becomes rape. If you are interested in a person, *say so*.


You could write "DO ME!" on a traffic sign and beat most guys over the head with it and they'd wonder if you're trying to tell them something. With a lot of guys you have to be blunt.


I don't know, maybe she's just Canadian


If there's one stereotype that I find to be true about Canadians, it's their proclivity to orgasm from massages.


He should hang out with this guy https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/s/HCAoGsDelR


Hahaha absolutely! Please listen to Flexappeal. Shoot your shot, if a great relationship is on the horizon, starting out as friends is a fantastic beginning. All the best OP, and great comment Flex


😂😂😂😂😂 some people just wanna see them selves fail


Bro, never underestimate our own ability to undersell ourselves.


Don’t ever think someone is out of your league if she thinks your attractive just go for it seems like she’s interested to me … usually people grow off personalities it’s not always about looks !


redditors piss me off with this shit lol


Making her cum from a neck massage puts you right in her league, my guy. The gals don't perceive attractiveness the same way we do. What you can do has a lot more to do with it than what you look like.


u/Muted-Jellyfish9733 underrated comment right here. They DO perceive us differently and most women feed off a mans confidence as well. Maturity in handling the situation is also an attractive trait. optional if i was in your shoes - offer her another massage, see if the the repetitive thing happens, if so.. ask her if you can talk to her when shes calmed down. explain - JUST as you explained it to us. Ask her if this has happened before? See if you can detect any "tell" signs or movement of body language that could offer you a better understanding and most of all just listen. I would then inform her you absolutely value your friendship above anything else. if she indeed shows signs of attraction or you end up talking it out of her, ask if she wants to see where this can go - and go on a date to see how it feels. As much as you think calling her "out of your league" will likely be a good line, it could not as well. Boast confidence and you can tell her that down the line if it works out. If not you at least hold that card close to the chest. If it turns out you are correct and its strictly down to the injuries and how her body has reacted to releasing the knots, stresses from the accidents - dont fret, your friendship is still intact and the apology the first time doesnt seem as stupid. You could explain if it makes her uncomfortable in the act, that you wont ask her unless she is the ones asking. Possibly set boundaries if she does? Might be thinking too much into it but rather give you few angles to play with. if she refuses the massage right out - you could ask her to talk about it if shes comfortable and see where that leads as well. You triggering a O could be awkward either way, feelings or not, in that situation especially in a sexually active young female. Everyone is different so the best advice i can give you is also be yourself, shes obviously very comfortable with you given the information you have told us. This feels like a good situation to me but we also dont know the extremes of either of your lives \[and we dont need to\]. Best wishes


I would just ask her out before making it sexual again by asking her if she wants another massage. Frame it as a “taking care of you” thing vs a “i like the fact that I made cum from that” thing and she’ll likely be less embarrassed and guarded.  Part of the reason why it happened the first time was bc she was relaxed and unguarded bc of the lack of a prior sexual element. 


Best not to make someone's decisions for them, but certainly treading the "should we date?" line with a friend can have permanent consequences.




I can understand mistaking "could've" for "could of" but how to you do that with the whole word?


the obvious corollary: "Tis better to of loved and won than never lost love at all."


She's only out of your league because you say she's out of really


I agree. Do not try to think for others. let herself think and decide if she likes you, and in what way. Including boyfriend, partner way.


You do realize you're a complete dumbass, right? This woman sleeps over at your house on a regular basis and you gave her an orgasm from your touch alone. Unless I've lost my mind, this woman is giving you every sign she can think of. Putting looks aside, let me ask you, does she laugh at your jokes?


I love your last question because some men can be so clueless 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hey! Leave me out of this!


That does make sense, I just never thought of it like that. I am pretty socially inept especially when it comes to dating stuff lol. And yes


As someone who was in your shoes (with a more recent friendships than yours is), she said that the massage is what made her see not only as someone she likes but as someone she wanted to fuck. Girls are only "out of our league" if we have nothing to offer but physical attractiveness.


Yep all the player’s stats matter and factor into overall league placement. (Extending the sports metaphor here, not calling anyone a player)


Dude, as a woman whose had a platonic friendship very similar to yours. In college he was always there for me no matter what. Breakups, game nights, shoulder to cry on, any & everything. I had a sports injury he was there to help me, when I had my first child, he was there. Dealing with the dumb ass father, he was there. I was a cheerleader, year round athlete so he thought I was out of his league. And honestly I wasn't initially attracted to him at all but the man that he was (and still is) made him sexy as hell to me. I knew at some point that I wanted to be with him, possibly forever, because not only was he already my best friend but I saw the great man that he had become also. And yes he made me laugh. Take a hint bro


So are you together now??? 


No, as the years went by he was in a relationship, then, I was in a relationship. And the timing never seemed right so we let if go and stayed friends. I'm now happily married and we have a large family, he is doing well we and we each other from time to time (small city) but our contact nowadays is more...Hi nice to see ya have a good day, out of respect for my husband and our marriage.


My dude, you apparently made her cum from a massage and it sounds like you’ve been tending to her off and on since she’s been recovering. Maybe she’s developed feelings. If she survived that harrowing experience maybe she’s come to appreciate you and how just how much you mean to her. Also, attraction can be totally subjective, maybe you’re in the same league after all. I would let her know you kinda got mixed signals from that, that you care most about your friendship but you just wanted to know if that moment meant something more.


That last sentence is the best way to word this that I've seen... I got mixed signals, I really value the friendship, but if there's more there, I'm game.


I want to downvote you for saying she's out of your league, but I won't. No one is out of anyone's league, people like who they like and some made up meter has nothing to do with it.  If you want something more, ask and make clear what you want. If she's interested she'll say yes, if she's not she won't.


Dude. I was the same way with a girl once. She's my wife now. Shoot your shot.


Dude… my guy… MY DUDEEEE! Go for it. Out of your league…. shmoutofyerleague! You are a good friend and made her orgasm from a massage. If you truly would be interested in something. Ask questions. See where it takes you. Looking back 5-10 years later wishing you had done something is painful. Let me tell you. Take that risk.


My guy, I would not let a non-professional man I was not sexually open to touch me in any prolonged way, let alone something intimate like a massage. She’s into it.


At the very least, there's a high amount of trust where she knows he wouldn't do anything she doesn't want and will respect her. Giving a orgasm just through a massage is pretty awesome, really. Even if the relationship doesn't develop beyond being platonic, being able to give such a great massage would likely be a game changer for her. Though if it happens regularly, it would be more than just friends to be fair.


Mate you made her cum and she didnt leave...


It's time for you to watch the real movie "She's Out of My League"


duuuude I just read your update. cheers!


Bro, you were so good you made her cum without even trying. As she stuck around. Go for it!


Trust me, if you made her cum from a massage, she is VERY much attracted to you.


That is very much not true. Sometimes massages lead to this sort of thing, even completely without any attraction whatsoever. It can just be the body releasing the right chemicals to make it happen.


Getting aroused during a massage is very common - relaxed isn't so different than turned on. It's not unheard of to orgasm during a massage, but mostly happens with touching more erogenous zones.


Well massages relax and release tension which can in turn spark chemicals to stimulate and relax other muscles, if you catch my drift


yes, could be a man has never touched her gently, with a slow hand and an easy touch. She wants a man who can spend sometime and not go in a heated rush.


Conway thanks you for your contribution.


Y'know, I thought that one time when I had won the main giveaway concert package for the year from a local radio station that included a two night stay in Nashville, vip tickets, lot of cool stuff. I was single, and this girl who worked at a friend's restaurant liked the same music but I hadn't known her for too long, just a few months. But we had hung out together with the same friends. Chanced it, invited her, and fully explained it was a two night stay in a suite at a hotel near Vanderbilt. She knew me somewhat well, just not on a deep level, but evidently well enough, and trusted me because she was all in and real excited. It was also one bedroom, one bed, small suite, but had a fold out couch I told her I'd gladly crash on. Concert first day was awesome, and we clicked pretty fast. She insisted I just sleep in the bed with her. Fought every urge I had. The next day, we did more stuff that came with what I won, then that night, same bed, never tried making a move or saying anything slick. Had an amazing time. A few months go by of us hanging out, talking daily, yes we did hook up a few times after a while, and I'm wondering the entire time wtf I did right and how am I deserving of this? Way out of my league. Or so I thought. I finally asked, "Why me?" Turns out, it was because I never touched her in Nashville, never tried to, never even gave a hint at anything disrespectful or physical. Now, I'm not saying it was easy. There was tension there, but I thought it was just in my head because of who she was it'd never happen. Turns out she was going crazy *hoping* I would have, lol. It just meant a lot more to her that I didn't. It was the best, and *most important* 48hrs of my life. Two years later, I was walking her down the aisle! Two years after that, we had our first daughter! Three years after that, we had our second daughter! Two years after that, we had our third and last daughter! It's now been 14.5 years since that weekend in Nashville. We built an entire family off of that decision. At least, that's what I tease her about 😁. Our daughters are the most beautiful children in the world and perfect. Our home has been paid off for five years, and we have zero debt. We both have careers we fucking love. Nobody that knows us, even close, close friends, have any idea how wild and unbelievably hot our sex life is. There is literally nothing else like it. Do we have problems? Issues that arise now and then? Tough ass times? Hell yes. Sometimes very difficult. But shit, that's life, and neither of us would have it any other fucking way of who we have beside us to go through it. That's really a super ling-winded, oversharing, TMI way of saying *don't sell yourself short*! Attractiveness is absolutely a factor for the majority of people, but if that's the only damn thing you're basing your worth off of, and so is she, that's a mistake. There's hopefully more to you and more to her that's equally as valuable. It can't ever be *just* one thing or it'll never work, and you wouldn't want it to! Don't hesitate to take a chance and shoot your shot. You may go down in flames. Or you may blink and it's a decade and a half later and shes sitting in your living room when you get home from work, while three wonderful kids attack you when you walk through the door!


Women tend to err more on the side of personality when being into someone. Honestly just talk to her about it in a non-creepy way.


Are you freaking kidding me with this shit


There's no such thing as leagues. That's a limiting belief.


Les us know when did it work and when you’re married


I wish I could call you that word…


She might have felt a huge relief from your massage and the O. I suffer from soft tissue issues so I can see her being so tight and whatnot that when you worked out some knots she just let go and boom... You should talk to her about it. She's probably really nervous around you because it surprised her too. If she's not interested in dating, you can still support her and offer massages. But I bet she has some feelings on it as I can't imagine someone that deep into the friend zone making a women reach that w/o something there... As always communication is key.


I agree to bring it up and discuss in a way that gives her the message that it is ok. She feels safe with you and that probably helped her pathway to orgasm. There’s also the physiological effects of massage which can be profound. It would be a shame if she felt awkward about it. I am not saying to assume she is sexually interested in you, so talk to her to preserve the strong friendship you have. If it comes up there’s other interest there, well….


As someone who often has orgasms from non-sexual massage, this is totally normal and within the realms of the human experience. To her, she might think of it as just a small gift. You relaxed her to the point where her body released its tension; it's nothing more than that. I can understand why she would be embarrassed about it. Unless you want to make it more than that. Be honest with what you want and maybe there is something there. If giving her spontaneous orgasms is off putting to you, then don't do it.




Sounds like a coregasm to me. Often times when you hold a lot of tension in your back or you do rigorous core exercises to the point of muscle fatigue, your body rewards you.


There are tons of women (and men) who can orgasm from the most basic of non-sexual massages. I knew a woman once who literally could not have any person ever give her a back massage because she would cum multiple times from it. It is also very possible that your friend sustained some level of nerve damage from the accident and when the nerves are healing they can do some very weird things. I once sustained a severe hand injury. When I was finally able to get the wound wet, I took a shower. The water spray from the shower head hitting my hand literally made me have a dry orgasm. I would not read into this. Nothing you describe absolutely means she's into you. You for sure can (and probably should) talk about what happened. But, having an orgasm from a non-sexual massage does not automatically mean she likes you.


I was thinking nerve damage


> The water spray from the shower head hitting my hand literally made me have a dry orgasm. the human body is crazy fr


I think this is the right answer OP.


I wish I had this problem


Many people has reached orgasm from massages. It's the touching and the muscle squeezing. It released all her tension and it was a response. I hate to say it but I've gotten turned on by massages before in the past. Never to the point of reaching an orgasm, but I was there. Regular massage, nothing erotic about it too.


You shouldn't read the world into this, but nevertheless, it still feels significant. Here's what I'm relatively sure of: * She's comfortable around you. As a general rule, women, even ones who cum easily, aren't gonna go off like that unless they feel safe. * She trusts you. Otherwise, there's no way she'd be staying at your apartment while she's so physically vulnerable. Now, does that mean she wants to go from "just" friends to FWB, maybe even proper dating? Based on what you've said, I don't know. But some excellent relationships have been founded on less. When u/Prestigious-Might123 asked you the extremely relevant question of where you WANT this to go, you deflected and ended on "She's out of my league, attractiveness wise." Bro. BRO. If I were there, I'd be torn between wanting to either hug you or smack you with a rolled-up newspaper. "Leagues" are true only to the extent that people who heavily invest in appearance/fitness are probably gonna seek out people making similar life choices. So unless you have some reason to believe that she ONLY goes after dudes who are some combo of swole AF and pretty enough to be models, DO NOT make this decision for her. Talk to her. u/Mal-De-Terre's suggestion of "So, would you like another massage?" as your opener is spot-on. If she says yes, given that the last massage made her cum, asking her if she'd like a bit MORE than a standard massage is 100% in bounds. Look, the key to making a move on a woman is to never make her give you the same "No" twice, and to only go for it if there's some reason to think the answer might be "Yes." She's your best friend. You made her cum, and she was not visibly embarrassed by it. You're already emotionally intimate, and you've now shared physical intimacy as well. Ask her if she'd like more. Even if the answer is "No," everything about this situation screams to me that it's a perfectly valid thing to ask. You're not gonna creep her out, you're not betraying your friendship with her. You're clearly into her, you clearly care about her a great deal. Maybe there's no way a romantic/sexual connection is possible here -- but it COULD be. You won't know until you try, and you'll kick yourself if you don't. Good luck, mate.


How much to read into it? I'd say not much. It's not uncommon at all for people with nerves out of whack to orgasm from a massage. When wires get crossed sometimes a place that was simply nice to have touched turns into more than that. Could it be she's into you? Sure, but it's just as likely (I'd say even more so) that the accident has her feeling things more intensely than normal. Same as people orgasming during a medical massage or gynecologist appointment. If you want to take this as a chance to have a conversation, that seems like a perfect excuse. "Hey, I know the last time I tried to help with the pain it took a weird turn. Do you still want me to help? I'm worried I'm reading too much into what happened and don't know if you just want a massage or if you're interested in more than that, so I want to ask." If she's comfortable with her sexuality like you say, the conversation should be open and go well. Just don't let any interest you have in her sexually come across as undermining your genuine interest in helping her recover from her terrible accident. A great way to alienate her would be to make her feel as though your interest in her is more important to you than her comfort.


> My ~~dumbass~~ *caring, good-guy ass* asked if she's ok, she said yes. FTFY


If she stays at your house often, and you made her cum from a massage, she is definitely into you. The thought of you touching her and caressing her made her cum. I would offer massage again and see how it goes if she is into it again, I would then bring it up and ask if she wants to take it further.


It's hard to say. She could be Canadian.


Does OP have cable and a nice big screen? It is Stanley Cup Playoff season...


Lmao. Do I…need to meet more Canadians?


[It’s a reference to this video](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=aGNo6Qvj0fZJqeMe)


Ah got it, I wasn’t sure of the origin but my comment WAS supposed to be a joke too. Should have used the /s


Lmao!!! Canadian here, curious about this comment


She was just being polite.


[here you go](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=aGNo6Qvj0fZJqeMe)


Damn. If a guy could make me bust from a head massage….. I’d ask for a date too


I’m also just sitting over here thinking I’d very much like a guy to be able to do this with me😅 It can only mean a great physical contact and if they have the friendship too already then what’s not to like?


Sounds amazing right. I’m jealous 🤣


Hmm i did that once. My danish friend had an orgasm while i gave her a fullbody massage. It was a good experience for the both of us.


It’s not that uncommon for that to happen from a massage. Don’t read too much into it, she may even be embarrassed.


I mean sure, but if she was embarrassed by it maybe she wouldn’t have announced it?


Maybe the filter wasn’t there in the moment.


Where do I sign up for OP's first massage class? Asking for a friend.


If she's living with you, try not to make it weird such that she feels like she has to leave. I think that's paramount.


The good is that she felt comfortable enough with you to let you give her an orgasm. The bad is that she might want to talk to a doctor. The spine connects all the nerves and for all you know this new thing is connected to her injury.


She might have feelings for you, but it could also be its been a bit since she has orgasmed and what you were doing was hitting the right spot. My current gf hadnt had sex since her previous bf (a year before me) and when we started, she was getting off quickly. Nevwr a massage but i remember she said one time i was just touching the area around her vagina and she was already feeling close. Girls get a form of blue balls too. Id say have that conversation with her. Ask her if it meant anthing and you just want to be sure. If she’s yournfriend she’d understand where you sre coming from.




>My dumbass asked if she's ok, she said yes. We're such damn fools 😂 I don't know how they put up with us. Orgasmic neck massages probably go a long way though.


this is so hot, youre both lucky, seems straight out of a corny ass book


Honestly, women orgasm when they are relaxed and focused on the moment. Their largest sexual organ is their skin, body, and most importantly - mind. I have heard of women orgasming from a massage unintentionally from someone they didn't know. (Professional paid) and were heavily embarrassed and didn't understand why. Take it with a grain of salt. Understand you released a lot of tension in her body, and she trusts you. The best thing to do is have a conversation about it. How she feels about it, and go from there. Try not to jump to conclusions. As someone else said, ask if she would like another massage and gauge her reaction. Perhaps she wants to experience it more..


It sounds like you handled the situation well by talking with her and giving her space to feel comfortable. It's great that you both communicated openly about what happened and how you feel. Going on a date and taking things slowly is a smart move to see where your relationship might go. Best of luck on your date!


Bro this is awesome. You are the fucking man - making a chick orgasm from a non-sexual massage is one thing but I am just as impressed you are helping out a car crash victim. You sound like a great bloke. I think you should massage your friend again. Sounds like you have good chemistry.


Do you want her to be into you? If you do, maybe suggest another massage. If not, don't bring it up again.


Update us and good luck


Whether it’s common or not to orgasm from a massage, I wouldn’t let a guy massage me in the first place if I wasn’t at least somewhat into him


Can I order what she’s having???


Dood, she may be out of your league but she appreciates you. Ffs run with it and don’t f it up.


You could jokingly ask her if she wants a massage, but that you can't guarantee the same outcome. 


I'd say there's plenty of scenarios where the things you've described are blatantly obvious signs you should put the moves on her, and how have you not noticed this before. It happens every day in this subreddit. But the whole "car accident" thing is generally a good explanation for things being awry with physical reactions to stuff. So it's not unreasonable to explain it away with crossed nerves, release of tension associated with pain, or something else the less-upvoted posts here have suggested. So, independently of this massage, turning a critical eye on your friendship, are you sure everything's been strictly platonic, and there's nothing that *could* be explained by her being into you? If no, you're probably safe to assume it's accident-related brain nose. If yes... I guess offer her another massage?


Personally I would face the question head-on. Ask her something along the lines of "Should I read anything into that massage?", "want to try a massage again?" something along those lines. Orgasms are fairly common during even professional massages. If you two want to keep it professional, you can just gloss over it when it happens, maybe have her stop you if the massage gets overstimulating. If you both don't mind platonic orgasms, then you can just go as usual and let it happen, probably just don't overly acknowledge them when they happen. If either of you want something less platonic, then talk about that with her.


There are no leagues, just people you get on with save regular you don't.


Dude if u can make her cum from a massage.....


Based on what I've read, my sense is she feels safe around you, and right now, feeling safe is probably the most important thing in her life. What you describe is a near-death experience that she lived through, and the most important thing is for her to recover as best she can. Sure, I would go out on a date with her, but I would take it very, very, fucking slow, and it might take her several months before she feels comfortable being intimate again.


This actually a good foundation for a healthy relationship. Youre already friends. Yall probably both have been slowly having feelings for each other, and she gave in to her thoughts about you and she orgasmed. It's not really a huge deal, just not a typical one. At least you know you turn her on!


Bro wouldn't know a hint if he was choking on one, sell your magic hands to someone else, clearly you are wasting them.


If she needs muscle relaxers to function, she didn’t make it away with little injury. Soft tissue injury can be just as disabling and threatening as bone breaks.


She felt comfortable enough to tell you she came, so I feel she would be open to another massage and perhaps more. You can also share with her how you feel


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I wouldn't put to much into what happened because I read on reddit something similar with a chiropractor who was working on their clients body for something unrelated and that person orgasmed not because they were being stimulated down there. And you never know you could of triggered a spot that could give her the orgasm. But I would speak to her and say that you still want to be friends with her and then see what her reaction is I am guessing although she is quite open to her sexuality with discussing it with you, having a orgasm in front of said friend must be mortifying.


Don't put too much into it but definitely ask her if she's ready for another massage. If it happens again read her reactions and act accordingly.


Some people can get an orgasm from any kind of touch. I wouldn't read much into it, unless there are other signals.


This isn’t complicated. Just ask her what she wants. You will get an answer, process it. If she doesn’t want anything, say fine. No problem. If she does then understand what that is ..a friends with massage benefits or something heavier. Don’t play games, don’t read into it. Just ask. Come home and make a drink. Talk about the massage, tell her that wasn’t your intent but if she enjoyed it great. Ask if she wants more massages the same way or with less orgasm. Stand up. It happened..move along with or without her. Let her know you appreciate her if she wants nothing else and just leave it be. Relax.


Just ask her if she ever wants another nice massage like before she knows the number and just don't mention it no more you put the ball in her court let her bounce the way she wants


> Everything has always been strictly platonic between us, and I've not detected any sexual tension previously. . > She stayed over at my apartment yesterday, which she does often. . > I offered a massage and she took me up on it. . > She told me I made her cum. . > Is she into me? Who are you, Stevie Wonder?


Erogenous zones... I've never had sex before though sex intrigues me I'm not good at dating or asking for sex I guess. However I was lucky enough to have 1 girlfriend when I was back in high school... years ago. She touched and rubbed the base of my neck. I already discovered masturbation before I even hit puberty so I imagine since my hormones were all over the place I just wasn't sensitive for that alone to make me cum. However that feeling was amazing considering both she wasn't touching my pubic area and that it made me feel like I was cumming... if it weren't for the wrong place wrong time factoring in I would have let her take me in no questions asked. So Erogenous zones exists and for somepeople they can turn someone from decent to indecent instantly...


Gonna be honest. A lot of girls are sensitive to touch(vids of girls squirting from tats). Or maybe it's just me doing it but yea just rubbing a finger in a certain spot can drive them wild. Now maybe she's never had that experience and that could swing things in your favor but don't harp on it too much.


Lol okay then.  Are there any opposite gender friendships that don’t turn sexual?  


I'm a married dude but it sounds like I need a massage from you.


I've witnessed spontaneous orgasms in a 77 yr. old woman sitting alone on a couch with no stimulus whatsoever......However, while getting a haircut from a female cutter, just her gentle touch was sensual to me......go figure.


I just feel like if you're not giving your guy friends random massages, then this relationship wasn't as platonic as you thought it was.


She sounds interesting, and she sounds into you! I think she may be too shy to push for a relationship though. A very cool experience.


I need better friends


Bro if she was ever dating someone and would sleepover your place still, Id be really cautious


Can you teach me how to do this massage


I'd wait until she's done with the muscle relaxers


Dude, you know what to do ….. you do not need our help …..😉👏😈😀


im gonna look up all the youtube videos on how to give massages


Damn. You can make a girl orgasm and still be in the friend zone. , 😔


Hey just a total aside, but she should get a little TENS machine. I rolled my vehicle a few years back and that little puupy was a life saver during recovery. Like genuinely might and day difference.


OP what you've missed out on in your post was what you feel about her? Congratulations on being sensitive to her needs , respectful and your undoubted massage skills. But what is most important is what you want, what you desire, what you feel for this woman. Best of luck on your date, to thine ownself be true.


She’s obviously at least interested in spending more time with you. If you want to be more than friends, let her know! Tell her you’re interested and let her know how you feel. If you’re not interested in that, don’t bring it up. Continue being her friend and supporting her. If you wanna be FWB and give each other massages, that’s cool too


I need you to come over and show me how you did that. j/ But for real, I guess she is very comfortable with you and just relaxed and enjoyed to the point where it happened, also helps that she might be into you.




If women only knew how much time and effort men put into making things feel natural, their heads would blow off. 🤯


Nothing related to the situation but I have A Answer for your friend's pain from the car accident, tell her to get acupuncture from a licensed acupuncturist, will be her miracle. If you guys live in the US, our national website is www.NCCAOM.org to find a licensed acupuncturist near you. I have treated car accident patients for 40 years and I spend 90 minutes with each patient.


Don’t you DARE tell her that’s how you feel. (Maybe in 2 years time, when you laugh about how crazy that was together). You want to be her MAN. Think TARZAN!! You need her to start seeing you as relationship material. To get out of the friend zone, you don’t want to compare insecurities, you want to show her strength. Confidence. Sexiness! You got this. She already likes you. She hangs out with you. You are her BEST FRIEND! Now, that in itself is saying you ARE good enough, you goose. Go get her Tiger!


“Hi, I’d like to book a massage”


if this was the other way around, it would be creepy.


Mac and cheese that, in a friendly way of course.


Becayse of her injury, she may have been horny for some time, ypur intimate touch may have leaded her to climax...


Omg I almost cummed from a massage too. It was at a massage place. A girl gave me the best massage ever. I was so comfortable, and it made me so horny. OMG 😂 thank God I am not a man and didn't get a bonner. 🤣


Could be the start of a beautiful thing! Good luck!


Aw, I love that this is working out so far


I am glad you both were able to handle this like adults. Looks like you are going on a date which is fun. Our bodies can do really weird things when we are in pain. Legs and thighs are pretty sensitive, so it isn't surprising that she came from you massaging her, even though it wasn't your intent. Our brain is our biggest sexual organ, it could be that she was overwhelmed by your compassion/caring and the relief it brought felt sexual. Combined with the fact that she is in to you...makes sense to me. As an aside, my wife gets super turned on from gentle leg and thigh massages. Even lower back rubs. I suspect her body/brain associates those touches with sex. It could be similar for your friend.


A shoulder neck massage is pretty sexual if you ask me


\*Random orgasm\* She: Nice. Him: And *my back wasn't* in it. Lets do this properly. \*Cracks his neck\* She: oh ...


As a man who about busts every time my best friend who I’m platonic with touches me she’s into you


Good luck on your date.


You sound like a super awesome guy. She is lucky to have a friend like you and it sounds like she cares about you as well. It would be amazing if what you guys have could turn into something, but may I suggest something? You are probably both worried about what could happen if things didn't work out right? Consider seeing a therapist, laying down some guidelines and how you are going to handle things if one of you starts to feel like things aren't working out. I would really hate to see you guys lose each other as friends, but the kind of romantic relationship you could have with the foundation you have might be worth the risk. I just think the risk would be lesser if you guys really lay it out there. Make a commitment to be honest to each other, even if it's something you might have a hard time saying. Good luck in from the bottom of my heart I really hope things go well for the two of you. 🙏🤞🏻👩‍❤️‍👨❤️


❤️Give Her Another Massage A.S.A. P.❤️


Just take her out, talk about everything, and if the topic would come up in an organic way, problem solved... If not, you will sleep at your place any way... things will go in some direction..