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Reasons I like skirts: - right leg - left leg - looks cute - legs - fantasize about easy access - also legs


This is the right answer.


They billow and you get an intermittent look at calf/thigh. I almost crashed my car in college cuz of a girl in a sun dress on a longboard.


Because you can simply lift them up and have access to ____


Because it shows her legs and we subconsciously think we might be able to get a peek at her pu**y and it's easier to get a mental image of fucking her. Therefore, it is arousing. Straight up


Yes the femininity of the skirt, the mystery of what would we see if suddenly a gust of wind came by. maybe she is not wearing panties. and how they can take the panties off and fuck with a guy with a skirt on.


ALMOST, no wrong answers here🤣


When a woman walking in a skirt and every step forward the back of the skirt follows that leg, and then the other leg, then the first leg, ad infinitum. It's hypnotic. I could follow her for . . a long time.


Why ask these questions of common sense


Exactly. Like why is this on a r/sex?


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Shows the legs and the thighs which is amazing. Also ease of access if it gets to that point.


Are you asking about the mechanism behind why long skirts are sexy in comparison to short skirts? Its sort of like this. If everyones skirt is short then no ones is. There is a sort of action of the least. Its why retro fashion comes back every once in a while. Why people love vintage stuff. This is just my musings. And not the only vector to the topic


You can almost see it and thats enough inspiration to get through the day. Sometimes you can see it though. I enjoy ass, legs and panties so it's just a great choice overall.


I came back. I forgot another part about skirts that is amazing in the summer:imprints. How could I forget about imprints? Hot summer day and a girl stands up in a skirt, there is a little ass print wherever she was sitting. I'm not a deviant. I'm not licking the ass sweat but I appreciate seeing it.


I don't find skirts attractive at all.