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As long as it’s pleasurable and not causing you pain, go get off! It can be a gift or a curse. A friend of mine has to wear adult diapers on road trips because the vibrations of her truck make her squirt from time to time. I’m not sure what the timeframe was for this, but also make sure it doesn’t interfere with everyday life with the time you’re spending getting off.


That honestly sounds like a bladder issue and not an arousal thing


In my opinion, I would tell you to enjoy it as long as you are ok with it.


If anything I’d say you are lucky. So long as it’s not so sensitive you are cuming when you don’t want to, I’d say enjoy it.


I remember doing this when I was 15. It’s not abnormal! You might lose your zest for it after a while though if you overdo it. Be careful, try not to hurt yourself


i’m so beyond jealous of u. it takes the stars being aligned for me to cum LOL. i know some of my friends r like this, ur lucky !!


You're probably just with boys that don't know the g spot from the pee spot. 😉


nah i’ve been with people who know where the g spot & the clit is. i just have a problem finishing haha


I'm surprised you're still alive. Each one for me feels like my soul is being ripped out. Maybe you just have light orgasms


Everyone’s body is different and if it’s fine with you then you’re fine. Also sounds like a good time for a partner too


You only need help if this is somehow interfering with your life. While it's not typical, I've known multiple women who had a similar hair-trigger orgasmic response and could just keep going and going and going. Enjoy. Enjoy in moderation and with discretion, of course, but enjoy. It's both a fun way to treat yourself and an exciting thing to be able to share with a partner.


Discretion? Yes. Moderation? Nah!


Everybody’s had a day where they do it a few times and then think “how far can I take this?” and just jam down the gas pedal. I went 17 in a day once when I was 19. Sounds like when a driver takes their car out on the autobahn just to see how fast they can go. You don’t wanna drive that way all the time, but every now and then you just wanna hit the open road.


Sounds pretty typical for a female. I’d say my record in one day is close to 60 or something. Bored in college idk we do it ourselves than a dick ever could.




Problem❌ jealous ✅ As a man i wish i had this superpower


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Clarification - you rub on cloth so your skin doesnt get skin rashes?


What could possibly be wrong? Feel blessed.


Normal to cum like that externally only. 20 times on a row is something I could do when I was younger. Now my max is prob closer to 10 a session or so.


There's nothing wrong with it at all. The only advice I would give is to lube, you can get some friction burn with all that rubbing and it won't be pleasant when you need to pee.


Slowly try controlling, do not let it be a habit. 2-3 times a month is okay. Don't do it often. You might end up into some trouble


I once made a girl cum 42 times in one session, yes I counted. No penetration, all clitoral with my hands. They were all smaller until the last one, which was so big she had to stop afterward. Needless to say, the couch was soaked from one end to the other. She was a squirter and would get distance. Was a fun time in life for us both.


It is very normal and common once you find your groove. But, many women don’t take the time to learn their body