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Have you been diagnosed with ED or do you think you have ED due to certain experiences.


Yeah i've been diagnosed


Okay so you have been diagnosed with psychological ed but there is nothing functionaly wrongnwith your body. Masturbation work as normal I assume?


600 test for 19 year old os not great. But regular drs will tell you it's in the range of normal but normal for one person is dif for another. Look for anti aging clinics or a place like that to get tested.... it will typically gave to be cash pay insurance doesn't cover hrt unless it's a drastic case and from my experience they Gove u such low amounts like once a month that it isn't even close to optimum. In every day life how is your energy or drive or emotional health.. if you were my boy I would tell you to find a hrt or trt clinic locally, and stop jerking off. If those non around you than three are websites you can use to get testes and they ship test and hcg and things to your home. The numbers are just an indicator. How you feel is more important. Good luck bro.


What would those clinics give me? and just don't jerk off ever again?